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I completely agree that we will be better served by taking the high ground and speaking from an honest yet respectful place. It is very difficult when your balls are being squeezed, but it is possible. It is a good and noble goal for us all.
I have been pondering your #2 for some time. I think that it is critical that we get our stories into the public view. Our power sits with our ability to stand our ground and speak our truth. I have been considering starting a web site that does just that: Allows men to tell their stories and archive them under different topics i.e. domestic violence, fathers rights, health discrimination, etc. Maybe include a FAQ for each area. I would be curious to hear what you and others might think of this idea.
The following quote from William Shakespeare's " Julius Caesar" Act I, scene II is an applicable to the Men's Movement and it's lack of assertive action with regard to the legitimate objectives of the same: "Why,man, he doth bestride the narrow world Like a Colossus, and we petty men Walk under his huge legs and peep about To find ourselves dishonorable graves. Men at some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings."
I agree with the concept that you should always be civil when disagreeing with someone in a news group or personally. As everyone knows, however, the pattern of women's behavior towards males in news groups and personally towards males is one of arrogant and personally insulting behavior which clearly indicates to me that females, at least in North America, regard males as a "subjugated class". Some males exhibit this type of personally insulting behavior (I have seen this a lot on alt.war.vietnam) which type of behavior I strongly disapprove of as representing ethical and logical weakness
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 20, @11:08AM EST (#3)
____Some males exhibit this type of personally insulting behavior (I have seen this a lot on alt.war.vietnam) which type of behavior I strongly disapprove of as representing ethical and logical weakness
Some areas of the men's movement are FULL of this kind of behavior (see the ngs related to men for examples). It is too bad that every time someone who advocates civility comes forward and starts speaking out on behalf of men that the uncivil idiots run him (or her) off or force him (or her) to only speak out about "safe" subjects. I haven't seen Glenn Sacks write about anything but "safe" subjects lately. Anybody can get away with bashing N.O.W. Who cares?
It's better that Glenn, for his own needs and ours, avoid the overtly controversial, as he has a foothold in mainstream media and he is getting read. When his following grows, then he'll be able to open up.
But Glenn's situation is unique. He first to come anywhere close to penetrating the Lace Curtain with any regularity, and I think it's better that he be able to continue this.
On the other hand, the mens movement does need to ruffle some feathers. Letters-to-the-Editor of your local paper are the way to go, especially if you can assemble three or four readers of the same paper making regular contributions.
Is there a code of ethics in the MEN'S MOVEMENT that promotes a higher degree of professional behavior/speech than that which we have seen being used to vilify the nobility of men...?
We can over-police ourselves.
I encourage the MEN'S MOVEMENT to research, to dig deeper, to be journalistically proactive and create our own stories around the issues that burn inside us, and then present them.
This role is being wonderfully fulfilled by We are presenting our own news stories quite successfully.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Oh, hell. Any real men’s movement is going to have to have its good cops and its bad cops. Men are going to have to understand who their real enemy is: The State. NOW and the socialist media are nothing more than mouthpieces for the State. Men have the numbers and the issues on their side and have people like Glen and Wendy who can articulate the issues. However, until someone can provide the catalytic event that will organize all theses men, the men’s movement is going to go nowhere. Now, I have nothing against giving each person the choice of whether they want to play good or bad cop. But having good cops attacking bad cops is entirely counterproductive. Men are not in this war for sentimental reasons; for millions and millions of men this war is real.
Excellent point, lock!
That's one reason I was dismayed at Sack's article on the more extreme men in the movement for the 'women-bashing' posts, and was in a few email exchanges with him over the point. He wasn't able to understand that much of that is due to fresh members, still hurting and angry over what happened to them or other loved ones, and he was downright immovable on it. The male feminists helping the womens movement along during it's growth put up with a lot of that for thier 'cause' of helping the n.o.w., not that I expect women that help us to do the same, but if they stop helping us because they are insulted by our anger, pain, or expression of it, then screw them, because it is the emotional ferver that is an important, if not THE most important energy to have that drives us along. We are going nowhere fast as a men's movement, but we are acheiving a few things as a 'feminized men's movement'. Is that really what we want? Not me. I would rather be the 'bad cop' that pushes the feminazi button until she explodes in rage and reveals how morally UNsuperior THIER cause is. I don't think women's issues should take a front seat, or a back seat in our cause, simply because of some help they've given us. We keep losing focus because of this and we will never conclude this war with any sense of mutual victory until we focus exclusively on Men's Rights. Period. I just pray these words aren't going to be the ones echoing through my mind's dying thought's because of the bayonet of a Feminazi's ultimate victory. To hell with moral superiority. We're in a friggin' war fer KRISAKES! How many times do men have to be blown out of the foxhole before they understand this. It is so basic, really. Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
Starz, I understand where you are coming from. However, just like it is counterproductive for good cops to attack bad cops it is also counterproductive in the reverse. And I am not saying this is what you said I am only making sure my point is clear.
Also, we do own the “moral high ground”. We are fighting for justice and equality. We must never surrender the high ground. But that doesn’t mean we must turn the other cheek every time someone thinks we are being rude.
Ultimately, there's often a lot more to the truth than just a one sided view-point. I concede that's it's pretty insensitive of someone like Ray (Hey that's me!) to be preaching a higher message when you're holding your entrails (guts) in your hands from the last radical feminist sponsored sortie (or maybe you got hit on the first attack). Truth of the matter is I expected to get a few compliments, but I also expected to get unloaded on, and that's o.k. I welcome it. Although it's important to see the whole playing field and be on the alert for things that can be used against us, I can sense that they're are some really serious casualties calling in to this web site, and those guys really should have a place to unload some of that pain. It's not healthy to go around carrying all that stuff inside of you.
One of the biggest problems with the whole radical feminist agenda is that they've lied, battered and abused us to the point where the only sane reaction is to be angry. The next step in their devious cruelty is when they strive to deny us that healthy defense mechanism of anger by saying, "that's abusive and criminal and should be counselled and conditioned and incarcerated out of us." A woman is allowed (encouraged by the legal system) to abuse a man unendingly and if the man gets upset then a woman just says she's fearful, and a man's life must be destroyed through the vehicle of the Violence Against Women Act, and the woman must be rewarded in numerous ways. Family law is slanted this same way and I suspect parallel atrocities in child abuse laws.
Since when did God die and appoint radical feminists the ultimate authority on what is right and proper in the affairs of male behavior (and female for that matter)? If anyone thinks they have our well being in mind at any point, now there's a real, true example of insanity. In my personal dictionary of words misogynist is a euphemism for how I really fell about this group of people, who literally commit murder of men, predominately by slow torture, but increasingly by overt violence.
Yes, there really does need to be a place for the pain of these men. War is about casualties too. The curious thing about this war, and perhaps the reason for so much bitterness, is that almost every last male in the movement was a casualty before he ever knew he was in a war or got angry enough (down right mad) to fight back. The entire MEN'S MOVEMENT is the walking wounded, and yes as I originally said we have to strive remember out humanity. First of all that includes our own wounded. If innocence is the first casuality of war then integrity is surely the next target. It is a very, very valuable thing to hang onto in any conflict.
