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This is a rant. I need to ventilate my anger about this someplace.
What I am angry about is double standards, and the thin veil of "equality" that covers them. We guys have it shoved down our throats constantly that we need to change our attitudes about the sexes and think of men and women and boys and girls as "equal". Then a movie like "Tadpole" comes along, and guess what? the notion of equality gets forgotten.
I'm upset because this is personnal. Several years ago, my wife and I went to see "American Beauty". Afterwards, by wife got on her morality pulpit and accused me of having no morals because I wasn't incensed, outraged at the plot: a man fantasizes about an affair with a 16 year old friend of his daughter. In the end he controls himself, and doesn't give into temptation. I thought that was a good thing. She thought I was awful because I wasn't outraged at the notion of him being attracted to a 16 year old.
Later we watched a film called "My Life as a House". In that film, as a part of the subplot, a middle aged housewife seduces (as in, has sex with) the teenage son of one of her friends. Played for comedy, of course. I thought my wife would be outraged. But guess what? She didn't even notice that what she was watching was an act that is illegal. And I'd bet dimes to dollars that she wouldn't find "Tadpole" anything other than light hearty comedy.
I usually accept the hypocrisy of the Left and not let it bother me. But for some reason, this did bother me a lot.
BTW, if it's okay for grown ups to have sex with male children, why is everyone upset about Priests?
End of rant. Thanks for listening.
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @05:19PM EST (#2)
End of rant. Thanks for listening.
No problem, and touché :)
I must say that I agree with your rant. I think though the problem is not that it is an adolescent issue so much as a gender issue. For years the women’s movement has cloaked women and girls as virtuous and nurturing. They have portrayed women’s sexual desire as equal to a gift from god. In the same breath male sex is portrayed as violent, aggressive and demon like. Women’s feelings are dominated by love and men’s urges are dominated by the need for patriarchal control. Women’s needs are selfless, men’s are self-centered.
This paradigm set the stage for revisions in the concept of rape from an act of forced sexual encounters to an act of violence. It also set the stage for the inclusion of broader terms of date and matrimonial rape.
The fact is that women will not view an older women with and adolescent boy or girl as an assault because she is enriching his/her life experience with a nurturing selfless expression of her love. An older man with an adolescent girl (or boy for that mater) by feminist definition is just an act of selfish violence.
The insidious nature of this feminist perception makes it difficult to truly understand the impact a sexual encounter of any kind can have on either partner. As we have seen in other issues that fly in the face of feminist theory, if it doesn’t stand up to feminist ideology and it involves a man, then the man is wrong. The same can be seen with domestic violence, child support, and health studies.
The fact is that women will not view an older women with and adolescent boy or girl as an assault because she is enriching his/her life experience with a nurturing selfless expression of her love. An older man with an adolescent girl (or boy for that mater) by feminist definition is just an act of selfish violence.
This is the heart and soul of the matter. You've described it beautifully.
I for one gratefully welcome that input. You present an eloquently reasoned and insightful bit of information. I do sincerely appreciate the clear imagery you create when I read those illuminating thoughts. If only more of this well reasoned thought could be brought to bear on the Barbara Boxers and Hillary Clinton's, et. al., then possiblly we could find some progress in restoring equality to our laws, instead of just a struggle to maintain the status quo of anti-male, draconian oppression that we now bitterly endure.
Thank You Very Much & Best Wishes, Ray
Thanks for listening.
Glad to read your rant. What I've noticed is that feminists used to shout men down and accuse men of hating women, if a man dared to question their hypocrisy and lies. Now, they've got a new tact, but the same message (oppression of males is okay). Instead of screaching, they go into their self-superior, calm, pseudo-intellectual mode to justify or excuse the abuse and oppression of males.
If you complain about the sort of social double standard and hypocrisy, as exemplified by this movie, you'll get a song and dance routine about how girls are socialized differently than boys, so it's worse for girls than for boys to have sex with an adult. (Never mind the fact that they love to make the absurd claim that girls mature faster and sooner than boys.)
The fact is, this society and feminists in particular to a large extent think that such abuse of males is either okay or wonderful, as long as the perpetrators are female.
The fact is, this society and feminists in particular to a large extent think that such abuse of males is either okay or wonderful, as long as the perpetrators are female.
When I was twelve, I visited the house of one of my first girlfriends. Her mother was there, and asked me how it felt to know that from that point on, women would be mentally superior to me. I had no answer. Hell, I didn't even know where she was getting her ideas. Funny thing, though...
""Hell, I didn't even know where she was getting her ideas""
That was probably the first sign of your intelligence.
