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by Clancy
on 12:33 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#1)
I said my goodbyes yesterday after reading, what was then, his latest revelation that far exceeded simply repealing a constitutional amendment. I will be happy to acquiesce.
by Anonymous User on 01:19 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#2)
Okay, Same here.
But I have to say that when someone openly wants to take rights away from ANYBODY, White, Black, Indian, Hispanic, Asian, male OR female, it really burns me up.
It especially burns me as a person who belongs to a minority group that has waited a VERY LONG TIME to see the day his people (of all tribes) have the same rights as any and all other Americans. We still have a long way to go, yet. And to hear someone advocate the removal of ANYONE'S rights for ANY reason just makes me want to vomit.
I will ignore this "troll", from here on out, but let it be known how I feel about what this "troll" has been saying.
No matter your ethnicity or gender we ALL deserve the same constitutional and civil rights. And I will always fight to make certain that is the case, For EVERYONE.
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 03:14 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#4)
by Clancy
on 03:41 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#6)
I'm not sure if the mods on MANN won't, or can't block this guy. My guess is that he is running an anonymizer, thus hindering their ability to track his IP. No matter. I don't question their judgement. Some are concerned that leaving his inflammatory remarks out there for the world to see would cast negative light on all of us. They, the mods, might think that leaving them up will prove that no matter what you think, we don't beleive in ripping down your posters or collectiong all of your fliers so that your voice gets silenced. What would your ancestors have done, TC? I think that frontier justice would have used a axe handle to break somebody's jaw. In this case, maybe rolling over the fingers with a wagon wheel might be better. I feel your frustration. I don't like it any more than you do but I did notice on another site where he spread his poison that exiling him seemed to work. He has a lot more enemies than friends. More to pitied than scolded.
by Anonymous User on 01:13 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#22)
well, for one, we don't have the right to dress in our traditional apparel without being mocked or physically attacked. I should know this as it has happened to me a number of times.
Any traditional Indian will tell you that this is the case.
Even at my job I am threatened and have racial slurs hurled at me (And not just from White men. Also from people of other ethnicity's, and women as well) The higher ups know that this is happening and when I have asked them to put a stop to it they have pretty well told me to go screw myself. Legal action is not out of the question at this point, although I would rather settle it peacefully.
As far as "Your land" is concerned. It was MY people's land before it was taken from us. I do not however, blame ANY White person living today for what SOME Whites did 200 years ago.
I now consider America to be ALL of our land. In other words who ever was born here is just as entitled to it as any of "MY people".
And as far as casinos go, out of the 500 Indian nations in this country only about three or four actually run casinos. (so your racial stereotype is pretty moot) My tribe (the Cherokee) do not run casinos.
And as far as selling tobacco, well we were the people who introduced it, so we'll do what ever we damn well like with it.
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 03:41 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#28)
by Anonymous User on 12:35 PM November 1st, 2005 EST (#68)
>It especially burns me as a person who belongs to a minority group that has waited a VERY LONG TIME to see the day his people (of all tribes) have the same rights as any and all other Americans. We still have a long way to go, yet. And to hear someone advocate the removal of ANYONE'S rights for ANY reason just makes me want to vomit.
Rights are given by the government (other than God-given rights) and taken away by the government. I don't see where the government is not giving Indians rights that are being afforded everyone else?
>we don't have the right to dress in our traditional apparel without being mocked or physically attacked.
You think laws against being mocked is a good thing? Besides, only overt mocking can be stopped. We need to do away with the thought police, not extend them. Anyone who stands out from the crowd in any way is going to be mocked in one way or another. Ask any school kid. As far as being physically attacked, that is against the law in every state, in many forms. If you allow it, you allow it. My son was put in the hospital a few years ago by a guy at work and nothing was done because my son didn't press charges. The police just assumed my son was just as guilty and was the one who lost the fight. This way the police don't have to be bothered. To do something about it, you have to press charges. And force the issue. But that involves consequences and he and you decided it wasn't worth the hassle.
>Even at my job I am threatened and have racial slurs hurled at me (And not just from White men. Also from people of other ethnicity's, and women as well) The higher ups know that this is happening and when I have asked them to put a stop to it they have pretty well told me to go screw myself. Legal action is not out of the question at this point, although I would rather settle it peacefully.
