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by Davidadelong on 08:11 AM December 22nd, 2005 EST (#1)
You hit the nail on the head! I quit watching those dumb sitcoms a long time ago. I got tired of seeing realy stupid Men being led around by their much smarter and "nice" wifes. Ever notice how they are all good looking, sexy creatures, and the guys are average? Sort of looks like they just did them a favor by marrying them doesn't it? Oh well, all anyone has to do is open their eyes. But, as the propaganda machine had its' effect on my generation (baby boomers baby) it to shall have its' effect on this generation. Instead of Leave it to Beaver, and My Three Sons, we will have The King of Queens, Raymond, and a multitude of others to brain wash the Children, and the older "children" not quite ready to think for themselves!
by Thundercloud on 12:53 PM December 22nd, 2005 EST (#2)
"F.U.D.D.". Sounds like a plan.
I, also, will not watch any of today's sitcoms.
If I wanted to be talked down to, belittled, neutered and a virtual slave, I'd get married.
Also, there's another movie that I think should get our attention. apparently our ol' friend Quentin Tarantino is at it again. He is releasing yet ANOTHER movie (called GRIND HOUSE") where men are bound, gagged, tortured and sodomised. This is obviously a BIG sexual fantasy for (I suspect) the latently gay or bisexual Tarantino. These scenes or ones similar are a consistent theme in ANY of Tarantino's works.
Were he to to depict women in the same situation we all know what would happen. There would (rightly) be outrage and outcry by women's groups, accusing Tarantino (again rightly) of Condoning and encouraging violence against women, particularly SEXUAL violence against them. The government might even launch an investigation into Tarantino, I don't know.
But of course it is just MEN depicted in these ways in not just Tarantino's movies but others as well, so who cares, right? Who cares if it damages the psyches of adolescent boys? Who cares if it dehumanizes males as a whole? Who care? it's just men, right?
To be honest I don't believe that enough attention is being given to this "phenomenon".
Tarantino and people like him have gone WAY to far! It is time we put a stop to it.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 08:51 PM December 22nd, 2005 EST (#3)
" If I wanted to be talked down to, belittled, neutered and a virtual slave, I'd get married." You can say that again Brother, 3 times for me, but you know I've been celibate for 4 years, and if I met the right Woman....OH, I was daydreaming! About Tarantino, perhaps he is just working through some angst from his childhood? Or perhaps he is as you say, I don't know, but I know I won't spend my hard earned money to watch Men being abused. I don't have to, all I have to do is open my eyes, listen, and feel the pain...
"Hoka hey!" Thundercloud
by Thundercloud on 01:32 PM December 24th, 2005 EST (#4)
Well, Tarantino may be working through his childhood traumas. Perhaps he was raped by a man, I don't know, But that doesn't mean that he has to take it out on the entire male species.
At age 11 I was sexually molested by a young woman. It haunts me to this day. I am an illustrator for comic books, and have even written and produced my own stories. Never ONCE have I depicted the rape of a female, let alone the VIOLENT rape of a female. Also, I do not get off on sexual violence against women, but Tarantino apparently gets aroused by (very) violent homosexual-bondage-rape scenarios.
He seems OBSESSED with it. I mean, what's THAT about...?
I guess what I'm saying is, we all have our "issues", but we do not go around shoving those issues down everyone else's throats.
Personally, I don't care whether Tarantino is gay, bisexual or what ever. I also don't care what his sexual fantasies are, those are personal things, and God bless him, but I don't want to have to see them played out on a movie screen, and have to deal with the social repercussions, they cause. Like I said, this CAN harm the phsyces of young men, primarily teen and pre-teen boys. There is also the "acting out" scenarios young gay men may (or may not) act these things out. Not just on willing males but possibly UN-willing ones. In fact, after "PULP FICTION" came out, I heard of at least two incidences of copycat rapes on young boys. It didn't get much press, of course, but it happened, and those were only the two we HEARD about...
Not long ago, the feminists decried what they perceived as "excess violence against women", particularly in the horror/slasher genres. They also, complained that there might be a deleterious effect on society caused by these movies, and for the most part I had to agree with them. In those movies, women DID seem to get raped, tortured and butchered a lot. So I was then on the feminist's side, on this issue.
The government even looked in on the matter. As a result we rarely see those types of slasher/horror movies, but now-a-days when they do pop up, the very violence that feminists (and women in general) complained about that was done to women was now BEING DONE TO MALES and worse. And no one has raised an eyebrow. Where are the feminists on the possible social and psychological repercussions on society? where is the outcry of gender bias, now?
Instead we see people who produce this kind of horrific violence against males, (like Tarantino) lauded and praised for their so called "cutting edge" work. and "cinematic genius".
And the violence against men, particularly the sexual violence (as in "PULP FICTION") is MUCH worse, MUCH more graphic and MUCH more gratuitous then ANY violence depicted against women in ANY of the older movies that the feminists complained about.
Like I have said, I do not believe that this is getting enough attention by us.
