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All this goes back to the perceived notion that women are imbued with ALL right's of decision-making with regard to reproduction. This is a principal that must be undone. In fact, I read recently of a study that the "life" force that stimulates the zygote after conceprion comes from the sperm (as does one-half of the DNA). From a scientific perspective, conception is very definitely a bi-lateral process, and the notion that all life comes from woman is purely "herstory."
Great insight. Thanks, Ray
Save your outrage for the public hearings which the ALRC will have to hold before it can make recommendations. Down towards the end of that article you'll see that it does say that recommendations wont be made until March.
See It's organized under National inquiry into protection of human genetic information.
I'm hoping that all good oz masculists will
(a) make submissions; and
(b) get their tests done by March. :-)
I know I will.
Those who like this sort of thing
will find this the sort of thing they like.
SD wrote:
Save your outrage for the public hearings which the ALRC will have to hold before it can make recommendations.
Sorry, mate. I just couldn't help myself. :)
... in the Land Down Under?"
It's pretty destructive for a child to have a parent say: 'I don't think you're mine'. I've seen through my clients the damage which is done to the family and I can only guess that it's traumatising for the children."
If a secret test is available, he doesn't have to say that. Requiring a publicly approved test would cause that traumatization.
But Council of Single Mothers and their Children president Margo Northey said paternity testing was being used to accuse mothers of promiscuity. "I've heard from so many women who are distraught because the man who they think is the father of their child threatens or demands paternity testing," she said.
"In most cases it's a way for a man to publicly question her morality."
Not if it's secret! You know, secret, as in NOT PUBLIC!
Geez, these are arguments FOR the availability of discreet paternity testing, without need of the mother's knowledge, so as to save her from the horror of becoming "distraught."
Not if it's secret! You know, secret, as in NOT PUBLIC!
Exactly. These people spew out patent nonsense and expect people to buy it. (Unfortunately, people, politicos at least, usually do.)
It's no wonder the fembots claim that logical thought is a conspiracy by evil white males to oppress everyone who isn't an evil white male. The moment a declaration of mainstream feminism is examined in the cold, clear light of reason, it turns to dust in the wind.
This battle is gonna take a while...
A billion bottles of beer on the wall
A billion bottles of beer
You take one down and pass it around
999 million, 999 thousand, 999 bottles of beer on the wall...
by Anonymous User on Monday July 22, @08:08PM EST (#7)
"In most cases it's a way for a man to publicly question her morality."
Talk about convoluting the issue. The way I see it, this has very little to do with the issue of questioning a woman's morality. Fidelty, yes, but not morality. If anyone has affixed a moral price tag to the issue, it is her - not the men who simply want to know whether they are a father or not.
Second, when will these disturbed, irrational people finally understand that it is not always about the women involved? It isn't about blasphemizing women with questions of infidelity. And it sure as hell shouldn't be about possibly causing her to become "distraught" It is about the child knowing who his/her father is, sans financially-motivated lies. It is about protecting a man from being financially raped by any woman who experiences the whim to do so. I cannot believe how these issues always get turned around into an issue of what is best for the woman. She is not exactly an innocent bystander in the whole mess.
This is very scary stuff. Men will be placed in the position where they cannot protect themselves even by abstaining from a relationship altogether. All a woman has to do is point her finger at the nearest man and say "you're it - you are now my slave". From that point he has little available recourse to the law.
If I'm going to be reduced to a slave, shouldn't she at least have to buy me? [chuckling through the tears]
Will my amazement never end? What the heck is going on here? How can all of these very similar atrocities against men just keep popping up in western nation after western nation, after western nation (Australia, America, England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada,etc). This isn't any coincidence. Somebody explain to me the power structure that created this, at least,six nation monster of feminism. Is this what Hillary Clinton was ploting and strategizing when she went to China a few years back?
"TREASONIST SENATOR(S) SELL OUT OWN COUNTRY" Who are our elected reps representing, men and women of their own country or feminists from their own and other nations over the will of their own male constituents?