It is worthy to note that U.S. Army Rangers do not leave their dead or wounded behind (as depicted in "Blackhawk Down"). Disciplined training combined with maintaining a high level of integrity under the most stressful and potentially dehumanizing conditions of war motivates the soldier to achieve high levels of professial performance as he sacrifices his utmost (sometimes his life) for the highest ideals of our nation.
Yet in American society, radical feminism seeks to shame men to get them change their behavior to the lowly image of what they percieve a man to be. Individual men often battle alone to fight false accusations, win custody, reach fair settlements, etc. Divide, conquer, and isolate has been the modus operandi of the anti-male agenda that has taken a heavy, heavy toll on the average American guy. No court appointed counsellors help men defend the liberties they have often sacrificed so much of their lives for, yet radical feminists have insured these special rights for women who most often have not paid such a similar high price. Radical feminists do not honor or respect the noble sacrifices of American men. Hypocritically, even now, there are those in the radical feminists' movement who call for more American men to go into Afghanistan to defend the rights and liberties of oppressed women in that country. The average American guy has been jerked around and exploited mercilessly by their insane agenda. Like a good natured mut, who seeks only to please so he can be loved and rewarded, he has generously given of himself tirelessly only to be rewarded with scorn and treachery by these cannibals who seek only to devour the lives (livelihoods) of those of their own species as long as they are male. Only lower life forms behave with similar barbarity.
It is dispicable that our country demands, nay, trains a man to be the antithesis of what radical feminist behavioral conditioning forces on men so he can serve in war to maintain the agenda of the country then allows him to come back to his own country where he is exploited and abused when his thoughts and behavior run afoul of the radical feminists' agenda. He must be criminalized, behaviorally recondition to radical feminist criteria, because he is an evil, violent member of the privileged patriarchy.
God Bless America? Not so fast, only, when radical feminists have paid their dues as cannon fodder on the front lines of this nations defenses, and respect the liberty of every citizen equally.
by Anonymous User on Sunday July 21, @06:22AM EST (#17)
I knew I liked Ray the first time I read one of his posts.
Keep goin' Ray, We're with you, friend.
are going nowhere fast as a men's movement, but we are acheiving a few things as a 'feminized men's movement'. Is that really what we want? Not me.
Sartz. This is outright B.S. that simply isn't true. What activist group do you belong to? I never took you for an online whiner and complainer.
Since when did anything worth achieving come easily? The fact is that the movement is moving forward in a big way.
Do you even financially support a men's group in the movement? What form of activisms are you involved with? It is kind of hard to set the progress when just writing to this board.
Gees. We need more uplifting success stories and less whining and complaining. I like Dan’s approach. He is suggesting all kinds of ways to activate. Dan is a solution seeker. I don’t see him whining and he has been arguably victimized more than any of us.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
"Dan is a solution seeker. I don’t see him whining and he has been arguably victimized more than any of us."
Thanks Warble, and Im glad people have that spirit to find solutions, to keep looking for solutions. Force your brain to adapt. Thats why we have to stop being afraid to speak out more publicly, at weddings , in school, at the fucking drive through windows where ever. We dont have to be assholes, we can learn to be very tactfull. I always look for things to jump on, especially when women talk about being afraid to go out at night. I tell them its most likely going to be a man that will get hurt, and that its the media playing to your fears so that women will vote for more police protection, its total propaganda. Which is a shame because they dont have the right to install needless fears into society women or men". Whether they believe me or not, well, I always say, the truth will rise to the surfice, theres nothing wrong with us giving it a helping hand.
I did go through a ruff time, and I was nearly murdered because of it. But to be fair I think that some guy losing his kids or something like that is probably worse.
I think that all men's issues are united, whether its lack of support by victims services or false accusations, or being taken for everything you have in the family courts. To wrongfull sexual harrassements suits to anything. To boys who dont read good to men who commit suicide out of desperation. Even the guys homeless on the streets put there because of whatever lack of society's views.
For ever men have been competing against eachother so to see another man suffer meant our success. That time is over now that man is you and me. Its time to start believing men's stories of wrongs and when they are heard speak out on their favour. IT doesnt even have to be hard. The truth is easy to tell and its easy to remember. If you can give a helping hand to your fellow brother do it.
If you guys want to be soldiers I mean real soldiers look around your cummy apartment and see all the shitty stuff you have and ask yourself "is it worth it? does having all these things make up for it?" When you are in a threat of dying you're not thinking about your funiture, your car, your leaky pipes, you're not even thinking about food or water, you're thinking about you're life for that moment and you're trying to get to the next.
Don't let it come to that, don't let them take away our rights, don't let them fool you with the bullshit of "If you are good you'll get desert" fucking bullshit jesus christ men. Because its just a scam. YOu tell them to give it to you right fukning now.
Someone said that we better be good and not cause any trouble because we want joint custody now not 50 years from now. If you want joint custody now, start fighting for full custody , and start preaching the fact that whoever has the kids as sole guardian is soley resposible. That means if she has the kids its her total responsibility to maintain the children's up keep and her alone, no child support payments nothing. If you have the children than likewise its your total responsibility.
If you guys are happy being weekend fathers every other weekend and paying 1/4 your salery and not rocking the boat, go fuck yourselves because you're thinking exactly the way the feminsts want you to think.
Dan Lynch
However, until someone can provide the catalytic event that will organize all theses men, the men’s movement is going to go nowhere.
Letslockandload. I cannot express to you how wrong this idea is. You really should visit the local NCFM chapter in your area (Los Angeles - I believe). They have some serious shit going down. It'll take about 1-3 years. But they are most definitely working a plan that is kicking some male discriminatory ass holes BIG TIME!
Due to the confidential nature of their activism, I cannot tell you over the Internet or by email. You will just have to exercise some faith and attend one of their meetings, pay the $40 dollars, and get the inside scoop. Trust me. You'll kick yourself in the ass if you are serious about activism and fail to join that group.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Letslockandload. I cannot express to you how wrong this idea is. You really should visit the local NCFM chapter in your area (Los Angeles - I believe).
I found their new web site. It can be found at NCFM, LA.
And their email address is:
What goes for Letslockandload goes for everybody in Southern California. When you guys find out what is happening, you'll be kicking yourselves in the ass for failing to join if you do not get involved.
Warble Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
I found their new web site. It can be found at NCFM, LA.
Oops. Something is wrong with that link. Try this:
Gees. I really don't know what happened to that last one. It should have worked. Oh well. Shit happens.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Warb, Mom was granted permission to kidnap the kids Phoenix. I moved to Colorado after they left (I still work in SD). Judge disallowed moving the case to AZ (so they could squeeze more from my pay check I guess) so the case is still in CA.
I have seen the lawsuit option used many times. I guaranty the decision: FRIVOLOUS. I’ll take bets if anyone wants to challenge my wisdom. Courts today don’t even recognize that fraud is fraud. According to courts today fraud is in the ‘best interest of the children’ you think they can argue against that kind of logic?
I have seen the lawsuit option used many times.
You are not getting the inside scoop of what is taking place with the lawsuits. Many of the techniques that NCFM, LA ( is using have been tested and others are new. It takes creative thinking to come up with new ways in which to apply the law in court.