You have the same rights as all the other minorities. Nothing happens when women are mocked either, until they complain and whine and cry. The squeeky wheel... And if your squeeks are ignored, you have to squeek louder and louder. Of course, squeeking doesn't come without consequences. If you don't wish to complain and whine and cry and take the problem to higher and higher levels just like minorities have to do in many cases when they are told to get screwed in one way or another, then that's your right too. You also have the right to handle the problem on your own, which you've probably done in one way or another. There are consequences to each avenue, including complaining and whining and crying and you apparently decided they weren't worth the hassle. Doesn't mean you don't have that right.
>And as far as casinos go, out of the 500 Indian nations in this country only about three or four actually run casinos. (so your racial stereotype is pretty moot) My tribe (the Cherokee) do not run casinos.
I couldn't care less how many of the Indian tribes run casinos. My point is that Indians CAN. We who are not Indians CAN'T.
>And as far as selling tobacco, well we were the people who introduced it, so we'll do what ever we damn well like with it.
Since when does introducing something entitle that person or people to do whatever they damn well please with it forever and ever? Nowadays we have laws that are supposed to apply to everyone. In this case, Indians have the right to sell cigarettes without tax affixed and nobody else does.
Seems to me the Indians have a big case of "We want equal rights" that really means "We want superior rights". So how are you much different than the feminazi's in many cases?
I have a big problem when laws are created and enforced to help one group over another. We should be fighting for equality, not superiority. Anytime one group gets superior rights over others, it fosters jealousy and hatred, just what the government loves. Divide and conquer! At this point, I don't see where the Indians have anything to bitch about (unless you're a male Indian, of course. And then the problem is that you're a man, not that you're an Indian).
by Anonymous User on 03:55 PM November 1st, 2005 EST (#70)
Believe me I have complained to employers and police, and nothing is ever done.
I don't want the thought police any more than you do, but when a Black person can wear a boot on his head and call it "his culture" and no one blinks an eye but an Indian wears a bone choker or his hair in braids he gets ridiculed (at the least) assaulted or murdered (at the most) then I'd say we have a BIG inequality problem. And this sort of thing goes on with my people CONSTANTLY! And no one gives a s#!t. Yet if it were Black, women, gays, or even Whites, the media would be all over the problem and the federal government would move to DO SOMETHING about the problem.
I doubt you can really understand it. I doubt (if you are male) that you have to worry about being beaten to death if you wear a neck tie, or (if you are female) you have to worry about being shot because you are wearing a dress. But TRUST me, I take a chance of BOTH when I'm out and about. ALL traditional Indians do.
But whether you White or Black folks like it or not WE ARE TAKING BACK OUR TRADITIONS, PIRIOD!
And many of us (including myself) are willing to DIE to accomplish that. However we'd really rather not die if we don't have to. But your people simply look the other way. So many of us do.
If ever my posts on this (or Indian activist sites) ever stop abruptly you can guess that I probably have paid the price for being a traditional Cherokee in the good ol' U.S.A., a country that is supposed to be free for EVERYONE.
So in all fairness. Please don't try to tell me what it's like being an American indian.
"Hoka hey!"
What rights do you as an Indian not have that all other Americans have, aside from the right to sell cigarettes with state tax affixed to the retail price and the right to not be able to set up gaming establishments on our land?
It's this kind of statements that make me believe that men's movement will never succeed as a world-wide organization like feminism does.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by Anonymous User on 09:07 AM October 29th, 2005 EST (#49)
Men don't have innate hatred of women. Women do have an innate hatred of men. Those women who show their true colors should be burned alive.
by Anonymous User on 11:57 AM October 29th, 2005 EST (#50)
Well, YOU seem to have a lot of innate hatred.
You seem to hate women.
You definitely hate men.
And you also seem to have a big problem with American Indians.
by Anonymous User on 04:01 PM November 1st, 2005 EST (#71)
We Indians "whine and cry" because we can't get special rights?
Are you KIDDING???
Why would we "whine and cry" for SPECIAL rights?
We can't even get EQUAL rights!
Like I said in an earlier post. Don't try to tell us (Indians) what it's like to be an Indian in America. YOU HAVE NO IDEA. And don't tell me you do because your great, great, great, great, great grandmother was a Cherokee princess, because we ain't buyin' it.
And if you DID have Indian blood..., well, then you have really no excuse at all for "not knowing any better".