Dan Lynch
I have a humorous, but true variation on your story about a woman's superior I. Q. A few years back, a buddy at work borrowed his wife's car one day, and it had a bumper sticker on it that said, "The Best Man For the Job is a Woman." He told me his wife put it on the car. Ironically a couple of weeks later his wife was driving the car when the engine seized, because it was so low on oil. I struggled to hold back a laugh when I reminded him of the bumper sticker, but he blurted out "Yea, If your looking for an idiot with an oversize ego like the one who normally drives this car." Truth is stranger than fiction.
I felt sorry for my buddy, however, it turns out his wife only worked part time, and he wound up footing the bill for the repair. When it comes to being involved with women, even when you win you lose.
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @11:48PM EST (#20)
((When it comes to being involved with women, even when you win you lose.))
It wasn't always that way, But now-a-days it sure is.
How ever, I've made sure I NEVER lose. ...I simply NEVER get involved with women.
You don't hang yourself with the celibate role... just try a chick from another culture. Go South (or far West), young man.
sd Those who like this sort of thing
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by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @02:44PM EST (#34)
I hear you, Smokeing drive.
What you say about the smooth way they present their spiel is so true, that's why I believe it behooves every one of us to be:
1. Well read on the issues
2. Practiced in the delivery of the facts (no better place to hone that skill or pick up some additonal knowledge than this site.
3. Determined to dispassionately present and stick by the truth, which counters their distorted fabrications.
I sincerely doubt their ability to disguise their vile, venomous agenda, when they are unable to distort the veracity of your well spoken persona.
Best Wishes, Ray
I sincerely doubt their ability to disguise their vile, venomous agenda, when they are unable to distort the veracity of your well spoken persona.
Ray, if that was addressed to me, thank you sincerely for the compliment. If is wasn't addressed to me, well, I wish it were. :)
Determined to dispassionately present and stick by the truth, which counters their distorted fabrications.
There is value in dispassionately presenting the facts, but I have found on numerous occasions that an in-your-face approach can be even more effective. There've been times when feminists started spewing their hateful lies and I responded calmly with facts only to have them attempt to shout me down. My immediate matching of their volume has taken them aback and caught the attention of others, who might have just thought that she was a justifiably outraged woman and I was just another pig-man. People have come up to me afterwards and said, "I didn't know that," and I've given them more facts to chew on.
Sometimes it's necessary to stand up to Nazi monsters in a potent manner.
There is another angle on this that I find equally disturbing. Some rapid-fire points:
- Tadpole, American Beauty, L.I.E... an increasing number of new films about older women / men having relationships with younger women / men.
- Canada's justice system merely slapping the wrist of John Robin Sharpe; after all, he just likes to look at pictures of kids having sex, and write about his pederastic, homosexual fantasies.
- A string of female teachers excused for having affairs with their underage students, including Mary Kay LaTourneau, who I believe is even receiving child support from her victim.
Is Hollywood perhaps buttering us up to eventually accept paedophilia as normal? Of course, the first and easiest way to gain the public's acceptance is via so-called "coming of age" films in which young boys have sex with older women. In our society that is the combination with the fewest taboos. However, I think that this is just the beginning; I think that there is an agenda here.
I told my mother and sister that just as over the past thirty years homosexuality has moved from a mental illness, to a regrettable condition, to an accepted lifestyle choice, to the present debate about the right to get married, so paedophilia is the next boundary. I believe that the drive to have paedophilia considered an "alternate lifestyle choice" is well underway. The woman / boy thing is just the obvious first step.
As well, women and men used to go nearly rabid at the suggestion that any of their young children was sleeping with an adult. Many mothers don't care about their male children very much any more, and fathers have been shoved out of the picture.
John Robin Sharpe and Mary Kay LaTourneau should both be in prison, and I have to wonder if their reasons for not being there aren't related to a change in societal attitudes, which is connected in some way with these films.
"John Robin Sharpe and Mary Kay LaTourneau should both be in prison, and I have to wonder if their reasons for not being there aren't related to a change in societal attitudes, which is connected in some way with these films."
What about that other whore that is under fire for sleeping with her students in ontario. Every picture or quote makes her either sexy , or a victime of circumstance. I want this shit in Canadain law that when they process it, the sexes are not revealed in the case. So if she gets off for being a victim of her 'feelings' or whatever other fuking thing they come up with its in law. Btw its the media distoring the truth and 'creating the perceptions that people have on it. I know photography and I know that they are capturing the moments that bias the jury and the general populous on this one.