One world government is here. We defeated Hitler, but we have already been overrun by Feminazis.
Together now men, lets learn to sing that revised big hit from WWII, "Femi, Femi Uber Alas..." If you don't know the rest of the words don't worry they'll be coming to teach all of us soon.
Ray from L.A.(USA)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday July 23, @01:01AM EST (#15)
...You're scareing me, ray...,
We should ALL be very afraid. And continuing to do something about it. I know many are, but not enough do. Drastic measures needed, if not my suggestion, there'll be more ideas from others just as drastic. Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
Femi-nazi Uber Alles...absolutely right.
Will my amazement never end? What the heck is going on here? How can all of these very similar atrocities against men just keep popping up in western nation after western nation, after western nation (Australia, America, England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada,etc). This isn't any coincidence.
It's not a great mystery -- the actions are globally coordinated through feminist networks in academe and government bureaucracy. These networks are most tightly coupled in the English speaking world -- Australia, America, England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada etc. Note in many cases these networks are informal, in others they are actually officially sponsored and funded activities.
Those who like this sort of thing
will find this the sort of thing they like.
<<These networks are most tightly coupled in the English speaking world -- Australia, America, England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada etc. Note in many cases these networks are informal, in others they are actually officially sponsored and funded activities. >>
Thats why they are trying to get into South Africa so they can hand out pamplets that tell everyone how evil men are. We should be getting message to anyone in South Africa on this and warn them all. We should unite under one sun if you ask me.
Thats why they want big money to go into those non-english speaking countries so they can get translaters and more administration costs to do this 're-education', don't buy into their crap. And Warn men all over of this on coming force of hatred and evil.
Dan Lynch
Second, when will these disturbed, irrational people finally understand that it is not always about the women involved? It isn't about blasphemizing women with questions of infidelity.
That's the point: gynocentric thinking occurs reflexively, as a matter of course; every issue has to be considered from a woman's prespective; other perspectives aren't given consideration. Questions of public policy become questions of public policy for women. The matter of false paternity, a matter in which men have an interest, must be viewed as an issue in which only women have an interest (or women and children, provided that men are denied any legitimate interest).
It's not enough for women to decide unilaterally to reproduce or not someone else's genetic material, they want to control the knowledge of whose genetic material is involved. The fact that knowledge of the real father may benefit the child medically in certain cases is immaterial gives lie to the claim that the best interests of the child are at stake.
Do you want a society where you have the right to know how your genetic material is being used? Why do women have that right and not men? The right to one's own body in no way exludes men from such knowledge.
Incidentaly, the matter of seeing every issue from a woman's perspective happens with circumcision: men should be circumcised because it protects women from disease--the issue of a man's right to decide for himself doesn't matter, let alone that no amount of medical evidence that a surgical procedure for women shown to benefit men in any way would EVER come to be accepted.
It's not enough for women to decide unilaterally to reproduce or not, they want to control the knowledge of whose genetic material is involved. The fact that knowledge of the real father may benefit the child medically in certain cases is insufficient to sway feminists gives lie to the claim that the best interests of the child are at stake. If women decided that children weren't worth keeping alive, even at the expense of men, they'd be annihilated.
Let the law pass. Two reasons:
1) They are not going to be able to prevent it. All a father needs to do is submit the tests anonymously and outside the country if need be.
2) You can’t break the law if you don’t know the law. So someone is going to have to inform the population about the law. So more people will get to know their government up close and personally.
by Anonymous User on Monday July 22, @08:18PM EST (#9)
2) You can’t break the law if you don’t know the law. So someone is going to have to inform the population about the law. So more people will get to know their government up close and personally.
I don't know about Australia, but this is definitely not true in the United States. The phrases "ignorance of the law is no excuse" or "ignorance of the law is no defense" are quite common.
by Anonymous User on Monday July 22, @09:10PM EST (#11)
I don't know about Australia, but this is definitely not true in the United States. The phrases "ignorance of the law is no excuse" or "ignorance of the law is no defense" are quite common.