"Hoka hey!"
by Dave K on 03:57 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#7)
Typically on this site, somone with some mod points will flag posts like our current troll-girl has been posting as flamebait... then we won't have to look at them (make sure your threshold is set to exclude negatively rated posts). So ignoring them really is the best route to go, troll-girl gets no attention and goes away... and the flamebait rating makes such posts useless for feminist propeganda purposes.
Dave K - A Radical Moderate
by Clancy
on 04:12 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#8)
I guess my threshold was already set. I noticed one day that some posts were being pulled from the main viewing area. That probably requires manual intervention, though. That would seem tedious and would wear me down. But, I think the guys that run this place do a great job even if they don't always approve my submissions! HA!
by Anonymous User on 03:11 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#3)
I'd like the 19th ammendment repealed so we could then restrict women from voting and holding public office. I wish to abolish women's rights so men do not need to kiss ass as to not be r@ped via divorce (or by their wives saying that they raped them, men would have complete claim to their wives (and could have multiples if wished)). Also it would be legal to marry girls off at menarche (once they are able to have children: 12-14 yrs old).
Death To women's Rights
by Anonymous User on 03:19 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#5)
Next time she says "no" ignore her and have sex with her anyway at your will. She is to be subordiante and obedient to you.
by jenk on 03:45 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#30)
trollin trollin trollin, get those doggies trollin...trollin trollin trollin.....raw HIDE!
by Anonymous User on 12:00 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#51)
Trollin'..., Trollin'..., Trollin' on the river...
The troll we have at the moment is trying to discredit the site by seeding it with hate messages.
If we reply to them, we waste time and effort, and distract ourselves from real issues.
If we ignore them, they remain in place for feminist attackers to use as "examples of misogyny".
The most appropriate response to this troll is simply to delete all its posts as soon as they appear. After a while, it will stop trying.
I like reading this site and I don't want to see it go down the gurgler because the moderators won't take appropriate action. --
Evil Pundit of Doom!
by Boy Genteel on 08:09 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#10)
Normally, I'd go along with the theory that a troll, like a schoolyard bully, will go away if ignored. But imagine if someone who's thisclose to lending a sympathetic ear to our cause decides to check out this site, and the first thing the person sees is someone trying to take away women's suffrage, or advocating that men rape women. Imagine all of that hard work at putting out best collective foot forward going right out the window, and then some, because some idiot is misrepresenting us.
This is clearly someone trying to do damage to our cause by leaving hateful messages here like graffiti so others can get the wrong impression of us. And, like graffiti, those posts need to be eradicated as soon as possible.
bg Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
by Anonymous User on 05:44 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#32)
Hi there.
You all should thank the above poster -- I am exactly the aforementioned "someone thisclose to lending a sympathetic ear." But I nearly threw my computer at the nearest male when I read the "Amendment repeal" posting. Now that I've calmed down, after seeing that this poster intended to infuriate, I thought I would introduce myself.
I'm a woman who tends toward progressive causes (don't run!). I care very much about peaceful alternatives and general tolerance. I definitely have, however, a history of male-bashing and negative experiences with men. But I feel myself turning around and opening up, much thanks to my fiance, a wonderful and solid and open-minded man. And also thanks to maturing.
I stumbled onto your website earlier today, and I just finished reading the essay, "What Are Men's Issues?", because I really wanted to know what these issues could possibly be. :) I think you should also acknowledge the person who wrote this. This writer presents a (nearly) neutral, well-reasoned perspective to which any progressive-minded person would respond well. This kind of non-inflammatory presentation is so very important for you. Anything less will really turn off people like me. My openness did nearly implode when I read that unfortunate post. (If my reaction counts, the solution seems to be not engaging or ignoring the "troll," but merely identifying the poster as such.)
Overall, I am pretty impressed with the majority of this site. I know it's hard to keep threads on the up and up, and for some it may be hard to not sink into anti-female or anti-feminist commenting. But you serve the cause best when you demonstrate how important equality, not superiority, is to men. You will succeed if you remain in intimate touch with your core belief -- as stated in the essay, "We ultimately believe that it is only when men and women work together with trust and respect for each other that justice for everyone will be achieved."
