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This is EXACTLY the kind of info young males need. If this had been available when my son was 8 years old, I would have been showing it to him then. It starts BEFORE puberty, and I even remember too many times how I was ployed by a girl in the neighborhood, or the 2nd grade classroom. In those arenas both sexes are acting out and practicing what we've learned from Mom and Dad, TV, etc. We are trained to be a wallet from the time of infancy. This book should be placed in every junior high school boys locker. By then, he will have lived long enough to have experienced enough of that kind of behaviour to have the kind of epiphany that changes him forever. I wonder if there is a bulk discount on these. It would be worth it for the sake of our sons AND daughters to see this kind of truth so blatantly displayed all over. Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
Glad you liked the book starzabuv and yes the book is availiable in bulk at discount. My writing may seem harsh on the opposite sex, but I simply felt both barrels needed to be used in this crazy PC feminist distorted society. The double standard just is just to flagrent. Best, Matthew Fitzgerald email SEX-Ploytation a book every man young or old should read.
"Glad you liked the book starzabuv and yes the book is availiable in bulk at discount. My writing may seem harsh on the opposite sex, but I simply felt both barrels needed "
I read this book by Matthew Fitzegerald, and I feel that the truth always seems harsh well at first anyways, then it becomes the right course. The book is clear concise and easy to read, that what men need. This book should be the standard for all young men, even old. We should be warning our sons and brothers. Everyone should check out Matt's site at the very least. I did, you can click on his site directly at the top of his posts.
Dan Lynch
Matt gave me permission to post this piece from his book that can be found at his site. You can read it here or go to his web site which is linked. Like I said the book is great and simple to read, which is what we need, along with the other books in the men's movement, this is a good one. And I finally was able to convice Matt to start posting on this site so give him a look see, thanks.
Here Comes The Bride
Excerpt from chapter two:
Isn’t It Romantic
If a university offered a course entitled "How To Marry A Rich Man", women would be scratching each other's eyes out to be the first in line to ante up the tuition; but if there were a class aimed at men, called "How To Get Laid For Free", these same coeds would be screaming sexism and marching with protest signs outside the dean's office. For women-even so-called "liberated" women-marriage is a socially convenient means to make a living: they can get their hands on wealth and prestige simply by vowing "I do" and occasionally spreading their legs. Manipulating a man-especially a rich man-to make a commitment is the Holy Grail of a woman's life, the consummation of all her efforts during her sick charade of "romance". The only truly important act in any woman's life is the selection of the right spouse. It rescues her from any personal responsibility for the future. She may work, but it's
often a "no-brainer" job while she's marking time waiting for her future provider to happen along. It will be her husband who's saddled with the mortgage payment while she chips in for the cable bill and considers this "equality". Her motto reads, "My money is mine, his money is ours", the philosophy of an overindulged child. No mother ever taught her daughter that she should grow up to support her husband. The greater a man's salary, the more likely a woman is to eschew any sort of labor, and the more likely she is to sit at home and whine about boredom. The more her husband gives her, the lazier and more demanding she becomes. When she isn't manipulating men, she simply has nothing else to do.
A woman uses marriage to gain power, and once she attains it, her husband is fated to a life of abuse. This is very expensive pussy. When a naturally polygamous male commits to his bride-to-be, not only does he forfeit control of his finances, but he is constrained to forsake all opportunities to mate with other females. Of course, this is in her best interest-she calls it "security"-but it is really a blasphemy against nature. As long as she can coerce him into spending more, more, more on her whims, and as long as he realizes that if he divorces her he will lose half of his assets, she has effectively padlocked him into a chastity belt. No one knows better than she that a woman has no use for an impoverished man. A husband enters into matrimony assuming that the wedding vows have granted his new wife societal approbation to revel in uninhibited sex, but in his naivete he has not noticed the gleaming pair of castration shears hidden in her bridal bouquet. She has no real interest in him sexually-a workhorse should be out in the fields laboring, not wasting his energies on intercourse. He has dreamed of years of wild passion and pleasurable company; what he gets is a lifetime of mood swings and an infrequent and indifferent lay.
Dan Lynch
... if you pursue this issue.
If a university offered a course entitled "How To Marry A Rich Man", women
would be scratching each other's eyes out to be the first in line to ante up the
tuition; but if there were a class aimed at men, called "How To Get Laid For
Free", these same coeds would be screaming sexism and marching with protest
signs outside the dean's office.
