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DV Billboards for Male Victims!
posted by Matt on 07:52 PM April 28th, 2005
Domestic Violence Tom writes "Great news! A huge billboard on I-95 calling for VAWA to serve male victims is up and running. Two more have been placed at the amtrak station in Wilmington, Delaware. It is the work of a group called Safe Homes for Children and Families Coalition (SHCFC) and can be found at http://www.vawa4all.org. Pictures of the billboards can be seen here This group is interested in helping others get DV billboards running around the country. If you are interested contact them. If you can help out give them a hand and donate a buck or two through their paypal donate button. These guys are on the front lines doing great work!"

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Now That's Men's Rights Activism! (Score:2)
by Luek on 09:34 PM April 28th, 2005 EST (#1)
Way to go guys!!!!!!!

All pleasssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee contact your Congressional Representatives and Senators and tell them to not renew the unconstitutional VAwAct or make it gender neutral when it comes up for renewal this September!

Here is the letter I just sent:

Dear Representative Gingrey,

The Violence Against Women Act comes up for renewal this September.

This act ignores the other half of the domestic violence problem; the male half.

According to Department of Justice statistics 38% of DV victims are men. Yet not one dollar is funded for these men whereas under VAWA over four billion dollars are available for womens legal counseling, shelters, telephone hotlines and other services provided under VAWA. The 38% of male victims of domestic violence is probably underreported due to the archaic social stigma we still have about men complaining about abuse.

It is time to make VAWA gender neutral and start applying its services to the other half of the victims or do away with it because it is plainly unconstitutional as written and applied.

Bad News (Score:1)
by Indiana Jones on 09:46 PM April 28th, 2005 EST (#2)

    I didn't see, but heard that there are tons of VAWA feminist poster around with false statistics trying to reinstate the legislation.

      In fact in some states, female senators have even proposed the new feminist changes to the legislation including STRENGTHING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE LAWS EVEN MORE, STIFFER PENALTIES, MORE MONEY TO WOMEN'S SHELTERS, AND MORE POSTERS AND AD TO EDUCATE ABOUT VAW.
I'm educating about VAWA (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:11 PM April 29th, 2005 EST (#9)
I'm "educating" about VAWA, when I drive my wagon around with these bumper stickers displayed on the back. The only question I have is, "How many gender feminists can you tick-off in a day with the truth?" Anything less than "ALL" is an unsatisfactory answer.

I'm sorry there's no way to get around the price coming up at Cafepress anymore, when I link to bumper stickers. They changed their format, but if you click "view larger image" you will see the message without the price on it. It is the message I am trying to get out.


Click View Larger Image

Click View Larger Image

Click View Larger Image

Where Does the 36% Statistic Come From? (Score:1)
by Tumescent on 10:52 PM April 28th, 2005 EST (#3)
I noticed in the billboard that it states 36% of domestic violence victims are male--as derived from the Department of Justice. Out of curiosity, I looked at the DOJ web site and found all sorts of statistics on DV but none that I saw where the percentage was this high. The closest I came was in this report.


...which pegs the male incidence in 2001 at about 15%. Of course, female on female DV and male on male DV might skew those statistics some, but assume for the moment that those effects wash. I understand it's presumed that men are less likely to report DV so that would also skew the statistics. But it would be good to know where I can find the 36% statistic. The billboard is stating it as a fact, so it's important that the statistic can be pointed to. I’m not doubting that it exists, but can anyone point to a link at the DOJ?

Re:Where Does the 36% Statistic Come From? (Score:2)
by Luek on 05:28 AM April 29th, 2005 EST (#4)
I’m not doubting that it exists, but can anyone point to a link at the DOJ?

