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Here is the text of the letter I e-mailed to April Zepeda in response to her May 26 article about teen domestic violence:
Dear Ms Zepeda:
In your recent article about teen domestic violence, you focused on the murder of teen girls by their boyfriends and stated that this kind of violence is overlooked "Teen victims of domestic violence more often than you might think" (May 26). Actually, what's overlooked is the physical violence perpetrated by teen girls against their male partners. Research shows that the majority of young women entering college today have used physical violence in their dating relationships and nearly half have physically abused their male partners at least once during the year immediately before their entry into college. In addition, partner violence perpetrated by females against males has been increasing over the past twenty years while violence perpetrated by males against their female partners has been steadily declining. And female perpetrated domestic violence is usually not done in self-defense. Females, including teen females, are more likely to initiate physical violence, and are more likely to perpetrate the most severe violence and do it more frequently. It's just that the research and reporting of partner violence focuses on male perpetrators and assumes that females are more innocent than they really are. Male victims of DV are far less likely than female victims to report their abuse, even when their injuries are severe. There is a major element of anti-male bias in the media coverage of partner violence, and your story only serves to illustrate that fact.
by Anonymous User on 08:59 PM May 29th, 2004 EST (#2)
Nice article. I hope you copied it to a number of persons at the station and elsewhere. The author may just be a hopeless misandrist, but at least her colleagues should understand what she is.
Thanks. I did forward it to one of the other e-mail addresses at the Seattle station.
Please let us know of any replies you get. I'd love to know what their reactions are.
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