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by Luek on 06:52 PM December 27th, 2005 EST (#1)
Since restraining orders are being handed out like candy by the femitwat judiciary I was wondering if a class action restraining order could be issued against this nutjob broad stating she must stay at least 3 yards away from men?
Letterman has had a history of attracted wackjob women. A couple of years ago a woman claiming to be his wife moved into his home while he was away.
She latter did the right thing and committed suicide by throwing herself in front of a freight train. This newest example of 21st century womanhood should follow suit.
by Thundercloud on 03:24 PM December 28th, 2005 EST (#4)
The fact that this restraining order against Letterman was issued at all, should be a wake up call to folks how severely twisted the courts have become. (towards men, at least.)
"Hoka hey!"
by AngryMan
on 06:03 AM December 29th, 2005 EST (#9)
You're absolutely right.
Receiving messages from the TV is a classic sign of paranoid psychosis. This woman is obviously mentally ill, and probably should be in psychiatric care, particularly because she is threatening violence against others, based on her delusions.
Instead of that, the court takes her side against a man who is, in this case, obviously completely innocent. To say that the system is biased against men is a gross understatement. Even wealth and fame connot protect you completely.
Feminists have been telling us for years 'Any allegation by a woman must always be believed'. This is the result. Lives and careers are held to ransom at the whim of a mad person.
The actions of this judge should be scrutinised. Did he ask for psychiatric evaluation of the woman? If not, why not? He probably should be disciplined for this.
"Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." Louis D Brandeis, Supreme Court Justice, 1913
by Davidadelong on 08:23 PM December 27th, 2005 EST (#2)
Easy for David Letterman, he can even make money off of this. But the rest of us poor slobs are in a much different situation. I mailed a letter to the editor at the Register Guard today in Eugene, OR addressing the problem of this situation here locally. I doubt they will print it, but we shall see. I even toned myself down that so that I wouldn't offend anyone! Anyway, good for Letterman.
by brotherskeeper on 09:42 PM December 27th, 2005 EST (#3)
It would seem that serious discipline would be in order for this judge. But then, that would smack of accountability and responsibility...two concepts utterly lacking in this particular area of jurisprudence.
by Thundercloud on 03:28 PM December 28th, 2005 EST (#5)
I haven't spoken English all my life, and even though I'm now fairly fluent in it (with only a trace of an accent) There are still some words I don't understand. For instance; what is "Jurisprudence"?
Prudent Dinosaurs...?
"Hoka hey!"
by brotherskeeper on 11:53 PM December 28th, 2005 EST (#7)
Jurisprudence: basically the study of the application of the law.
Didn't mean to appear elitist, the word simply fit well.
"Prudent Dinosaurs" -- sometimes I wonder if this is not far off. :)
by Thundercloud on 12:26 PM December 29th, 2005 EST (#10)
Okay, now I get it.
Thanks B.K..
"Hoka hey!"
by ASDJKL on 05:23 PM December 28th, 2005 EST (#6)
And as she was standing at the podium trying to convince the judge, she exclaimed if any of them came within 3 feet of her she would "Break their legs".
Later she exclaimed in an off air interview she didn't mean it.
Qantas...ANZ... Would you want your child next to this docile female?
by AngryMan
on 05:54 AM December 29th, 2005 EST (#8)
Don't forget British Airways
"Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." Louis D Brandeis, Supreme Court Justice, 1913
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