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by Clancy
on 01:17 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#1)
War and Illness kills all men and some observant women notices, perhaps they will parthenogenetically allow for a few male fetuses to be carried to term so that they will AT LEAST have someone to open the jelly jar.
by Anonymous User on 03:02 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#2)
I consider the issue of Men's breast cancer a rather cynical ploy. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe there are only about 1000 CASES in the U.S. a year. So why start worrying about something like this when, statistically, there are any number of other risks more worthy of attention?
Answer: because of women's breast cancer.
Several years ago the NIH surveyed the popular press for the incidence of medical stories (cited on CNN, too lazy to look it up, but can if need be). WOMEN's breast cancer got more attention in the popular press by 3 to 1 over heart disease/stroke. Why would the NIH survey this? Because the money follows the press/politics. Heart disease/stroke (they're related) kill 1 million people a year. Breast cancer kills 30,000. Unfortunately, heart disease/stroke also kills men. This is unacceptable to victempowered faux-compassionate women. (Watch for the recent efforts to turn heart disease into a WOMEN's disease).
It would be nice if I were only being cynical. Unfortunately, when the money/attention are tallied, the cynical ones are those funding WOMEN's disease research to the express detriment of everyone else's diseases (including children).
(No need to post about how awful WOMEN's breast cancer is. I know it's awful. So are all of the other diseases).
by Anonymous User on 03:08 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#3)
Get rid of the 19th ammendment and these problems go away.
by Anonymous User on 03:43 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#5)
We wish YOU'D go away...!
by Clancy
on 04:06 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#6)
Since you mentioned it, women's heart disease does get put out there front and center. One of the web sites I browsed today, from the MANN portal, had a prominent advertisment about women and heart disease. If you want to read or learn about men's health issues you usually have to seek them out. On the other hand, locally, a new hospital opened recently and they mailed out some booklets advertising their services and doctors. This latest issue did run a headline about men's health. The article listed about 4 of the worst men's diseases, heart, prostate, colon and one other, and when you should be screened and what your risk factors might be. But, that does not assuage the immutable fact that, compared to prostate cancer, breast cancer research funding is queen much to the detriment of all the women that die annually from heart disease. I no longer blindly support breast cancer funding. I won't buy a pink ribbon, I won't buy a pink ribbon bumper magnet, I won't buy certain Yogurts that if you mail in their little foil covers the makers will donate x amount of your purchase to breast cancer research. I think PC has made the medical society afraid to come right out and say what seems fairly obvious to me and that is - compare what people ate and how they ate it 100 years ago with today. Compare their activity level with current activity levels. Maybe they do say it. The message doesn't seem to be sinking in. Just my opinion.
by Anonymous User on 03:13 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#4)
I'd like the 19th ammendment repealed so we could then restrict women from voting and holding public office. I wish to abolish women's rights so men do not need to kiss ass as to not be r@ped via divorce (or by their wives saying that they raped them, men would have complete claim to their wives (and could have multiples if wished)). Also it would be legal to marry girls off at menarche (once they are able to have children: 12-14 yrs old).
Death To women's Rights
by jenk on 08:59 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#12)
Oh you are just making this too EASY!
Thanks to the Trolling, Trolling, Trolling, thanks to the Trolling sea
Thanks to the Trolling, Trolling, Trolling, thanks to the Trolling sea
Fish on the table and fish on the fire, fried fish hanging on the tree
Everything here that your heart desires, thanks to the Trolling sea
Thanks to the Trolling sea
Living is good and living is fine, we're happy as can be
We owe all this to the salty brine, thanks to the Trolling sea
Thanks to the Trolling sea
We work all day but our hearts are gay, and while we work we sing
The mighty sea is good to us and we've got everything
Abalone steaks and tuna fish cakes, taste so heavenly
We know who we owe it to, thanks to the Trolling sea
Thanks to the Trolling, Trolling, Trolling, thanks to the Trolling sea
Thanks to the Trolling, Trolling, Trolling, thanks to the Trolling sea
Thanks to the Trolling, Trolling, Trolling, thanks to the Trolling sea
Thanks to the Trolling, Trolling, Trolling, thanks to the Trolling sea
by Anonymous User on 12:31 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#13)
A troll is a troll of course of course and no one can talk to a troll, of course unless of course the troll of course is the famous Mr. Troll. People yackety yack a streak and waste your time of day but Mr. Troll will always speak even with nothing to say
A troll is a troll of course of course and no one can talk to a troll, of course, unless of course the troll of course is the famous Mr. Troll. "I am Mr. Trolllllllll!"
(Mr. Ed parity...)
"Hoka hey!"
by frank h on 06:34 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#7)
The only reason this is coming up is because there is a growing undercurrent AGAINST the burgeoning breast cancer industry. Women, believe it or not, are becoming more and more fed up with the pink ribbon thing and many of them are quietly asking why so much emphasis on breast cancer and so little on others, even mentioning prostate cancer.
These people are just trying to garner sympathy from men by claiming that "men can be victim's too!" But the probability of a man getting breast cancer may be as much as two orders of magnitude smaller than that of getting prostate cancer.
by SpikeRants on 08:27 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#8)
I'm not sure what it's like in other cities, but in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, the Susan G. Komen Walk for the Cure got a lot of media coverage. Every commercial break on the Fox affiliate they talked about it. Heck, 5 years ago I was told I couldn't park in my school's parking lot without paying a $5 parking fee because of the walk.
Because of all the recent media coverage, I was a little angered that the men's killers aren't getting as much recognition, or even bigger women's killers. When I read this article, it kind of made me feel a little better that at least SOME major media source was acknowledging that men could get breast cancer too.
Rod Roddy, the former Price is Right announcer, died in part of breast cancer. And it got about 2 weeks worth of "see, breast cancer can kill men too" before it was shoved back under the carpet.
I would seriously like to see a Prostate cancer walk of the magnitude the Breast Cancer walk is here in D/FW.
by dschmidt on 06:50 AM October 28th, 2005 EST (#9)
I would seriously like to see a Prostate cancer walk of the magnitude the Breast Cancer walk is here in D/FW.
Not to sound snide, but then I encourage you to work for it!
Contact and maybe even join the DFW chapter of NCFM. A quick Google for "Dallas Fort Worth NCFM" should get you the email/phone number. Tell Deb (the president) that David S. referred you.
NCFM/DFW has staffed booths several years now at the Dad's Day 5K for Prostate Cancer Awareness and Research. It's no Komen, but it's a start, and it won't get better if we don't work for it. I'm sure similar opportunities exist in other cities, I just noted you were in DFW, where I know such opportunities exist. The Dad's Day 5k is every year the Saturday before Father's day in the wooded medical building complex behind Medical City at 635 and 75 in Dallas.
If we want change, we're gonna have to work for it. The feminist controlled general public isn't gonna just hand it to us.
by SpikeRants on 05:48 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#10)
Yes, I appreciate the info! I've been formulating a plan in my off time as to how to get one off the ground, but I couldn't figure out if I was going to get enough people to join. Now that I don't have to start from ground zero, that's a very good thing.
I will endeavour to contact them.
by Anonymous User on 06:20 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#11)
To some extent, I agree with you. We have to move.
On the other hand, I maintain the breast cancer people are really rather selfish (misappropriating NIH funds is potentially theft, though I haven't investigated this). Certainly, privately collecting all of these funds to the detriment of others is clearly selfish.
I maintain that these people should also be pressured to do the RIGHT thing. Instead of men copying women and stealing from the cookie jar too, maybe women should simply 'do the right thing'.
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