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Female Supremacists and Lesbian Separatists Agenda
posted by Matt on 07:01 PM November 5th, 2004
Book Reviews Anonymous User writes "This is an excerpt of James Roger Brown's The Family Defense Manual. It's an eye opener where he describes how radical Feminists are trying to subvert males and normal nuclear marriage. One quote from the excerpt is an example of the information he uses to base his argument: "I claim that rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it has not been initiated by the woman, out of her own genuine affection and desire." I don't know if this has been posted before, but it is an eye opener."

Another Gendercide?! | Glass ceiling not so urgent?  >

This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted.
This author must have had Sheila Kuehl in mind (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:58 PM November 5th, 2004 EST (#1)
"It is time to stop pretending these criminal extremists do not exist, especially for feminists and members of the gay and lesbian community genuinely interested in equal rights, since their ultimate extermination is also on the Female Supremacists and Lesbian Separatist agendas. It is time to start turning over the rocks Female Supremacists and Lesbian Separatists hide under, especially those operating under color of government authority in government agencies, law enforcement, and the judicial system."

Sheila Kuehl has certainly worked hard to destroy men and traditional families in California. Truely she is one of the most hateful bigots anywhere in America, and she's in government.
Re: And Andrea Dworkin is the "Moderate" Voice! (Score:2)
by Roy on 02:20 PM November 6th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1393 Info)
The link is a revealing brief menu of the radical feminist fringe, those arguing in essence for gender-genocide against men.

Amazingly, the reviled, voluminous (both in body and publications) Andrea Dworkin comes across as the moderate voice of reason, and against fascism, in these otherwise rancid rants.

I did appreciate this quote -

"Because the women's movement has not confronted its own shadow, feminism is now exhibiting many of the characteristics which it associates with "the patriarchy," such as shaming, blaming, manipulating and attempting to control men in order to feel empowered in relationship to them," ((Internet posting.) Reclaiming the Dark Feminine: The Price of Desire, Carolyn Baker, Ph.D., p. 121.)

It's pretty clear that the "dark, shadow side" of the feminine is starting to get it's fair share of media attention.

Just read the Department of Justice's most recent stats on rising female domestic violence, child homicides, and girl gangs in schools!

The "sugar and spice" myth has been laid to rest, never to be resurrected.

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re: And Andrea Dworkin is the "Moderate" Voice! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:40 PM November 6th, 2004 EST (#3)
It should be obvious now, even to the most thick-headed folks that today's feminism is in NO way about "equality".
All one has to do is LISTEN to the feminist's words themselves to know that.
For instance, if they were about "equality", then it would ALSO be rape against a man if HE didn't initiate sex. Why is it only ONE way? Simple, the ansewer is, of course, that feminists are NOT for equality, piriod. If so it would be rape, either way no matter WHO initiated the sex.

These people are the most absurd beings I have ever had the dis-pleasure of knowing about.
They are even more absurd than the Nazis.
Why they are taken so siriously by so many, escapes me.
I have seen more logical and beleivable characters in a Dr, Seuss story...,

  "Hoka hey!"
Re: And Andrea Dworkin is the "Moderate" Voice! (Score:2)
by Roy on 03:18 PM November 6th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1393 Info)

Today's feminists suffer from the same arrogance that led the US cavalry to buy into Gen. Custer's theories about "inferior" people's military genius.

I'm sure you are familiar with the book - "It's A Good Day To Die: Indian Eyewitnesses Tell the Story of the Battle of the Little Bighorn."

My favorite excerpt is this --

(Antelope Woman):"Two Southern Cheyenne women had known Custer in the south and saw Custer lying dead on the battlefield after the fight ended. They pushed the point of a bone sewing awl through his ears. They did this to improve his hearing in the spirit world. He must have not listened very well in this life, or he would have heard what our chiefs said about broken promises."

What an act of kindness and charity against one's enemy! Even in death, this lucky white man was receiving the best wishes of the survivors of the people he killed.

Femimism has broken all its "promises" about their pretended quest for gender equality.

It's time they should now listen better, yes?

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re: And Andrea Dworkin is the "Moderate" Voice! (Score:1)
by MAUS on 05:52 PM November 6th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1582 Info)
Not only that, they pleaded with the male warriors not to scalp or mutilate Custer because he had a native "love child"and that made him family.A far cry from the picture previously painted.

My read on Andrea Dworkin's olive branch is that for all of her faults stupidity is not one of them. She has felt the change in the wind and knows that she would have a lot of fences to mend in order to ever be seriously considered for the legal system's highest positions.

