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Men deserve the right to defend themselves and their environment just as much as women do, it's time we actually see that reflected in both law enforcement and the media.
Sorry, the radical feminist and the chivalrous conservatives decided that as a matter of law that men should not have the right of self-defense. So, they passed primary aggressor laws in most every state. The intent of those laws is to have a man arrested anytime he responds to an attack from a female domestic partner.
The arrest of Erickson after being attacked by Ortiz is just the new laws in action. Remember, if it's legal it must be right, and the police were only doing their job in carrying out an anti-male hate agenda. They have to. The law requires them to do so.
Further, I especially like the statement by Ortiz where she publicly states, "Ortiz, who was not charged, issued the statement in a conference call with the Beverly Hills Sports Council, the agency that represents Erickson. "I want to set the record straight that Scott has never been physically abusive toward me, and in no way do I feel threatened or felt fear from Scott."
That poor abused and battered woman. That evil patriarchal man must have her brainwashed. She needs the intervention of the police state to criminalize the male. After all, didn’t the Progressive male abuse commercial teach woman that should castrate men when they cheat?!?!? How dare that evil male try to defend himself!
Of course by law, her testimony will most likely be disqualified and the DA will use hearsay to convict Erickson. Obviously, Ortiz is the poor defenseless woman that chivalrous conservatives want to protect because they need to be in a special protected class as women. The radical liberal feminist see Ortiz as being in denial and would want an automatic restraining order against Erickson if he were in Colorado. If this happened there then he would no longer be able to go home if Ortiz lived there.
Hey! Them be da rules! It's time the dumb ass men in America figure out what has happened. Let's see some more public evil male figures get arrested for defending themselves!
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
After all, didn’t the Progressive male abuse commercial teach woman that should castrate men when they cheat?!?!?
Should read,
After all, didn't the Progressive male abuse commercial teach women that they should create a man when they cheat?!?!? Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
You do mean CASTRATE right warble? although "Create a man" does have some interesting implications. Tony
Gees! Yes. Consider it an adit on the edit.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Whats legel? Does that have anything to do with being legal?
Whats legel? Does that have anything to do with being legal?
Dough! :-0 Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @10:59PM EST (#38)
Fishing, or Baiting, or both?
Now I see you.
Police arrested Erickson just after 3 a.m. and charged him with second-degree assault. He was released later Monday morning on his own recognizance.
What does recognizance mean? I'm somewhat illiterate in legalese.
"Stereotypes are devices that save a biased person the trouble of learning."
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @07:58PM EST (#34)
"on his own recognizance" means that no other individual provided surety that the acccused would appear in court.
As bad as this is, consider the next time he defends himself and his property from a violent woman. Then he will be guilty of a second offense, and he will do hard time.
The women, who know him, know this.
As bad as this is, consider the next time he defends himself and his property from a violent woman. Then he will be guilty of a second offense, and he will do hard time.
Sadly, that is how the law works. Further, if the police do respond to a second incident, the history of his arrest will be on their computer screen as they respond.
So, they will be biased to believe his is just another evil male and want to arrest him with little or no questions asked. That was the intent of the radical feminists when they created primary aggressor laws. That is why the man no longer has a right of self-defense in a DV situation. The best he can hope for is to run and hope the woman doesn’t get hurt while he attempts to escape the battery.
If the woman is "accidentally" harmed while he is attempting to escape the police will most likely arrest him using the new primary aggressor laws. All that is necessary for the woman to be harmed is that she tries to block his route of escape. If he "accidentally" overpowers the women, she can easily fall. That can result in a bump to the head. If that happens, the man gets arrested for a felony abuse. The police don't care why she fell. The primary aggressor laws make him criminally liable.
Because of these anti-male laws, it is no surprise that we have the highest rate of male criminalization in the free world! Make no mistake, that is what the radical feminist intend. It is no accident that men are being criminalized for self-defense.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Because of these anti-male laws, it is no surprise that we have the highest rate of male criminalization in the free world!
The primary aggressor laws remind me of the Nuremberg Laws, which were instrumental in establishing Jews as a criminal race in Germany.
The primary aggressor laws remind me of the Nuremberg Laws, which were instrumental in establishing Jews as a criminal race in Germany.
It would be interesting for somebody to provide actual quotes and draw the parallels.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
It would be interesting for somebody to provide actual quotes and draw the parallels.
