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Here's a shining jewel of the feminazi thought process:
The Blackshirts are a group of disgruntled ex-husbands who are unhappy with Family Court decisions and have been accused by Attorney-General Rob Hulls of a long-running campaign of intimidating women and children.
Mr Hulls wrote to the group, which claims to have 300 members, advising they would be prosecuted under the Crimes Act if they continued their campaign.
Intimidating women and children? This has got to be some sort of sick joke! It's a criminal offense to make women feel "uncool" by engaging in protest? Where does the silliness end and reality begin?
If I was the spokesman for a group that received this kind of criticism I'd ask for a public apology too!
But hopefully common sense will prevail and they'll pull their heads in.
In what? The sand? What's so non-sensical about standing up against injustice directed at you?
If people want the system to be changed, they ought to be advocating for progressive change, not engaging in these guerrilla tactics.
This Robinson fellow makes the Blackshirts sound like a militant group terrorizing a small town. You can't advocate for progressive change when the system you're tying to change won't take you seriously to begin with. The article paints these Blackshirts to be misbehaving young boys that are "terrorizing women and children through the use of guerilla tactics".
This article is proof that the male half of the human race is considered second-class to the other half. I don't know what irks me more; the fact that a government is trying to silence its male citizens, or that it's MEN leading the fight to silence other men.
"Stereotypes are devices that save a biased person the trouble of learning."
These guys are not thinking straight. Protesting is OK I guess, but handing out defamatory material about their ex-wives? Parading in front of a private individual's home in a Zorro mask with a bullhorn, heckling passersby? Come on, get serious. Attacking the problem is great, but using it as an excuse for personal tit-for-tat revenge is counterproductive. It gives the feminazis more straw for their straw-man arguments.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @02:18PM EST (#11)
I agree with Hunsvotti, on this one.
In my own oppinion, these Aussie guys have the right IDEA, However they are doing the WRONG things for the RIGHT reasons.
Most of us guys in the states can empathize, even relate to these fellows and their struggle with misandry and Marx-fems. But I wonder if they might want to consider makeing their "operations" more covert and less overt.
On the other hand, I wonder if WE might not LEARN someting from our Australian brothers.
WE need to do something drastic in THIS country, too.
Most of us guys in the states can empathize, even relate to these fellows and their struggle with misandry and Marx-fems.
Actually, I believe the men in the U.S. would be hard pressed to appreciate how bad the men in Australia or Canada have it. Remember, they have shout at your spouse loose your house laws. Their oppression is much worse than here.
The only men in the U.S. that could come close to having this level of appreciation would be those that have been the victims of false accusations and arrests.
It is so bad in those countries that radical public action is called for and necessary. That isn't going to happen by picketing the local courthouse. That has been done and it failed.
The elite must be caused to fear the consequences of their laws. Only massive civil unrest will cause that sort of fear. The fact of the matter is that they asked for it! These men are arguably justified.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
by Anonymous User on Friday July 26, @03:25PM EST (#62)
Sorry, Warble.
When I wrote; "WE need to do someting drastic in THIS country, too." I should've added; "...before things get as bad here, as in Austrailia."
...but handing out defamatory material about their ex-wives?
Hold one here Hunsvotti. There is no proof that they were handing out defamatory material. If they did that is an action actionable by Tort law with punitive damages attached. We need to be careful about what the press claims. They are little more than radical feminist that have an interest is lying to the public.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
"These guys are not thinking straight. "
You mean they are just using the Fembots tactics. Like the 'deadbeat dad' campaigns that publicly defame men everywhere.
Or like the campus sexual assault whores who handed out lists of men they had sex with when drunk but later regretted most likely because the guy realised she was a pig and no longer wanted to date her. So she felt dejected and thought "hey I can ruin his reputation before he ruins mine" like he actually wanted to admit to sleeping with her in the first place.
Stop thinking like a feminist Hunsvotti. I seriously doubt these guys are harming any children in this, those fuking shit head politicians and cops like to add that for fanfare. I noticed that very little of the groups voice was really heard. Does anyone have the otherside of the coin. I think its something that should be given serious thought.
But you can always go back to being a good little boy you deserve your fudge.
Women have been doing the exact same thing for years and it was cute and a nusannce at worst. Men do it they call in the national guard. Funny how I just finished writing about those tactics would get massive resistence from the military forces. The natives are getting restless boss, better load them there guns up, uh huh yep.
