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by Anonymous User on 10:08 AM May 28th, 2004 EST (#1)
This is such a big problem, it seems insurmountable. While proponents of the prison-industrial complex say that crime is down, which seems to be true, the obvious problem is that we had to put so many people behind bars to do it. The ideal is a low crime rate, low prison population. That is a state of affairs that I would be happy with.
I believe the root of the problem is the hatred and lack of caring toward men. "They are evil, throw them behind bars, let em rot." We need a more caring and loving attitude toward boys, an acknowledgement of the importance of fathers, in order to get those numbers down.
Mark Sutton
by Anonymous User on 11:47 AM May 28th, 2004 EST (#4)
I believe the root of the problem is the hatred and lack of caring toward men. "They are evil, throw them behind bars, let em rot." We need a more caring and loving attitude toward boys, an acknowledgement of the importance of fathers, in order to get those numbers down.
by Anonymous User on 11:58 AM May 28th, 2004 EST (#5)
I believe the root of the problem is the hatred and lack of caring toward men. "They are evil, throw them behind bars, let em rot." We need a more caring and loving attitude toward boys, an acknowledgement of the importance of fathers, in order to get those numbers down.
As we watch men devalue other men and enslave innocent victims in prison there is a consequence. It is plane for all to see that there is a primary gender that is carrying out front line the war against the male gender in America at the direction of another gender.
The front line soldiers are mostly male authority figures like the police, FBI, CIA, and military. They are the ones going into the homes of men and taking them away to prison for the slightest infraction of the law. This is all done as the command of feminist much like the days of prohibition where woman stopped the legal sale of alcohol.
Today, we see the same thing against only the war has spread to hundreds of fronts. The objective is the same. Put men in jail and have them dispose of each other through inmate violence.
In the last month I've particularly seen the consequence. For example, when police have their sirens and lights on they are ignored. When emergency vehicles are seeking to go through traffic they are ignored.
I could literally see a police officer get frustrated an pissed at an intersection today because nobody would stop and permit him to pass.
My response is tough. Letting the officer pass means permitting him to get to a DV scenario where he can place the male under false arrest. Allowing the officer to pass means another man going to jail for some minor infraction like puffing a joint.
Thus are the consequences of abusing authority. The feminist abused the power to direct authority. Now it is being ignored on a massive scale.
Good. Let's all help tie up these false arrestors by refusing to let them pass until the 100's of thousands of innocent men are let out of the prisons.
by Anonymous User on 01:12 AM May 31st, 2004 EST (#21)
actually footbinding is optional
by Anonymous User on 09:30 AM May 29th, 2004 EST (#12)
"I believe the root of the problem is the hatred and lack of caring toward men. "They are evil, throw them behind bars, let em rot." We need a more caring and loving attitude toward boys, an acknowledgement of the importance of fathers, in order to get those numbers down."
The child is father of the man. It's too bad we treat so many men like criminals (who really arn't), just because they're male. Society has created a vast infrastructure of social services to help women who have problems, and have customized schools around the needs of the female. Prison and the grave are what awaits many men in uncaring, bigoted, feminazi america.
It's just the role that men have been cast into by government, women's commissions, and women's studies programs. After all, according to the aforementioned institutions, women are so oppressed they need even more programs, more classes, more advancements, more privileges, more entitlements, more excuses, more, more, more...
Prison & the Grave
(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked item(s). All the info I am trying to convey is only as the page comes up initially.)
Can't decide what I admire the most about this outstanding leader --- whether it's his silly color-coded "alert" system for terrorism, (HEY! We're "orange" again today, hoping for a cooler shade of beige...) his prudish draping of the statue of Lady Scales-of-Justice's indiscreet "naughty" bits at the federal Justice HQ, his advocacy for the Patriot Act's dismantling of the Bill of Rights, or his taking credit for lower violent crime rates that started dropping over ten years ago...
When Attorney General Asslick is not busy locking up homeless crackheads or letting thousands of illegal aliens stream across our borders, he's giving his full attention to ignoring the legions of Enron-type criminals who, with their neat white collars, are stealing this country blind.
Not to worry. The American taxpayers have already paid for the Assman's guaranteed lifetime pension.
I can sleep like a baby knowing that a man of this degree of integrity is at the helm of the injustice industry...
"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear."
- Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
I am not particularly impressed with the present Attorney General. But then again the last AG, Janet Rhino, an misandrous piece of crap if there ever was one, never did do anything to promote men's rights either. If anything just the opposite!
I have matured politically were I no longer grade the worth of a politician on his views on tax breaks, education or the other traditional political planks. I now only view politicians on how they will promote men's rights.
For example, since Scary Kerry has publically stated that if his mob gets control of the national power base he will make promoting and expanding women's privileges a top priority. So that dumps him as a viable candidate as far as I am concerned.
by Anonymous User on 09:31 AM May 30th, 2004 EST (#15)
"For example, since Scary Kerry has publically stated that if his mob gets control of the national power base he will make promoting and expanding women's privileges a top priority. So that dumps him as a viable candidate as far as I am concerned"
I'll take John Ashcroft any day over Janet Reno. Janet Reno actively carried out the man-hating gender feminist agenda with great zeal. She ruined the lives of untold numbers of innocent men with her witch hunts over domestic violence and chiled abuse. VAWA first came into law under that administration. AND I VOTED FOR BILL CLINTON TWICE. I didn't notice all this until later. Just think what it will be like for men, if, when, we go back to that. As bad as things are I will stay with the lesser evil, rather than go back to the greatest purveyors of man-hating policies in American history. I respect your right not to agree, but I do not agree with it.
