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by Anonymous User on 05:56 AM April 29th, 2005 EST (#1)
How can this tripe be in a newspaper?
by JustSayNo on 06:12 AM April 29th, 2005 EST (#2)
And we all wonder why divorce rates are going sky-high?
With so many mean, ugly harridans like her around, it'll be a wonder that any male in his right mind would want to get married at all. Tie a knot around MY balls? F*** you, b****. Why don't we tie the knot around your neck, instead? That way we won't have a poor child born, to be raised by an estrogen-crazed monster.
The advice I'm giving my son is to save his money, his freedom, and his sanity ... stay single.
by Uberganger on 07:56 AM April 29th, 2005 EST (#3)
Well, I've read much worse. I wouldn't be surprised if she was making most of it up just to have something spiteful to write (has it ever struck you that spite is primarily a female emotion?). If it's any consolation, just think of her giving birth. Puts a smile on my face.
by Anonymous User on 12:25 PM April 29th, 2005 EST (#4)
In a lot of women's pornography, they seem to get off on bound male testicles.
So no suprise to me, that she wrote that.
Sorry I can't write anymore right now. I'm recovering from that eye surgery, I mentioned, so it hurts a bit to type.
I'll be back in full swing soon though.
"Hoka hey!"
by Underage on 02:34 PM April 29th, 2005 EST (#6)
Yeah, you're right Uberganger, it does put a smile on your face. Seriously though, what a sexist woman.
Ha ha ha... her face in labour pains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!
by Anonymous User on 01:47 PM April 29th, 2005 EST (#5)
At least the men in the article were trying to help the women. They tried to solve the problem, not make light of it or say Suck it up as women often do.
by Anonymous User on 02:35 PM April 29th, 2005 EST (#7)
"I nearly disembowelled him with my bare hands." "Thank God I’d filed my nails down that day, or all the medication in the world couldn’t have saved him." "...tie a string around her husband’s testicles. As the pain of her contractions begins to increase in intensity, she regularly tugs on the string, so her beloved can share some of the agony with her. Sounds fair enough to me."
The law routinely excuses raging know-it-all females who make threats of violence as well as most females who commit acts of violence against men to satisfy their rage. People who advocate violence should not have children who may well become future targets of abuse, especially if the child is male. I pity the offspring, and Husbands, of people who've said such things as were said in the article, "Teething Troubles Over Male Point of View." People who so openly advocate domestic violence against men belong in a class for batterers not ante-natal classes. I seriously doubt if this gets printed. After all, we all know that men are never entitled to have opinions or question raging, sanctimonious females.
by Anonymous User on 09:12 PM April 29th, 2005 EST (#8)
This basic "thought" of that article is:
"A man doesn't have a uterus, so a man doesn't have a right to an opinion."
Typical feminist-supremicist logic. Just female-faced contempt for men. I feel sorry for her husband. He should have joined the marriage strike.
I don't have a uterus. So that's why I have no reproductive rights to deal with unplanned parenthood, have less civil rights facing domestic violence charges in my own home than a terrorist jailed in Guintanamo Bay, die six years earlier than women, and have no right to express an opinion on teething medicine.
I wish this was a joke.
by Philalethes on 08:36 AM May 1st, 2005 EST (#9)
If this article isn't enough, check the writer's archive for a detailed portrait of the modern Anglo-Saxon man-hater.
You need to "register" to read the articles, but you can get a dummy username & password at -- a very useful service for those of us who view the coming Total Surveillance Society (Mommy knows best!) with less than total delight.
Speaking of portraits, I'm really amazed that the writer would print such a photo of herself: who would be fool enough to get within clawing distance of this creature? Her every reference to "Beloved Husband" drips contempt. That she even got pregnant in the first place (apparently not by artificial insemination) is truly a testimony to the power of the "hormone-induced fog."
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