Somewhere at an undisclosed location is a doomsday cult made up entirely of lesbians, many of whom are geneticists, who have been working franticly at human cloning so that the gendercide of men will be a practical option. I used to talk about this back in the 1990's and I was not believed. I overheard it as table talk between lesbians in the cafeteria at Mount Saint Vincent and sometimes wondered myself if it was urban myth. One of their members appeared on Ophra in 1995.

Even if they succeed,they will fail. The movie "The Boys From Brazil" made this point very clear. Adolf Hitler's clone was Bobby Wheelock, not Adolf Hitler. Cloned sheep do not all bleet (or eat) at the same time.
Re: And Andrea Dworkin is the "Moderate" Voice! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:52 PM November 8th, 2004 EST (#7)
Yep, I'm quite familiar with that text.
Although I have made jokes about Custer, (out of bittereness) I have to say that I am sorry that ANYONE had to die, White or Indian.
We do have a saying about what happened to Custer and his men, however, and that is; that Custer and his men attended the worlds first sensitvity training session.
The feminists are now the ones who need a good butt whoopin'. Anyone have an oppinion on who the feminist version of Custer is?
I say, maybe Sheila Kheul.

  "Hoka hey!"
I wonder? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:32 PM November 6th, 2004 EST (#6)
"I claim that rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it has not been initiated by the woman, out of her own genuine affection and desire."

how convenient a claim for lesbian gender supremacists to keep "their" women. Everyone knows women expect, and sometimes demand, that men intiate not only sex, but also the first introductions...This is an especially convenient claim, since by definition, in a lesbian relationship, it is only possible for a woman to iniate sex!

So basically, all this is a competition over who gets the women. It seems they are simply the equivelant of the"alpha male" of the female gender who are simply trying to claim their turf. The turf of course, being members of the female gender who aren't lesbians.

about the article (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:23 PM November 10th, 2004 EST (#8)
I read the given article, and I know from my work in the education field, that Lesbian separatists are a small group. Most feminists are not like this. Most, in the case of "feminizing mythological or religious idols" are mainly trying to reclaim the feminine that was lost or changed due to the patriarchy of most judeo-christian religions. Before you go off on Feminism, please realize that many are just trying for equality, and women's studies is an umbrella term to eliminate and educate about sexism,racism, and classism.I have been reading your comments on this site for a few weeks, Do many of you think that it would be better if women were to go back to the subservant wife? I am just curious. I am trying to get more insight into your values. Don't take offense, lets discuss, maturely.
Re:about the article (Score:1)
by Ragtime on 01:07 AM November 11th, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #288 Info)
"lets discuss, maturely"

You want to have a mature discussion? Get a handle. Sign your posts. One can't (and I won't) 'discuss' anything with an anonymous user.

On the assumption that you'll do that, I'll start off. I don't mince words, and political correctness is not even on my radar.

"trying to reclaim the feminine that was lost or changed due to the patriarchy of most judeo-christian religions"

Utter twaddle. Discredited bunk. Feminist revised 'herstory,' in other words, lies. And the "Patriarchy" is The Big Lie of feminism.

(You know, the Big Lie? Told often enough? Technique pioneered by Geobbels to vilify the Jews?)

"Before you go off on Feminism, please realize that many are just trying for equality"

Oh, puulleeeze. I can't believe there's still folks that buy this. 'Equality' defined as special privileges and perks; defined as "we're equals, but I'm equaler than you," or "I'm not responsibile for anything I do; but you are." There has never been a more pampered, protected, or pandered to group in the entire scope of history than Western females.

With equality comes responsibility, and that's the *last* thing feminists want.

"women's studies is an umbrella term to eliminate and educate about sexism,racism, and classism"

Gawd, you actually *believe* this stuff, don't you. Women's Studies is indoctrination into a hate cult. It advocates killing all men. That's genocide. Just like the Nazis.

Before we 'discuss,' perhaps you want to get up to speed on the *actual* state of the world around you. The one you actually see with your own eyes...

  - the one where men do all the dirty work and die at work at a rate that far exceeds women,
- where men die younger than women,
- where males commit suicide at 4-5 times the rate of females (because it's "a man's world"),
- the one where men are marginalized and portrayed as idiots in the media,
- the one where decent, hard-working men are denied access to their own beloved children,
- where men don't dare get married because it is simply a descent into slavery, where they have give up all their legal and civil rights.

...as opposed to the marxist fantasy they feed you in "women's studies."

Look at some TV. Read a newspaper or two. And for God sake read more here, because much of the news that would never make it to your attention gets printed or pointed to here.

Come back when you can speak knowlegeably on the issues. I don't have the time to educate you. Maybe someone else does, or perhaps [gasp] educate yourself.