The parallels lie in the criminalization of Jews and the criminalization of males. The specific means of implementing this are somewhat different. For instance, Jews over the age of six couldn't show themselves in public without wearing a Jew's star. Men are identifiable without such identification. A few years ago, feminists in Boulder, Colorado, proposed a curfew specific to males.
The real similarity lies in the systematic criminalization of males -- defend yourself from a violent woman and you are guilty of a crime.
Where can one find the "primary aggressor laws"? I'd like to read through them. Are they federal or state laws?
Where can one find the "primary aggressor laws"? I'd like to read through them. Are they federal or state laws?
In the California code they use the term "dominate aggressor" instead of primary aggressor. It means the same thing.
To quote:
These policies shall discourage...dual arrests. Peace officers shall make reasonable efforts to identify the dominant aggressor in any incident. The dominant aggressor is the person determined to be the most significant, rather than the first, aggressor. In identifying the dominant aggressor, an officer shall consider the intent of the law to protect victims of domestic violence from continuing abuse, the threats creating fear of physical injury, the history of domestic violence between the persons involved, and whether either person acted in self-defense....
Observe the word "intent" as it relates to the officers duty. The officer has been granted by law the privilege in interpreting the law and how it should be applied in a DV call.
On the surface one might think, the language is gender neutral and should apply to both sides equally. However, take a look a bit further down in the code where police are given the following directives:
(B) A statement that, "For further information about a shelter you may contact ____."
(C) A statement that, "For information about other services in the community, where available, you may contact ____."
(D) A statement that, "For information about the California victims' compensation program, you may contact 1-800-777-9229."
(i) The names and phone numbers of or local county hotlines for, or both the phone numbers of and local county hotlines for, local shelters for battered women and rape victim counseling centers within the county, including those centers specified in Section 13837, and their 24-hour counseling service telephone numbers.
Notice that there are no shelters for men (except Lancaster - 100+ miles away). Notice that the language is no longer gender neutral and specifically references woman. Look up the code and it is clear that DV laws are designed to protect only women. Men have little or no protection under the law in California.
It is clearly biased in the sense that no information is provided to men when they are victims of DV. Nor do the police officers have any order to advise men to seek shelter when they have been assaulted.
Police officers know that men will be arrested and not women. The jail is the man's DV shelter. When acting out of self-defense, only the woman is permitted that right. That is why they have the "battered woman" defense.
This is how officers are trained to "interpret" the DV laws in CA. They assume that men have superior physical strength, so if a male uses any force at all they become classified as the dominant aggressor.
It doesn't matter if the man was attacked first because men are required to be macho and take the abuse "like a man." If they act in self-defense to protect or remove themselves, the officers will view them as whimps that became dominate aggressors. They assume the male was trying to abuse the woman. This assumption is a matter of law. Take a look at how CA defines abuse.
You can find the definitions for abuse and domestic violence at the following URL:
Definitions of abuse and DV
To Quote:
6203. For purposes of this act, "abuse" means any of the following:
(a) Intentionally or recklessly to cause or attempt to cause
bodily injury.
(b) Sexual assault.
(c) To place a person in reasonable apprehension of imminent serious bodily injury to that person or to another.
(d) To engage in any behavior that has been or could be enjoined pursuant to Section 6320......
6211. "Domestic violence" is abuse perpetrated against any of the
following persons:
(a) A spouse or former spouse.
(b) A cohabitant or former cohabitant, as defined in Section 6209.
(c) A person with whom the respondent is having or has had a
dating or engagement relationship.
(d) A person with whom the respondent has had a child, where the
presumption applies that the male parent is the father of the child
of the female parent under the Uniform Parentage Act (Part 3
(commencing with Section 7600) of Division 12).
(e) A child of a party or a child who is the subject of an action
under the Uniform Parentage Act, where the presumption applies that
the male parent is the father of the child to be protected.
(f) Any other person related by consanguinity or affinity within
the second degree.
Notice the reference in the abuse section to section 6320. It reads,
6320. The court may issue an ex parte order enjoining a party from molesting, attacking, striking, stalking, threatening, sexually assaulting, battering, harassing, telephoning, including, but not limited to, annoying telephone calls as described in Section 653m of the Penal Code, destroying personal property, contacting, either directly or indirectly, by mail or otherwise, coming within a specified distance of, or disturbing the peace of the other party, and, in the discretion of the court, on a showing of good cause, of other named family or household members.
