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by Tumescent on 07:55 AM October 26th, 2005 EST (#8)
I remember the most recent time Tonya assualted her husband or "significant other". I think she used a car hubcap that just happened to be laying around the trailer and hit the guy over the head with it. I think she got arrested for that one. One can only wonder what car part she used in this attack.
by Anonymous User on 11:50 AM October 26th, 2005 EST (#14)
Didn't Shannon Doherty do something similar to her husband (or boyfriend) a few years back?
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 01:51 PM October 26th, 2005 EST (#16)
She did abuse her husband, but I don't think it was with a hubcap.
by Tumescent on 11:27 PM October 26th, 2005 EST (#23)
I guess its neither here nor there, but it was a hubcap...but she threw it instead of bonking him on the head with it... see the link and look for the Feb 24 2000 entry on the rap sheet.
by Anonymous User on 01:39 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#24)
If I'm not mistaken didn't Doherty hit her husband in the FACE with a hubcap?!?
by Anonymous User on 03:18 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#26)
That's what I was thinking.
Doherty is no stranger to abusive behaviour, from what I understand.
She's like that Tawny Kitaen, or whatever her name is.
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 09:27 PM October 25th, 2005 EST (#2)
Well, well. It looks like our feminist troll has upped the ante just a tad by using the phrase "my fellow men". If the troll is actually a trollette, then that would be a direct lie.
However, if our troll is actually a "meninist/mangina", then the statement would be simply misleading (within the context.)
Anyway, little trollie-schmollie, in case you are a militant but incredibly stupid tinhorn MRA, here's the score: You do NOT go around spouting that kind of crap in public! You do NOT give propaganda ammo to the enemy! Unless you're a total fuckin' idiot of course!
Furthermore, I disagree with your position. But that's all I intend to say on the subject.
Anyway, you are NOT an idiot. You know exactly what you are doing and why you are doing it, because you are a .....feminist!!!!
by Anonymous User on 11:05 PM October 25th, 2005 EST (#4)
You're the manhole, not I.
by Anonymous User on 11:06 PM October 25th, 2005 EST (#5)
So you suggest other men shutup when they're told to...
by Anonymous User on 03:24 AM October 26th, 2005 EST (#6)
This site used to get a passing troll now and again, but they usually stopped anywhere from one to maybe three posts, tops.
This one has been going at it for about a week now.
From what I can gather, the admins don't really want to pull posts, of which I can see the logic.
However, I do believe the simple one-liners, repetitious, board spamming jerks should be able to know that after a few days of their behavior, their posts would be gone, consequently a very effective deterrent.
There's a huge difference between posting unpopular beliefs and opinions, but an entirely different matter regarding grade school genre immaturity.
by Anonymous User on 07:52 AM October 26th, 2005 EST (#7)
"There's a huge difference between posting unpopular beliefs and opinions, but an entirely different matter regarding grade school genre immaturity."
Translation: "I am pro women's rights, any anti women's rights posts should be removed."
You're the kind of man we don't need, if you're even a man (and not a woman).
by Anonymous User on 10:09 AM October 26th, 2005 EST (#10)
Sure, I'll ADMIT it!
I AM pro-women's rights.
But I am also pro-MEN'S rights as well.
The difference being that there is not a movement underway to violate women's rights in this country, but there IS one trying to violate MEN'S rights in this country. Which is why I am specifically a MEN'S RIGHTS ACTIVIST. But believe me, if there WAS a movement to take away women's rights (like you want, troll) I'd be fighting on that side, as well.
So why don't you just sit down and shut up? Because no one cares what you think, joker.
"Hoka hey!"
by Clancy
on 11:24 AM October 26th, 2005 EST (#11)
#1 - why don't you come out and say it instead of leaving (worth repeating) "GRADE SCHOOL GENRE IMMATURITY" behind?
#2 - If you are going to post on the "enemies" board, break out a freakin' spell checker. You don't come off as a "reel smart feller" if you can't spell AMENDMENT -over and over and over and over and over.
This is why I don't believe you are a man. A man would not PUSSY FOOT around. He'd come right out and say what was on his mind. You DO have a mind, don't you? Does your mommy know you have access to the internet?