The number one problem that men face is that they are ignorant on how they are being discriminated against. The second problem is that they do not know the law and how the laws have been changed to work against them. The third problem is that they try to play by the rules of chivalry and then cry when they get their ass kicked. However, I agree that you are right about the type of lawsuit that you are mentioning being frivolous.
I agree that the courts today act in a bigoted manner against men. That is why you need to learn how to use the laws against them. NCFM, LA can help you with that. But it is not going to be in the traditional areas that you might expect. However, it will be immensely satisfying to apply the law in your favor and kick some ass in CA.
People. Make no mistake about it. Men can fight back and make a big difference. But what we are finding is that we have to use creative measures to fight back. It is immensely satisfying to fight back and see the impact. It isn't always easy but it is a REALITY. It just takes time, dedication, patience, and creative thinking to come up with new mechanisms of fighting back rather than the old ways of rallies, protest, civil disobedience, and etc. The trick is to learn the law, think creatively about the law, and then fight with the law.
For example, one of the ways to fight back is to use the laws against the elite. We do this by having the 800 numbers handy at all times for reporting child abuse. Then we watch the elite for ANY questionable act of having contact with the child. For example, when an elite picks up a female child and touches that child on the buttocks. Then you call and report them. It may be unethical (I don’t like it) but it is legal, and it is the system that the elites intend be used against you. This is but one of many ways of fighting back. So get off your ass people, stop playing fair, drop the damn chivalry that is used against you every day, stop being a whiner, and KICK SOME ASS!
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
I think its time to start learning the law ourselves, and hit them where it hurts, right in the wallet.
Everyman should know the law period. Tell your sons to learn the law, your brothers and your friends.
Force them to spend themselves out of existance. STOP giving them money for chrisakes!!!!!!!
Dan Lynch
Warb, I did check out the link. You are right, they do have an impressive lineup. I have seen Mark Angelucci’s name on a board somewhere. Humm…anyway thanks again for the link.
I think its time to start learning the law ourselves, and hit them where it hurts, right in the wallet.
Hit them in the wallet and let the elites do some jail time using the same criminal laws against them that they use on us. We should especially focus on nailing radical feminist activist for their molestation of their children.
This is happening, we are organized, and we are experiencing incremental success. If somebody doesn't see the success, it’s because they are whining like babies and failing to support male activism. I have no sympathy for such lazy ass holes. Men are either a part of the problem or the solution. There is no middle ground.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
This may sound really cold, but I assure you it is in the best interest of your self-preservation as a man.
It goes against male conditioning to be unchivalrous to women and that knowledge has been exploited to its fullest by radical feminists. I would love to see someone write a book relevent to our present day struggles that explore, on a situation by situation basis, how to respond to women in the present day radical feminist war on men in America and the world. Every situation where we have been chivalrous, and it has cost us should offer a scenerio of how we as men can unlearn that now improper behavior, and relearn a new more appropriate behavior.
1st example:
A woman is stranded alone at night on a dark and isolated road. You are a gentleman so you stop to help. The next day the police find your rob and murdered body along side the road, and proceed to initiate a MANhunt for your killer (the ususal suspects). One of them with a lame excuse is framed and convicted of your death, and those statistics go into the Dept. of Justice database to get more funding to deal with the police profile of the typical homicidal male offender.
Now, From Men's Reconditioning 101:
Lesson #1 Don't stop! Keep dirving. Remember this goes against all the conditioning you have been taught thus far in life, but as an informed, enlightened, and aware man you are in mortal fear of your safety.
Lesson #2 By not stopping you may be avoiding a deadly con trap, and if that is possibly not the case then you are helping women to be fully responsible liberated people instead of reinforcing them to be the, "I can have my cake and eat it too," type we see so often today.
Lesson #3 Practice, practice, practice. It takes time to be reconditioned, liberated men, but you'll get the hang of it.
Other examples: A little old lady ask's you to open a jar in a store so it wouldn't be so hard to do when she gets home. Tell her, "No, ask a clerk to do it. I don't wan't to incur that risk."
Hold a door open for a woman? Never!
There is no bigger sucker, no bigger fool, than a man trusting a woman or engaging in an act of chivalry towards her. Women, typically being physically less well empowered have honed their skills at the con game to a level superior to those of men. Be aware and suspicious of that at all times.
All of this encouraged unchivalrous behavior goes against everything men have ever been taught. Maybe it even goes against the nature of what a man is in the male/female physical relaitonship so once again practice, practice, practice, or proceed at your own risk.
Ben Franklin once said, "A penny saved is a penny earned," but I say, "a woman avoided (especially one in distress) is a dangerous, life threatening liability deferred."
Whatever you think it is that a woman can offer you to satisfy one of your unfulfilled needs, I suggest you think about what that is, and then proceed to find a suitable, healthy substitute, an alternative of your choosing, and feel no guilt about it. Your life will forever be substanially enriched as a result of your decision.
Those who say it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, do not take into account the broken male lives that litter the modern day American landscape like used hot dog wrappers at the ball park after a game. If the state wants to be the female's husband and money dripping sugar daddy at my expense (all the while denying my present and future conjugal rights thru the rape of my wallet) then count me out of that equation entirely. I'm content to watch that game with franfurter in hand. No disrespectful pun intended.
Man O Man, Ray!
I go through my tirades and rants against chivalry on a daily basis (in my mind, but sometimes even in newsgroups! HA!) The idea of chivalry has been so twisted from what it was when it first began, in the 'days of heraldry and chivalry'. Now wimyn use it to socially engineer men and boys. You are right on, brother. I have been advocating to younger males that they de-program themselves from the notion that they "need" sex, or a female to have it with. It is all to often used against them as a form of manipulation, to ply something from them. Once they see through the 'game', it becomes much easier to do. Love between men and women as a general sign of the times is a thing that may come in the future again, but now, (it seems we're on the same wavelength anyway) ain't that time. As the disclaimer afterwords says, it is just my opinion.:-)
Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
have seen Mark Angelucci’s name on a board somewhere.
I've been observing Marc for sometime in the background. I view him as one of the movers and shakers on the men's movement. He also has a great team to back him up. He is very likeable and has many admirable qualities.
The Great Warb
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
More than you could imagine, but not for the reasons you may initially assume.
I don't like losing discussion, debates, etc. One of the surest ways to do that is to not think fully through what your saying. Most people (myself included)are better at expressing themselves in a well written letter than in an impromptu debate, because they have the added luxury of reviewing and editing what they've said before communicating it. Attack your own weaknesses before someone else does so that you can develope an answer or answers for them.
Therefore, this email, written to myself, questioning myself:
Ray, do you ever listen to what you are saying? What if the woman in that car in that hypothetical situation was your grandmother, mother, or daughter? How would you feel if something bad happened to one of your loved ones, because of the aversions you developed as defense mechanisms to the pains you have experienced in life? In other words what if something bad happened to one of your loved ones, because someone saw the dangerous way that chivalry toward women could be used against them?
To save myself another email to myself I'll reply now:
That's a good question, and it points out how all women are victims of radical feminists too. How can a strager tell what kind of a person is an unknown stranded female motorist? What does a radical feminist look like, or what does a woman look like who has embraced some of their radical feminist agenda, or what does a woman look like who completely rejects their doctrine? Sadly they all look about the same, unless our tireless police profilers have developed unreliable profiles for those categories too.