Dan Lynch
The article states, "The group's members reportedly wear black paramilitary-style clothes and cover their faces with black masks while using megaphones and distributing defamatory material about their ex-wives in the street outside the women's homes."
But it failed to prove that there is in fact defamatory material being distributed! If there were libelous literature then I'd say the group is a problem. However, if they were just exercising their free speech right to peacefully assemble and protest then I'd say they are doing a pretty damn effective job. We need to know more about this group before passing judgment.
It is really funny at how terrified the feminist get when men organize and protest. Look and watch as the state trembles when 300 men protest! It scares the hell out of them. They are very quick to label men's activist as terrorists.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @11:56AM EST (#5)
But it failed to prove that there is in fact defamatory material being distributed! If there were libelous literature then I'd say the group is a problem. However, if they were just exercising their free speech right to peacefully assemble and protest then I'd say they are doing a pretty damn effective job. We need to know more about this group before passing judgment.
True. Truth is a defense against libel. If the things in those pamphets are true, then no libel or defamation is occurring. These fellows may have an outrageous way of communicating their ideas, but I really don't see this as "intimidation of women and children."
"But it failed to prove that there is in fact defamatory material being distributed! If there were libelous literature then I'd say the group is a problem. However, if they were just exercising their free speech right to peacefully assemble and protest then I'd say they are doing a pretty damn effective job. We need to know more about this group before passing judgment. "
Good fucking work Warble,
double , triple and quadruple check everything that comes out of a feminists yap and that includes all media.
Also, there is no evidence towards whats happening to the children, which is nothing. But they will paint it that way in court. They love trying to silence men. Everyone does, by telling you things like "This isnt helping you" ya because the courts have been doing so well.
Dan Lynch
I found another article on this matter that is a bit less biased but still inflammatory against this group. It can be found here: Blackshirts
The reporter records a statement explaining why they protest outside of a mothers home, "If a mother, for example, refuses to let the children see the father, we will demonstrate against it."
That's a damn good idea! It's damn well about time that somebody protested after decades of male oppression in visitation rights!
What does the state say in response to this activity? To quote the article,
But the State Government yesterday moved to stop the predatory tactics of the group after receiving legal advice. Attorney-General Rob Hulls yesterday sent a letter to the leader of the Blackshirts advising they would be prosecuted under the Crimes Act if they continued their campaigns.
"It has been brought to my attention that a group of Victorian men, known as the 'Blackshirts', are anonymously harassing women in relation to Family Court matters," Mr Hulls wrote to the leader, John Abbott.
So, it works like this. Mothers are routinely given sole custody of children. Mothers routinely violate a father's right to visitation and joint custody. Further, mothers are able to make false accusations of DV, rape, and sexual abuse against men to obtain sole custody of the children without any proof, and women are immune from prosecution if they lie to make their false allegations. Then if the men protest these unjust laws and acts that protect women in making these false allegations, they can be criminally prosecuted.
It is amazing how the article assumes these men are in fact criminals when their has been an allegations. For example the article states, "Among the group's members were a man accused of domestic violence by his wife..."
So, if you are a member of a men's group, and there is an accusation against you by a woman, then you and the group are to be judged as evil men. The anti-male hate in the world doesn't get any stronger than this example.
All that is left is for the state to fire up the gas chambers and line the men up. In fact, that day is already here. That is why America has the highest male prison population in the free world. Make no mistake about it. This is a reality brought about by feminist.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
The article makes (and repeats) partisan characterizations of the Blackshirt's actions and motives; we learn that the Blackshirts are considered predatory but we aren't given the facts--we're given the evaluations. Similarly with claims of harassment, and the attempt to discredit the group on the basis of allegations against one of its members.
This is a good lesson in how the media operates. You don't survive as a journalist for very long if you don't tow the feminist, anti-male line.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @02:29PM EST (#15)
((You don't survive as a journalist for very long if you don't tow the feminist, anti-male line))
Yeah, THAT'S for sure...!
Just ask Bernard Goldberg.
"This is a good lesson in how the media operates. You don't survive as a journalist for very long if you don't tow the feminist, anti-male line."
Has anyone pointed out this bias on men's news daily. Someone should get a counter article up there fast to point out these editorial slants and the lies they perpetuate.
but btw finally some guys with some fuking balls.
Dan Lynch
It is amazing how the article assumes these men are in fact criminals when their has been an allegations.