That is a very good point. I am assuming that the 15% figure is grossly understated due to the prejudice in this culture about men complaining about anything and especially about getting abused by a supposedly weak little female. And also our cultural denial and penchant for trivializing female violence domestic and otherwise.
But I personally have seen unreported DV against a male member of my family, an uncle by marriage. This very aggressive and criminal DV went on for years. I have also personally witnessed severe unreported DV against a young child by her mother. This sicko would actually beat the child with a leather belt until she cried uncontrollably then would beat her until she somehow stopped her crying to stop the relentless flogging.

So I know without doubt that severe and criminal female DV happens and goes largely unreported and thus under documented statistically.
Re:Where Does the 36% Statistic Come From? (Score:1)
by Tom on 05:44 AM April 29th, 2005 EST (#5)
Here is a link to the report:

DOJ Report: Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey

Look on Page 2 under Issues and Findings. One of the bullets reads:

    "Women experience significantly more
    partner violence than men do: 25 percent of
    surveyed women, compared with 8 percent
    of surveyed men, said they were raped
    and/or physically assaulted by a current or
    former spouse, cohabiting partner, or date
    in their lifetime; 1.5 percent of surveyed
    women and 0.9 percent of surveyed men
    said they were raped and/or physically assaulted
    by such a perpetrator in the previous
    12 months. According to survey estimates,
    approximately 1.5 million women and
    834,700 men are raped and/or physically
    assaulted by an intimate partner annually
    in the United States. Because women are
    also more likely to be injured by intimate
    partners, research aimed at understanding
    and preventing partner violence against
    women should be stressed."

It is also in the raw data in "exhibit 7".

Join us July 15-16 in Wash. DC Glenn Sacks, Warren Farrell, Scott Garman, J Kamme
Re:Where Does the 36% Statistic Come From? (Score:1)
by Tumescent on 08:42 AM April 29th, 2005 EST (#8)
Thanks so much for the link. Going through the exercise of actually looking up the source information, one begins to realize how many sources of information there are and how widely the statistics can vary depending upon how they are presented. After awhile, it makes a persons head spin. I'm relieved that the data supporting the 36% claim can be pointed to because I think it's important that statistical claims be backed up by the data. Femaroids have artfully used statistics in their arguments for years. They've manipulated statistics, lied about statistics, and bombarded us with so many studies and numbers it's difficult to know which are true and which are not.
You have now encountered the stat disparity (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:33 PM April 29th, 2005 EST (#10)
The 36% number for male victims comes from the National Crime Victim Survey or the report on the NCVS. The lower percentages (15%) you encounter are actual crime stats after domestic violence shelters, feminist trained police and judges, and victims advocates have their way with events, and in effect, have their way with men. Plus, men notoriously underreport domestic violence. ...and in a legal system as bigoted and hateful against men as America's, who wouldn't?

Men are often arrested for things like throwing a pencil or kicking a pot as primary aggressor and wind up in the stats, while you will never, never, never find a female in the stats for such things. In fact serious female violence is often over looked when they are clearly the primary aggressors and brutally assault men. All thanks to the bigoted gender feminist training of police and judges, etc.

Tom James makes a mention of the pencil throwing arrest disparity in his book, Domestic Violence: The 12 Things You Aren't Supposed to Know

I estimate the number of men falsely arrested to be from 15% to 35% of all domestic violence arrests. Some put the number as high as 50%. ...and it all begins in ten of thousands tax payer funded, man-hating, women's studies classes on college campuses across America.

Newspaper article in Deleware on the billboards (Score:1)
by Tom on 06:36 AM April 29th, 2005 EST (#6)
Here's a link to the article.

The article starts out:

Men, too, can be - and are - victims of violence in their homes.

That's part of the message in a billboard campaign started Thursday by male victims' advocates, criticizing Sen. Joe Biden.

Great stuff! Finally Biden and the lies are getting smoked out in public.