Notice the key terms, "....striking, stalking, threatening, ....harassing, telephoning, including, .... destroying personal property....contacting, either directly or indirectly, by mail....."
Using this broad language, abuse is virtually anything that a woman objects to. A woman can simply say that you abused her by making any form of "contact." Contact includes email, mail, phone calls, or whatever makes here aware of you. Contact can even include sending a note to your child. Once a woman finds something for which she objects, she can claim domestic violence when there has been any sort of relationship.
So, the way the law reads, if you contact a woman that was a domestic partner she can interpret it as abuse. If it is abuse then you have committed domestic violence. Because you are a man, you will be judged as the dominant aggressor! That’s how it works in CA folks!
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
The dominant aggressor is the person determined to be the most significant, rather than the first, aggressor.
Word has gotten out that, in the majority of cases, women initiate domestic violence.
local shelters for battered women
These laws are doing to men exactly what the Nuremberg laws did to Jews.
Warble, thanks for the information. It's much appreciated.
Word has gotten out that, in the majority of cases, women initiate domestic violence.
Which is why they changed the law. We cannot have women being punished for DV. It just isn't politically correct. NOT! I say throw away the keys!
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Some parallels to the contemporary men's movement...
On September 24, 1935, in response to the Nuremberg Laws, the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland – National Representation of the Jews in Germany, made the following official statements:
Our own Jewish educational system must serve to prepare the youth to be upright Jews, secure in their faith, who will draw the strength to face the onerous demands which life will make on them from conscious solidarity with the Jewish community, from work for the Jewish present and faith in the Jewish future.
Sound like what some people are trying to do in establishing all-male classes and schools, so men and boys won't be left behind after being taught they're trash because they weren't born female? As fewer and fewer men receive educations, we are being forced to establish our own educational system to prepare boys to be upright men, who will draw the strength to face the onerous demands which life will make on them from conscious solidarity with the men's community, from work for men's present and faith in men's future.
In full awareness of the magnitude of the responsibilities involved and the difficulties of the task, the Reichsvertretung calls on the Jewish men and women, and on all Jewish youth, to join together in unity, to maintain high Jewish morale, to practice strictest self-discipline, and show a maximum willingness to make sacrifices.
Sound like many appeals we have seen here, where men are called upon to join together in unity, to maintain high morale, to practice self-discipline, and show a maximum willingness to make sacrifices?
Whether or not it's generally recognized, men have been criminalized in western society, especially the English speaking world. And men's response bears close similarities to the responses of the Jews to their criminalization in Nazi Germany.
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @07:54PM EST (#33)
Nero burned Rome (his own city) and blamed the Christians. Many believe that the Nazi's burned their own Reichstag. Whoever did it, the Jews were then blamed and demonized, nicely promoting Nazi propoganda. Today we see violent, abusive women who initiate violence and batter men, then they show police weeks old bruises that they caused themselves, then they tell police they just got them, and men are blamed and arrested. It seems this sort of deviltry has a pattern in history that is shown being repeated in corrupt tyrannical minds. Especially ones that are coached how to lie by radical feminists.
Case history of police involvement in domestic violence law in Los Angels seems to offer strong support to the long held suspicion that the upper echelon ranks of the Police give I.Q. tests to officers who join their forces and dismiss those who pass them.
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @08:24PM EST (#36)
Stupid is as stupid does was never in history more true than right now when speaking of police involvement in domestic violence law. i.e. "Duh, we had a call there was a report of domestic violence. Duh, will you help us create enough evidence to arrest the man. Duh, you list filing false police reports of domestic violence as your job? Duh, that's o.k. as long as we get our cut of the VAWA."
Duh, Here's a bumper sticker from "police intelligence" for the evil man to help him with his reedumacation: "Thairs know eggscuz four doe mess tick violins."
"Praktus reding itt reel hard an sum dae yul bee az smurt az u kop."
by Anonymous User on Friday July 26, @03:58PM EST (#54)
...And next will come the GAS CHAMBERS..!
Be ready, I tell you this will most likely happen in our life time.
Your reading my mind again. This radical feminist agenda has a lot of parallels to events in the Nazi. It would take a lot of effort, but it would be a real smoker when finished.
