MSNHatesMen.com has been trying to confront this for some time. As is says
"This site has been started to challenge the male bashing ecards at MSN.com.
There are currently 8 ecards in Dating Woes section. The other cards are more or less neutral but 3 cards are male bashing. There are no cards that are female bashing.
The 3 cards are Field Guide to Men, Men's Store and Low Expectations all of which suggest that there are no good men to be had. There are no equivalent cards about women.
MSN has improved but still has sexist ecards. Previously MSN had even worse ecards such as "Men are always whining..." which suggested if you could hear a man whining you should press harder on the pillow. Emails to MSN asking them to withdraw the "Men are always whining.." card get a polite response but no action and even a suggestion that since the ecards had cost them money they were not taking them down. Apparently they have changed the ecards now, but have not acknowledged there was any sexism and would probably claim it was nothing to do with the protesting emails and perhaps even this site (which had a "Women are always whining." ecard), that made them change the ecards. We promised to take down the female bashing ecard when they took down their male bashing ecard and we have.
So, although not as bad as before, as long as MSN provides those cards and no equivalent cards about women we will offer our own antidote to them.
MSN also has a section for women, but of course nothing for men.
Women's groups have claimed hatred for women on less blatant sexism than this, therefore according to this idea, we say that MSN hates men. Hence this site.
As long as MSN has those ecards, we will have our equivalent ecards. We will withdraw our equivalent ecard when they withdraw their ecard.
There can be acceptable jokes about both men and women, and they should be more or less equal in number and they should not be hateful. We look forward to the day when there are not just hateful jokes about men.
It's not about hating women
It's about challenging the hating of men"
It's parodies the MSN cards. Its cards are Field Guide to Women, Women's Store and Low Expectations. It's free. Send a card from MSNHatesMen to MSN or someone
Raymond Cuttill Men's Books Men's Radio