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BBC: Teasing 'fuels unhealthy dieting' - Impact Greater on Boys
posted by Matt on 12:58 AM February 12th, 2006
Boys/Young Men This story covers how especialy harmful teasing is to boys in terms of how they perceive their weight and how they react to it. Note however that the article still panders to feminist "sensibilities" in its reporting. Excerpt:

The researchers suggest that teasing may have a greater impact on boys because they are not used to facing a negative reaction to their weight.

Girls, in comparison, are constantly bombarded with a variety of media messages and images hammering home the need to stay slim.

Warning Urged for ADHD Drugs | RADAR ALERT: V-Day Hypocrisy at Roger Williams University  >

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They finally figured it out? (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 08:43 AM February 12th, 2006 EST (#1)
Yes Virginia, Boys have feelings too! Give me a break! Like it's news that males have feelings, and suffer from peer pressure! Compulsive eaters have a history Folks. The only way a compulsive eater can really deal with their problem is to face the reasons that they became compulsive eaters. Pills, diets, stomach surgeries, most fail without dealing with the psych of the individual. On one hand it is good that Males are at last getting some attention, on the other hand it is disgraceful that they haven't been treated as Human Beings before this! Who knows maybe this will start a trend, and they will actually start looking at males as Human Beings, with feelings? Maybe, they will realize how strong Males really are, because it seems they can accept abuse better than the feminazis. Who knows?
Re: Girls Are Girls' Best Friends & Worst Enemies (Score:2)
by Roy on 12:46 PM February 12th, 2006 EST (#2)
It's arguably true that girls experience much more unrelenting pressure about body image than boys.

And the primary source of that pressure, criticism, and assault on self-esteem comes from OTHER GIRLS!

Girls are nasty and mean and emotionally abusive towards each other, using friendship as a weapon, using approval or its withholding to control their "very best friends."

Read all about it in Rachel Simmon's book -- ODD GIRL OUT: the hidden culture of aggression in girls.

Or take the much more expensive route to learning the truth about the "fairer sex", and become a father of daughters.

Re: Girls Are Girls' Best Friends & Worst Enemies (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 02:22 PM February 12th, 2006 EST (#4)
You have a good point.
As I mentioned earlier in this thread the TV show "ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT" recently sent out one of their reporters (Vanessa Minnillo) out on the streets in a "fat suit" to gauge the reaction of people on the street.
And all though it is NEVER mentioned most of the "dirty looks" "sneers" and looks of superiority came from, not men, but OTHER WOMEN!
There is a moment where Minnillo (intentionally) drops a shoe, to see if anyone would stop to help her pick it up and put it back on her foot. NO WOMEN stopped to help her. But a MAN did. Another man, Minnillo reported, even told her (while still wearing the "fat suit") that she was "beautiful".
When Minnillo went into women's apparel stores to "shop" not ONE WOMAN CAME TO ASK HER IF SHE NEEDED HELP!
In fact many of them sneered at her and made jokes behind her back.

More than one man stopped to help Minnillo. Not ONE WOMAN did.
But never ONCE is that mentioned in the Entertainment Tonight report.

  "Hoka hey!"
Fathers of daughters (Score:1)
by al_nbd on 11:27 PM February 12th, 2006 EST (#7)
"Or take the much more expensive route to learning the truth about the "fairer sex", and become a father of daughters."

Well, as it appears to me, fathers of daughters not only don't know the truth about girls, but they are the most blind people on earth about girls.
Only fat WOMEN suffer. Shut UP...! (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 02:05 PM February 12th, 2006 EST (#3)
I am so tired of hearing that girls get the message from the media that only slim women are desirable.
LOOK ON ANY SOAP OPERA. How many Soap-hunks do you see with pot bellies or receding hair lines??
Oh, yeah, That's right. ...NONE!!

Men (and boys) get the SAME message as females do. It's just not acknowledged, is all.
Look at all the male sex symbols; Tom Cruise, Ben Affleck, Pierce Brosnan, etc. How many of THEM are over weight and/or balding??
Oh, yeah, That's right... ...NONE!!
In fact the only way we see overweight, balding guys portrayed in the media is as BUFOONS, idiots and the butt of JOKES.
Who is getting WHAT message, I ask?
Are over weight women portrayed this way? Yes, at times (Married with Children comes to mind) But it is VERY RARELY.
In fact just recently Vanessa Minnillo (of Entertainment Tonight) donned a "Fat suit" to gauge the reaction of people to a obese woman. This was to illustrate "how things are for fat women". But no such report is given as to the treatment of fat men, in society. As usual it is only from the WOMAN'S point of view.

I know what it's like to be a fat guy. I AM A FAT GUY. (due to medication I have to take)
People are rude to me, at times. I never had that problem when I was in my 20's and very slim.
People look me up and down, and at restaurants it is always assumed that I want a LARGE fries, or LARGE drink or LARGE burger (like a Whopper at Burger King).

When I was slim women often gave me "the eye". But now they don't give me a second look.

For all these "reports" that just go on and on about how hard it is to be a fat woman, all I can tell them is if they can't give both sides of the story of obesity, then
  just SIT DOWN and SHUT UP!


  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Only fat WOMEN suffer. Shut UP...! (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 08:40 AM February 14th, 2006 EST (#8)
I became a nervous eater ate the age of 7. I had help from my Mother to develope that particular habit. I was taken to the husky department at Sears as a Child. I was teased in school. I have had better luck as an adult controlling my eating habits, but I will have to watch it my entire life. Yes, Boys, and Men have feelings too! Self acceptance is the beginning of contentment, no matter what the physical condition. Yes TC, a lot of Women are more shallow than Men, and can be much more cruel.
For males, the issue is often being too skinny (Score:2)
by mens_issues on 07:58 PM February 12th, 2006 EST (#5)
This also overlooks the fact that the issue with boys and young men is often being too skinny, as well as being overweight. Remember that the ideal for males is not only not being overweight, but being a muscular "hunk."

What about the young men who take steroids when working out in order to attain an ideal muscular physique?

Anorexia is not just a girlie thing (Score:1)
by Gang-banged on 09:46 PM February 12th, 2006 EST (#6)
(User #1714 Info)
I knew a young boy back in 78, who was teased about his weight (not greatly over weight), and who became anorexic . . he died aged just 12 yrs
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