Here's another thought:
Hitler described as the victim using all the terminology and methodology that is presently used in rationalizing violent, evil, or just plain criminal behavior in women (sort of an enlightened psychoanalytical perspective), i.e. post traumatic stress from his violent exposure in the trenches in WWI vs. a battered woman syndrome story. People would be outraged, Provide a scenerio where a woman exhibits similar behavior to similar stimulus and her actions are excused.
Here's a poster from Hitler's and Hindenburg's campaign in 1932. A rough translation is, "Fight with us for peace and equal rights." Equal rights. Sound familiar?
Here's a headline from the newspaper, the Sturmer. It reads "Jewish Assassination Plan Against the Non-Jewish World Uncovered!" Does this remind anyone of the propaganda that formed the basis for the Violence Against Women Act? Note also that Jews allegedly drew the blood of Christian children, just like propaganda that men are the primary child abusers today.
Here's a flyer from the Hotel Reichshof in Hamburg, Germany. It states that Jews are not permitted in the hotel restaurant, bar, or in the reception rooms. Rather like men are not allowed on all-women trains, or in all-women hotels today. The hotels may be private. The trains are, often, government subsidized.
How about this? The poster reads, "Recognize the true enemy with the yellow star." Now why does this remind me of the movie, "Sleeping with the enemy?"
Yikes! Okay, this is a bit different, but look at this picture of Himmler, head of the SS, visiting Dachau concentration camp. Now look at this picture of Hillary Clinton. Himmler, Hillary. Hmmm.
Here's a photo of women in the SS. Here's Andrea Dworkin.
Okay, so much for similarities in appearance.
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @01:34AM EST (#19)
YEESH, Thomas, did you HAVE to show us a picture of Andrea Dworkin? I just ATE!
By the way, folks read the rantings of "Andy" Dworkin, below. She actualy states that battered women "have NOWHERE to go"
Uhm..., Adrea, Have you never heard of a BATTERED WOMEN'S SHELTER?!?
Check your FACTS "Andy" Dworkin, It's battered MEN, not WOMEN, who have 'nowhere to go".
Considering the present day plight of men at the hands of radical feminists in the world, the old saying, "If we forget our history we are condemned to relive it," might more appropriately be phrased to say, "If we forget our history we are condemned to live herstory."
What a coincidence (co inky dink). I have just this very evening written to 4 people, whose opinions I admire very much, asking them about pictures I came across that I thought would be so appropriate, if put with 6 little words, to illustrate an issue in the Father's rights struggle. The pictures were from exactly the same area you have choosen to share with us in your communication.
The era you depict stands to this day as, arguably, the definitive example of evil (government and personal) for our time and possibly for all time. It is so easy to see parallels between tactics and behavior of that agenda and the one that is attempting to railroad our lives into some sort of state regulated nonexistence.
Having already received some input to my query, I was told that, negative imagery campaigns usually back fire (so far by two of the four), but we are under an incredibly unrelenting and severe attack, blitzkrieg, that has depleted our resources, and left us with a battered and beaten down resistance.
The 2nd wave of this treacherous, inhuman assault has already been underway for some time now, trying to dehumanize us as a group (men) into some sort of demonized, inferior imagery for the sake of further exploitation. I fear any further solutions (final or otherwise) that this group will try to promote to bring about our enslavement and permanent, 2nd class citizen status. You need look no further then the current events of the last week to find numerous examples of virulent attacks of systematic hate crime against men reminiscent of the Nazi hatred of "krystal nacht," (night of the breaking glass) in the early 1930's.
I was hoping my picture from that time in history with words from this era would jump out at the viewers, grab hold of them shockingly and say, "Hey! People are trying to portray (demonize)me this way, but as you can see I have no horns, no tail, no pitch fork, etc.; love my children and they miss and love me." Not too complex, but hard hitting if you could see it, and possibly not good public realtions. I guess people do get turned off by too much negative news, even if true. I know I'm sick of the news of the stock market.
One of the excellent criticisms I received pointed out the fact that we are so far in the hole in dealing with these issues that we are struggling just to get the solid ground to stand on to start waging an effective defensive action. Every day more men become blindsided and victimized by this insidious evil in our Western part of the global society. To those men as yet uninitiated I can but frightenedly scream out, "Wake Up! Just because your not on the plate doesn't mean your not on the menu!"