Sub-genders are not supposed to question the wisdom of the super-gender or even the wisdom of the enlightened sub-gender. The media always plays the game as follows: Never mention any issues. Always focus on the sub-gender evildoers. And if you can’t find any specific evil behavior, make them guilty by association.
It works like a charm and especially within sub-gender groups. It worked great with blacks. You demonize and demonize the race to the point where the image conscious blacks are far more worried about ‘their image’ than about the issues. Having succeeded in making image conscious blacks hate or disapprove of their own race, they will turn to police the behavior of others in their race.
ONE Question. Where is the U.S. branch of this group?
Where is the U.S. branch of this group?
Right around the corner. The feminists have no idea what they're bringing down upon the world.
And themselves.
"ONE Question. Where is the U.S. branch of this group?"
Lets avoid the Fascism side of what these guys are and stick to the basics of what the men's movement is about. Hell maybe make a movie. A digital homade movie that we can send from file to file would be a great idea.
Dan Lynch
I don't necessarily approve of their tactics, but I think these guys deserve congratulations for:
1) Having the balls to organize and demonstrate publicly, and
2) Managing to assemble 300 men for a protest.
We should be so lucky to assemble that many in one place at one time in the US. Further, it's both disappointing and surprising to me that it took so long for this kind of action to take place. Ultimately, no matter how "peacefully" we try to settle our differences with gender equality, it will require this kind of organization and demonstration, including a few people spending the night in jail, to get attention to our plight.
Ultimately, no matter how "peacefully" we try to settle our differences with gender equality, it will require this kind of organization and demonstration, including a few people spending the night in jail, to get attention to our plight.
We can also expect firehoses and nightsticks.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @12:25PM EST (#8)
I don't necessarily approve of their tactics, but I think these guys deserve congratulations for:
I am a non-violent type, but I have no problems with the tactics of these guys. There's no proof (so far) that they're actually hurting anyone by standing up for themselves. I don't see what these guys are doing as intimidation (or violence) in any way.
300 members... maybe, but I haven't seen more than 5 guys at a time at their "actions".
sd Those who like this sort of thing
will find this the sort of thing they like.
I'd be more than happy to sit in jail for protesting for any one of you on these issues.
I'd be more than happy to sit in jail for protesting for any one of you on these issues.
I have never been arrested. I've had opportunity and reason, especially during the civil rights demonstrations of the 60s and early 70s, but I've never taken that step.
I'm beginning to think, though, that someday soon I will be in jail.
And I will be proud.
"I'm beginning to think, though, that someday soon I will be in jail.
And I will be proud."
And when your in jail, spread the word as loudly and as far as you can. The never stopped protesting from the day I was put in jail and to the day I was released. I told men how they were being discriminated against and how their rights are being violated day in and day out.
I was jumped in jail but it had nothing to do with that, it was over racial issues. Racial issues are the hotbed of the prison systems here anyways. I found a way to use that to my advantage, its not easy but it can be done, and you start by showing them how ALL men are being destroyed.
Dan Lynch
Without knowing the specifics of the situation (What’s the Crimes Act? – What’s defamatory material?) it’s hard to tell if the blackshirts have their act together or are out to lunch.
My recommendation to these guys is to focus on the unfair treatment by the courts rather than on their ex’s behavior. Take that energy downtown! Protest in front of the courthouse – loudly! Now that they have the media’s attention they would be sure to get coverage.
The feminist/chivalrous establishment will have these guys tarred and feathered if it can make the “harassment of women and children” thing stick.
My recommendation to these guys is to focus on the unfair treatment by the courts rather than on their ex’s behavior. Take that energy downtown! Protest in front of the courthouse – loudly!
Men have been there and done that. It doesn't work. Protesting in front of the homes of mothers that violate the basic human rights of fathers is a great idea.
Notice that the media completely ignores the crimes of the mothers against the children and fathers. Yet they will vilify the fathers for a simple protest, and they will try to paint these victims as child molesters and wife beaters. That is to be expected. The radical feminist are really f&*%ed up! Damaging the rights of fathers and children is by far worse than a peaceful protest. One only need to look at the millions of fatherless criminals to see the damage that feminism has caused.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @03:43PM EST (#21)
You've won me over Warble.
I've re-thought my position on this matter.
It's impossible to know, from the articles I've seen on this, if the men are really doing anything wrong. What is clear is that men are starting to raise hell.
And that is, in general, a very good thing.
