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by Davidadelong on 08:02 AM December 22nd, 2005 EST (#1)
Hard to optain a restraining/stalking order? Not here in Eugene OR folks. I wasn't aware of how the system has been abused here until I had problems with some tenants that live on the same property as me. The womyn filed a false stalking order to as she bragged to another tenant, "get him out of here!" I of course had to hire an Attorney. She had no real grounds for the order, just allegations. My Attorney, who has been on a lot of these cases told me he was surprised that the Judge issued a temporary order until a hearing. They of course had no Attorney, and the case was held over for trial. I go to trial this morning, and she has agreed to drop the case as they weren't able to optain an Attorney. I had already resigned as manager (new owner doesn't care if tenants sell drugs off property, and wouldn't let me evict them) and had made arrangements to leave on the 30th of this month. Even if as she has said she drops this case, I will have a temporary stalking order on my file for life. My Attorney has told me that it actually sickens him how the system abuses Men with out any facts to back it with restraining and stalking orders. Thats what it is like in the land of Oz folks, not just my opinion.....
by Roy on 05:29 PM December 22nd, 2005 EST (#5)
Among the many "enhancements" in VAWA 2005, there is a provision ( soon a law after Prez Bush signs it) that expands the definition of stalking to include "cyber-stalking."
This is basically any electronic/Internet unwanted communication that the receiver perceives as threatening.
Interesting that stalking used to require physical proximity to be proved; now, two e-mails are all that's required to be charged with a felony offense.
So, hypothetically, a divorced father could be prosecuted for cyber-stalking if he sent two e-mails to his ex-wife demanding that she stop interfering with his child visitation schedule.
Of course, making "virtual DV" part of our laws is consistent with the intent of feminist jurisprudence, where already "abuse" can mean "ignoring her needs," and battery can be successfully charged for a "glaring look."
by Jimbiz on 08:53 AM December 22nd, 2005 EST (#2)
I found this article explaining the legal basis and description for a restraining order. 03fd.htm
I can not believe this is societies idea of equality or even ethical treatment.
by Baniadam on 11:00 AM December 22nd, 2005 EST (#3)
Wait this can have its advantages. Can someone who works in the White House please try it out with Bush. Place a restraining order on the fool;
by Thundercloud on 12:30 PM December 22nd, 2005 EST (#4)
...she actually GOT a restraining order for Letterman on these grounds...(???)
Okay, folks if THIS doesn't show how inept the system is, I don't know what does.
The people who issued the order have GOT to be as insane as the woman who asked for it.
This woman is obviously coo coo for Co Co Puffs.
If any one should be fileing for a restraining order it is Letterman against Miss Nancy Nut-job, not the other way around.
BTW, What is this hang up on David Letterman that crazy women have???? I don't get it...,
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 08:30 PM December 22nd, 2005 EST (#6)
My Attorney mentioned Lettermans situation before we went into court this morning. He couldn't believe the judge actually issued the order. Now, do you suppose the "good judge" didn't even look at the reasoning, because if he or she did, wouldn't that cause a case for getting that "good judge" removed from the bench? Isn't dementia a cause for removal? Anyone agreeing with that stalking order would have to be demented, wouldn't they? Or, perhaps Mr. Letterman is a true telepath, and is very very desperate? The facts are same, the Man has to pay for Attornies, and the "poor woman" only has to make a false claim, at least Letterman can afford to defend himself, not every Man can afford to hire an Attorney, and they get railroaded. Sick in Oz......
by RandomMan on 01:39 AM December 23rd, 2005 EST (#8)
Best of luck with the (I assume it's family) court, Davidadelong...I know it's not an easy place to try and find equal treatment.
by Davidadelong on 08:04 AM December 23rd, 2005 EST (#10)
Thank You! I, and my Attorney did our homework, and since the stalking order was false, the people behind it decided to save face and not show up, but I still have a temporary stalking order on file, and it cost me 4 hours of Attorney fees! I watched the court room fill up on the first day I went for this, many Women smiling looking at Men who were hanging their heads. It sickened me. I had the judge recused because he was known for just handing out stalking orders and restraining orders without just cause. I wonder how many poor Men started that road "down" because of a similar situation.
by Hunchback on 11:42 AM December 23rd, 2005 EST (#14)
I watched the court room fill up on the first day I went for this, many Women smiling looking at Men who were hanging their heads. It sickened me.
This is my most common experience in my many visits to family court. The dejected, angry, heartbroken, maybe suicidal looks on the faces of the men contrasted with the smiling, triumphant, spiteful looks on the faces of the women...and this is before facing the judge.
Another common feature of the holding pens of the family court inquisition was the women exchanging tactical info amongst themselves, and the men sitting by themselves in dispirited resignation. In fact, in NYC family courthouses there's a tax-supported feminist group called F.O.C.U.S. (fathers pronounce it FUKUS) whose only purpose is show mothers how best to screw fathers.
The despair and disparity is right out there in the open; any honest journalist need only spend an hour in family court to see the difference in how men and women are treated.
by Thundercloud on 01:59 PM December 25th, 2005 EST (#21)
...and THIS is reason number ONE, why I won't marry...!
(I already told you number two, on another thread)
"Hoka hey!"
by Baniadam on 09:31 AM December 23rd, 2005 EST (#13)
Isn’t what she did a form of perjury?
False Allegations?