It is very, very hard for most thinking women to let go of anti-male beliefs, especially if those arguing the (seeming) opposite perspective are outright hostile -- or more subtle, masking hatred with acceptable rhetoric. I also know it is equally hard for you to be fighting for your position without actually fighting. But my friends, that is what we are called upon to do. If we are to reach the sweet spot between pro-woman and pro-man, we each have to champion the other. Men must stand up in praise of the women in their lives and welcome femininity in all its forms. And women must talk all about the wonderful men in their worlds, and welcome masculinity as a treasure.
One more thing: You also should understand that it's very, very touchy to say, as the essay did, that feminism should be abandoned as a failed social experiment. I'm reluctant to dismiss feminism altogether, as a hard swing in to the left was what it took to get real dialogue going. I think it is more fair to say that the men's movement -- in its most neutral form, as a mechanism for new, needed balance -- is a wise next step in the equality movement.
My thoughts.
by Anonymous User on 08:08 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#33)
Umm... most of us here are anti-feminist.
by jenk on 08:48 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#37)
Welcome, CJF. There are a few women here, thanks for sticking around and giving it a chance. Don't mind the troll, it just loves to hear me sing, so keeps coming back.
It can't actually think for itself, nor form coherant arguements, so it just drops turds now and then.
If you can come up with a song feel free to join in!
by Anonymous User on 10:29 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#38)
Did you read her post? She equates anti-feminism and being anti-female; not someone we should be welcoming, infact women like this are our enemy... and all she has to do is be here and she is praised because she graced us with her presence.
On the contrary, I think it's important to communicate with anyone who is receptive to actual discussion of the issues, as opposed to knee-jerk sloganeering.
The only way to achieve our goals is to convince more people that those goals are just. That means talking to anyone who is willing to listen. --
Evil Pundit of Doom!
by Anonymous User on 08:58 AM October 29th, 2005 EST (#45)
She's twisting you around her finger.
Feminists are our enemy.
by Anonymous User on 12:04 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#53)
...y' know you're kinda... well..., DUMB!
(Even for a troll.)
by Anonymous User on 03:36 AM October 29th, 2005 EST (#42)
I think you will find that nearly everybody here believes feminism is Not A Good Thing. In other words, they are against it -- which is what the "anti" part of anti-feminist means, after all :-}. Although, when speaking of myself, I prefer the term counterfeminist, which is rhetorically more difficult to impugn, and harder to conflate with "anti-female".
You sound like a person who can appreciate honesty. I do think that honesty is on the whole the best policy, and that in our present situation anything less than honesty would be a disservice to all concerned.
So I will be honest -- brutally honest! I believe that feminism is an anti-male hate movement, pure and simple. There, I said it! I have spoken the truth by stating truly what is in my mind. However, it has been my observation that most feminists don't welcome this kind of truth, preferring to suck everybody and everything down a vicious drain spiral of lying...
But yes, I maintain that feminism is an anti-male hate movement. You are free to maintain the contrary and I will not take it personally. I am a rather deep thinker -- deeper that most people, trust me! And I can find no better unified field theory to account for the full spectrum of feministical phenomena. Feminism is a hate movement; nothing else, to my knowledge, ties the observable facts together so elegantly as that.
I could write a book about this -- but not here, obviously!
Anyway, a lot of the MRAs around this website will contemplate you with a jaundiced eye and greet you with froideur. They don't know what to make of you; they're understandably cynical; they don't know if you've got your cards on the table, if you are genuinely different from the general run of feminists they are accustomed to dealing with.
As for myself: I admit right up front that I have no definite idea who you are and what your motives might be -- whether ingenuous or otherwise. I cannot know for certain if you are truly what you claim to be, or in fact the purveyor of a subterfuge. I remain agnostic, methodologically skeptical, on all that concerns yourself, and I craft my words in a style that comports with this.
I have said some extremely sharp things, yet be assured that I am a fundamentally polite person -- alongside my plain-spokeness, of course! Yes, civility goes a long way with me, and I am pleased to note the tone of civility in your post. Whoever or whatever you are, you do NOT threaten me in any way, and it is all the same to me whether you stick around, or go away mad.
So, let it be as you please: Stick around, go away mad, or whatever takes your fancy.
Oh, BTW....Did I mention that I am adamantly pro-choice?? I know that most feminists feel pretty strongly about that issue, so I thought I should make my own position clear. For some people, the infamous word feminazi is derived exclusively from the "abortion as holocaust" analogy. But for me, it has nothing whatever to do with that -- I use the word in a different connection altogether.
by Anonymous User on 12:36 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#58)
Hi all:
Interesting range of replies. Thanks to everyone for the dialogue.