Unfortunately this group appears to have neo-nazi associations -- both in its choice of clothing and insignia -- and it's leader John abbott who has publicly stated "he doesn't have a problem with fascism".
Doubtless they will be the pretext for the introduction of more draconian anti-men laws.
sd Those who like this sort of thing
will find this the sort of thing they like.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @03:37PM EST (#20)
Unfortunately this group appears to have neo-nazi associations -- both in its choice of clothing and insignia -- and it's leader John abbott who has publicly stated "he doesn't have a problem with fascism".
Well, that certainly wasn't in the article. Do you have documentation for that quote? I am interested in finding out exactly how right or wrong this group is.
Do you have documentation for that quote? I am interested in finding out exactly how right or wrong this group is
I'll second that.
Do they REALLY have neo-nazi associations? Or is that just what the feminist press wants evryone to think?
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @04:08PM EST (#24)
Do they REALLY have neo-nazi associations? Or is that just what the feminist press wants evryone to think?
That's why I am asking for docs. Not that I don't trust Smoking Drive, but I would like to know for certain what these people stand for before I support them. If they're neo-Nazis or facists, then I want no part of them, no matter if I support this one cause for which they fight (the fight against family court).
That's why I am asking for docs
A reasonable request since the radical feminist are demonstrating a pattern of labeling members of all fathers rights groups as little more than wife beaters, child molesters, ax murderers, and etc.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Ya really, I mean being a fascist would be pretty lame to the other charges.
And really, I dont have a problem with fascism either, I have a problem with feminism.
Just clearifying its meaning.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Friday July 26, @07:40AM EST (#43)
And really, I dont have a problem with fascism either, I have a problem with feminism.
Just clearifying its meaning.
You don't have a problem with fascism? You're kidding, right?
"You don't have a problem with fascism? You're kidding, right? "
Well facism and feminism are so closely related Im not sure which is my more immediate threat.
Anyways what was meant is, if its nothing bothering me or anyone else I know, that obviously I don't have a problem with it. Its very possible that Abbot feels the same way.
But besides that Feminism seems to have gulped up all of those nasties, communism, fascism, socialism. Simply because thats what they really are in disguise of Feminism. AS there is no real definition of what 'Feminism' is other than some chicks koran of "What feminsim means to me is" bullshit. No one has been able to give a clear and concise definition of its genocidal movement.
Dan Lynch
No, he was being interviewed for the TV news Thursday night when he said it.
sd Those who like this sort of thing
will find this the sort of thing they like.
by Anonymous User on Friday July 26, @07:43AM EST (#44)
No, he was being interviewed for the TV news Thursday night when he said it.
No online transcript of the interview available? Well, I think I've seen your posts here long enough to believe you about this, anyway. You're not a feminist, so I don't think you have a reason to make this up.
It's too bad, though, that the only men's groups taking action are freedom-haters.
Unfortunately this group appears to have neo-nazi associations -- both in its choice of clothing and insignia -- and it's leader John abbott who has publicly stated "he doesn't have a problem with fascism".
SD: If you goofed up by repeating something that you heard, but haven't checked on, please say so. We all screw up from time to time. It's important to several of us, though, to know if these people really are associated with or are sympathetic to fascists.
If their only connection to fascists is the color of their clothes -- Good Grief! Looking back at all the evil movements in history, we'd all probably have to be naked.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @11:06PM EST (#33)
go to the main page[of Mens] and read the articles[links].
they are NOT a neo-nazi or fascist group,the feminazis and the "authorities" are trying to label them as such and it is NOT TRUE! When asked about fascism,John Abbott explains his research into the term.In fact its the cops,judges,courts and all the rest of the scum,girlstapos especially, that are the REAL nazis and fascists.
That was my take on it too. The radical feminazi trash spinners never cease to amaze me in the efforts they expend to distort truth and conjure up unfactual fabrications.
"Double, double, toil and trouble," The witches stir the pot and cast their spell of insanity that goes undetected. The malevolent, evil nature of their insidious deviltry is a wonder of demonic power that possesses: the unwary, the unsuspecting and the unlucky. Anybody got an exorcist?
There heads are so full of poopie that if they should start spinning around while you're exorcising them, they might start spewing out inane, radical, feminist drivel. but then they're already doing that. I don't know. If you try to take away the powers of the Feminazis you'll really have the devil to pay.
Where's that men's shelter, these monsters scare the hell out of me more than any male as batter myth? Daddy, save me from the evil bogeywomen! There gonna get me, again.
