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What a big surprise it is watching the DV bunch refuse to hear anything that flys in the face of their anti-male propaganda.
It is cool, though seeing that people in authority like the county judge and state senator cited in the article see right through the DV bunch to their anti-male agenda and hatred. As the abuse of males by females gains more and more attention from the mainstream media, more men will come forward to tell their stories, the magnitude of DV against males will be widely known, and the DV industry will be exposed and its misandry will be on display for all to see.
Misandrists, your time is running out! The piper will demand a steep price for your tune.
- Freebird
Here's her bosses email address. His name is Nicholas Ricciuti and his email is
Mr Ricciuti is the director of the Cecil County Maryland Dept of Social Services and is the one who is publically supporting MS Dunne's position for walking out of the meeting. I plan to send him an email about this and I hope you do too.
Looks like we have some friends involved in this incident. Look at this quote:
He continued, "This puts us into a bind because we have a county agency that -- at least on the surface -- is indicating that we shouldn't even be discussing this type of issue at the Family Violence Council meetings."
According to Thompson, state law precludes judges from even associating with people or agencies suspected of gender bias.
State Sen. Nancy Jacobs (R) of the 34th District, drew the same conclusion after witnessing the walkout.
Judge Thompson and Sen Jacobs look like they are not fooled by this bigot. Isn't it funny that her criticism of the 20/20 piece was that it was histrionic and she pulls a "walk out" of the meeting! Pot, kettle, black? LOL How histionic can you get?
Stand Your Ground Forum
I wonder if she fled the state entirely (think Texas Democratic legislators), or just hid in her office down the hall? I kind of like this new method of dialogue that liberals seem to have discovered. Why stand around and try to defend your position when you can just leave?
First..."Given the small number of cases, an inordinate amount of time has been spent on this issue. We've all seen that video before. We believe the issue has been adequately addressed," Diem said. According to Ricciuti, about 300 women are housed at this county's women's shelter annually, and all of them are victims of domestic violence. Meanwhile, 14 men in this county sought services last year from the domestic violence program, he said. Counseling and shelter are among the services a man may receive, he added. "The number of men receiving services from the DSS (Department of Social Services) because of domestic violence is less than 20," said Ricciuti, noting that his department has never received a gender bias complaint concerning its handling of male domestic abuse victims. He continued, "On a scale of one to 10, this is not a high priority. The numbers dictate everything. It all comes down to time management and budget."
And then..."The real issue now is how to we reach out to the elderly victims of domestic violence, and victims who are disabled and victims who have a limited proficiency in English," Ricciuti said. "They are the under-served population. I would say domestic violence against the elderly is the biggest problem." Considered a model agency by state officials, this county's social services department is designing a program to find those types of victims in Cecil County, Prince George's County and St. Mary's County and then help them, Ricciuti said. Federal and state officials believe the number of domestic violence victims in those groups is high. Cases go unreported for a variety of reasons, including language barriers and cultural differences.
Oh, so men aren't going in because they don't need to, but foreigners aren't going in because of "cultural barriers." Selective reasoning at its best!
by Anonymous User on Monday May 19, @06:06PM EST (#5)
The Story said:
"After reading the letter, Dunne and her colleagues left the meeting before the council and guests viewed the videotaped segment of "20/20," a news magazine program aired on ABC television.
The segment included interviews with male victims of domestic violence and with women who assaulted their husbands or boyfriends. Some parts graphically described the attacks."
My Reply:
Where have we erred?
What's so terribly gone wrong?
Where is the justice?
Where's the protection for all?
When it comes to our freedoms,
stand up for our women, but
don't forget men too, and
then there are our children
who are people through and
Stand up for our anthem,
Stand up for our flag,
Stand up for the battered,
men, children, & women
because in
American domestic violence
we have all been victims of the
red, black and blue.
Very Truly Yours,
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