If it were a guy they would keep showing that absolute worst picture of him that demonized him .
Dan Lynch
You are absolutely correct.
I'm a photographer too, and I have seen many stories in which the media gets a couple of initial photos of some man accused of something, shows them for a day, then gets photos and drawings that make him look uglier and more menacing, and use them from then on. I wouldn't doubt that the reverse effect comes into play when there is someone that the media wants to paint as an innocent.
Personally, I find this amusing because it is so transparent. They're not even very secretive or very good at it.
On the same note, I have noticed that the CBC's coverage of protest marches and clashes with police changes over time, too. Their initial reports of some event will contain critical details that show that the situation isn't quite so cut and dried: somebody rushed a fence, or someone fired a shot that set things off, stuff like that. Their subsequent reports will be "cleaned up" so that one side are the "good guys" and the other side are the "bad guys": the transgressions of the "good guys," so obvious in the earlier reports, will mysteriously be omitted, even though they are exactly what's required in order to better understand the story.
Reporters who are hammered for "taking sides" are only being caught red-handed doing what their editors do every day with impunity. This has nothing to do with feminism, etc. It's just the way that the media works.
This statement will make many angry, which means you think like a feminist or you are traditional or whatever, perhaps even morally superior to me.
Either way Im going to start saying it everytime I hear about the Vagina Monologues and anything else thats like the Tadpole movie.
btw whoesever wife didnt like the plot in American Beauty totally missed the entire point of the movie for a very selfish or dumb reason. And I seem to recall her coming on to him and using her sexuality to get somewhere with him, her sexuality as a powerplay that in the end didnt work for her. Funny maybe thats why your wife was pissed because the guy wasn't manipulated the way the girl wanted him to be.
Dan Lynch
My boyfriend used to tell people in highschool he was a rapist. When the expected "what the fuck?" response came, he's explain that in a certain state him being 18 having "relations" with a 17-year-old [that would be me] is statuatory rape - making him a rapist.
Another kid at that school has been lovingly nicknamed a child molester because his girlfriend is 13 - while he is 15. he laughes it off, some people do actually have a problem with this.
And I got to sleep between the two whilst all three of us were thoroughly intoxicated at prom night. Woo.
"And I got to sleep between the two whilst all three of us were thoroughly intoxicated at prom night. Woo."
Well as long as you crazy kids had fun.
I remember even just a few years ago that my girlfriend an I would joke about whose going to rape who? It was more of a "IM gonna jump your bones" type thing.
But the 'sexual assualt centres' ruined that with their 'every action a man does is rape' attitued. You walk the dog its rape, you make hamburgs its rape, you try to teach your kid how to fly a kite its actually guidance into the rape culture.
In canada they changed the laws from Rape to Sexual Assault, sexual assault has no real definition under the law but the papers like to use the Agressive word of Rape to get headline attention. That agressive Ra - with the hard 'pa' sound at the end. Its all comercial value nowadays. Same for those slobs at the sexual assault centres who make up lies about how many calls they get everyday so they can justify their funding. I know a girl that works in the local one, all she does is paper administration and sit around drinking coffee setting up seminars to train councilers they don't need.
While they continue to broaden the terminology of what 'sexual assault' is.
It gets funnier, one of the head councilers sons was charged with sexual assault, I got money sais he doesnt get pinched for it. They manipulate the system to their own ends never forget it.
Dan Lynch
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by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @11:34PM EST (#19)
I would say, "I can't beleive it!" When it comes to this hypocritical garbage depicted in this "Tadpole" movie, and the endless stream of equaly hypocritical, sexist films and TV shows spewn out by the "entertainment" industry. But, I've seen SO much of it lately, Un-fourtunately, I can and DO beleive it!
I hear women sexualizeing teen boys freaquently and OPENLY, in everyday, real life, not JUST in TV and Film. Once more this illustrates the double standards against men in America, If not the world.
When WOMEN sexualize and LUST after CHILDREN, It is "adventuress", "cute" and "FUNNY".
But if a MAN sexualizes children, HE is a PEDOPHILE!!
Well, THERE'S your EQUALITY, folks!
and while I'm ranting, 'You ever notice that When it comes to VILE things, Men must do PRIVATELY what WOMEN are privlliged to do OPENLY!
Please excuse me, now, I have to go punch a WALL, throw up, Then PRAY for our poor country.
I can't STAND it, I just can't STAND it...!
For what it's worth, according to Ebert's review of Lovely and Amazing, one of the lead women in that movie is charged with statutory rape of a younger teen male.
