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by RandomMan on 04:28 PM December 22nd, 2005 EST (#1)
I'm surprised they didn't arrest the 13-year-old boy. After all, we're all batterers: I heard it on PBS, and they're unbiased, right? ;)
The paragraph above might be funny if it didn't reflect the way men actually do get treated by law enforcement personnel and family courts every day.
by GregA on 05:47 PM December 22nd, 2005 EST (#2)
Well my guess is, because its not in the article, the police insisted the men sit on the ground when they arrived, rather than the woman. I also bet the police asked the woman if either of the men hit her. It wasn't until all the police assumptions about what was going on were cleared did they proceed to interview the men, and find the actual crime.
Having said that, oral-vaginal sex is a really hard way to transmit HIV, so the little boy probably wont be permanently harmed by this physically. Although in adults exposed there is a lot of psychological trauma associated with exposure. I cant imagine what it will be like for a 13 year old.
Finally, when this thing goes to court I be she ends up doing less than 2-3 years, when she should have the book thrown at her.
by Davidadelong on 08:39 PM December 22nd, 2005 EST (#3)
OK, why is she let out on bail? Isn't rape one of those crimes where the rapist isn't allowed bail because they are a danger to society? OH, that is only Men because the potential next victim is a woman. Well how about attempted murder, if she knew she had aids isn't that attempted murder? Why is she out on bail, perhaps a lawyer from the area could answer that question? OK, they said oral sex, so she made him gratify her orally, and the chance of contracting aids isn't as great, but she forced him, rape and attempted murder, no bail for any Male, is she giving the judge oral favors as well? EQUALITY! Yeah sure, in the home of the free, just where the hell is that anyway?
by khankrumthebulgar on 07:34 AM December 23rd, 2005 EST (#4)
This comes as no shock just par for the course. If the Genders were reversed the Male would be held without bail. But because the perpetrator is a Woman she gets bail so she can abuse another Minor Male. She has AIDS and will not stop what are they going to do lock her up for life? Hah what a joke our Legal System is.
Until the Men's Movement goes to War with the Legal System we will never have justice. NEVER
by Davidadelong on 09:36 AM December 24th, 2005 EST (#5)
Unfortunately it isn't only the legal system that we are at war with. We are at war with the entire government system, isn't it the politicians that allowed this to happen? Isn't it the greed of paid "public servents" that have allowed this to happen? Aren't we suffering under the best smoke and mirrors "magic show" in history? Or, should I say dog and pony show? Either way, we are as you have said, "at war!" The finest weapon a Warrior owns is his, or her mind. As the original People of this country were wont to say, "It is a good day to die!" There is no greater attestment to a Person's character than how far they are willing to go for something they truly believe in. In other words your actions better match your words, because all we really have is our word. In so far as never is concerned, NEVER SAY NEVER, because NEVER may be sooner than we all think!
by Earwig on 03:38 PM December 30th, 2005 EST (#6)
Does the boy have HIV? How did this turn out?
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