I want to correct a couple of misreads:
First, I did not equate anti-female with anti-feminism. I put an OR between them because they are not the same thing.
Second, I didn't come here to manipulate anyone. I think that's a common prejudice about women. Yes, some women are manipulative. But that's not on my agenda today. :)
Third, I don't label myself as a feminist. I didn't say I am part of the feminist movement. (Wouldn't it be great if a woman could be self-caring and outspoken and not strike fear into the hearts of anti-feminists.) What I said is that it's counterproductive, for those of you who are trying to get that "sympathetic ear," to outright trash feminism. Reading some of these replies, however, I see that a good number of you are not actually trying to advance a cause. Seems like many are here for strictly personal reasons. Whatever works for you.
For those who ARE interested in dialogue -- I'd like to ask you to consider the following:
a) No woman I know wants a world with cowering, defeated men. She might be really pissed about her latest bad relationship, but it's not because she wants all men to die. It's because, at her essence, she loves men. I swear. That's the big secret -- women have such high expectations because they KNOW how great a man can be. Women don't want men to go away -- women want men to step up. God's honest truth.
b) No woman I know is fighting for her just place in the world because she hates men. It's because she cares about herself. I swear, it isn't about you.
c) If women YOU know come across as man-hating, flag-waving feminists, consider this. By screaming "feminism sucks" in a woman's face, you might just be fanning her inner flame.
I also want to say that all of this is actually heartening to me. Rethinking the status quo every now and then is natural, and necessary. Life before the 1960s was not OK for women, and now life in the new millennium is not OK for men. So OK, let's work together fix it.
I know many of you here aren't here to fix things -- unless fixing means punishing women for being uppity for so long. But for those of you here who genuinely do want to fix things for the good of all of us on Earth, I for one believe there is plenty of middle ground.
Are you one of those feminists who noticed that the tide is turning and now you're getting a little scared? Or are you one of those high educated 30/40 something feminists who can't find the right guy? Are you sorry for wasting your life by serving feminism and now you're so desperate for a man you have to come crawling on your knees to a men's rights board to find one?
BTW, you didn't answer my previous question; do you post the same BS on feminists boards?
Regarding to your statement that you're not a feminist, hell you are, your kind of feminism is the worst of all. I'd have more respect for feminists like Andrea Dworkin, at least with her we knew what she stood for.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by Anonymous User on 01:56 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#61)
by Anonymous User on 02:38 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#62)
Hi Bert:
I'm not scared of change. As I stated, I think change is needed and appropriate. Before I came to this site, I really wasn't aware that a men's movement per se existed; now that I've read some about it, I see.... and, through its more enlightened members, I also see a chance for mutual growth. That's why I wrote. Plus, I thought those of you here who are hoping to find a receptive audience might be interested in an outsider perspective.
So no, sorry to blow your theory, but desperately trolling for a man was not one of my reasons for writing. If you read my initial posting again, you'll see that I'm not single nor desperate. Neither do I give too much credence to years and years buried in academia...the folks I know who took that route in life have actually ended up pretty uninformed -- experientially.
And to address your other question -- no, I don't post to anyplace. As I said, this is the first time I've forayed into this particular subject. I do put my energy towards progressive causes, but they're more related to the immediate social needs of my community (DC suburbs). By "energy" I mean volunteering, serving on boards of directors, that type of thing. Posting to discussion groups is great for venting, but perhaps not so much for getting stuff done, eh?
I do put my energy towards progressive causes, but they're more related to the immediate social needs of my community (DC suburbs). By "energy" I mean volunteering, serving on boards of directors, that type of thing. Posting to discussion groups is great for venting, but perhaps not so much for getting stuff done, eh?
You're certainly putting a lot of energie on this board, so why not doing the same on your feminazi sister's boards.
O well, I guess I answered that question already.
You're a fraud.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by Anonymous User on 03:08 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#72)
Okay okay, I get it, you hate me.
But if you're not too cranky today, maybe you and the others here could give a sincere answer to an honest question.
Unless you all are posting from remote Tibetan huts, I'm guessing that you come across women in your day-to-day life. You likely work with women, you surely have a mother, you might even be a husband or boyfriend or father to a daughter. I'm wondering how you reconcile your beliefs with socializing normally with women. I'm not trying to be smart -- I'd sincerely like to know how this plays out in your lives.