For what it's worth, according to Ebert's review of Lovely and Amazing, one of the lead women in that movie is charged with statutory rape of a younger teen male.
It's true, we will see some of this. What we're not likely to see is a romantic comedy about a 40-year-old man having sex with a 15-year-old girl.
"t's true, we will see some of this. What we're not likely to see is a romantic comedy about a 40-year-old man having sex with a 15-year-old girl."
Come over to my house, I have them around the clock.
Of course sex with a 14 year old is legal here, but hey.
Dan Lynch
Oppps! Somewhere in creating my subject title I slipped and actually said something that made sense when talking about this film. Now rewind to the cheap seats for an inside the theater look.
Once upon a time...
...I was brought up to believe in the deity of womanhood with slogans like, "As Amercian as mom, apple pie and the girl next door,"
...every red blooded American boy was carried so dutifully by his mother during her pregnancy, pie was so yummy,
...the girl next door was the be all and end all need filler that would make every dream come true just as you wished on your lucky star.
...every red blooded American male knew that a boys best friend was his mother.
...I love all women so much.
...they just can't do any wrong, ever.
...there's nothing like a dame.
...I feel giddy.
...I feel silly...
STOP!!! For gosh sakes somebody wake me up I'm having that nightmare again! I seem to have dozed off in my movie seat during this really sleazy movie about what a lot of women are really like today.
I guess there's just no escaping it. I ain't as innocent as I used to be as I am so brutally reminded by what I see on this movie screen, and I'm begining to believe women never were as innocent as once I so naively believed.
...and all those old movies I was brought up to believe were real? Well there just b.s. now that the G.I. Jane's are here to slap some sense back into me (or is it outta me?). Getting tired... so sleepy... ...dozing off again... ...someday my dream will come... someday...
Sweet Dreams, but don't waste your money on this sleaze, Ray
I hate politicians.
btw are we pissed because they have created a double standard when it comes to sleeping with minors or is there something morally wrong with it?
Im not going to bother wasting my time asking a feminist cause Im tired of the "well thats different" automated response.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @10:52PM EST (#40)
There are lots of double standards in their agenda. I've spent a long time pealing back the layers of deciet in their agenda to see what in the world the core of this thing called a radical feminist could be made of, but when I got there I found this vile rotten putrid muck that made no sense. Rotten to the core, the vulgar,obnoxus layers of deciet are actually the least vile thing about them.
by Anonymous User on Friday July 26, @02:11AM EST (#41)
...You're scareing me, again, Ray. (^-^)
When men are killed its just routine. Funny how they don't go into why the 1/13 conviction rate is actually so low, and that would be because the accusations are so fu.king frivilous its become stupid. They also don't mention that the prosecution is terrified to tell the accusor that the accusation is total bullshit. To bad we only get to hear half to story on most of these issues.
Drive to boost sex convictions
Gaby Hinsliff, chief political correspondent
Sunday July 21, 2002
Rape victims who know their assailant will be given fresh encouragement to report the attack in a drive to boost sex crime convictions.
Fear of not being believed by police or of a humiliating ordeal in the witness box is still thought to deter many women from coming forward, particularly if the attacker is an ex-partner or acquaintance. Barely one reported rape in 13 now ends in a conviction.
This week the Government will launch new training programmes for police officers in sensitive handling of cases, backed up by new standards for collecting forensic evidence in the vital first hours after an allegation.
A national review of the way rape victims are treated in police stations will also be launched, in hopes of extending the use of special facilities such as 'rape suites', where women can be interviewed and examined privately in homely surroundings.
Home Office Minister John Denham and Solicitor General Harriet Harman will also outline plans to boost domestic violence prosecutions - including new powers for judges to issue restraining orders preventing convicted men from approaching their wives when released from prison, and a consultation on whether domestic violence victims should be given the right to anonymity in court.
This would effectively mean men accused of domestic violence would also have their names withheld for fear of identifying the wife.
'A lot of rape cases occur within the home or by people you know, and we can't really separate domestic violence on the one side and rape on the other,' said one Home Office source.
Under plans unveiled last week in the Criminal Justice White Paper, courts will for the first time be allowed to study evidence in serious crimes not only of previous convictions but behaviour patterns shown up by acquittals. For example, a man who has been repeatedly accused and acquitted of date rape may see former witnesses recalled in a later case.
The action plan for rape victims follows a highly criticial report by Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary (HMIC) and HM Crown Prosecution Inspectorate earlier this year, which called for specialist rape prosecutors to be consulted before any case is dropped.
