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False accusations can kill
posted by Adam on 11:27 AM January 3rd, 2005
False Accusations Getting back to things in India, the mob justice is picking up in pace. While reading the article, notice that for a so called "tradtional" society, they're already making excuses for the women who go around killing, and the feminists are making excuses for them as well. At this rate feminism will be entrenched there soon enough, due to them exploiting traditional chivalry. Are you starting to see how the radfems subvert cultures by playing on traditional chivalry yet?

Women escape car insurance hike | New breed of consumers?  >

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sneaky, evil femi-bigots lure men to their demise (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:51 PM January 3rd, 2005 EST (#1)
"Are you starting to see how the radfems subvert cultures by playing on traditional chivalry yet?"

Females fall for the feminist "blame men" line like a demolition ball going through the roof of a condemned building. Men are trained from birth to be resposible so it must be there fault. Men in their naivate' protectively pander to the needy female entreaties like a fish chomping on the bait hiding the big hook.

Gender feminism is certainly one of the most insidious hate movements (man-hating) ever to have befallen the human race.

Sincerely, Ray
Re:sneaky, evil femi-bigots lure men to their demi (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:25 PM January 4th, 2005 EST (#4)
Saddly, the feminist influence has polluted American Indian culture as well.
Even my (now former) hero, Lakota activist Russell Means has jumped on the femaroid band-wagon saying things like "We would be a much better society if we were a pure matriarchy." (To which I must ask: 'On what grounds do you base that, Russell?')And he has said that all Native-American societies were once matriarchys.
To which I must reply; 'Not so, Russell.' The fact is that most Indian societies were based on a BALANCE of power of BOTH male and female. BOTH having equal and valuable say on all thing of importance. The fact is we American Indians have never been "ruled" by men OR women, but by ALL having an equal and valued voice. Our societies were some of the most complexed and eloquent, and balance and JUSTICE FOR ALL by the voice and will of ALL was the rule. Some historians would point to some tribes and say;, "But it was the WOMEN who decided if or not the men went to war." That is partialy true but there were just as many things in the cultures that the MEN had toatal say about, as well. I.E., if it was time to move the settlement to new grounds, and the like. Men and women were valued EQUALY for the unique qualities that each brought to the table.

So any one that tells you that we Indians were a "Matriarchy" where the men had no say and women ran everything and that America should follow that example, tell them they are full of s#!t, and don't know what they are talking about.
Because they don't. Even if that person, themself is an Indian.
Frankly I find it interesting that there are so many people who claim that Indian societies were matriarchal. Because don't the feminists often like to mis-inform people by saying that Indian women were oppressed by the men? That indian females were slaves and did all the work?

I've heard it all.
The fact is that both claims are WRONG.

It is indeed sad to watch as feminism destroys one society after another. India is just it's latest victim...,

  "Hoka hey!"
of course (Score:1)
by n.j. on 03:31 PM January 3rd, 2005 EST (#2)
I think feminism needs traditional chivalry as an antagonist on a superficial level (something one can fight against) and as an aid on a more subtle level (by making men "defend women").

Says "Item not found" (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 08:16 PM January 3rd, 2005 EST (#3)
Anyone else get that?

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
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