Should you stop, or shouldn't you stop to help? Proceed at your own risk! There is a great book out called the "THE GIFT OF FEAR," and in it, in a nutshell, the author says, if you are in a situation and your inner voice says, "Caution, or Danger!" be aware, be careful.
My last word of caution to you as men, or maybe not my last word, "Remember there's a reason it is illegal to hunt animals during mating season." In the animal world there are only specific time periods throughout any given year in which animals mate. These time periods are specific, species to species, but tend to be consistently the same short time period every year. The species of animal known as homo sapiens is different. We are one of only a relatively few life forms that have the ability to mate at anytime. In other words for human beings mating season is going on all the time and any time. Where am I going with this? The reason it is illegal to hunt animals during maing season is that, predominately, the male of the species is so obsessed with mating that he is careless, reckless (thinks with his male organs instead of his brain) to such an extent that he literally endangers himself and is an easy target. Without a ban on hunting during mating season you could so deplete a given species as to endanger its very existence.
Take a deep breath, because here comes the hook. Are you ready for this? Are you sure? Chivalry in my opinion is a part of the human mating ritual used to attract a mate, and when you are engaging in an chivalrous act or acts you become easy prey for opportunistic predators. Put that in your priveleged patriarchy perspective! Feel vulnerable yet? Sense the danger yet? You should, because chivalry comes naturally for guys. If you still don't sense that danger wake up, proceed with caution, and in this case as in all cases of any advice I may give, think for yourself and be your own judge. Just remember hunting season on male human beings is every day of their life. Again, proceed with caution. When you are attracted to a woman, or think about having sex with one you are not in complete control (engage penis - disengage brain)! Wake up and smell the pheromones. Who would have ever thought something so appealing, so tempting, so desireable, the very physical reason for sexual existence (procreation) could be so dangerous?
Sincerely, a sadder but a wiser man, Ray
P.S. Instead of attacking men radical feminists should be working just that hard to help men (as well as women). That's what REAL WOMEN are doing, and God Bless them all.
<<P.S. Instead of attacking men radical feminists should be working just that hard to help men (as well as women). That's what REAL WOMEN are doing, and God Bless them all.>>
Women are not the enemy as an entity, there are far to many litigating factors involved. Such as the massive Police state that they like to build. Cops need funding, so they need to raise suspicians and fear to justify that need for expanding. No one unfortuanately has half the brain to realize that the severe police state is half the problem. Certainly not to many cops.
Thats why you don't see the cops questioning the feminazis little tactics of bolstered and false information on pamplets claiming everyone is a possible 'whatever', because they naturally assume its not cops and that it helps bolster funding. Until it starts biting some of those cops in the ass.
The biggest problem we have is with the smallest population's, but they are the ones with the media dictatal. I believe that if women and men were given a clearer and more accurate studies etc... we would have a better chance at doing some good. Ask a woman today and she'll say,"well its all over the news, and blah blah blah", but then again so will most men.
I do however think you are seriously correct about being and teaching our boys to be extremely caustious, that should be a given, as a self-defence instructor I tell all my students who are possible threats. And I certainly tell them about the 'false accusation' threat and how daming it is. Most of them don't believe me oddly. They still think the justice system is about the 'truth'.
I was talking to a guy yesterday who said something along the lines of "The reason the court systems are unjust is so that you will spend a fortune fighting for justice". It was close to that, but he really said even better. The truth is, if Defence Lawyers had any real salt, this shit we are going through would NOT be happening. I have to ask, is there a Community of Defence Lawyers that defend our rights as an individual group?
I know there is a group of lawyers joining forces around here to fight the 'low pay of legal assistance' (geeezzzz) cause they arn't getting enough money. I wonder when they will ever start fighting for 'fairness' again.
Dan Lynch
It's not just a matter of misplaced chivalry, but learned helplessness too. I've noticed that almost every sitcom and every TV ad portrays men as dependent on women in the domestic sphere.
Dependent, not just for sex, but for food (everyone is taught men can't cook), clothing (everyone is taught men can't dress themselves), hygiene (everyone is taught men are pigs), and childcare (everyone is taught men can't be trusted / are clueless with children).
Of course this is all rubbish (I've never met a woman who could iron a business shirt better than I can), but continual exposure to that message must have an effect on boys.
Those who like this sort of thing
will find this the sort of thing they like.
Now I'm talking to myself...
Further, has anyone else noticed the way husbands are portrayed in the media? the ones who aren't there as monsters are always portrayed as being subordinate to their wives and fearful of them. Wives are almost never portrayed this way. Men being scared of their wives is supposed to be funny and familiar, to ring true with (the mostly female) the audience.
sd Those who like this sort of thing
will find this the sort of thing they like.
Dan wrote:
Thats why you don't see the cops questioning the feminazis little tactics of bolstered and false information on pamplets claiming everyone is a possible 'whatever', because they naturally assume its not cops and that it helps bolster funding. Until it starts biting some of those cops in the ass.
There are hints in Detroit that police are well aware of the dangers in DV policies and moved to protect themselves. htm
"...But to the Detroit Police Officers Association and the union's contract, no officer accused of a misdemeanor domestic-violence crime can be suspended, or even fired. Only after a conviction -- and then only after a 1-year waiting period -- can any action be taken...
...Officer David Malhalab of the 6th (Plymouth) Precinct said domestic-violence allegations are often used as a weapon against police officers.
"It's often unprovable -- one word against another," Malhalab said. "The non-police person always has the advantage, knowing they can do great harm to an officer's career."
The Free Press has made a "scandal" of this and the protective clause will probably be gone from the next contract, if not sooner.
I know you mean well and (I assume) in your initial closing you speak of that folly of our human weakness, wherein we seek to find beliefs that are comfortable to our way of thinking, and I take no offense at your gracious, good humor.
I do like the sort of thing I hear you saying,
but not just because it supports some veiwpoint that I would hold on to at any cost,
but because it is the missing piece in the puzzle of truth,
where lies have been shaped to fit into the holes by radical feminists,
but they just don't fit.
Never feel you have to please me just to appease me, always be a true friend and tell me what you really think the truth is. I'll respect the honest man no less than the polite flatterer even if we disagree.
In this war against men these truly have been, "the times that try men's souls." It was Winston Churchill who said, "In times of war the truth is so precious that she/he must be accompanied by a body gaurd of lies."
That has certainly been a tactic often employed by the radical feminists' campaign of distorted truth that I hope never to have weighing on my conscience.
Cheers, Ray
" Men being scared of their wives is supposed to be funny and familiar, to ring true with (the mostly female) the audience. "
Sounds about right, trying to reform the rolls.
Personally I always wanted a woman who could keep me interested and was my intellectual equal or superior it didnt matter, but women don't want coward men, but its hard to say what this television role will do to men.
I say television sucks and I would act on the defensive. Tell women that the media sponsors are just catoring to their egos so they will buy shit they don't need. Thats what I do. Of course I live breath and eat men's activism.
Dan Lynch
If we want to get exposure on the lawsuits than get someone to make up a press statment, and we can spam the fuking thing everywhere.
Just one idea. Any others?
Dan Lynch
If we want to get exposure on the lawsuits than get someone to make up a press statment, and we can spam the fuking thing everywhere.