It also found a quarter of police crime reports failed to contain basic information such as whether the victim knew the attacker.
The Home Office has been promised a Criminal Justice and Sentencing Bill in this autumn's Queen's Speech, expected to contain many of the measures.
Harman is also pushing for a separate domestic violence Bill, which would include compulsory 'murder reviews' to be conducted whenever a woman is killed by a partner.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @06:29AM EST (#25)
There is so much wrong with this I don't have time to go through it. I will just pick out the most annoying
"Harman is also pushing for a separate domestic violence Bill, which would include compulsory 'murder reviews' to be conducted whenever a woman is killed by a partner. "
How can you get equality when the law only acts when something happens to a woman? Is there any rational reason this part doesn't ask for a review when a PARTNER is killed by a partner?
How can you get equality when the law only acts when something happens to a woman? Is there any rational reason this part doesn't ask for a review when a PARTNER is killed by a partner?
Males and females in the US; Jews and gentiles in Nazi Germany. This IS what is happening here.
We need to keep track of who the leading feminists are, so if we ever have justice in this society, we can see that they pay for their crimes against humanity.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @03:25PM EST (#35)
((How can you get equality when the law only acts when something happens to a woman?))
Simple..., It's not about equality. The neo-feminists are not now, nor have they ever been for or about equality. When Neo-fems say the word "equality" they are simply useing it euphamisticaly.
Their 'idea' of "equality" is; To put women above men, today, as men were put "above" women in the past. i.e. To punish the present generation of men for the precieved crimes of the generations that proseeded it. Despite the fact that today's generation of men were, of course, either to young or not even born to have EVER opressed women. This is the "logic" of the neo-fems.
In a nut-shell, by the (twisted) logic of the Neo-fems, and many women of today, You, Me, ALL men today will be punished for something we have NEVER done.
No where is this more OBVIOUSLY reflected, than in polatics and more over the courts of our country. ANY TIME a Man is hauled into court accused by a female, He not ONLY stands accused of whatever the Woman accuses him of, but for ALL "crimes" EVER against women in the history of humanity.
You see, in the eyes of the courts, The neo-fems and a majority of women, we (men) are not individuals We are a monolithic plurality.
Ergo, "individual" rights do not apply to the plurality that is MEN. You are not a human being, You are not an individual, You are a MAN. There fore, no matter what other factors may be in volved you are guilty. PIRIOD. To be a MAN is to be GUILTY, to be GUILTY is to be a man.
Okay, okay. I've made my point. I'll Stop now.
Ill go...shave my dog...or something...
Why is it that everytime society say that it is wrong to rape a female, and then turn around ad say that it is ok to rape a male? That is not fair!! That movie where the woman courteously and romantically rapes a young male shows everything that is wrong with the whole rape-crisis movement! First of all, raping someone, forcibly or satutorily is wrong! It is like going back to the whole pop music episode...where it's not ok to diss women, while it is ok to diss men...[Thomas, you would agree wouldn't you?]. To me that is so unfair! The rape-crisis hotlines [just like the domestic violence shelters] are not being fair to its male victims...which consequently need a change of heart if we are to stop all abuse thereof...
Emmanuel Matteer Jnr.
P.S. Thomas and Adam, tell everyone that I apologize for what went on th last time! I did not mean to say those things...I was just having a bad day!
the whole pop music episode...where it's not ok to diss women, while it is ok to diss men...[Thomas, you would agree wouldn't you?].
Yes, I would, Emmanuel. And I'd say it in reference to just about every aspect of this feminized (feministized?) culture.
Thomas and Adam, tell everyone that I apologize for what went on th last time! I did not mean to say those things...
No problem here. God knows, we all have bad days. I hope yours have improved. It's good to have you back.
It sure has Tom!! thanks! say hi to Scott for me!
P.S. Thomas and Adam, tell everyone that I apologize for what went on the last time! I did not mean to say those things...I was just having a bad day!
It's okay man, everybody's got to vent now and then.
 | take the children into the next room.
It is just my opinion that the real problem is that we have accepted the feminists' expanded definition of rape. There, I said it.
Men like young female flesh. It's a fact. There is nothing abnormal about it. It's phisiologically rooted, and unchangeable. More importantly to this discussion, though, is that young girls fantasize--relentlessly--about older men: teachers, college guys, movie stars, or the stud on the Harley. When those two forces come into out. The feminist assertion that girls in these situations are too dumb to realize that their attraction is somehow all a trick is just...well, ridiculous.
On the same tip: young boys fantasize--relentlessly--about older women: teachers, movie stars, their buddy's mom who happens to be hot, whoever. There is nothing new about this.