So lets see who might the new Attorney General be under a new administration. How about Barbara Boxer, or Nancy Pelosi, or maybe Sheila Kuhel? How about some other prominent radical/gender feminist attorney.
Lets see, what might we look forward to under a new administration that has already said it will strongly support women's rights?
Here's a hint, (click) women's issues
Please let me know if you find any mention of men's issues mentioned anywhere. I'm having a lot of trouble finding anything.
What could supporting women's issues to the exclusion of men's issues mean?
A possible list:
$$$ toughened rape shield laws,
$$$ more denial of child custody & visitation in general and even more so upon allegation of domestic violence or child abuse,
$$$ more arrests of men for domestic violence with even less evidence, same for child abuse,
$$$ increse Dad's child support payments,
$$$ stronger enforcement of child abuse accusations,
$$$ more politically correct training in the work place,
$$$ toughening of sexual harassment laws,
$$$ more women's commissions,
$$$ more offices of women's health,
$$$ more domestic violence shelters (women only)
$$$ more women's studies programs on college campuses,
$$$ more women's studies classes on college campuses,
$$$ restrictions on free speech rights where any of the above is criticized,
$$$ targeting, prosecution, and shutting down of father's and men's rights internet sites for violations of new hate speech laws,
$$$ more indoctrination programs for boys in schools,
$$$ increased prosecution of returning war veterans who've seen combat for domestic violence because of an increased propensity to violence through their service,
$$$ more rights for women to sue men in civil courts after false accusations in criminal courts fail,
$$$ longer prison sentence for violent offenders (read all men)
$$$ strengthening of battered woman syndrome so a man with blood on his face goes to jail, while a woman with blood on her fists goes to a shelter.
$$$ strengthening of primary aggressor laws so big strong men are sent to jail just for being larger even when battered
$$$ chemical castration of all men convicted of rape, cost to be born by the convicted
etc., etc., etc.
Think it can't happen? Take another look at Janet Reno's work as A.G.
I agree with your comments about Reno, Ray. Reading the newspaper every morning seemed like a nightmare for men under Clinton with Reno as AG.
Jeff "All human laws which contradict God's laws, we are bound in conscience to disobey." George Mason
As usual, you are correct.
A Kerry regime will be totally subservient to the feminist political concubines inside the Beltway.
But what have Bush, Ashcroft, et. al. done for men's issues?
Well, I guess they've suspended General Karpinski.
If "she" needs to go into the witness protection program, at least she's already fully equipped to
be a male hardware saleman at the local Home Depot!
"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear."
- Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
by Anonymous User on 07:10 PM May 30th, 2004 EST (#19)
I agree that it's necessary to make a choice based on who is less anti-male. But we in the US absolutely need at least two major parties that respect men as equal human beings, not as disposable sub-humans. Right now in the US there are ZERO major parties that meet this minimum standard.
by Anonymous User on 07:20 PM May 30th, 2004 EST (#20)
"But what have Bush, Ashcroft, et. al. done for men's issues?"
You're absolutely right Roy, as far as being proactive about men's issues both Bush and Ashcraft are about as on track as a bus driver with narcolepsy.
That crashing sound you are hearing in so many men's lives today is their rights being run over by radical/gender feminist laws. Our present uncaring administration remains asleep at the wheel, while tragedy after tragedy (perpetrated by radical/gender feminist injustice) destroys the lives of untold numbers of men.
In my opinion, the best assesment I can give of the Bush administration, in regards to men's rights, is that they are pitifully the lesser of the evils we have to choose from.
by Anonymous User on 11:15 AM June 1st, 2004 EST (#23)
But then again the last AG, Janet Rhino, an misandrous piece of crap if there ever was one, never did do anything to promote men's rights either. If anything just the opposite!
Not true. A.G. Rhino did enforce the right of Elien Gonzolas to be reunited with his father. She did this no matter how much the feminist fought back and in spite of the fact that conservatives wanted to deprive the child of his father. She actually backed a court order after demonstrating endless patience for the lawlessness of the woman that wanted to seize the child as their own and stomp all over yet another father.
by Anonymous User on 11:22 AM May 28th, 2004 EST (#2)
It would probably be prudent to note that in ANY society, throughout history when any group of people are seen as 2nd class or a "threat", a movement always developes within the society to first criminalize, control then later destroy that "threatening" group. We saw it with Christians in Rome and even Japan. We saw it happen with My people (American Indians) in America, We saw it in Nazi Germany with the Jews and in Iraq with the Kurds.
We are now seeing the beginings of the SAME EXACT thing pertaining to MEN.
Make no mistake, this IS the same thing, folks. trust me. I am a member of a group that was seen in the same "threatening" light as men are being seen now.
Diffrent group but the SAME thing...,
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 12:03 PM May 28th, 2004 EST (#6)
Okay, "Torgo", I know I'm a fool to ask...,
WHO is the "master"?
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 02:25 PM May 28th, 2004 EST (#7)
by Anonymous User on 02:30 PM May 28th, 2004 EST (#8)
I take it you mean "MANOS"?
What's that some kind of breakfast cereal?
"Hoka hey!"
could this dude (or whatever) be reffering to the horribly ad movie "manos, hands of fate"
Torgo - The weird and uncoordinated caretaker of the Master's house. Clawed to death by sexually frustrated women.
The Master - He looks like the stereotypical UPS man, but is the leader of a cult dedicated to Manos.
i meant horribly bad movie "manos the hands of fate"
by Anonymous User on 01:20 PM May 30th, 2004 EST (#17)
I just did a GOOGLE search useing the key words "Torgo" and "Manos", and yeah that's what I came up with, too. A really bad movie that was made in 1966.
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 11:09 PM May 31st, 2004 EST (#22)
yOu gUyS fOuNd mE oUt!
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