I for one understand what you are trying to say, and hope that others can see the parallels too, lest we all wind up surrendering the world to the tyranical living hell of the radical feminist agenda. I, hopefully as you, plan to keep workng my way through this quagmire of malevolence that we find ourselves thrown into.
We are dealing with difficult and treacherous circumstances where being "innocent as doves, but wise as serpents" is difficult to say the least.
I believe it was Ben Franklin who said, when the Declaration of Independence was signed, "We had best all hang together all we shall all surely hang separately."
Thanks for the response, Ray. I agree with what you say. Just my own perspective on a few points...
The era you depict stands to this day as, arguably, the definitive example of evil (government and personal) for our time and possibly for all time.
Until now, perhaps. Mainstream feminism may be the first example of a dominant hate-movement in which the oppressors are raising their victims. Even the German Nazis would not have done to their own children what they did to the Jews and what mainstream feminists are doing to their sons.
pictures I came across that I thought would be so appropriate, if put with 6 little words, to illustrate an issue in the Father's rights struggle.
A couple of ideas that I have, which might be appropriate if we get bogged down in Iraq and reinstate the all-male-draft-for-combat, include a picture of a middle-aged woman (like Uncle Sam in the draft posters "Uncle Sam needs you") with the woman pointing her finger and a caption that reads, on the top, "Aunt Samantha needs you" and on the bottom "to die, you non-female scum."
Another would be a photo of four women at an outdoor cafe, laughing and drinking wine. Next to it would be a photo of a dead man in uniform, lying face down in the mud with a hole blown in his back. The captions under the photos would be "She buys" and "He dies."
I know you're ex-military, and I respect that. I don't, however, believe that men should bear the burden of the draft and receive nothing, other than contempt, in return.
As for the quote from Franklin, you've hit on one of my favorite lines. It's extremely appropriate for the men's movement.
Another would be a photo of four women at an outdoor cafe, laughing and drinking wine. Next to it would be a photo of a dead man in uniform, lying face down in the mud with a hole blown in his back. The captions under the photos would be "She buys" and "He dies."
This is an excellent idea. Somebody should make one so that we can start circulating it as widely as possible. Hell. I'd even have posters made up and post them around town.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
This is an excellent idea. Somebody should make one so that we can start circulating it as widely as possible. Hell. I'd even have posters made up and post them around town.
I agree and I've thought of creating this. I might be able to get some women to pose for the first photo. I'm not sure how to get a photo of a dead soldier, though. Maybe Library of Congress.
Get a photo of Arlington Cemetary (try
or the Tomb of the Unknown Solider ( might be a good place). A quick search doesn't show any easily identifiable pictures of the Vietnam Wall.
I think the Tomb of the Unknown Solider or a panorama of the crosses at Arlington or one of the other military cemetearies, such as Punchbowl, might be pretty effective.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @02:29AM EST (#39)
This may be a lame solution to the "dead soldier" photo problem, but you could just photograph some guy in a soldier's uniform, covered in fake blood, ect. I know it wouldn't have the same impact as a real soldier who actually died for his country and all, but it would solve the copy-right delima as well as get the message accross.
This may be a lame solution to the "dead soldier" photo problem, but you could just photograph some guy in a soldier's uniform, covered in fake blood....
Yes. We want the shock effect of the dead disemboweled soldier next to a woman having a drink or some such cozy thing. This is great!
Then we spam everybody!
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 24, @04:12PM EST (#31)
This is a beautiful idea, Thomas. I would just love to post some around campus. Of course, I would have to do it after hours to avoid being lynched...
If you could possibly distribute the posters via email attachment, I'm sure there are alot of us here who would be more than happy to print them up and pass 'em around.
My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right.
This is a beautiful idea, Thomas.
I'm glad to see this response. Such flyers and posters will be extremely effective if we, as I said above, become bogged down in a war in Iraq and reinstate the all-male-draft-for-combat. (No fair drafting men for death and women to develop computer skills that they can later market.)
I could make the flyer, if I had a good shot of a dead soldier to which I could have copyright. I don't think a shot of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier or a shot of a cemetery would have the same impact. I might be able to get some women to pose for the cafe shot, though even that's not a sure thing.
The problem is, while I could put the flyer/poster together, I don't have the necessary photos.