Nope. It isn't a good idea to work that way. There are too many members of the men's movement that have members who were humiliated when they ended up begging for media attention. F*^% them!
No begging for media attention allowed! The suites will have a cumulative effect. Let the damn media beg for the damn news. Let them beg for the interviews!
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
"No begging for media attention allowed! The suites will have a cumulative effect. Let the damn media beg for the damn news. Let them beg for the interviews! "
Sorry I was more interested in getting the word out that the lawsuits are being made. Had nothing to do with interviews and begging for media attention, it had to do with passing information. From what I got, the media was trying to surpress the information. If you want to do interviews go on oprah, fuk sakes. You want to fight for men's rights stand up and take a bullet.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Tuesday July 23, @05:21AM EST (#65)
Dan You are definatly My kind of people.
The men's movement could stand MORE guys like you!
And yeah, spaming the info may, indeed be a good way to get the word out on these lawsuits.
Had nothing to do with interviews and begging for media attention...
Dan. I was being sarcastic. I guess my tone was a bit too serious. Sorry.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
"Dan. I was being sarcastic. I guess my tone was a bit too serious. Sorry.
Warble "
Alright, now that we're past that, what about getting the word out on the lawsuits? Im telling yu guys we have to turn into our own media engine and fast.
Dan Lynch
Alright, now that we're past that, what about getting the word out on the lawsuits?
NCFM, LA will have to win one of the major suits first. Then people will be stunned and wonder what happened.
Further, there are steps being taken to build up a pot. Once it's big enough, NCFM, LA will promote the lawsuits. Nobody will be able to ignore it.
Be patient my friend. I know it's hard but things are happening (BIG TIME), and the groundwork is being laid.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
I know you mean well and (I assume) in your initial closing you speak of that
folly of our human weakness, wherein we seek to find beliefs that are comfortable
to our way of thinking, and I take no offense at your gracious, good humor.
I do try to be a humanist, God (eh...) help me, but the last line is an alleged Richard Nixon quote that was supposed to illustrate his verbal duplicity.
In this war against men these truly have been, "the times that try men's souls." It
was Winston Churchill who said, "In times of war the truth is so precious that
she/he must be accompanied by a body gaurd of lies."
I prefer to save the lies for when the Gestapo comes knocking. With so much focus on telling "hip", "clever", and "socially progressive" lies I think there might be a market opp for the truth.
P.S. My friends call me Tim.
Those who like this sort of thing
will find this the sort of thing they like.
You're a good man Dan, but your spelling confuses me sometimes.
but women don't want coward men
Maybe... but they do seem to enjoy cowing men.
I say television sucks and I would act on the defensive. Tell women that the
media sponsors are just catoring to their egos so they will buy shit they don't
Unfortunately the media are encouraged to pander to the worst aspects of female psychology in ways that would never be permitted towards male psychology.
sd Those who like this sort of thing
will find this the sort of thing they like.
I think Dan is right. Greater attention by the public to the lawsuit while the lawsuit is ongoing would increase the chances of a favorable outcome. I would use the spam list differently however. First, we would need to get more forceful with the media and demand that they do their job and cover the news. Second, we let them know that if they fail to cover the news properly, we will retaliate. (We should stop being nicey nice with the media.) So when they fail to cover the news, we brig out the spam list and inform the people of the behavior of their media. We could also increase distribution of our retaliatory message using Internet based, alternative new, web sites.
"I think Dan is right "
I am also talking about sending out to our own e-mail lists and any post boards we can find. Etc...etc... to get news out on the matter, and to do it in cycles.
Also warble mentioned that they need a "pot" , well by getting the 'word' out I think it increases the chances of getting such a pot.
Although I do believe it could work against us because the other side could develope a pot. But just out of curiosity why are they trying to keep it hush hush?
Dan Lynch
Ah Ha, Trickey Dick! Thank You for the fuller picture. It reveals the deeper meaning. Good imagery. I have often told people that characters like this, "R.N.," don't come along every day. He's a good example of a duplicitous communicater, able to think on a number of levels at once, some of them as we saw in Carpentry, "a bubble short of true level."
cheers, Ray
My position is that whatever you write, whether you take the high, intermediate, low or under-ground, write it well. Some of the writing I've seen on the mens sites is embarassing. Other than that, I think it's presumptuous to tell others to take the high ground. Walk a mile in their shoes instead.
I am no George Patton, however, traditionally, in war, the high ground is tactically superior from an offensive standpoint, and eminently more defensable (and this is a war).
It's a real bear to be caught in less than ideal conditions and be taking it in the proverbial shorts from the enemy (been there done that). Traditionally, if you are in that position, you are in a bad position. Options: flee to the high ground, hold your ground, withdraw, wait for relief, innovate, surrender, etc. I may be overlooking an option, but those are pretty much the cold, hard realities. In war acceptable losses are a cruel, oxymoronic reality (there's no such thing as an acceptable loss).
With that being said, take note that history is full of wars that have been won by numerically inferior numbers using will power, superior tactics, etc. To the loners in our group I would just say that anyone who thinks they can go it alone should be an adept guerilla fighter.
In reality, WINNING IS THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE HIGH GROUND in this war, but I for one chose to keep my rules of engagement within the parameters of what are the legally acceptable guidelines. If the rules of engagement need changing, then that becomes a front in the war.
War is a terrible waste of resources. Winston Churchill said, "Jaw, jaw, jaw is better than war, war, war. Sometimes tyrants leave us no choice, and hard decisions must be made. No one has the patent on solutions is this war, and all are welcome to have input. If anyone angrily vents and cannot provide dispassionate sound input it, it does not advance the strategy or solutions much, but it is certainly acceptable and welcomed by those best qualified to counsel and hear about the pain. Likewise, it is valuable for the wounded to express and unload this burden. Lastly, it is valuable for the strategists to no the true logistics of their troops and resources, to know the condition they are in.
Speaking in a strategic sense, when I first started my new job (in management) a while back, I went to my boss with a problem that I had meticulously defined in detail and felt really good about in the articualte way in which I had described it. Without blinking an eyelid my big boss dispassionately read it then tossed it back to me and said, "In the future make sure you have clearly spelled out the solution to any problems you bring to me. Now go back and finish this."
I wonder if anyone is aware of the 'Cree Indian's' battle with Hydro Quebec? Hydro Quebec was powerful and mighty it had loads and loads of money. The Cree went down to New York and took out an ad costing $50 000 (full page I believe) to explain their plight.
The Cree have had the Hydro company on the ropes ever since. If you want to talke about an underdog fight that is a good one to model after.
Personally I think are strengths and assets are far larger and stronger than we are assumming. I know a lot of people think 'Getting to Yes' is a bit utopic in the negotiating sence, but I strongly reccomend it. Along with the other's in the series such as 'Getting Past No' and 'Getting ready to negotiate'. There are a few others worth while. Getting To Yes is the primer.
Then stuff like Sut Tzu for tactical and adversarial works. If you have time to read, 'The Will to Power' is always one of my favorites. Get the Walter Kaufman edition.
I still think the 'Bible' is one of the most underated books on this subject. "Let My People Go!" good stuff. I have the children's edition storytime bible, that my grandma and grandpa gave me 20 years ago. Its condensed gets the main message across cuts out the unnessasary.