What is new is that we have swallowed the feminist delusion that this dynamic is nonexistent and that in each and every case of 15-to-30-year-old sex something entirely abberational is occuring. It's not.
Now, I'm not advocating a repeal of consent laws or anything like it. But for God's sake, let's not kid around here. When I was 15, know. And when my high school girlfriend was 15...well, you know that too. So in short, the hypocrisy we are all bitching about here is predicated on a lie, which is that youngsters don't want sex with older, more sophistocated people. They do, and when it does happen, the older person should be held to account. But by blurring the line between a LEGAL distinction regarding consent and a MORAL distinction regarding what constitutes rape, we are inviting trouble of this kind.
in short, the hypocrisy we are all bitching about here is predicated on a lie, which is that youngsters don't want sex with older, more sophistocated people.
I disagree. The hypocrisy, to which we are objecting, is based on the lie that boys really do want sex with older women, but girls really do not want sex with older men.
The sword of desire swings both ways. Our society doesn't recognize that fact.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @03:34PM EST (#36)
Not to mention the hypocrisy that states that any adult MAN that has sex with a teen girl is a PEDOPHILE, But any adult WOMAN that has sex with a teen boy is NOT!!
This whole thread is right, We have to stope thinking like FEMINISTS.
And it is true, girls at 14 dream about sex with whoever they are attracted to, be it a teacher, or coach, or model the older boy next door. It goes on.
Many men think about having sex with young girls 14. This is natural our hormones drive sex desires. But our intellect controls our morals. We were always concerned about statutory rape, but not because of what it would do to the girl, but what it would do to the possible child that came from the encounter. But still we are getting the universial "well its different" arguement from a bunch of morons who have zero moral integrity or sorry selfish moral integrity. These rules are bogus rules because the balance of law is undereffect. They are rules created by politicains who seduce their contituency with the lure of power. And it works everytime.
Dan Lynch
There IS a double standard on statuatory rape and it is disgusting.
However, it is disengious to imply or infer that that the double standard is upheld only by women. I've been in discussions on this issue online and in r/l. The number of women who find this sort of thing (adult woman, minor boy having sex) okay is very small. The number of men who find it okay is large, a majority I would say. Most men do not see it as a criminal offense unless the boy is very young, say under 12. I'm just relating my observations on people's attitudes.
Also, ther are a greater number of people who find opposite sex statuatory rape more or less okay (or at least not criminal) but find same-sex statuatory rape repugnant and criminal.
There are mulitple double standards in play in this realm.
IMO sex with minors is just wrong and inexcusable. That holds across the board for any combination of sexes
by Anonymous User on Friday July 26, @02:17AM EST (#42)
Good points, Lorianne.
Good points, Lorianne.
I'm afraid they're not, Thundercloud. They are in fact, a typical feminist smoke screen. Of course it's possible to find some people, somewhere who will believe just about anything. One can even declare that a majority of some group believes something.
The point here is that a major Hollywood motion picture, featuring two well-known, popular, well-paid actresses is making light of, or outright promoting, sex between women and boys (a drunk boy at that). In addition, an Associated Press entertainment writer has written a column that takes no real exception to the outrage (remember, even if he was 15, he was drunk), makes light of it and even states that the movie is "funny and sharp, sweet and poignant."
A few months ago, we were discussing the trial of a woman accused of the statutory rape of a boy. At the time a major female columnist, Ellen Goodman I think, wrote an editorial stating that, even when all parties consent, boys really want sex with women but girls really don't want sex with men. (Unfortunately, in a quick search, I couldn't find the article.) She felt that it was, therefore, OK for a woman to have sex with a boy but not OK for a man to have sex with a girl. Remember, this is an editorial in major media. Hell, it may have appeared in the New York Times.
The problem here is not what some individuals feel is acceptable. It is the extreme double standard practiced and preached by Hollywood and major media. (And in the legal system, but that's another matter.)
You can ask Lorianne to justify her statement (I've seen her in action enough and don't care to waste my time) that "There are multiple double standards in play in this realm," but if she's talking about the media, rather than some people she's spoken with, prepare yourself for more feminist distortions and smoke screens.
Many contemporary feminists pretend to be logical and balanced. They are in fact just slick in presenting their message that there really is no imbalance in our culture and, therefore, no horrendous oppression of males compared to females.