For example, does it bother you to sit in a restaurant near a group of women? Would you never consider working "under" a woman in your job? Would you feel justified in telling your wife that she's not allowed to do/say/be something? What advice would you give your daughter if the guy she's been dating begins to try controlling her?
Again, I'm not trying to stick it to any of you. Just very curious about how you handle socializing.
Thanks for your honesty
"We ultimately believe that it is only when men and women work together with trust and respect for each other that justice for everyone will be achieved."
Maybe you didn't notice, but there was a time when men worked together with women. Some men were even feminists. But at the end it turned out to be a very bad deal for men.
I see you are still a feminist, let me tell you this, I'm an anti feminist and to the contrary of most posters here I'm a radical. My big day will be when the last feminist is going to be thrown into the ocean.
Just one question, this stuff about working together, praising each other and such BS, do you tell that on feminists boards as well? I doubt it.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by Anonymous User on 09:03 AM October 29th, 2005 EST (#47)
Death To women's Rights.
Death To women's Freedoms.
Death To women's Liberties.
by Anonymous User on 09:04 AM October 29th, 2005 EST (#48)
Reason why the 19th ammendment must be repealed.
by Anonymous User on 12:07 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#54)
Yor brain should be repealed.
Oh, sorry. You don't HAVE a brain, do you.
Oh well don't feel too bad most trolls don't.
by jenk on 08:45 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#36)
Keep on coming Troll, I got lots more songs for ya!
by Anonymous User on 12:01 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#52)
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 08:54 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#13)
I'm mikeeusa, research me with google.
Death To women's Rights.
by Anonymous User on 12:12 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#55)
you mean were arguing with that lady who has SNAKES for HAIR and turns you to STONE when you look at her???!!!!!?
I'm gettin' outta here!!!!
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 12:18 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#56)
"I'm mikeeusa, research me with google."
okay, I did. So? You're a troll. We don't need to research you to know that, dummy.
by Dittohd on 08:53 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#12)
>Eventually, troll or not, they will go away, since shouting into a black hole is no one's idea of a good time.
This is the case assuming that this woman is doing this just for the fun of it. It appears to most here that this woman's goal is to give certain others the opinion that posters on this website are extreme and irrational. In that case, why would this woman go away?
Since this one, in most cases, is not keeping on subject by entering her same rant everywhere and anywhere, you as management are not doing your job by deleting at least most of it, IMNHO. Since staying on topic is one of the rules of this website, I suggest doing away with the rules if they're not going to be enforced.
It's so much easier to solve a problem by making believe it doesn't exist, or putting the onus on everyone else to "solve" it for you, right?
Dittohd All anonymous postings on my screen are filtered. To talk with or debate me, a user ID is now required. Thanks.
by robrob on 02:38 AM October 28th, 2005 EST (#16)
I do normally have my threshold set to ignore trolls. My main concern though, like a few others, is the "evidence" this person is deliberately leaving behind for others to point at us and call us misogynists.
by Dave K on 12:03 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#17)
As I said above, as long as someone with mod points throws a flag on the post we should be fine. Another thing to make sure is that newcomers to this site AUTOMATICALLY have their settings default to not showing negatively rated posts... that way in order to see these posts you have to be actively looking for them.
I appear to have squandered all my mod points or I'd have been jumping all over her posts... maybe a partial solution would be to be a bit more generous with mod points. Dave K - A Radical Moderate
by Anonymous User on 12:36 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#20)
I've been reading this site since it began and I've always wondered exactly what the "Score:" thing is too.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but if a post is deemed non-trollish, it gets a score of "0", which is a good thing, but an obvious troll post has a number score assigned to it, consequently that's bad, right?
by dschmidt on 01:04 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#21)
 | uses the same software (though an older version) as, for which the software was developed to include the user moderation system to self-police itself.
Essentially, if you submit a story while signed in to your ID and it is accepted, your ID is given a number of "mod points."
Once you have mod points, a listing of comments by other users includes a pull down box where you can moderate the comment negatively (OffTopic/Troll/FlameBait), positively (Insightful, Funny, Informative) or not at all. Each comment you choose to moderate costs one mod point. I think positive moderations may add to the comment author's mod-points, but I'm not sure of that part.
