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Circumcision addressed in stage show questionnaire
posted by Matt on 06:32 PM February 16th, 2005
Circumcision Acksiom writes "The website for Richard Herring's stage show 'Talking Cock' has a questionnaire page, which praiseworthily addresses circumcision, or less euphemistically, routine and ritual male genital amputation.

Go to http://www.talkingcock.co.uk/ , "Questionnaire" link at top left.

There's also a questionnaire for women, about which my female intactivist contact who sent me the link said:

"One of the questions on mine was if I ever wished I had a penis or envied men for having a penis...I brought circ up too, and said no...I was happy with my genitals and my sexuality and capacity for pleasure...and I was darn glad to live in a country where my genital integrity was protected, and nobody could cut anything off of me for social, cultural or religious reasons...and that men deserved the same respect and protection."

Let's tell him how we feel too -- it's incredibly rare for anyone to ask about how feel about having been sexually mutilated, and that asking should be encouraged with responses."

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