Try to find a major motion picture that is a romantic comedy about a man having sex with a drunk 15-year-old girl. (Not being attracted to, having sex with.) Try to find a major media outlet, the New York Times or Associated Press for instance, in which a man who works for the media states that sex between women and boys is wrong, but sex between men and girls is fine. If you can do that, I'll accept that "There are mulitple double standards in play in this realm."
Whenever you talk with a New Feminist, keep a keen lookout for the smoke and mirrors. When a New Feminist speaks, you're engulfed by them.
Read what I wrote:
I agreed that there IS a double standard, in fact multiple double standards. (Is Hollywood making movies about 40 year old guys having a sexual relationships with 15 year old boys?)
I also stated that I think statuatory rape is wrong and disgusting.
Apparently that's not good enough for you.
In my experience the double standard about older women and young boys being okay or even desirable is upheld by many men and some (many fewer) women in my acquaintance. Since I don't run in the Hollywood social circle, I can't speak for them. The double standard on this isuue IME is pervasive in our culture and it includes the same-sex vs. opposite-sex double standards as well.
Don't believe me? Ask fathers which one they would be more upset about, a 40 year old woman seducing their 14 year old son, or a 40 year old man seducing their 14 year old son.
Endless smoke, mirrors, and straw men.
Note that Lorianne said, it is disengious to imply or infer that that the double standard is upheld only by women. I've been in discussions on this issue online and in r/l. The number of women who find this sort of thing (adult woman, minor boy having sex) okay is very small. The number of men who find it okay is large, a majority I would say.
We are talking about the media and Hollywood (even if we're not in Hollywood, I think we're all familiar with the media) stating that sex between women and boys is acceptable while sex between men and girls is unacceptable. Claims about one's acquaintences are a straw man. We're talking about the media and Hollywood, where we encounter only one double standard -- sex between women and boys is fine, sex between men and girls is wrong.
I invite people here to ask their male friends if they think it's alright for a woman, who is around 40-years-old, to seduce a drunk 15-year-old boy. If the majority say they think it's okay, you need to find new friends.
Since I don't run in the Hollywood social circle, I can't speak for them.
It's important to see slick feminist distortions for what they are, so we can learn to combat them. First of all, we don't need to "run in the Hollywood social circle" to see their products. Try to find a romantic comedy about a 40-year-old man seducing a drunk 15-year-old girl. Then try to find a romantic comedy about a 40-year-old woman seducing a drunk 15-year-old boy.
As for the men I know being more upset about a 40-year-old woman seducing their 14-year-old son or a 40-year-old man seducing their 14-year-old daughter, most, perhaps all, of them would be equally concerned.
Secondly, note that Lorianne skips mentioning the exclusive double standard in the media, as though it doesn't even exist.
This is the type of Byzantine thought process and argument that many feminists use today to confuse matters and keep us from making progress.
We can all see the double standard in the media and in the products of Hollywood. Pretending that they don't exist won't make them go away.
"Secondly, note that Lorianne skips mentioning the exclusive double standard in the media, as though it doesn't even exist. " Thomas
I didn't say it didn't exist. I acknowledged it exsist at least twice. Get your facts straight.
Nor did I imply it is inconsequential.
What I did say is that this double standard, IMO, is upheld by the majority of men. That is my impression from speaking to men. They do not seem to find an objection to it older woman teen boy sex being depicted fictionally nor in actual occurance.
I remember when the Mary Kay LeTournou case was much talked about. At the time I didn't find a many (if any) men who thought the boy was wronged. In addition, some women held the double standard too, but not nearly as unanimously as the men I conversed with.
Ergo, IN MY OPINION, men uhold this double standard more than women do.
In addition, I would like to to add there there is vastly more depictions of older man / teenage girl sex in media, much of it in porn. Vastly more of this type exists than older woman teenage boy depictions in media (if you are restricting the conversation to media let's be honest about the prevalence).
So there is a double, double standard going on as well. It takes honestly and integrity to state the facts of what is going on in media straight.
"Secondly, note that Lorianne skips mentioning the exclusive double standard in the media, as though it doesn't even exist. " Thomas
I didn't say it didn't exist. I acknowledged it exsist at least twice. Get your facts straight.
This is a bald-faced lie. In absolutely no place in this thread do you acknowledge the one-sided double standard that exists in the media, such as the New York Times and the Associated Press. You talk about many double standards and then refer to your friends. Where do you acknowledge the one-sided double standard that exists in the mainstream media?
You state There IS a double standard on statuatory rape and it is disgusting, and then you go on to state There are mulitple double standards in play in this realm. As if there is anything approaching balance in this.