ESPECIALLY if you're a man.
It seems that, if you are a man, KNOWLEDGE of the law is no defense either!!
""It seems that, if you are a man, KNOWLEDGE of the law is no defense either!!""
I want to mention that if they have problems with this law in getting past, they will be using the "Best interests of the child" defence before to long.
They're worried about it ripping families apart they must be seriously joking right?
Demand that you know. The more noise men make about it the more they will realize hey we should have kept this thing quiet.
Something else seems to bother me about it as Australia is a socialist government, it means that they take away rights of private to the public. Which means you have to pay government's to do this instead of private companies. Plus the government gets everyone's DNA, which is what they want and have wanted in Australia for some time ie that scam a while back to get a criminal that killed some tourist if thats what happened. Be wary, the governments want all of our DNA sooner or later. The ULTIMATE POLICE STATE is just around the corner.
Dan Lynch
WE can see it. It may have to happen for those with apathetic duffs to suddenly feel backed into a corner with NO options. What happens then? Of course, some will......but the rest will fight like there is no longer a tomorrow, because if it that police state actually occured, there wouldn't be. Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
"What happens then? Of course, some will COMPLY" is what that should read. Sorry. Gotta preview first... Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
Surely one of the goals of feminism is to completely destroy the concept of fatherhood. It is no longer shameful for a child to be a 'bastard', children do not have to carry the name of their biological father, and in some places women are not required to declare the name of the child's father on birth certificates. The notion of the 'deadbeat dad' directly associates an affectionate term for 'father' with the commission of a crime, and a grubby-seeming crime at that. Fathers have few rights where children are concerned, though they are expected to maintain all their old responsibilities - indeed, children are only fathers' children when someone wants something, be it money or a scapegoat. It is an ongoing process of making a man's biological relationship to 'his' children irrelevant. Feminists view the father as an alien intrusion into the mother/child unit, to be tolerated by the woman if she chooses and only for as long as it suits her. The ultimate destruction of the father will be achieved when a man's biological relationship to a woman's children is seen as signifying nothing. In order to achieve this it must be possible to make a man pay for children that are not biologically related to him, simply because doing so suits the woman at that particular time. And if the concept of paternity is destroyed there can be no 'paternity fraud'.
Exactly the same thing is happening in England, where it has recently been decided that DNA is the property of its owner and that taking it is thus theft. One half-arsed justification for this was that it would stop insurance companies from using DNA tests to discriminate against people. The other reason was that it would stop fathers from carrying out secret paternity tests. Instead they will have to go through the 'proper channels', which presumably will be some impossible legal obstacle course costing considerably more than the five pounds it currently costs to get a DNA test done.
Once a father was someone to be respected and looked up to, now he is a child molester and a wife beater and a deadbeat. He is a useless lump and a liability. He is lazy and stupid and no good in bed. How many tedious adverts, TV programmes and films depict dad as a clot and the butt of jokes by mum and the kids, united in opposition (there are some Ford ads on the radio here in England at the moment that are exaclty like that; dad's a dinosaur, dad's so old, etc, and mum and the kids laugh at his expense).
The practical consequences of the feminist mindset seem to get uglier and uglier every year. There are those who claim there are many different kinds of feminism, but it's funny how the one with all the leverage is getting nastier all the time. You have to ask what really lies at the heart of feminism (how did Freud put it? "What do women want?"). Self-declared 'moderate' forms of feminism are like planets far from their parent star - the Pluto and Neptune of that solar system. The nearer you get to the central mass, the worse they get. The star itself is a black hole, its central secret hidden behind an event horizon of 'scholarship', misinformation, lies, bullshit and rabid hostility to criticism. What is that central secret, that singularity around which everything turns? Germaine Greer, that arch misandrist, once said that men hate women and that they didn't know how much they hated women, but the truth is that it is feminists who hate, whose entire worldview is founded on hate and propagated through hate. Perhaps there is nothing more inside feminism's black sun than a central singularity of pure hatred.
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