The Uppity Wallet

The opinions expressed above are my own, but you're welcome to adopt them.

Re:about the article (Score:1)
by MAUS on 08:10 AM November 11th, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #1582 Info)
I happen to have ten audited half credits in womens studies.If you are under the impression that those who participate on this board have simply not been properly indoctrinated then you are indeed naieve. I got to read parts of Simone de Beauvoirs "La Deuxieme Sexe"when it was still in draft developement form, still in French, and transcribed on an archaic technology called "Gestetner". During the 1970's I had a sequence of three live in relationships with vanguard feminists. I have experienced laying in bed being sneered at over the top of fresh new copies of the Female Eunuuc, the Feminine Mystique, and the Second Sex.When I got fed up with being treated like a Jew in Germany,a nigger in Georgia,a rapist out on parole,a vanquished bourgeoisie in a communist re-education camp...when I decided to abdicate my evil patriarchal tyranny and go into self imposed exile...in other words when I decided to leave each of these women...all of the things that the evil patriarchy did that annoyed them were still part of their lives...but I was not.

I have a question for you....name me the name of even one powerful "Patriarch"that feminism has actually overthrown. I can access lists of all the wealthiest people in the world going back to the early 1900's and except for the normal attrition of mortality the names remain the same.

I am looking down towards my crotch as I incant this phrase:

  "OH Mighty Magic Wand...Oh ponderous and all powerful "Key-to-the-City"....please make all that things that feminists are so chronicly dissatisfied go away...what?...you are not going to do that?...you're just going to be a "prick"are you?....well!!!...no wonder feminists don't like you"

Feminists often complain about how men stare at their cleavage when they talk to them.Feminists don't even talk to men...they talk to their crotches and it is most boorish.

If you want to do some rhetorical sparring hey I'm up for it. But just to let you know how I actually feel about people who traffic and trade in "womens studies" have a look at this:

"Notice: Four feminazi "women's studies" professors from the University of Laval used a grant from Status of Women Canada to insult and slander all right minded men's activists and advocated to the government of Canada to monitor mensactivism sites as hate groups. In response to this outrage I am offering a reward of $1000.00 Canadian for information in written transcript form of anything uttered by or published by any women's studies professor in Canada which could be construed as a violation of the "hate laws"in Canada's Criminal Code, which leads to charges being laid against such person. A bonus of $1000.00 Canadian will be paid if that charge leads to a conviction. An additional bonus of $1000.00 will be paid if the accused is or ever has been a participant in the National Advisory Council for Status of Women.

In order that my e-mail not be attacked by hackers please send responses by snail mail to : G Craig
5356 Trans Canada Highway
Eldon, Prince Edward Island, Canada
C0A 1A0

If any of you are currently in university see if you can get this posted in your campus paper.

The die is cast....the Rubicon has been crossed. "

Now certain university professors are going to have a new experience. Now instead of being able to say whatever they wish under the protective umbrella of "academic freedom" and tenure....they will wonder which Madame DeFarge in their lecture theatre is making knots in her knitting over what that professor has to say. Judas betrayed Christ for thirty Greek Tetradrachmas....a potential $3000.00 to debt crushed students will be tempting indeed. I hope they enjoy the taste of their own medicine."

In other words Ms. "Anonymous User" if you happen to be a Canadian women's studies academic and if you happen to have any mass castration or other male bashing polemics in your closet I will be delighted to take your scalp.

And please don't give me any of that crap about going back to cooking caserole.

Communists do not speak for the working class...feminists do not speak for women collectively "patriarchs"are not inherently and invariably abusers of power and abusers of women...penises are uniquely male assholes are another matter.

I do not have any issue against women.There are many women in my life who I love dearly.I don't have a problem working with or reporting to females in authority. And I may by times refer to lesbian mysandrists as "three-titted deisel dykes" but that does not mean I have issues with lesbians. One of my daughters is bi-sexual and there is a lesbian couple who I have know for years who vist my house and frolic in my Jaccuzzi.


I hope that gave you a handle on what we are on about. I can perceive from your tone that you are now going to spin off some sort of academic high speach "report"on this new terrorist group in the hope of getting the police to change into VIARAIL uniforms and take Heddy-up-her-Assy Fry's hate laws for a spin. Well it ain't going to fly...feminists, especially that mutual admiration society of women's studies academics are the last people on the planet who believe that they speak for women collectively and that includes the police.