Join us July 15-16 in Wash. DC Glenn Sacks, Warren Farrell, Scott Garman, J Kamme
Re:Newspaper article in Deleware on the billboards (Score:1)
by Uberganger on 07:44 AM April 29th, 2005 EST (#7)
"However, we do recognize that though not the norm, there are men abused by their wives and violence does occur in same-sex relationships," he said. "The bottom line is - violence is violence no matter what gender the victim. Because of that, the Violence Against Women Act applies to all victims of domestic violence, irrespective of their gender. Nothing in the act denies services, programs, funding or assistance to male victims of violence."

Both the name of the act and the culture of the act work to deny the male victim any kind of recognition or help, whether or not the letter of the act does. The people behind this act are the same kind who screamed 'sexism' at words like 'fireman' and 'chairman' (but not 'gunman', of course) on the grounds that they made people think that those activities were just for men. They cannot then turn around and say that something called the Violence Against Women Act is gender neutral.

As far as figures go, here in the UK the Home Office claims that over the course of their lives about 1 in 4 women will be victims of domestic abuse, compared to 1 in 6 men. Given that there are approximately equal numbers of men and women in UK society, these ratios convert to 60% of domestic abuse victims being women and 40% being men. Needless to say, there have been plenty of posters showing bruised women, but none showing bruised men. How stupid do these people think we are?
Are all male victims of d.v. homosexual??? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:50 PM April 29th, 2005 EST (#11)
"However, we do recognize that though not the norm, there are men abused by their wives and violence does occur in same-sex relationships," he said. "The bottom line is - violence is violence no matter what gender the victim. Because of that, the Violence Against Women Act applies to all victims of domestic violence, irrespective of their gender. Nothing in the act denies services, programs, funding or assistance to male victims of violence."

Please notice how domestic violence industry propagandists never-ever have a problem mentioning "same sex" (homosexual) male victims of domestic violence (a valid group of domestic violence victims that should be assisted by VAWA as well).

You certainly never find the radical feminist mentioning a heterosexual victim of domestic violence. That would be admitting that women batter men, and that would destroy the whole gender feminist model of domestic violence if the real truth ever got mainstreamed.

Here's an interesting article addressing just that: Why Are Most Male Victims of Domestic Violence Alleged to be Homosexual?

...it is a simple mathematical proof to state that 1,543 same-sex men do not comprise "most" of the estimated 834,732 men who are annually male victims of intimate partner violence. In fact, for every one (1) "same-sex" male victim of intimate partner violence there are an estimated five hundred forty one (541) "opposite-sex" (heterosexual) male victims of intimate partner violence.

Now then, does anyone still have a question about the depth of hypocrisy and evil that permeates America's mainstream domestic violence industry??? Just think, they do it for money just like slave traders, and pimps have sold other's lives from the dawn of time.

Sincerely, Ray
Re:Newspaper article in Deleware on the billboards (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:54 PM April 29th, 2005 EST (#12)

Do you have a link to that newspaper in Deleware? I'd like to write to them.

Bad Idea (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:42 PM April 29th, 2005 EST (#13)
The very conception of "a violent home" from which a pretender to adulthood can flee into a State run Shelter from where he/she can stool-pidgeon and denounce his/her alleged "accomplice" for profit is the most foulest of todays ideological immoralities.

Firstly your so called DV shelter, an institution itself' conceived of in human corruption, attracts the worst of societies characters you can possibly imagine. Prostitutes, harlots, the sexually delinquent, the weak minded, the frivolous, the lazy, the hysterical and indeed the habourers of various mental and emotional diseases. This lot are all welcomed as new inmates to the refuge. Hard working peoples with a healthy mind shun this institution like a plague AT ALL COSTS !

Then you have a staff of psycologicaly damaged or demented volunteers manning these shelters who, with a bad concience, leave no stone unturned in their psyco-political agitation comprised of recruitment and retention of more and more humanoid feaces.

Every activity in and of the refuge consists ultimately in dynamically growing the foaming and bubbling mind of man hatred amongst treacherous wimmin and societies "political-elect". No honest man with a clear mind would want a social duplicate of this for himself. These are couldrons of steaming political evil.