As men become more active and vocal we must expect ever stronger repression. They're afraid now.
The feminists will step up their sick rhetoric and lobbying to unheard of levels, and 'justice' systems will be pressured into even more draconian measures to protect their coveted power base.
They've heard the first rumblings from the peasants, and they're scared. Their pampered status, which is dependant upon the repression and enslavement of those who provide for them, is being threatened. They will not sit idle as the slaves start to revolt.
Like any totalitarian regime, we must expect them to go to any extreme measure to silence the heretics.
Men will be imprisoned, repressed, beaten, and wounded. Some may even be killed. We've already seen denial of constitutionally-guaranteed rights and freedoms -- we can expect even more as our constitutions are labeled 'intimidating to women and children,' or some such lie, and are discarded.
In other words, pretty much the way it is now, only more so.
Things are going to get worse before they get better, brothers. We need to prepare for this.
Like Dan Lynch says, we need to be prepared to take a bullet. Literally or figuratively.
First they ignore you,
Then they laugh at you.
Then they fight you.
Then you win.
-- Ghandi
The opinions expressed in this posting are my own, but you're welcome to adopt them.
I agree with you. Things will gradually become more and more explosive with increasing efforts by the female controlled socio-political apparatus to both overtly and covertly and unjustly oppress those who represent and who make efforts to correct injustices shown to men. The unfortunate matter is that women are much more effectively organized than men and are much more aggressive in their predation of those who represent and assert men's rights. As can be seen with regard to women's responses in Men's Activisim, women and their male supporters make every effort to aggresively destroy those are an actual and/or potential threat to their unjust gender feminist agenda. The same occurs on an every day basis in the private lives of men also.
Men must aggressively organize to thwart the same and to protect their just rights and interests.
Don't sweat it guys,
We all know what this group is up against...with the family courts and the abuse org's backstabbing men where it hurts, I have a feeling that these militant men want...FAMILY!!!!! And these feminists are not giving it to them!!!
To the militiant masculist group, BLACKSHIRTS, don't give up!!!!
Emmanuel Matteer Jnr.
"", I have a feeling that these militant men want...FAMILY!!!!! ""
Brilliant observation Emmanual!!
Ragtime has some great points. One thing we must remember we are fighting and evil ideology. The press wants to focus the harm its bring to women and children. But the real harm is coming to the political cows that have created those laws that are denying men their rights. And the popular excuse will be, "we have to protect those women and children".
The state truly has taken over as husband. Men and fathers need not apply. The lies spin there toil and they set out to demonize these men. We seriously need our own media engine. Something that gets the other side of the story out.
If I could tell men to always plead not guilty it would crush the system. Of course they will probably just make up new laws that say they dont even need trials anymore and that best possible guesses by 'whoever' will surfice. But the reality now is, only 5% of cases go to trial the rest are dealt out. I new this state of emergency is around the corner. Keep spreading the word, and stop being afraid to tell people you are a men's activist and why.
Dan Lynch
A little bird told me an international men's walkout might be a good idea in about a 9 months to a year. :-)
Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
Smoking Drive says that he hasnt really seen to many of these 'blackshirts' at one time, maybe 5 or so. Than the propaganda machines that be, are putting a serious spin on the veracity and size of the protests. And since they are trying to get the Criminal Acts past to squash this, it means that they are preparing for the men's movement long ahead of time. If they can stifle it before it really begins this will bring serious harm to the cause. We have to put a positive spin and point out their necessary actions.
These politicians are preparing for the men's movement and are demonizing us before we leave the gates. Put a counterspin on this Attorney-General Rob Hulls words. Well actually point out his flaws and tell the truth, that should be enough.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Friday July 26, @07:46AM EST (#45)
We have to put a positive spin and point out their necessary actions.
I am all for protesting the family courts, but I will not support neo-Nazis to do it.
I am all for protesting the family courts, but I will not support neo-Nazis to do it.
I think we all know this is just a smear tactic, We'll be seeing this quite a bit I can imagine.
by Anonymous User on Friday July 26, @09:51AM EST (#47)
I think we all know this is just a smear tactic, We'll be seeing this quite a bit I can imagine.
I doubt Smoking Drive would smear a true men's rights group.
I doubt Smoking Drive would smear a true men's rights group.