Quite, it's not just "feminazis" who have attitudes like this, it is both the typical female coed/grad, and, I am sorry to say, the typical ifeminist. I've noticed that everytime this issue or related issues come up (eg warning men about the risk of cuckoldry, ways men can get what they want without marrying a white feminist, etc) the female members of the ifeminists forum immediately switch to "let's get out of this argument by attacking the man" mode. This includes Wendy.
Those who like this sort of thing
will find this the sort of thing they like.
Sorry, I'm a little new at this, but what are you trying to say here? I don't have a clue as to your response and good for Wendy! She is a stand up gal. Cheers, Matt SEX-Ploytation a book every man young or old should read.
Well I think Matt, that smoking drive is just saying that this is typical women stuff. That your book is pretty accurate and that even the 'male-friendly' babes don't really like these kinds of truths coming out.
But such as life, and you're right Wendy is a Stand up gal. So is Trudy and quite a few others so we'll take them where we can get them. But I tend to think that if men know more about this book it will force the sexes to rethink their positions and negotiate better and longer before marriage, hopefully making it a sounder institution. If people ever get married anymore.
I think the book says that its women who push for marriage and its women who push for divorce. Men just stand there and await orders, this book should make them think twice as was your intention. Kudos.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @02:02AM EST (#9)
I agree with you, once again, Dan.
We should support those women, like Wendy, Trudy,and others like, Cathy Young and Ladyrivka. AND be there for THEM in turn.
We should support those women, like Wendy, Trudy,and others like, Cathy Young and Ladyrivka.
Good, ol' LadyRivka. She drops in from time to time to bless us with her wisdom. In the meantime, she's fighting a very lonely battle in... well, wherever she is.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @12:16AM EST (#34)
((Good ol' LadyRivka. She drops in from time to time to bless us with Her wisdom. meantime she's fighting a very lonely battle in... well, wherever she is.))
To the best of my recalection, I think LadyRivka said She is at WELLS COLLEGE. Though I may be mistaken.
We should support those women, like Wendy, Trudy,and others like, Cathy Young and Ladyrivka. AND be there for THEM in turn.
Unquestioning support? Why?
sd Those who like this sort of thing
will find this the sort of thing they like.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @12:08AM EST (#33)
(((Unquestioning support? Why?))
...No.., Not "unquestioning" support.
Maybe, more like cautious support.
(((Unquestioning support? Why?))
...No.., Not "unquestioning" support.
Maybe, more like cautious support.
Good. I'm not interested in getting into a debate about personalities -- I'm sure Wendy or Cathy would win hands down in a popularity contest with me -- but I do want men to keep their eyes open and not suspend judgement where these women are concerned.
sd Those who like this sort of thing
will find this the sort of thing they like.
I think all of the names of the men and women who were mentioned in the preceding chain have a lot in common, a lot of common ground, no we're not all alike, and most likely there are issues where our differing veiw points will take us in different or even opposite direction. Stand up, independent thinkers like us, coming from a lot of different backgrounds agreeing on anything is a beautiful thing to see when it comes together.
Is it a common personal pain born out of your own particular bad experience with the radical feminist agenda that is the glue that bonds us in this alliance? Maybe, that's the main reason I'm here, but you also seem to be a much more democratic and likeable lot than the radical feminists as well, but then who would want to be like them?
"As iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another." Your perceptive insights sharpen my wit. "Their is wisdom in much counsel."
Best Wishes, Ray
Is it a common personal pain born out of your own particular bad experience with the radical feminist agenda that is the glue that bonds us in this alliance? Maybe, that's the main reason I'm here, but you also seem to be a much more democratic and likeable lot than the radical feminists as well, but then who would want to be like them?
It's great to have you here, Ray. Please keep gracing us with your wisdom, or bile, or puke, or whatever you have to share. It's a pleasure to read your contributions.
Damn!! Did that grenade land in the middle of the pile o' crap or WHAT! LOL! Smokin', that was why I UNsubbed from the ifeminist mailing list. I think many of them mean well in a "mission from God" sort of way,, and Wendy took on those poopie-heads from the NOW, but I think they are fighting for what THEY THINK we want, (or worse, what they think we SHOULD want), not what WE really want. I don't doubt that when and IF this whole thing gets settled anyway, that men and women will still argue and fight like cats and dogs, as we have all through history, but we will all have the same equal protection under the law. Thanks for those lines SD, it made my night.
Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
that was why I UNsubbed from the ifeminist mailing list
Personally, I've gotten tired of seeing all the links to mainstream, genfem propaganda on the Women's ENews site, not to mention propaganda on the likes of The Independent. One in twenty women raped? And what's the definition of rape? Maybe when a woman is tired and says she wants to sleep, and the man says, "Aw, c'mon Sweetie," so she says, "What the hell. Okay." I mean, in that case, the woman had sex when she didn't want to. Must be rape, right?