So...what was your next question?
Re:about the article (Score:1)
by MAUS on 09:05 AM November 11th, 2004 EST (#11)
(User #1582 Info)
"I read the given article, and I know from my work in the education field, that Lesbian separatists are a small group. Most feminists are not like this. "

Back in the early 1990's I was at a gathering of some fairly high profile feminist academics and a couple of them took exception to being characterized as misandrists. Any legal expert will tell you that assertions of innocence in such matters are "self serving"and ultimately others will decide wether or not that is so.

My counter arguement was that if you had an aquaintence who had lots and lots to say about you, and not one word of it was good...it would be reasonable to assume that aquaintence did not like you. I then spat out the challange:

  " I will make you a wager.If in all that has been written by feminists...including your own writings...you can show me one page, even so much as one paragraph that has anything good to say about men, I will kiss your ass...upon failure to do so you can kiss mine..feminists are biggots and I am certainly not the only one who has noticed"

Some time later a compilation of essays by various feminists, including Naomi Wolf, called "in Praise of Men" was released. Naomi Wolf fell from the hottest item in feminist vernacular literature to a pariah dog who no publisher even wanted to know and all contributors to that book were laughed, mocked and derided out of the movement.

Feminists, particularly women's studies professors, have a career investment in promoting and perpetuating a culture of mysandry. Any assertion that a women's studies professor might be harmless to men has about as much credibility as a 240 pound pimp wearing a violence against women ribbon.
Re:about the article (Score:2)
by AngryMan (end_misandryNOSPAM@yahoo.co.uk) on 09:19 AM November 11th, 2004 EST (#12)
(User #1810 Info)
Anonymous User, The tone of your post suggests that you are an intelligent and well-intended person, but I think you are very misinformed about gender-politics. I hope we will have a mature debate.

One of the other respondents told you to educate yourself. I agree. Some essential reading for you is as follows:

1 The Scum Manifesto, Valerie Solanas
2 The Myth of Male Power, Warren Farrell
3 Who Stole Feminism, Christina Hoff Sommers
4 The War Against Boys, Christina Hoff Sommers
5 Professing Feminism, Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge
6 Heterophobia, Daphne Patai

In addition, general reading on ideology would be useful. I recommend 'Seven Theories of Human Nature' by Leslie Stevenson, particularly chapter one. Any general critiques of Marxism. Try 'Popper' by Bryan Magee.

Any general works on evolutionary theory and evolutionary psychology. I would particularly recommend 'The Blank Slate' by Steven Pinker, and 'The Red Queen' by Matt Ridley.

They don't teach these books in Wymyn's Studies. Why not? Patai has a lot to say about that.

I don't want to repeat everything I've said before on this site, so if you are inclined, please read some of my other posts.

Feminism will continue as long as there is money to be made from hating men.
Re:about the article (Score:2)
by AngryMan (end_misandryNOSPAM@yahoo.co.uk) on 09:30 AM November 11th, 2004 EST (#13)
(User #1810 Info)
Do many of you think that it would be better if women were to go back to the subservant wife?

Firstly, there never was a time when women were 'the subservient wife'. The entire social history that feminism has presented us with is a gross misrepresentation.

Secondly, 'go back to being the subservient wife' as opposed to what else? Rounding up everyone who isn't a lesbian, putting them in a camp and gassing them?

Yes, I will confine you to the kitchen before I let that happen.

(I will confine myself to the kitchen before I let that happen as well, if it makes you feel any better).

Feminism will continue as long as there is money to be made from hating men.
Re:about the article (Score:2)
by AngryMan (end_misandryNOSPAM@yahoo.co.uk) on 12:04 PM November 11th, 2004 EST (#14)
(User #1810 Info)
women's studies is an umbrella term to eliminate and educate about sexism,racism, and classism

If you read Daphne Patai's books you may re-think your opinion on this, and she is a former women's studies professor, so she ought to know something about it.

Anyway, what gives women the right to appropriate these issues for themselves? Are you saying that because I am a man I am somehow not affected by sexism, racism and classism, or that I have no vested interest in social justice?

Why do you think that improving society is somehow the job of women?

Sometimes I think it's the arrogance that get me the most.

Feminism will continue as long as there is money to be made from hating men.
Re:about the article (Score:2)
by AngryMan (end_misandryNOSPAM@yahoo.co.uk) on 12:19 PM November 11th, 2004 EST (#15)
(User #1810 Info)
please realize that many are just trying for equality

Many are naive and misinformed, a bit like you.

Many of those who voted Nazi just wanted happy kids and a prosperous Germany. What could be so bad about that? (sarcasm)

Feminism will continue as long as there is money to be made from hating men.
Re:about the article (Score:2)
by AngryMan (end_misandryNOSPAM@yahoo.co.uk) on 12:43 PM November 11th, 2004 EST (#16)
(User #1810 Info)
I am trying to get more insight into your values

I can't speak for everyone, but personally I'm an atheist - this life is all you get. I regard Christians in the men's movement (in fact religious people generally) as a potential barrier to progress.