'Getting Together' was decent too.
Spreading the word is the most important thing in the men's activism as far as Im concerned. Set out flags that tells people you are a men's activist, that way you can collect in more localities. Become a leader, and stop being afraid to tell people the truth. If you can afford small ads in personals do it. If you can take the time to photo copy activism posters. I think you can do this at a low cost.
Get 100 copies of a normal sized paper. Print something that you think is important on it. Lets say I wanted to promote a book.
"Spreading Misandry: see how negative images of men are ruining lives and dening men fair trials. buy the book today."
or you could just post the meaning of Misandry. Go around and tape them to trees and posts.
All together this should cost less than $20, and only do it once a month or something with in your time frame and economy. Its like promoting yard sales etc...or lost cats, but it works to some degree. Im going to do it anonymously, but people will start to see it. Hell even graffiti if you want. I used to go around my campus writing on the passouts that the fembots put up showing other stats.
One can be inventive in personal ads without making it appear as though you're anti'feminist yet get the meaning across.
I do a 'wrongfully accused' ad. I put things in the paper like "Bolstered, skewd and biased research is creating a very false picture. Dan Lynch Wrongfully accused. That ad weekly costs me only $4 dollars and they have my number. Im slowly building a little army here, with a growing information center that is spreading and spreading. I even hand out business cards, cost less than $20 for 500 of them. You can be creative as to your business card. You can even make it as a 'personal card' that hands out your number to friends and aquatinces. But the thing is you have to be willing to show these guys information. Work slowly and get their emails and send them some of the links and or articles. Point them in the directions. Never force anyone always make it their choice to find out, but tell them you have an unbelievable amount of stuff that would blow their mind if they knew what was really going on.
Some men need to vent, they need to break down, they need to get it out of their system. Once they do that they can work for a change. If they are venting and threatening than thats when one can jump on their energy and redirect it to positive activism. Since I have been active, I have gotto so much anger out I have become happy and I have developed skills that I can utilize in my life everyday. Developing skills in hate, will not provide you with much.
I have been noticing women have been very rude and 'me first ' attitudes. We should learn to exploit their weaknesses and short cummings. The Tao of Jeet Kune Do has great philosophy regarding some of this. Its actually taken from other philosophies but it has a good compliation.
Whoever is for our cause is for it. We need to be able to opperate independantly and organized at the same time. Neitzche' writes of the Cosmic Dancer, the cosmic dancer hops from one side to the other. When it is time to be hard be hard, when it is time to be soft be soft. Learn the power of true gentleness and learn the timing of when to use force and disdain.
Always think two or three steps ahead, and try to rely on your intuition as your guide.
Set up a flag about who you are and what you are, you do not put a candle underneath your bed you put it out in the open where its gets seen and used for what it was intended.
What you whisper in the ears, yell from the rooftops so all of us can hear. Stop being afraid.
Dan Lynch
Spreading the word is the most important thing in the men's activism as far as Im concerned. Set out flags that tells people you are a men's activist, that way you can collect in more localities. Become a leader, and stop being afraid to tell people the truth. If you can afford small ads in personals do it. If you can take the time to photo copy activism posters. I think you can do this at a low cost.
Exactly. Go out in public. Meet strangers. Exercise courage to tell them the facts about the men's movement. Tell them how we are making a difference. You will be surprised at how many will support you. The most common comment that I hear is that, “it’s about time someone stood up and said something!” Put up posters and signs everywhere. The costs really are minimal. Drive them to web sights and get them involved even if it’s only to make donations. Their membership is one of the most powerful ways we can effect change.
A word of caution; I would not be promoting male activism at work. The radical feminists have been known to claim hostile environment and sue male activist. Warren Farrell has documented such instances and I do hear about it from other men.
But we are free to nail everybody else with this stuff. This last weekend I put up stickers up all around one of the biggest malls in the U.S. They are leaving impressions even as I write.
We can also buy bundles of stakes at Home Depot, purchase cardboard flyers, staple them to the stakes, and post them around every freeway entrance. This is another good way to drive people into the men's movement.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
"A word of caution; I would not be promoting male activism at work. The radical feminists have been known to claim hostile environment and sue male activist. Warren Farrell has documented such instances and I do hear about it from other men. "
Personally I am trying to goad this as I have prepared myself with enough evidence to present a counter case. But I am in Canada so your laws maybe different if you can't even know why you're being dismmissed.
I was effective on campus by pointing out their hostile language and atmosphere that I felt I was receiving because of I am a male. I rocommend that men start taking action by 'complaints lodged'. Also I would seriously sue the public school boards, for harming our boys with feminist indoctrination thats leading them to failure, suicide and high dropout rates.
Please somebody sue the public schools if you can, or at least make attempts to discuss with others if the possibility exists.
Women are not the enemy, its the ideology that is the enemy, change that ideology back to even just common curtesy . Even most women I know are starting to say that "Its the girls that are the worst" as far as being rude and selfish. Its causing problems guys, talk about it and exploit it.
Dan Lynch
Please somebody sue the public schools if you can, or at least make attempts to discuss with others if the possibility exists.
We cannot sue government organizations. There are exceptions, but I don't believe this is one of them. Remember, the suits must be well targeted and cost the opposition money.
It turns out that it's rather easy to find winnable suits for male discrimination in California. Just give NCFM, LA ( some time. They have a stack of suits (30+) being processed. Be patient. All they need to do is win their Men’s Commission suit against L.A. County or win their DV Shelter suits. If that doesn’t work then the cumulative effect of their smaller suits will work.
I predict that when NCFM, LA hits over 200 suits that people in the news will start to notice. It’ll take time to get that much paperwork processed. Currently, the liberal feminist media is intentionally and successfully suppressing the news. They do this even though there are reporters putting the news on the wire. Their power of censorship is beyond belief.
From what I understand, the liberal feminist news reporters will even admit that NCFM, LA’s suits are newsworthy. But they intentionally suppress it because they don’t want men to find out and support their cause. The liberal feminists are quite scared of NCFM, LA. They know what is going on and it pisses them off.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
word of caution; I would not be promoting male activism at work. The radical feminists have been known to claim hostile environment and sue male activist. Warren Farrell has documented such instances and I do hear about it from other men.
What do you think about filing petty complaints using employer or govt EEO channels against female coworkers in the way that feminists do to men? I've noticed that where I work quite a few women have misandrist and/or "female-power" jokes, slogans etc displayed in their work areas. A few even have beefcake-type calendar pictures. Men don't dare display this kind of thing (directed against women, I mean).
Is picking on small fry like this and earning yourself a reputation as an asshole worth it? is this a case of "turnabout is fair play" or "keep your powder dry" (forget about "turn the other cheek").
Those who like this sort of thing
will find this the sort of thing they like.
What do you think about filing petty complaints using employer or govt EEO channels against female coworkers in the way that feminists do to men? I've noticed that where I work quite a few women have misandrist and/or "female-power" jokes, slogans etc displayed in their work areas. A few even have beefcake-type calendar pictures. Men don't dare display this kind of thing (directed against women, I mean).