<<Maybe when a woman is tired and says she wants to sleep, and the man says, "Aw, c'mon Sweetie," so she says, "What the hell. Okay." I mean, in that case, the woman had sex when she didn't want to. Must be rape, right?>>
Thats not even the half of it.
But its interesting to see women walk around in a paranoid frenzy all the time wondering not 'if' its going to happen but 'when'.
Those sexual assault centres that are bolstering stats for more money should be held accountable for their propagandas measudures.
It also purposely taints juries and judges who think the information and the stats are correct and that they are stats of the 'worse kind'.
Any guy in ontario up on a 'sexual assault' charge should immediatly ask to have the trial transferred. If that don't work, begin asking the judge was 'educational processes ' he's been forced through. Than start attacking the 'Ontario Sexual Assault Coalition's' propaganda. Then go after the coucilers who coach the witnesses or victims "Just in case he gets off".
Just because they shed a few tears doesn't imply the truth. Learn their tactics and shut them down for 'Obstruction' which used to carry a maximum 10 years in jail. Those centres act illigally everyday.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @03:53PM EST (#17)
You DO know that the policy at ifeminists is to post "news" that bears discussion and not necessarily "news" that ifeminists agree with, right? Usually, the "news" that ifeminists post and do not necessarily agree with contains a summary in quotation marks.
Also, I do not think ifeminists are fighting NOW for any reason to do with any kind of men's movement. They are fighting NOW because they disapprove of NOW's means, ends, and methods. Period. If you want to fight NOW in the name of a men's movement, YOU do it. It's not Wendy's job, dumbass.
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @09:17AM EST (#13)
"Wendy took on those poopie-heads from the NOW, but I think they are fighting for what THEY THINK we want, (or worse, what they think we SHOULD want), not what WE really want"
OK then...start standing up for what you want instead of waiting for a group of women to do it for you...
"OK then...start standing up for what you want instead of waiting for a group of women to do it for you... "
No shit.
AS far as Im concerned the IWF has done more for men than anyone, and that was done invertantly because they iwf started challenging the bogus feminist studies. And they only did that because they are concervatives and don't like paying 'pork barrall' projects that amount to shit except for some lying cunts paycheck. And that goes for male feminists too.
Dan Lynch
That is THE STUPIDEST reply I've ever seen here. How the hell do you know WHAT I or the others are doing away from this board. You must be some pushy broad that decided ahead of time what we wanted, because you 'know whats best for us' in your delusioned sense of moral superiority. It's easy for you to be condescending when you sign it anonymously, Anonymous User. Sheesh. Next please!
Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @04:04PM EST (#18)
Actually, anonymous is right and the other two lame-os who responded are wrong. Wendy isn't fighting FOR you, idiots. She's fighting for what SHE believes, not for what YOU want or even what you SHOULD want. That's not how individualists think.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. It's all about you, you, you, isn't it?
"Actually, anonymous is right and the other two lame-os who responded are wrong."
Can you be more specific as to who your talking about.
Either way, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Or some shit like that.
btw now cow your comments don't amount to shit on this board we can pretty much spot one on site.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @04:28PM EST (#21)
btw now cow your comments don't amount to shit on this board we can pretty much spot one on site.
You are more of an idiot than I thought. An idiot who jumps to unfounded conclusions, in fact.
"You are more of an idiot than I thought. An idiot who jumps to unfounded conclusions, in fact. "
Im in good company.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @04:34PM EST (#23)
Yes. There are at least two more idiots in this group.
Alright everyone, Let's leave the insults behind us. We have enough foes as it without turning on each other.
Actually, anonymous is right and the other two lame-os who responded are wrong
Hmmm. Anonymous thinks that Anonymous is right. I wonder if Anonymous agrees.
Remember to enjoy this fight as much as possible, guys. There really is a lot of humor in it.
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @04:23PM EST (#19)
I'm gone for a couple of weeks and suddenly everyone is ready to rip apart Wendy? What's next? Men's News Daily?
I can't believe how whiny and victimy this place has become, and the overwhelming support of the victimology in "Sex-ploytation" is a key indicator.
I am anonymous. I am male. And I am NOT a victim. Men's activism huh? Sounds more like feminism reborn.