As has been stated, you want to stir up a discussion? Then START one. Otherwise, you get a bunch of guys that would like to personally kick your ass. Yeah, that's what men do when they want to bring a boy or a man back in line that he has so obviously over stepped. If you get back behind the line, all will be forgiven and forgotten. Men have short memories except in cases where someone has unrepentantly "done them wrong". You are a man, right? Then ACT like one.
by Clancy
on 11:33 AM October 26th, 2005 EST (#12)
It was to that person in front of you. TC is pro EVERYONE’S rights. If anyone knows about right's - it's TC. Women ain't got NOTHIN' on TC who is both a micro and a macrocosm of the entire North American Indian population. You ladies think you got it bad? Trade places with TC. In less time than it takes to say "E QUAL I TY" you'd be kissing the ass of the closest man next to you.
by Anonymous User on 11:47 AM October 26th, 2005 EST (#13)
It's okay Clancy.
I knew who you were referring to.
And yes, I do wish the feminists could, at least for one day, trade places with American Indians. I doubt they'd be so smarmy and self-righteous, then.
If they were in our position they'd REALLY have something to complain about.
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 12:58 PM October 26th, 2005 EST (#15)
I'm mikeeusa.
Come kick my ass, it is not impossible to find my address on the internet.
Death To women's Rights.
Death To women's Freedoms.
Death To women's Liberties.
by Clancy
on 02:00 PM October 26th, 2005 EST (#17)
Well then, you aren't making it easy for me to come and kick your ass. Is mikeeusa painted on the front of your house? Is mikeeusa in the White pages? YELLOW pages maybe? At least I know your name. Think you could register yourself on this website, anonymous mikeeusa? By the way, I was speaking figuratively about the good old fashioned ass kicking. A good old fashioned Danica Patrick poke to the temple, with 2 fingers, would be about all I could muster.
by Anonymous User on 05:24 PM October 26th, 2005 EST (#18)
Use google, my info was there last time I checked it (a month are so ago).
by Clancy
on 06:01 PM October 26th, 2005 EST (#20)
The problem we have here is a failure to communicate. Your posts lead everyone to believe that you are a troll. So, you really do hate women. No one here hates women. No one here wants to take away anyone's rights. All we want is to have men's rights restored. May I suggest that you post something that states your opinions, or beliefs, or theory about feminism. Maybe you could let us all in on why you think the 19th amendment should be repealed. Maybe you could try setting a more realistic goal, like world peace. You know, something simple like how much you would like to see the Jews and the Palestinians having a backyard bar-b-que and sharing bomb recipes over a bottle of kosher Budweiser. I take it that somewhere along the line one of your former female friends peed in your corn flakes.
by Clancy
on 06:05 PM October 26th, 2005 EST (#21)
I hate it when I miss spell a woid.
by Anonymous User on 07:48 PM October 26th, 2005 EST (#22)
My non virtual info is out there too.
by Anonymous User on 01:44 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#25)
Troll- Your BRAIN is virtual...!
by Acksiom on 09:48 PM October 25th, 2005 EST (#3)
Shoo, troll. Shoo.
Icky old troll. Yuck.
Non Illegitimi Carborundum, and KOT!
by Anonymous User on 09:21 AM October 26th, 2005 EST (#9)
Every time this poster posts he/she/it (probably an "it" knowing feminism!) gets a clearly stated rebuttal.
Whoever is writing these blurbs about the 19th amendment is probably a feminist, not a men’s rights activist.
They are employing a fairly simple strategy, “guerrilla tactics”. Basically, this individual is attempting to imply that repealing the right to vote is actually a goal of the men’s rights movement. This is totally bogus. By implying these false goals, the individual is transparently attempting to marginalize the movement.
How? By making the men’s movement seem very extreme, nobody will take it seriously and many will ignore its legitimate goals:
- fairness in the family courts,
- end to preferential treatment of women in the work force (“affirmative action”; that is, discrimination against middle class men in the work force),
- end of insulting and derogatory images of men in the media and entertainment industry,
- end to anti-boy policies in the schools,
- the defeat of feminism,
- etc.
I’ve NEVER heard anybody seriously advocate eliminating women’s right to vote. Don’t fall for it folks!!!
This crap is hijacking all the discussion threads.
Admins, please delete any posts by this person. Otherwise the site will lose much of this value. --
Evil Pundit of Doom!
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