If you want to know my political views, go to this website and take the test. I came out alongside Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama. I don't think that's so bad.

I'm sick of being lied about in the media.
I'm sick of being blamed for things I have nothing to do with.
I am sick of listening to arrogant, privileged women using victimhood as a way of manipulating the people around them.
I resent them claiming moral virtue as their personal territory.
If I don't come onto you I'm a wimp, and if I do I'm a rapist.
I'm sick of being emotionally blackmailed.
I'm sick of being treated as a walking wallet.
I'm sick of the bigotry, lies and double-standards in a movement which tries to pass itself off as progressive.
If I don't cry I'm insensitive, if I do I'm a wimp.
If I work hard then I'm an over-competitive male, absentee husband, and if I don't work hard then I'm a loser.
For these and many, many other reasons I am a member of the men's movement.

Feminism will continue as long as there is money to be made from hating men.
Re:about the article (Score:1)
by Ragtime on 02:04 PM November 11th, 2004 EST (#17)
(User #288 Info)
AngryMan wrote,

"I'm sick of being lied about in the media.
I'm sick of being blamed for things I have nothing to do with.
I am sick of listening to arrogant, privileged women using victimhood as a way of manipulating the people around them.
I resent them claiming moral virtue as their personal territory.
If I don't come onto you I'm a wimp, and if I do I'm a rapist.
I'm sick of being emotionally blackmailed.
I'm sick of being treated as a walking wallet.
I'm sick of the bigotry, lies and double-standards in a movement which tries to pass itself off as progressive.
If I don't cry I'm insensitive, if I do I'm a wimp.
If I work hard then I'm an over-competitive male, absentee husband, and if I don't work hard then I'm a loser.
For these and many, many other reasons I am a member of the men's movement.

Great stuff, brother. *Very* well stated.


The Uppity Wallet

The opinions expressed above are my own, but you're welcome to adopt them.

I ve read your comments (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:40 AM November 12th, 2004 EST (#18)
Thanks for the "mature" discussion. The sarcasm was thick, the words, specifically he who used the word "nigger",and the name calling, all of this I found hard to get through and it limits the discussion. I took what I could, I will look at the recommended texts. I wish you luck, and for those who tried to get their points across in a decent way, thank you.
Re:I ve read your comments (Score:2)
by AngryMan (end_misandryNOSPAM@yahoo.co.uk) on 01:37 PM November 12th, 2004 EST (#19)
(User #1810 Info)
Thanks for the "mature" discussion.

You're not immune to sarcasm yourself.

Mentioning the word "nigger" is not the same as using it.

As someone said, you can't expect to remain anonymous and be taken very seriously.

Two good texts I forgot to mention are "Why is Sex Fun?" by Jared Diamond, which is a treatment of human sexuality in terms of evolutionary theory, and "Guns, Germs and Steel" by the same author, a general history of human society in ecological terms. This kind of materialist liberal model is the best approach, and best represents my opinions.

Good luck to you too.

Feminism will continue as long as there is money to be made from hating men.
Re:I ve read your comments (Score:1)
by MAUS on 03:43 PM November 12th, 2004 EST (#20)
(User #1582 Info)
Some people just don't get it. After they have been a party and partner to an epidemic of political insanity that has had such devastating effects on so many lives, some folks just are not going to feel any obligation to be polite or civil. Especially when every other occassion of dealing with these people in a polite and civil way just gets you relagated to a quasi-child status...a well, hope she finds her reading assignments interesting...I doubt very much that she will change her perception. I do hope that if she is a Canadian troll working on a grant from SOW that she realizes there are just too many of us to silence by jailing even if they granted a pardon to every inmate currently in Canada's prisons. Proponents of the culture of mysandry are going to be purged from positions of power in our media, in our schools, in our universities, and in places of policy and law influence. I never expected that any of them would like any part of that process. And it's always the same, they can call us pigs and rapists spit spray an endless litany of mean spirited and biggoted jokes and characterise us as all manner of villain but they themselves are as delicate as the dust on a butterfly's wing. She should go pose as a man on a feminist forum and find out if her team is any less sarcastic or any more polite.
Re:I ve read your comments (Score:2)
by AngryMan (end_misandryNOSPAM@yahoo.co.uk) on 09:52 AM November 13th, 2004 EST (#21)
(User #1810 Info)
Proponents of the culture of mysandry are going to be purged from positions of power

Yep, that's what's going to have to happen...

Feminism will continue as long as there is money to be made from hating men.
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