<< I'm gone for a couple of weeks and suddenly everyone is ready to rip apart Wendy? What's next? Men's News Daily? >>
Gone where? No one tried to rip wendy apart in anyway shape or form. They were discussing the fact that they felt wendy and a few ifems avoid certain topics relatted to the book. If men's news daily takes a turn or fails to discuss a topic that is largely relevant than yes them too. As any news organization should be under the same critque. Your not one of those kids who play tag and begin to cry when they lose are you?
<<I can't believe how whiny and victimy this place has become, and the overwhelming support of the victimology in "Sex-ploytation" is a key indicator.>>
Are you saying its not worth talking about? Guys who have been ripped off routinely in the UK and their pennyless girlfriends now have 25 thoudand pounds in the bank for lying on their backs. Great contribution to the marriage, or should I say scam.
<<I am anonymous. I am male. And I am NOT a victim. Men's activism huh? Sounds more like feminism reborn. >>
Male? As in Lynne-bob from the Ms.ery boards or some other cross dresser who considers himself a 'real woman'.
The polarization of the movement is always in a tettering state, when those you are dealing with are spending all their resources to do so, namely feminists. Why so shocked?
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @04:46PM EST (#25)
Do you accuse EVERYONE who disagrees with you of being a feminazi?
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @04:49PM EST (#26)
____The polarization of the movement is always in a tettering state, when those you are dealing with are spending all their resources to do so, namely feminists. Why so shocked?
I really wish you would learn to write in English. This makes no sense.
"I really wish you would learn to write in English. This makes no sense. "
My english teacher was a feminazi.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Friday July 26, @12:36AM EST (#39)
Don't worry loose cannons can only hurt you if they roll into you or when your not looking. Of course they can do a lot of damage to a ship or for that matter a movement if there out of control.
Hummm, maybe everyone better give that some very serious thought.
Before you ask what's a loose cannon, it comes from a cannon on an old wooden sail ship that has come loose and is rolling dangerously rolling around all over the place. Sometimes its a term that's applied to people.
. "Sometimes its a term that's applied to people"
Try to be more specific, because I have no idea what you are talking about?
Dan Lynch
(assumed it was, as opposed to non-jerks as being the good “boys”)
That’s a big assumption with many males: That he’s good; and the ones who win are losers by being a jerk. In the eyes of professional Good Boys, all who don’t play by their rules of ‘good’ are jerks.
One of the reasons for the Bad Boy being a jerk, is the one who wins a woman’s attention, often does it by playing by his own rules, and by what he’s observed that works, mainly because it works for their prize--with many women who want to play by the “bad boy” rules. The bad man who breaks rules--the assumed rules of many other males-- in a sense IS a jerk, only because this ‘mean old man’ flaunts his opposition to being potty-trained, simply by the obvious winning of the woman. This makes the male who assumes he is a Good Boy, look like a jerk--mainly because Bad Boys often prove that the rules of those who believe they are ALL good, are often bad rules.
Many of the Good Guys, are in fact, imposing their morals dictatorially on others. One of the most ignorant & arrogant of modern assumptions, is the myth that one must simply be good to earn excellence--that by simply pleasing all others in their eyes by “doing good”, that he will “do good”. This myth is the most common manipulation. The “Do Gooder” most often gives himself the bad shaft.
Especially today, good boys are nearly exclusively trained by their mummies, or rarely by their daddies who were trained by their mummy. This potty-training is the ideal indoctrinated in formative years, to most often maximize what manipulative females want who have learned in their corrupt ‘maturity’ about maximizing her assets--which in large part means maximizing use of the male--hence a.k.a. to be a “Good Boy” for mommy.
In addition, these boys often grow up to be young with a sex addiction--not because of a raging libido--because instead, of formative needs for mom’s approval & confirmation that he is male. Then following puberty, this approval-rating is transferred to his next generation, precisely what is continued by his surrogate mom, his socially-approved spouse.
Granted from her perspective--when her goal is mating for children-- this makes good nesting-sense. And it can be good sense to men. That is, if nesting is her prospective mate’s goal also. But that is a BIG assumption to apply only these goals universally, and especially-so, to both partners who are relating.
The above goals of nesting exclusively, at every moment of life, all stages of life, as the only goal, is a big assumption toward ALL women, too. Good boys assume and nearly demand that his every prospect be The Virgin Mary, or at least when he meets her, reincarnate as Madonna sans a microphone. Instead, she might have different feelings between her legs--and sometimes in her heart also.
Guess what about assumptions? Some younger women --and some older women particularly over 40 who have been there & done that already-- have different ideas other than virgin ones pure as the driven snow, at least during certain stages. Some women too, were miraculously immune to her mommy’s potty-training, and survived with a mind of her own.