She should pay for making such lies.
by MR on 10:20 PM December 23rd, 2005 EST (#16)
"Isn’t what she did a form of perjury?
False Allegations?
She should pay for making such lies."
It's a misdemeanor to falsely report felony domestic violence. The low life police, prosecutors and judges in our legal system are making good money scamming innocent men and don't want to hurt business by providing a disincentive to their corruption.
MR - as in Men's Rights
by Davidadelong on 10:45 PM December 23rd, 2005 EST (#18)
I actually wanted to press charges against the womyn that filed a false stalking order on me. My Attorney told me that it wasn't feasable. Something having to do with the fact that it wouldn't get anywhere. Plus, the poor Guy has to make a living within the same system that is making him sick. I guess us other Guys need to study the law enough to act as our own Attorney, case by case. Just make sure the forms are correct or the court clerk, usually a womyn that handles those particular cases, will refuse to take the papers. Been there, done that......won enough to know it takes time and energy that most of us don't have while "making a living".
by Baniadam on 07:07 PM December 24th, 2005 EST (#19)
It's a misdemeanour if you report a false report to the police. But if the woman takes it to the court and then recants and states it a lie or it is proven that the allegations are intentionally false surely that is perjury?
I mean it is obvious this woman is lying through her teeth, either because she is a loon or most likely she knows she can get away with it. She is entitled.
The law is It's a misdemeanour if you report a false report to the police. But if the woman takes it to the court and then recants and states it a lie or it is proven that the allegations are intentionally false surely that is perjury?
I mean it is obvious this woman is lying through her teeth, either because she is a loon or most likely she knows she can get away with it. She is entitled.
by gatsby on 03:42 PM December 27th, 2005 EST (#22)
Great point about men who may not be able to afford good representation. There is no risk for a woman to bring these suits to court, as she does not have to pay money upfront nor does she have to show cause. No lawyer will DEFEND someone in a case without a retainer. The worst part of this whole sorted affair and for mens rights in general is that they even have to be labeled as a mans issue. If women found themselves the victims of such blatent double standards, the outcry would be swift and loud. When we point out problems such as these, we are portrayed as "whiners" and instead of dealing with the inequality, women bring up the wrongs done to them historically. As is this will fix the problem that we are speaking of.
by Luek on 10:08 PM December 22nd, 2005 EST (#7)
I wonder if Letterman will start a segment called "stupid judges tricks" like the segment he had called "stupid dog tricks" a couple of years ago?
But then again the novelty of stupid judge tricks in the area of domesticity has really been lost. Stupid judge tricks has taken on the aire of commonality. It really isn't funny anymore.
by khankrumthebulgar on 07:36 AM December 23rd, 2005 EST (#9)
This only got into the news because it was David Letterman. Every day insane, unreasonable, unsupported ex Parte orders are issued against Men based upon an accusation with no supporting evidence. The presumption of innocence thrown out the Window. The system rewards abusive Women. Men need to go to War against our Legal System. This abuse was greatly accelerated under Slick Willie. Who was such a good friend to the FemNags one said she would be happy to get on her knees and orally service him herself!!!
by Davidadelong on 08:10 AM December 23rd, 2005 EST (#11)
Why stop at the legal system? They do not do what they do without the support of the ruling factions in our government. What about War on anyone that sees anyone else as their slave, or believes that people should be "kept down for their own good", now then we might get somewhere! The finest Weapon a Warrior possesses is their mind! Just my opinion.........
by MR on 10:28 PM December 23rd, 2005 EST (#17)
"The system rewards abusive Women. Men need to go to War against our Legal System. This abuse was greatly accelerated under Slick Willie. Who was such a good friend to the FemNags one said she would be happy to get on her knees and orally service him herself!!!"
You are not alone in believing Domestic Abuse Law Rewards Abusive Women It is only a relatively small matter to print out "REWARDS" and that, among other things, is presently under construction.
MR - as in Men's Rights
by Luek on 09:27 AM December 23rd, 2005 EST (#12)
I have just learned that the Letterman segment was "stupid pet tricks" not "stupid dog tricks."
Sorry, same difference.
by Hunchback on 11:56 AM December 23rd, 2005 EST (#15)
I see this whole incident as a golden opportunity for a high-profile man to blow the whistle on an abuse men endure. Unfortunately, the male elite, those who suffer the least from feminazi excesses because of their ability to defend themselves, never step up to the plate for the rest of us. Their insular existence produces blindness and/or apathy toward the trials common men face.
I guarantee you that after this little blip on Letterman's radar, he'll still be more likely to donate to some battered women's fem-org than he speak up on the misandrist injustices we face—even if we tried to educate him on the subject.
by Fidelbogen on 11:32 PM December 24th, 2005 EST (#20)
Hunchback writes: "I guarantee you that after this little blip on Letterman's radar, he'll still be more likely to donate to some battered women's fem-org than he speak up on the misandrist injustices we face—even if we tried to educate him on the subject. "
So....why not at least TRY to educate him. WHY NOT??
Here is a contact address for David Letterman:
And just to put this in context, here is the web page where I found it.:
Go ahead, just DO IT, guys. I intend to, as soon as I finish writing this post.
And I think I'll even drop a line to Glenn Sacks and see if I can inspire HIM to send a letter to Letterman.....
Activism begins when you feel a small inspiration, act upon it, and....then it snowballs.
Give it a shot gents, give it a shot.
"Feminism has a rap sheet."
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