Lastly all human behaviour occurs in the context of other peoples behaviour and in any society where there is no negative or collusive state intrusion in personal matters, good naturedness flourishes
Re: Has VAWA Reauthorization Gone to Congress? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:14 PM April 29th, 2005 EST (#14)
Last I heard, the reauthorization of VAWA has not yet been entered as a bill before Congress.

If this is true, and the current VAWA expires in September, then what is going on?

My suspicion is that this is a stealth campaign by elected feminists and their lobbies, to keep everything quiet until the last minute.

This strategy will allow VAWA to be renewed without the extensive public scrutiny that will happen if a bill is entered soon.

Common sense suggests that VAWA will be renewed, since it's political suicide to resist women's issues.

But the under-the-radar campaign to make VAWA "gender neutral" is the biggest threat to feminist coalitions, since it means finally acknowledging male DV victims, and threatens to siphon off women-only-services MONEY for some minor efforts to assist males.

Does anyone have any info on the Congressional status of the VAWA reauthorization?

Is there a bill? Or sponsors preparing a bill?

great work (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:01 PM April 29th, 2005 EST (#15)

VAWA and the domestic violence industry has turned domestic violence into a vehicle for demonizing all men and ignoring male victims of domestic violence. I will support your efforts in the voting booth!!!
My letter to my Congressman (Score:2)
by mens_issues on 10:14 PM April 29th, 2005 EST (#16)
Mark Udall, representative for the 2nd. district of Colorado, just happens to have a town hall meeting tomorrow. I plan to give this letter to him or his legislative assistants:

The Honorable Mark Udall
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC

Dear Representative Udall,

Domestic violence is a serious issue that affects both men and women. However — for reasons of funding — media coverage and public policy have traditionally concentrated on those cases where women are victims and men are abusers. Many people are concerned about the lack of attention given to male victims. Here are some facts to consider:

• According to a recent CDC survey, 1.5 million American women are severely assaulted by their "intimate partners" each year. It is less known that 835,000 men are also assaulted annually by intimate partners, representing some 36% of the total. (Note: the methodology of this survey has been criticized by men’s advocates as flawed, however this is still a significant finding).
• Women and men assault each other with roughly equal frequency. This would make the difference in the above figures even closer to parity. However, women are somewhat more likely to be injured, and are more likely to report injuries to police. (It should be noted that there is no standard definition of an “injury”).
• Women often compensate for their smaller size by using weapons such as knives, guns, baseball bats, and fireplace pokers. One study found that 86% of female-on-male violence involved weapons, contrasted with 25% in cases of male-on-female violence.
• Men are usually reluctant to call the police in a domestic dispute for fear of ridicule. Also, police will often arrest the man even when it is the woman who committed the assault.
• There are only two domestic violence shelters for men in the United States, compared with over 2,000 for women.
• Child abuse, a related issue, is committed by women more often than men (and even less often by a biological father).

Domestic violence hurts everyone, either directly or indirectly. While it is important to maintain assistance to women-victims, proportionate aid should also be given to male victims. Rational laws and public policy would help in achieving this goal.

The Violence against Women Act (VAWA) is due for renewal in 2005. While this ten-year-old act has provided federal funding to female victims of domestic violence, it also denies such funds to organizations that serve male victims of DV. This denial of funding is, of course, a blatant violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

I am writing to ask that you support amending the "Violence against Women Act" to the "Intimate Partners Violence Act" so that funding may be available for domestic violence victims of both genders? Such a change would give male victims of domestic violence the help that they have been denied for too long.


Steven G. Van Valkenburg

Re:My letter to my Congressman (Score:2)
by Roy on 01:50 PM April 30th, 2005 EST (#17)
Excellent, balanced, and factual letter Steven!

I would request your permission to copy it, with my own endorsement, to my state's legislators.

If every concerned man sent this message to his Congressional reps, it could have an impact.

"It's a terrible thing ... to be living in fear."
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