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Doesn't USAToday know that everyone is a victim of that disaster, not just the women? Also, what in the hell is that feminist group trying to pull??? Urgh, this makes me mad! #$%$@!
It seems that when it comes to natural disasters such as hurricanes and tsunamis, it always has to be ladies first. That paper, just by saying that quote, tells us that all they and that femicunt advocacy group want to do is add nothing but insult to injury...and rub it in esah of our faces!
Do they not know that they [the women] are not the only victims? What about the children, and men?
This is goddamn pathetic of USA Today!
Emmanuel Matteer Jr. *****MASCULISM IS A BLACK MALE'S BEST FRIEND!!!!!*****
by Thundercloud on 11:30 AM December 27th, 2005 EST (#4)
U.S.A. TODAY is a worthless propaganda rag, plain and simple.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 09:18 AM December 27th, 2005 EST (#2)
As I have said before, there is no where to go! There may be small outposts that exist funded by special interest groups, but in reality there isn't any place left where a Human Being can act like a Human Being. I guess the only thing left to do is take a stand. I have already done that, and continue to do so. I have this wish, that when I stand up again, that there will be many around me, and not those that are trying to discredit me. "It is a Good Day to Die!"
by Thundercloud on 11:28 AM December 27th, 2005 EST (#3)
They said the same thing was happening in New Orleans, after the hurricane. Story after story came out of new Orleans from our "news" media of women and children being ravaged, raped and murdered. It turned out that nearly ALL of those claims were FALSE! ...FALSE!
When the media was called on it, they allegedly ran some minor retractions. Frankly, I didn't see ANY of them, if they did.
Now it seem they are doing the exact same thing with this Tsunami incident.
My bet? These stories are also largely false.
It is rather unnerving to see organisations like our so-called "news media" using ANY opportunity to cast women as victims and men as ultimate villains.
WHY do they do this?? What purpose does it serve??
"Hoka hey!"
by TomP on 03:43 PM December 27th, 2005 EST (#7)
"It is rather unnerving to see organisations like our so-called "news media" using ANY opportunity to cast women as victims and men as ultimate villains.
WHY do they do this?? What purpose does it serve??"
It fills column-inches and air-time, and sells advertising. No conspiracies required. Sex sells and pathos sells, and the majority of people consider womenandchildren worth more notice than men. News sources know this, and so emphasize what will sell - womenandchildren, or just women, if there are no easy ways to fit children into the picture. They don't do it because they are under the thumb of the Feminist Conspiracy, they do it to stay in business and pay the rent.
Follow the money. News sources don't sell facts, they sell News, which is a mixture of fact and fiction. Facts don't sell, the majority of news readers/viewers aren't in the habit of dealing with facts. News is what sells - the fiction part is essential to making it marketable. And catering to the prejudices of the target audience is an essential part of the fiction.
Balanced journalism doesn't sell papers, so don't expect it from the media. All you'll get is News. But once we get that idea firmly into our heads, maybe we will have a better idea of how the media ticks and how to operate them as effectively as Genderists do. The news sources don't deal in facts? Maybe we ought to give them News, instead. Consider F4J, for example.
by Davidadelong on 08:43 PM December 27th, 2005 EST (#8)
It is as they say planned. The purpose is simple, to divide the majority of the population around the globe by pitting Men and Women against each other so that they can erode our rights away, both Male and Female. When that happens the corporate conglomorations and the elite that control them will have a world of consumers to be manipulated as they see fit. Free will, as well as the illusion of freedom will be gone. We will be programed to be wage slaves, and producers. With the modern development of the "wonder drugs" that we have it will be simple. We are not that far off as it is. Propaganda is nothing more than bullshit wrapped in a fancy package. "Hoka hey!" Thundercloud.
by Raymond Cuttill on 03:24 PM December 27th, 2005 EST (#5)
by Raymond Cuttill on 03:43 PM December 27th, 2005 EST (#6)
Previous post accidentally submitted incomplete.
See also Sexist Oxfam says more tsunami dead women than men.
This becomes a kind of "Which came first the chicken or the egg" question. Do newspapers print this because they truly believe it or it sells newspapers or they're feminists at heart or all of these?
As I said the article I gave directly to "Save the Children" to bypass the Tsunami fund as OXFAM was a recipient as well as STC. I will support STC as long as they don't become "Save the Girls"!
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