This is why we keep seeing movies like "PULP FICTION", "SCREAM", "CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN II" and now "GRIND HOUSE". The "academy" cheers this inexcusable and inhuman violence against males, (the more graphic the better) and we sit by doing little or nothing.
I have written all the letters and Emails that I can. It just seems to do NO good at all. I always get back the same smarmy, condescending letters of response from these people.
They just keep churning these movies out, one after the other. And they are going to continue to do so as long as we keep seeing this problem as "much a do about nothing"...,
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 08:07 PM December 24th, 2005 EST (#5)
Thank you Sir! I needed that perspective. I hadn't quite thought about it to the degree that you have. I saw pulp fiction, squirmed at the rape scenes, and cheered at the retribution. You are correct, more brainwashing by the hollywood big wigs desentsitizing the public to violence against males, perverted violence. As I said I hadn't quite given it as much thought as I should have, thank you for your thoughts for I have been enlightened. "Hoka hey!" Brother........
by Thundercloud on 11:57 AM December 25th, 2005 EST (#6)
"Hoka hey"!, David.
And Merry Christmas.
"Hoka hey!"
by gatsby on 03:48 PM December 27th, 2005 EST (#9)
In this, as in all cases, I wonder what the response would be if the gender was reversed. What do you think the response would be to a sitcom starring Pierce Bronsan as the perfect husband to an inept, fat, unattractive wife? This would be lauded as sexist propoganda at best and unbeleivable fantasy at worst. As every cultural, racial, or relegious revolution has shown. The key to true equality is not to oppress the former oppressors but to ensure that NO ONE is oppressed.
by Davidadelong on 08:34 PM December 27th, 2005 EST (#10)
Yes, you have spoke the truth. But that isn't what our system wants, so I guess we need a new system? Any ideas gatsby?
by Thundercloud on 12:37 PM December 26th, 2005 EST (#7)
Sorry, guys, the Quentin Tarantino movie I was referring to is not called "GRIND HOUSE", That movie was produced by Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez, I don't know what it's about, but it's probably the same old Tarantino B.S..
The movie I MEANT to refer to is called "HOSTILITY" or "HOSTILE" or something like that.
From what I can tell from the previews, women lure men to some house where they are (what else, in a Tarantino movie) tied, gagged, sodomised and tortured.
Again, if this sort of movie was about men luring women to be raped and tortured, it would never see the light of day.
Tarantino needs two things. Get some NEW material and see a psychiatrist...
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 10:05 AM December 27th, 2005 EST (#8)
I have been discussing your insights with some friends. I have a friend that was used by his father as a sex toy, even passed him around to his friends. He expressed a different attitude about Pulp Fiction. He told me that he felt the message was it was alright to retaliate and stand up for ones self, to fight back. I do believe that you are right as to Tarantinos past. Perhaps his movies should be rated for adults only. My friend spent a majority of his life acting out on his pain, I met him at an extension college after he had done time. It took many hours with a good counseler for him to come to grips with his situation. He is now married and has two Children. He happens to have married a kind Woman, so much the better for him. My friend has even forgiven his father, and is now in contact with him, part of the healing process. I suppose what I am trying to say is that as valid as your concerns are, there are others that differ. restricting viewer participation by age would help solve some of the problems. I am not a fan of Tarantinos movies, the last movie I have gone and seen in a long time was "Jarhead", Semper Fi!
by khankrumthebulgar on 07:11 AM December 30th, 2005 EST (#11)
Thundercloud Bro,
The Movie is Hostel. Hostels are low cost flop houses in Europe that are frequented by Backpackers. In this case Hot young Women are used as bait to lure Male victims for Sexual Torture. They are chopped up, cut up with chain saws. This will appeal to the very sick and mentally disturbed. Tarantino is reading his press notices.
This so called "edgy" movie is S&M and Sex Torture. Tarantion is appealing to the worst instincts possible. This is Snuff Flicks brought to the wide screen. How noble of Hollyweird to put this trash out. Next will be bestiality. Why not?
It will fight right in with those Asshats in Hollyweird. Last night I must have heard 30 commercials for "Homo On The Range" aka. Brokeback Mountain. The latest cinematic piece of Gay Propaganda to tell us Straights what idiots we are for not endorsing Gay Love. This is BS. Heath Ledger will never get a dollar from me again ever.
I am sick of the war against Straight Men by Hollyweird. If you are Gay Live your life and stop shoving it in my face.
by Thundercloud on 02:33 PM December 30th, 2005 EST (#12)
Khankrum, Thanks for clarifying what a "Hostel" is. I was confusing it for "Hostile".
And, yeah, I'm the same way. I don't CARE if someone is gay or not. But I, also do not like it being thrown into my face.
And I must say again that a movie about the sadomastic torture of women would NEVER make it to the screen.
If there was ever any doubt about the double standards that men face in society, these days this movie should be the proverbial wake up call.
Incidentally i submitted a news story about this God-awful movie, but the admins decided not to post it. Oh, well.
"Hoka hey!"
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