posted by Matt on 01:48 PM December 23rd, 2005
"Young and Homeless Fill Africa's City Streets" - no mention though of UNICEF, or any other organizational outrage, over the fact that the vast majority of these are boys. That's because, quite predictably, no one seems to care nearly as much as they would if these kids were predominently girls. And people wonder why Africa is plagued by problems with violent, angry young men. Excerpt:
They are part of an unprecedented and growing phenomenon of homeless youths in Africa's exploding urban centers, according to studies by UNICEF and Save the Children. There is no reliable estimate of their total number, but studies indicate it could be as high as 1 million.
Now, nearly every major African city has its own name for them. In Khartoum, they are called "the children of the market." In Nairobi, they are known as "glue boys," because they sniff glue out of old bottles, holding the rims to their lips as if they were whispering into the neck. In Kinshasa, the capital of Congo, they are called "the desperate children" -- barefoot boys who shine shoes, banging a stick with a bottle cap to attract customers.
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by Davidadelong on 10:35 PM December 23rd, 2005 EST (#1)
I believe that Brazil had the same problem. But, I also remember that our tax dollars trained the death squads that started hunting those boys down and butchering them, because it was bad for tourism, and their image. Whether it is Boys, or Girls, the Children are our future. In our current world of excess how can any compassionate Human Being not be outraged at this? Perhaps it is time for a redistrabution of wealth, if we just got the richest in the world to quit hoarding the majority of the wealth, gee it must the holiday spirit getting to me, I'm starting to believe in "fairy tales"!
by Thundercloud on 01:37 PM December 24th, 2005 EST (#2)
Yeah, where's Oprah on THIS matter...?
"Hoka hey!"
Yeah Oprah...are you gonna ignore the crises of your black brothers while you, Beyonce, Tina, Star, Tyra, Halle, and your sisters have all of the fun? This saddens me because I'm a black man and I don't want to see my little brothers homeless, hurt, or hanged? I can tell you this, my brothas and I are never gonna survive and be progressive in this lifetime...no matter how young this 'Third World' is!
Emmanuel Matteer Jr.
Emma.noelle.blay@hotmail.com *****MASCULISM IS A BLACK MALE'S BEST FRIEND!!!!!*****
by Thundercloud on 12:44 PM December 26th, 2005 EST (#4)
I see Oprah doing ALL SORTS of things in Africa for young WOMEN. But NEVER have I seen her do one thing for the young MEN.
She CAN'T be ignorant of the problems facing these boys and men. How could she NOT know?
Maybe she just doesn't care.
I could forgive her if she just didn't know about it. But KNOWING about it and doing nothing makes her one of the most pitiful excuses of a human being on the planet...
Do a show about these guys, Oprah. Prove me wrong.
"Hoka hey!"
No Thundercloud, forget her, she maybe a successful black sister...but overall, she's like our unbeloved president: She doesn't care about black pe-- er...men,
Emmanuel Matteer Jr.
Emma.noelle.blay@hotmail.com *****MASCULISM IS A BLACK MALE'S BEST FRIEND!!!!!*****
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