That is a definate hostile environment suit, and it's worth tons of money. I would talk to an attorney about how to document the complaints. If the attnorney is resistant, get one that will cooperate. I'd get analog pictures (not digital), and I'd be logging all of those anti-male jokes for a year. What you have is a rare multi-million dollar anti-male hostile environment suit. Screw 'em to the wall!
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Excellent post Dan. Hard to add to what you said here some things I’ve been doing.
On spreading the word: I’ve been starting forum threads on sites other than “men’s groups sites” like gerrillanews which is an anarchist site. You would be surprised about the extent even young men have been indoctrinated with anti-patriarchy propaganda. However, I feel I have a better chance of opening someone’s position in these environments where as people in say feminist sites pretty much have their minds made up. (Unless one knows well about others, it is not possible to know oneself. There is possibility of being misled in doing anything.)
Since you are such a practical man maybe you can help me with this. I love hot sauce – the “insanity” kind. The other day I got some on my thumb and from there I got it on my really expensive ski jacket. I haven’t been able clean the stain – it’s like etched or something. I like the expensive “Rothchild” kind of brands.
(To accomplish a task quickly and to perform it well is not to be haphazard about anything; to know where and when to use who and what; to know whether or not there is incentive; to give encouragement an to know limitations; these are what a master carpenter keeps in mind. The principles of Heiho are the same.)
Speaking in a strategic sense, when I first started my new job (in management) a while back, I went to my boss with a problem that I had meticulously defined in detail and felt really good about in the articualte way in which I had described it. Without blinking an eyelid my big boss dispassionately read it then tossed it back to me and said, "In the future make sure you have clearly spelled out the solution to any problems you bring to me. Now go back and finish this."
Warning! Attempted humor ahead: now go back and finish your post (end of attempted humor). I offer three interpretations of the story that your boss wasn't interested in helping you solve your problem.
The tediously platitudinous business interpretation
One's best efforts to be articulate doen't always help the bottom line. Since this is too obvious to remark on further, and I have time to kill, I'll offer two other interpretations.
One possibly relevant stretch of an interpretation
Before I became an academic, I had to learn the ways business-people operate; here's a capsule summary of what I managed to learn. In business, the boss is always right, even if the boss tells you he doesn't want to be surrounded by yes men. Businesmen are rarely spontaneous; if you ask them a question or direct a remark to them, they decide whether to respond, and if they decide to respond, they decide what they are going to say, and then say it. Once a businessman forms an opinion of you, attempting to change it is like retraining Pavlov's dogs. It helps to separate any statement you hear into its intellectual and emotional components, and respond at most to the intellectual component; make a note of, but do not respond to the emotional component. The business world has always been dog-eat-dog with a facade of righteousness. I wasn't adept at simulating the internalization of the rebarbative values of the corporate workplace, so I left. What's the point? I suppose some of the ways of the businessman--who is no chivalrous gentleman, unless it costs him nothing--are relevant to the men's movement; we have an upper hand here, so we can exploit our experience by being businesslike.
Another possibly relevant stretch of an interpretation
The people we want to reach aren't going to draw our conclusions for us. There are many reasons for this: their time is valuable; they are unaccustomed to drawing conclusions; the subject matter is unfamiliar; they're lazy, not interested, or else comfortable with mainstream mantras. One might as well do the work for them.
Superlative, on-the-ball, focused post, Mars.
I find fascinating the strategy of using various draconian anti-male laws against the "elite" (probably meaning various politicians, influential journalists, prominent legal scholars, divorce lawyers and others noted for their active role in the criminalization of masculinity), who would ordinarly enjoy an olympian class difference from the intended targets (a class of subjected males) of the discriminatory laws they helped to create.
In reality, WINNING IS THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE HIGH GROUND in this war, but I for one chose to keep my rules of engagement within the parameters of what are the legally acceptable guidelines. If the rules of engagement need changing, then that becomes a front in the war.
Well said. Be creative and use the law to your advantage. It turns out that the radical feminist made some serious mistakes in their new anti-male laws. These rules can be easily turned against them. They can be literally used to bankrupt them and criminalize them.
Remember, this is war and the rules of chivalry do not apply. If you are chivalrous, the radical feminist will kick your ass. The laws are now designed that way.
It just takes a well-organized group that is willing to stand up to them. Once you stop thinking inside of the box of chivalrous ideals, everything becomes quite clear and literally hundreds of options for fighting back open up before your eyes. It’s like magic. Don’t let the box of chivalry blind you to the possibilities.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
by Anonymous User on Monday July 22, @10:03AM EST (#37)
Speaking in a strategic sense, when I first started my new job (in management) a while back, I went to my boss with a problem that I had meticulously defined in detail and felt really good about in the articualte way in which I had described it. Without blinking an eyelid my big boss dispassionately read it then tossed it back to me and said, "In the future make sure you have clearly spelled out the solution to any problems you bring to me. Now go back and finish this."
You sound like a smart man, Ray. I hope you went back and finished it. :)
Battered and abused by an unprovoked wife, partially crippled, no justice, not smart at all, a lot sadder, and a little wiser, I hope.
To answer the last part of your question, yes, a solution was formulated and effectively carried out. I have continued to observe that guideline for over a decade now. By that little story I was hoping to illustrate that problem solving is as important if not more important than problem identification. I would encourage everyone seeing MENS' dillema(s) to take that extra step and venture a possible solution. An ancient proverb goes something like this, "The beginning of a long journey starts with a single step."
Best Wishes, Ray
OK, maybe angelfire won't take this one down. I've tried two places already, at one had 30 visitors, and then the site was gone. is the name of that place, and these are free hosts for now. The other was through LBDK, and they went through a big split during my time there, so I just left it. It was becoming a bit heavy handed. Anyway, once I can afford a place that allows audio streaming, AND that won't take the site down or try to censor, then the boys will be invited to turn it into a mens/boys movement site that they can send in thier garage band's tapes or mp3's to and I can set up the streaming. Men will be contributors as well, and in a sense by doing so will be mentoring these kids that are now coming of age into a dangerous time for them. This way, they can be shown alternatives to having the maleness 'feminized' out of them by the public schools, etc. I want video capability too, but all this takes time and money. If it was a 'gurhhhhl-power' site, hell, I could get a govt grant! I have a ton of links and resources that aren't up yet, but also, feel free to submit an article that would relate to these young men, even if it's what to be careful of with the politically correct, relationships, all kinds of things that will help prepare them for manhood, with MAN capitalized, rather than HOOD which is what the genfems want to convince the world we are.
Also, the Men's National Walk-away page is within this site for now, but I'm working on gettin' a seperate url for that. Feel free to comment, also! ml Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
Starz, women are not the enemy. If you want to find out who the real enemy is, you need to follow the money.
Did I doze off and bump my head on the keyboard again. No offense Starz, buddy, but I think radical feminists (most of whom are female) are every man's worst nightmare. I could play partisan politics and point to a particular party whose symbol is a donkey and say that I think most (if not all) radical feminists belong to that party, but the bigger truth of the matter is that both parties overwhelmingly passed the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Which leaves one to ask, "What's worse, a battering woman, the wimp that let's it happen because he's a gentleman, or the guy who fights back (battered husband syndrome) because he can't take it anymore then gets arrested? Clearly, the latter two according to all Democrats and the vast majority of Republicans. Yes, do follow the money trail. It starts at every battered man's pocket and ends up in every sexist crook's pocket.