You are clearly and unequivocally refusing to acknowledge the ONE-SIDED double standard of mainstream media -- the New York Times and Associated Press for example. As for your statement In addition, I would like to to add there there is vastly more depictions of older man / teenage girl sex in media, much of it in porn, this is just another one of your straw men. We're not talking about pornography, we are talking about depictions, in the mainstream media such as the New York Times and Associated Press, of sex between an older woman and a boy as a good thing.
Again, where do you acknowledge the ONE-SIDED double standard that exists in the mainstream media?
Next straw man...
Gawd! I want to emphasize this one its own...
We're talking about the mainstream media, such as the New York Times and Associated Press, having a one-sided double standard that sex between women and boys is fine and sex between men and girls is wrong. So Lorianne comes out with there is vastly more depictions of older man / teenage girl sex in media, much of it in porn. Vastly more of this type exists than older woman teenage boy depictions in media
I hope there's no one here who is so dumb that they can't see through this ridiculous twisting of the discussion.
I will add that pornographic depictions of older men (or women) with teenage girls (or boys) is illegal and severely punished. The pornographic depiction of sex between adults and 15-year-olds is illegal in almost every nation on earth.
What a completely ridiculous straw man!
by Anonymous User on Friday July 26, @05:12PM EST (#52)
What a completely ridiculous straw man!
Quite. But having to confront reality must be psychologically shocking. Rationalization,
denial, and evasion are natural human reactions. Try not to get too upset about this.
An additional important point...
As far as this pornography that you know of, Lorianne, that shows sex between men and girls (remember we're talking about sex between adults and children, not between older and younger adults), if you are not willing to contact the authorities, please post the information of where you encountered this crime. I'm sure I'm not the only one here, who will contact the police.
Try not to get too upset about this.
Believe me, I'm not. In fact, I'm enjoying this.
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 27, @12:43AM EST (#57)
I hear you, thomas.
I should have clarified that the comments that lorianne made that I thought were "good points" were; "there IS a double standard on statuatory rape." and "sex with minors is just wrong."
I was in a hurry, and SHOULD've made that clear. sorry.
I was in a hurry, and SHOULD've made that clear. sorry.
No problem. These cat fights erupt from time to time, and I often get a kick out of them
What we often get from feminists these days is an apparently calm, apparently reasoned, often sypathetic sounding spiel with the underlying message that there really is no horrendous oppression of men and boys in this society. We need to keep an eye out for that slick technique.
"Also, ther are a greater number of people who find opposite sex statuatory rape more or less okay (or at least not criminal) but find same-sex statuatory rape repugnant and criminal. "
Unless its that whore that wrote the Vagina Monologues.
Secondly I agree, I dont think its all that bad for a 14 year old boy to have sex with an older women nor do I think its bad for a 14 year old girl to sleep with an older man, as I have known to many 14 year old girls. But we should make a rule and stick to it. But then again Im big on forgiveness. If a 14 year old girl initiates sex or concents to sex well is she old enough?
Dan Lynch
We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. I don't believe 14 year olds have the maturity to consent to sex. Apparently many others argree with me, thus statuatory rape laws.
Most statuatory rape laws in most states have an AOC (age of consent) of 16. That means we're really talking about adults having sex with those 15 and younger. This is, IMO, a reasonalbe protection for young people.
In addition most states have an age differential which allows people some people who are adults to legally have consensual sex with minors close to their same age (within 3 or 5 years). This further makes the laws reasonable IMO.
However, some states do have DIFFERENT statuatory rape standards for same-sex unions, and also for adult female/minor male) statuatory rape standards(different than adult male/minor female).
This is flat out wrong and I agree that we ought to develop a rule and stick to it. I would propose an AOC of 16 with a maximum age differential of 3 years across the board. There should be no distinction on the sexual make-up of the parties involved.
I would not have any statuatory rape laws for minors having sex with minors, except, I would also propose a minimum standard of 12 whereby sex with a person 11 years old or younger would be rape, not statuatory rape and carry much tougher penalties.
Well mostly I was being sarcastic Lori. I was basically trying to point out that 14 year old girls throw themselves at men and tell them they are all kinds of ages they figure they can get away with. Is this the guys fault? Well who knows. It seems that they put the responsibility for sex on men no matter what the age of the woman is or the age of the boy for that matter.
We are the ' sexes ' meaning plural not the 'one sex' and the 'other'. Its a complex issue that will stick with us forever. The victims groups want everyone to think with a 'victim' mentality and to continue their 'victimhood' throughout their lives and thats why its different for girls.
The more I think about all this stuff the more I think it really is a man's world.
Dan Lynch
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