I meant the media, not him.
by Anonymous User on Friday July 26, @10:15AM EST (#48)
Here is the documentation some of you were seeking.
by Anonymous User on Friday July 26, @10:22AM EST (#49)
Looks like the majority of commentors don't think these guys are in the right, either.
See here. Of course, the majority of these posters could be feminists.
by Anonymous User on Friday July 26, @10:30AM EST (#50)
To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
--Sun Tzu
by Anonymous User on Friday July 26, @10:48AM EST (#51)
Here's the definition (contrary to what the leader of the Blackshirts says):
Etymologically, the word "fascist" derived from the Italian "fascista," which derived from "fascio," which does mean "group." However, "group" is not, nor ever has been the meaning of the term "fascist" except in the case of "group-think," which I think most of us can agree is a bad thing.
" However, "group" is not, nor ever has been the meaning of the term "fascist" except in the case of "group-think," which I think most of us can agree is a bad thing. "
Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. He's stated the believed definition of the word and its the definition of that word that is his founding and core statement. Words change all the time. Slut used to mean sloppy house keeper, now its more of a sexual whore or promiscuous woman, and now even men.
So who cares. Try to seperate the issues from the people. Look at the issues. Abbot has explained every move they have made, and all his answers add up. Funny how they make a deal about the masks, but forget to tell the media, well its possible that the reasons for the masks are because its the law.
Don't be surprised if politicians and fembots will try to make wearing mask illigal so they can rid men of protesting and fighting for their rights altogther. I seem to notice law makers do this everytime something happens they failed to forsee.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Friday July 26, @11:30AM EST (#55)
Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. He's stated the believed definition of the word and its the definition of that word that is his founding and core statement. Words change all the time. Slut used to mean sloppy house keeper, now its more of a sexual whore or promiscuous woman, and now even men.
I think he was just trying to put lipstick on a pig. The group knows how the dictionary and the public define "fascism," so it's just as stupid for them to use "fascism" as it is for "ifeminists" to use "feminists" if they don't want the negative connotation associated with it.
At least Wendy McElroy has proven herself to not be anti-male, though. These "Blackshirts" seem far more sinister to me.
<<I think he was just trying to put lipstick on a pig. The group knows how the dictionary and the public define "fascism," so it's just as stupid for them to use "fascism" as it is for "ifeminists" to use "feminists" if they don't want the negative connotation associated with it. >>
Either way its still superficial to decide with the simple method.
Even the National Socialist party could have started with good intentions. Its the extreme power and the abuse used by certain individuals that set anything on a collision course with fear hatred and suffering.
The feminists starting by telling us the feminism is about equality. I would like for you to find in any dictionary in the english language that points out that feminism is really a bigot sexist movement.
<<fem·i·nism Pronunciation Key (fm-nzm)
Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.
The movement organized around this belief. >>
thats the dictionary dot com.
Now do you agree that Feminism is what it says in the pick?
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Friday July 26, @12:26PM EST (#57)
Problem is: feminism at one time DID stand for equality. Fascism has never stood for anything but tyranny.
Even the National Socialist party could have started with good intentions.
It didn't. It was a monstrous evil from the start. Take a look at the long, but fascinating book "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich," by William Shirer. (I've read it twice. Believe me, it inspires awe and dread.)
feminism at one time DID stand for equality.
Feminism has always had a powerful, pervasive element of anti-male hatred.
<<feminism at one time DID stand for equality.
Feminism has always had a powerful, pervasive element of anti-male hatred.>>
Well thanks for pointing out the Nazi's agenda. Im not well versed in its history as some. But I do know that sometimes groups start with good intentions end up in the same boat as their oppressors etc... I hope to god that doesnt happen for us. Im not really a big fan of the nazis anyways just so people know that.
Secondly, I seriously doubt the fembots have had good intentions for equality, or they are illiterate. Probably the latter anyways.
I think the earlier feminists were all about superiority as shown by their racism and a few other things they are or were know for.
I still love women and will always love women and humans , hating feminists isnt the same thing as feminists are not a natural birth group such as men or women or racial groups. Feminism is an ideology and we need to seperate feminism from women. Its also why I don't believe in masculism.
Dan Lynch
If I were to develope a terminal illness today, my ex would be in bad shape tomorrow.
" If I were to develope a terminal illness today, my ex would be in bad shape tomorrow."
Wasn't there a story of a guy who was ill and forced to give his "pill money" to his wife. I guess she could have stole milk money when she was a kid too. The mo is right.
Dan Lynch
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