Just my opinion, but I respect your right to yours.
Best Wishes, Ray
I don't see any disagreement there. And I didn't say women in general were the enemy either, but by thier lack of action of the majority of them to stop, I certainly find a (dare I say it now?!) COMPLICITY!
Even though the rad fems had a first home in the Democratic party, they have a real hero in the Republican party in the first 'lady'. Oh, and here helpmeet, the man behind the skirt, Prez Bush. So, even though both parties passed the VAWA, they need to listen, and rethink it in terms of how the public policy is implimented. Thats all. After the Afghanistan speech Mz Bush gave, I wrote both parties off, even though I voted Rep., and since it now seems to be a matter of voting against someone rather than voting for someone, I don't even bother anymore. It was either Sommers or McElroy that also wrote an interesting article called "Why I don't vote anymore." And yes, in some sexist crooks pocket? Absolutely. Best term I've heard for them is 'Corporate Feminists', and the majority of them are male. Yet they couldn't care less about us, because they have the money. Fairness in society is the last thing on thier self-centered pee-brains. Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
Hmmm. It even says on the first page this isn't an advocation of hate for women and girls, and in the same breath gives them enough of thier due to indicate that. I should put that in bold print maybe ;-) And, some of it may look a little odd unless you have a young son that's been through the public school system. Then, you would really understand when they bring home a note from the school nurse saying he needs to be put on Ritalin because he is too rambunctious. Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
Who do you want your audience to be and what are you going make your audience keep visiting your site? How are you going to differentiate your site and compete with other men’s issues sites? (Maybe you just want to add your voice and that’s OK too.) My first impression of your site was that it was an anti-radical-feminist site. I may be wrong but I think the average joe would have the same impression. (Ask people outside the men’s movement for an opinion.) I think you have good ideas in regards to pulling young men in. You would need to go over my dead body to put my son or daughter on look-alike coke. Are women conspiring to drug young boys? Who is pushing the Ritalin?
It's audience is meant to be towards young boys from around 10 to 14 years old, with anoyone older being there incidentally. We at first thought of making it password accessible only, but this more open viewing will determine whether that still needs to be done. By the way, only about 5% of the words written on the site are mine. I'ld love to take credit for it, but I can't. The rest was contributed by approximately 15 very active members in a particular group, made up of both men and women, that for the moment want to keep it anonymous. Since I could do the website, I put it all together for them. Really it is an experiment that will only have it's outcome known after a period of time, and when soon a real server is available, I'll spend the 4-5 hours needed to seed the search engines so it shows up on searches.
The things that would make them, keep visiting the site are that there will be a bulletin board for them to share stories, and a lot of these guys have little garage bands; they could send there mp3s in and I would set up a page for thier band with some Real-Audio streaming, photos, etc, and maybe a compilatopn CD. AND most of all, some tips, tactics and strategies on how to handle situations when in a one2one confrontation with a feminist. I had written all this before with even more info, but thats a capsule version. Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
You do know the content will need to change if that is your target? (The best opinions will come from your audience.) BTW, I have extensive experience with web based information systems but I specialize on Apache/JServer and tomcat servers. There is also a lot of opensource stuff for the things you are trying to do.
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 25, @03:01AM EST (#78)
Russell Means (Who once was a member of The American Indian Movement, A.I.M.) Once said: "If voteing ACTUALY could change anything, It would be made ILLEAGAL."
"Starz, women are not the enemy. If you want to find out who the real enemy is, you need to follow the money."
Now we are starting to think!
Dan Lynch
Can I ask Starz have you tried to get a grant for this? I hope you do, and find a way to organize your request. Now if anyone knows Christina Hoff Sommers I am suggesting you have her as a testomony on its necessity. Im not sure if this can work or not, but I am suggesting that we work together and we work for free. And stop giving them money to counter our work (thought I would just ad that).
Look deep into your resources and the people connected here and at men's news daily. Any connections they have should be utilized for our VERY IMPORTANT work. Anyways, I do not collect donations myself Im afraid I will turn into the very thing I am trying to destroy.
Also be forwarned that they will lable you a pedofile before you even start, so develope a defence to that attack as soon as you can.
Always think to steps ahead maybe three.
And I say that because Im your friend and I think that its almost inevitable that they will lable you that way.
Dan Lynch
Dan, I appreciate the hell outa that, and thanks for the kudos brother. Yes, The team behind this knew what would happen, and I knew I would probably catch holy hell for it by being visible, even somewhat by those of us considered to be on the same side. Really, if someone reads it with a boys mind in view, it would make a little more sense. They really have so few places to go that they can call their own anymore. And ya know, just to be on the up and up, I may just let the FBI and those blokes know the url, my identity, etc., and stay 'findable' so they know it's legit. Let them monitor the site for a 'reasonable' time. I'm too familiar with how the feminists go after a threat. It's ridiculous. Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
I have a great deal of experience in talking to women about men's issues. My conversations have ranged from a hairs-breath of snaping a rad fem in two to the very informative and compassionate conversation I am having with a woman that posted on the MS board. (ya I am shocked too but she is beginning to see the issues men face everyday in a new light)
One of the things I have noticed in my ramblings and vebal defence of men's issues is that any attempt to challenge long held feminist edicts fails miserably. The only time I am successful is when I focus on male specific issues. I feel that far, far ,far too much energy is spent on challenging feminist propaganda that could be better spent on educating ourselves and others about men's issues. This does not mean I feel we should ignore propaganda that is attempting to counter an issue men are attemping to address. (i.e. the CANOW report)
I can understand how boards such as this provide a form of catharsis for men who have abused in some way. men's sites do provide a way for men to express their feelings in a way that is traditionally non-masculine but in turn it also provides ammunition for rad fems to cut-and-paste onto flyers and show the "evils intentions" of the men's movement.
I am wondering if a site where academic discussions about specific topics would be desirable? any feedback on this idea would be appriciated. Tony
The only time I am successful is when I focus on male specific issues. I feel that far, far ,far too much energy is spent on challenging feminist propaganda that could be better spent on educating ourselves and others about men's issues.
Exactly, It's easier to take an issue like paternity fraud, that the radical fembots haven't propagandized, and educate them on that. Don't wast time trying to counter their false stats. They are too brainwashed.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
 | also provides ammunition for rad fems to cut-and-paste onto flyers and show the "evils intentions" of the men's movement...
Let the rad-fems continue to do this. The more extreme the better. That is the only way the public is going to figure out their anti-male hate based agenda.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
by Anonymous User on Tuesday July 23, @05:34AM EST (#66)
Y'know what we ought to start doin'?
Since Fembots like to make false claims about us all being 'child molestors', Why don't start calling THEM 'child-ABUSERS', every time THEY say or do anything.
Un-like them, we have the statistical FACTS to back up OUR claims!
Throw it back in their face, YES! As for the site, What Boys Need To Know at the angelfire place, well, they apparently have decided it shouldn't be there. I checked it this morning and it is gone. Before I upload it again, it will be on a server whose owners can't be manipulated by feminazi be-ATCHES!
So, I've noticed more news items up, guess I'll check them out too. Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
Here's a rejoinder:
If all men are rapists, and that's all they are, then all women are child-abusers, and that's all they are.
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