Yes, some Bad Girls are the worst in simply being wild & irresponsible. Yet some are the very best, such as a man’s best ally & free-thinker, particularly for applying her AND his needs to their own needs. Determining which girl is which, is part of the Wiseman’s training in growing up.
Quite a few of these Best, grow up to break quite a few rules themselves to obtain great achievements, and at the minimum, notable professional recognition.
In contrast, the worst of the females are the simply-wild ones or the drudges--both those types contain the vast majority of devious & maliciously manipulative females.
In contrast, the Best women will manipulate much more efficiently including to both her gain & her partner, and are at much higher odds more ethical, logical, and kind. This does not mean that she is going to kiss your ass, nor play necessarily by YOUR rules of what YOU believe to be “good”.
Also be certain, that these Best of them, are not going to be satisfied nor even give the time of day to those males who match the attitudes of most females. Her rejects, those grudging males, must content themselves, and flatter themselves, as being good boys, with their only hope to obtain a drudge or bitch who constantly assures her slave of his myth.
CAVEAT EMPTOR, the truly Bad & Ugly: Be sure, there is an extreme of being truly bad. Yet this falls under the review of psychiatry and sociopathology, the self-destructive and the destructive of others, of the obsessive dominant/submissive, and the sadomasochistic. NEVER be bad with any of these. A truly bad boy who IS a loser will play with these women, and attract them like mad, mad being intentionally used. Hence, these are the reasons for their success in the above few sentences of this paragraph.
In contrast there are some bad boys who manage to be good at it, far short of destruction and far closer to above-average life success. This type gets the most respect from the Best of women, and that’s why his type is successful.
It is true: Many of the majority of females will actually prefer a good guy and even a boring male because of his predictability and submission to being easily manipulated to nest and/or take care of her. However, many of those common women also, will secretly despise those males, and MOST of all one who is her mate--unless she too, is boring, unimaginative, and has low self-esteem.
I noted earlier this year in (what is normally barf!) “Parade” magazine, an article interviewing Bruce Willis. What struck me was the part in which he commented on learning to be a good Bad Boy. That exciting women love excitement. BUT that most of those women like Bad far short of being psychopathic & a sociopath.
I had a close friend with a fiancée during the time that the song “Bad Boys” became popular. She nicknamed him “Bad Boy”. And she loved it, and him. They did it THEIR way, personally and professionally, very successfully. After they had been together for two years, she told me one day, that “I have never felt so loved!” It was totally mutual.
I observed them carefully, and decided this was what I wanted to be when I grew up. As with this couple, I suspect that many of their type, have less frequency of cheating. If for nothing else, practicality alone. They realize how fortunate they are with their rare mate, and may be the least likely to place that in jeopardy.
Since then I have observed many others of exceptional libido, Bad Boys & Bad Girls gone good. In addition, far above average, they have accumulated other tangible assets, a handful of them having several kids + a minimum of two million $$ cash equivalents, and valuable social position. They are even less likely to put this at risk, and avoid scandals like the plague far more than most.
Again, it was not all “bad”. They did it by breaking some of the rules, soon enough wisely, and by doing so, broke the law of averages. Yes, my stripper girlfriend tells me that, “You are one of the good guys.” But that, only after I had been bad enough to be good enough for her. [incidentally, her prime first attraction to me long before baring it all, was that “You talk with me like no other man has.”; and secondly, that I was not a “john” or a sucker, whom she has no respect for.]
So never assume that bad is all bad. Nor assume ALL that has been force-fed to you, usually by others who are trying to manipulate you one-sided to do their bidding. BTW, freely judge others, as in “Be free.” If a person (once obtaining some learned experience) can’t depend upon his own judgment, then whose judgment is he to depend upon? His surrogate mommy or daddy? Those who “preach” that you can’t judge others--nor even have the right to-- are the most maliciously manipulative. Extract yourself immediately.
There is a price to pay, even for thinking to be free. You must be bad enough to break some rules wisely & selectively. The price for the exceptional woman is that her man must be capable of living up to her standards. The remainder of males must be satisfied or not, with being Good.
And all this time I thought it was confidence.
Dan Lynch
The firing squad? Lynch em or shoot em, Dan?
"The firing squad? Lynch em or shoot em, Dan?"
Your choice.
Dan Lynch
If your refering to my signature phrase.
It basically means make the sacrifice for the greater good. If everyone thought that way, they would have to either bow to our demands or call a state of emergency.
If they call a state of emergency, well we will know just exactly who is behind it all then won't we. Btw who keeps saying "follow the money"? Keep it up.
Dan Lynch
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