You would want to do some further checking on this, but I believe at one time the expiration on copyright for a book was 72 years. There was some talk on changing it recently to a longer period of time, and I'm not certain of the disposition of that effort. I believe it was because some of Disney's stuff was nearing that 72 years. That's an awfully long time, but I have found some beautiful old books in used book stores in L.A., with really super metal plate engravings in them, that scan nicely into your computer. If you've ever seen the metal plates of Dore' in Dante's Inferno, Paradise Lost, etc. you know the type of picture I'm talking about. My understanding is that if the copyright is expired in your book it's your resource to use as you choose in publishing your own stuff. I've never done it commercially, just playing around. Sometimes bookstore owners have knowledge on that (that's what one very reputable one told me), but I think proper legal counsel would be prudent.
Good Luck, I'm excited, and all of this is giving me some ideas, but as an old campaigner (not that old) I'm telling myself to be patient and pace myself. I really want to be in this for the long haul with an effective campaign of truth constantly chipping away at the devilish lies of the radical fems.
"As iron sharpens iron so one MAN sharpens another."
Best Wishes, Ray
I don't think a shot of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier or a shot of a cemetery would have the same impact.
Exactly. We need the shock value. I would change the suggested caption from:
"She buys" and "He dies."
"He buys and he dies".
Then there might be a phrase at the bottom for the close reader that states:
"Womens rights; It's the right of a woman to have it all at no cost."
Or some such phrase that slams the idea of having rights and no responsibility.
Anyway, just the picture with the initial phrase is great. Even that gets the idea across.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
...No fair drafting men for death and women to develop computer skills that they can later market.
This is a great idea for another great poster. It could be the second image with a more distinct phrase. It could have an image of the dead disemboweled and dismembered marine with a woman at a computer station in a graduation uniform and a nice home in the background.
Then the message could read,
"A Woman’s right; He dies and she gets the good life."
We need to be plastering this all over the campuses. It's a great way to socialize young men on woman's issues from a man's perspective.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
I've done some searching through Life and Time magazine archives as well as the Library of Congress online catalog. So far, I've found no photos that would be appropriate for this. Does anyone have any other ideas for a reasonable search? Is anyone here in the Washington, D.C. area? A search, with the help of a research librarian, at the Library of Congress might be the way to go. Also, the photo of the dead soldier being dragged through the streets of Mogadishu might be effective, but it's copyrighted and its use might cost a serious chunk of dough. Here's a rather poor reproduction of it. Personally, I like the idea of a lone, dead soldier. Black and white might be most effective for showing the dead man, with the women enjoying the good life in the cafe depicted in bright, exuberant colors.
a great idea for another great poster. It could be the second image with a more distinct phrase. It could have an image of the dead disemboweled and dismembered marine with a woman at a computer station in a graduation uniform and a nice home in the background.
Then the message could read,
"A Woman’s right; He dies and she gets the good life."
Sounds like an effective poster to me.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @01:01PM EST (#45)
I agree completely. This stuff really gets me excited. Talk about shock value. Plus, being a former marine, I think I would be in a unique position to debate those who would argue against the message on campus. This really is a great idea. I think we might end up with more women agreeing with us than men (most of them are still hopelessly lost in chivalry). Anyway, I certainly hope I can be part of this if it ever gets off the ground. Let me know if and how I can help.
My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right.
BTW: What the hell is "CO INKY DINK?"
Is anyone here in the Washington, D.C. area? A search, with the help of a research librarian, at the Library of Congress might be the way to go.
How about Hollywood? The folks there are in a perfect position to set up and photograph this sort of thing.
This, too, will probably take a while, but it's a good idea, and if we want to do it we eventually will.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @03:36PM EST (#48)
Sorry, haven't created an account yet. I would suggest something a little more germaine in the tag line, which I think would expand the issue beyond military conscription issues. Something along the lines of "No, it's true, men don't do anything for society", or "That bastard wouldn't know a selfless act if it shot him in the face". Admittedly, I'm no ad exec, but given this is meant to counter what women's groups have million dollar budgets for, maybe maximizing bang for the buck isn't a bad idea.
Incidentally, contacting James Nachtwey or Sabastio Salgado directly couldn't hurt. They both have stunning images, and you never know, they may have sympathies that lie in this direction.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @04:13PM EST (#49)
(((BTW What the hell is "CO INKY DINK")))
"co inky dink" is a silly way of saying coincidence.
