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A&E Program Propagates False Information
posted by Matt on 11:57 AM November 3rd, 2004
The Media SJones writes "The A&E Network is as I write this running a "Special Presentation" program called Fatal Fathers in which it promotes the sexist lie that fathers are the number one cause of death for pregnant women.

Here is their advertisement for this misandric propaganda:

"The death of Laci Peterson has captivated the nation--but it turns out that her tragic case is part of a much larger phenomenon supported by a frightening statistic--the leading cause of death for pregnant women is murder...by a spouse, partner, or ex. In this hour, we will examine this phenomenon and help shed light on a subject that is currently only whispered about. Includes interviews with leading experts and the words of a man who actually killed his pregnant wife."

If possible, write or call them and complain loudly. Get someone in person on the telephone if possible."

"Should Have Kicked You Higher And Harder" | Title IX Run Amok  >

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