Comments from Anonymous Users have a beginning score of 0. Comments from signed-in users have a beginning score of 1. Each negative moderation decreases the score by one (minimum -1). Each positive moderation increases the score by one (maximum 5). You can pick the minimum score you will see. It defaults to 0.
by Anonymous User on 01:32 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#23)
So basically, for this "Score" thing to mean anything, one must be a registered user in order it to work?
I guess my confusion always was that most of the comments from the users (good ones) were always "0", whereas all of the Troll/Flame comments had a number; I never did see anything regarding Positive/Negative points, just a "Score:" thing above an individual's comment.
by dschmidt on 02:03 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#24)
So basically, for this "Score" thing to mean anything, one must be a registered user in order it to work?
Almost. It will hide posts with scores below what you pick (default=0) no matter what. You only need to be non-anonymous for your postings to start at 1 instead of 0 and to receive mod points/be able to moderate.
by Dave K on 02:08 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#25)
Right, users have scores too... anonymous users are 0's, normal users are 1's, and I think at some point... if you post constructively and contribute articles... you get kicked to 2, although I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean.
Article ratings are different from user ratings... anyone who's accumulated mod points can rate an article. Unrated articles are listed at the rank of their contributer (anon's are 0, registered are 1, etc) and mod points can raise or lower the articles ranking. The other part is the filter, you can set your filter not to show articles with rankings below a certain value. A limit of 0 will prevent articles ranked negatively from being visible, 1 will prevent posts from anonymous users from being visible. Dave K - A Radical Moderate
by jenk on 02:30 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#26)
When you get to a score of two you are allowed in the exclusive group, sort of like the sky box at the football stadium. We get all sorts of privilages, and have secret meetings, and use secret handshakes and such. We even have those cool hats and robes.
The Biscuit Queen
Oh my GOD! You are only a ONE!(Muhahaha) {use evil Sauron's cartoon voice}
Maybe if you are nice to me I will take you along to one. ;-)
by Anonymous User on 03:08 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#27)
Do you get to eat ribs and drink rootbeer?!?
"Hoka hey!"
by jenk on 03:44 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#29)
mmmmmm, ribs....
Make that real beer!
You know if you registered, Thundercloud, I bet you would be instantly granted entrance to the Khulu Bili Iqembu, where we scoff copious amounts of beer, of both the root and barley sort, and as well as endless supplies of the most tender, juicy ribs you could ever dream of!
But that is all I can tell you now, or I would have to kill you ;-)
by Clancy
on 10:45 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#39)
TC, you are one of the most prolific contributors here. I've always thought your name should appear instead of anon. I like reading your comments. You went and made that uppity woman mad and now she's going to kill all of us if you don't act quickly. Beer and ribs sounds like a pretty good last meal.
by Anonymous User on 12:23 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#57)
Clancy, thank you. Back atcha.
"Hoka hey!"
by jenk on 01:31 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#60)
This is JenK... the Biscuit Queen... I just wanted to publicly state that I'm a stinky poopy-head who was silly enough to leave my account logged in on my husbands desktop, TWICE in two days.
by jenk on 05:38 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#64)
Well, we can all see how this works.....I had to log OFF Daves account to log INTO my own.
I was nice.
No more.
by jenk on 05:39 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#65)
(I do have to admit that was pretty funny though. Stinky poopy head? Oh my.)
by Anonymous User on 01:57 PM October 30th, 2005 EST (#67)
If you were a male member of the media, you'd be a "Stinky Wussie Poopie head.
by jenk on 03:48 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#31)
I say lets have a contest. Lets answer our dear troll in song. Whoever is the most gets someone to spit rootbeer through his or her nose and all over the moniter, gets two extra mod points. ;-)
Three if the work is original!
If someone want to show up here and start pulling crap, the least we can do is have a good laugh at her expense.
by Clancy
on 11:20 PM October 28th, 2005 EST (#41)
The sniviler trolls
it trolls to the sea
and that's the way
he wrote code in C
troll, sniviler troll
let your fodder wash down
take you from from this goad
to some...other town
troll sniviler troll
past the shady skreigh
troll sniviler troll
troll till you pee
and troll sniviler troll
by jenk on 05:40 PM October 29th, 2005 EST (#66)
Troll til you pee?
Pretty good...pretty good!
Hee hee.
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