(I THINK I'm spelling that right.)
Yes, it's an adolescent colloquialism for conicidence. Young folks like to be cool so when something coincidental or ironically coincidental happens they say this. For this to be popular I think kids are kind of reflecting the over exposure we all have to the power of media sensationalism, the hype and hysterical spin they seem to put on every thing, or is just that we are able to bring so much powerful imagery into our homes that we overpower/overload ourselves and our children?
Regards, Ray
Yes, it's an adolescent colloquialism for conicidence.
Your analysis may be spot on, Ray. In any case, I think it's a pretty cool saying.
CO INKY DINK. Gonna havta use that one.
by Anonymous User on Sunday August 04, @03:29AM EST (#55)
You're welcome.
The one thing, in general, I find most distressing about the Violence Against Women Act(VAWA/VAWA II) is the egregious nature of its hatefulness towards men. Of all the billions of dollars that have been allocated for this Act not one penny is allowed to be spent on battered men. California alone receives slightly more than $11,000,000.00 per year to fund this criminal endeavor (VAWA II) foisted off as domestic violence law. To call the VAWA/VAWA II domestic violence law is a misnomer. This heavily biased law, dripping with feminist ideology, does not even attempt to recognize the full spectrum of difficult factors that make up the social problem that is domestic violence. This law seeks to demonize all men, remove them from the family equation (subordinate the patriarchy), no matter what the truth is. Thereby, they resolve any family conflict to the advantage and empowerment of the feminist movement (foremost) and all females (subsequently).
The fact that this law (VAWA/VAWA II) could be passed in America makes me ashamed to know that I am an American who is represented by people who have completely abrogated the constitutional precept of equal justice under the law. If someone where to tell me that this was a law that had been in effect in Nazi Germany I would simply nod and say, “It is truly in keeping with mind sets and behaviors from that time and place.”
I have seen numerous articles that say that evidence that was originally presented by feminist organizations to influence the Violence Against Women Act to be passed contained a wealth of lies and blatantly false statistics. The founders of this law should be impeached for having engaged in these improprieties. The result of those improprieties (VAWA/VAWA II) now violates and destroys the constitutional, civil, and human rights of innocent American men. Any person or group who presented false statistics leading to the passage of this law (VAWA/VAWA II) should face criminal charges for their behavior.
I am suspicious that many of the female beneficiaries of welfare fraud from previous decades are finding a new home in the “male exploitive” structure of the VAWA/VAWA II blame game. They have nothing to lose from filling false police reports as no action is taken by police when a false report is called to their attention (it is not in there economic interest to take action). Even a very provably false report of domestic violence, filed by a woman, is adequate to open the coffers of VAWA/VAWA II to the lying female scam artist who has learned to play this new con game. Do D.V. Shelter counsellors actually coach these women how to commit fraud against tax payers/ the government? Who trains these counsellors? Is there a trail that leads back to a certain group? It is long overdue that the books be opened on D.V. shelters, and their secret, unaccountable status be revealed by "INDEPENDENT TAXPAYER AUDITS." Open the books. I want these questions answered now.
In as much as Wall street and the business world must balance their books and account for all of their actions, then explain to me why these people are exempt.
Dear President, Senator, Congress Person:
I implore you to immediately cut all funding for this abominable program (Violence Against Women Act I & II) and launch an investigation into the numerous criminal violations that have been perpetrated against men in the name of this hate crime against men (Violence Against Women Act I & II). I would like to suggest that a special task force be set up to solicit criminal violations that have been perpetrated against men as a result of VAWA/VAWA II. If you need money to fund these actions I suggest you take it from the VAWA II. You cannot begin to imagine the mental and physical hell that a battered man encounters until you live through the unbelievable nightmare of being an innocent man ground up in the wheels of a prejudice, hateful, cruel, uncaring domestic violence law bureaucracy.
This draconian crime of violence (VAWA II) against all men must stop now! I demand it! The constitution demands! The very integrity of all that is just demands it!
There are no powerful, organized men’s organizations in America today to promote their needs and concerns. This is certainly not the case for the powerful organized women’s movement. In light of that reality I ask that you give this solitary appeal your utmost consideration.
Very Truly Yours,
submitted by: Ray
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @02:40AM EST (#40)
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