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ABC's new Fall Headliner: "Desperate Housewives"
posted by Matt on 03:15 PM September 13th, 2004
The Media Saw an ad for it today on the side of a bus and just knew what to expect... my suspicions well-confirmed. The show's pilot plot is discussed here. Look for plenty of husband-murdering and complaining about all the things mom isn't getting, aside from the house, car, lack of job responsibilities, etc.

What's "funny" is that the concept authors, etc., all seem to be men - or at least the ones they talk about on the site. Sad but predictable.

I am sure it'll get high ratings.

Activist opportunity for Virgina residents | The perennial issue of female nudity  >

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Masochism? (Score:1)
by thea on 03:41 PM September 13th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1862 Info)
As I observe these misandrist shows and commercials I can't help but to assume that men involved in the entertainment/mass media industry are brainwashed, feminist, pu$$y-whipped male-masochists who enjoy bashing their own gender/sex.

As they are hopelessly brainwashed by all of that feminist, girl power, female empowerment/emasculisation bullsh*t, they derive great pleasure in pleasing their sadistic, misandrist, sexist-bigot-b*tch Dominatrix (the Feminist vice-grip over the American/Western Civilization Culture) by degrading their fellow male and brother.

Very depressing, seriously :(

Sorry I was obnoxiously gratuitous and vulgar in my langauge, but I call it how it *IS*.

But as a college kid at the number one party school in the country I'm a pervert at heart :)

But a lawful, well-behaved pervert.
*Ms.Thea the Pre-Law Major, Pro-Gender Egalitarian, and Pro-Reproductive Rights Activist*
Re: From the merely geriatric to the truly dead... (Score:2)
by Roy on 06:30 PM September 13th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1393 Info)
Funny that the main plot contrivance is that the lead female is dead ... she committed suicide and now has omni-present voyeur powers to peep in on the lives of her still living girlfriends.

The series' creator and lead writer, Marc Cherry, used to be a staff writer for the classic 80's "The Golden Girls."

So at least he's advanced his metrosexual schtick by moving on from the merely geriatric campy feminism to something truly necrotic.

I give this series 12 weeks to decompose in the ratings.

And BTW, I'm starting to have some suspicions that there's a weird Hollywood New Age writer's fetish going around where the plot devices involve females who get special powers or special license due to metaphysical silliness.

Is it a coincidence that Nicole Kidman gets permission to bathe in a sexually steamy tub with a ten year-old boy, because her character thinks the lad is her reincarnated husband?

I'm hoping good old George Romero will make a come-back, because I've got lots of plot ideas for treating feminists as zombies that need to be exterminated with extreme prejudice... but without any sentimental guilt-tripping....

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re:Masochism? (Score:1)
by Gregory on 08:50 PM September 13th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1218 Info)

"...I can't help but to assume that men involved in the entertainment/mass media industry are brainwashed, feminist, pu$$y-whipped male-masochists who enjoy bashing their own gender/sex."--Thea

It's probably a combination of male chivalry, feminist sympathies, and a strong desire to have a commercially successful show by pleasing a mostly female audience.
Re:Masochism? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:00 PM September 14th, 2004 EST (#5)
I have long suspected male Hollywood (HollyWEIRD?)writers as being sexual masochists.

Almost every show I've seen on TV the last 5 or so years has at least 2 episodes conserning Dominatrixes and wussy-poopie men being dominated by them.
There are also alot of shows depicting men in 'bondage situations'who, again are being dominated by a woman. Right now as we speak the soap opera "DAYS OF OUR LIVES" is featuring a story line about some woman dressed as a Nun, who has a teenage boy bound and gagged to a wheelchair. She is seen trasporting him around in it, while he squirms around. To my knowlege the DAYS OF OUR LIVES writers are comprised equaly of women AND men.
The show "C.S.I, while being an interesting show at times, often depicts the male-dominated-by-female scenerios. The show "THE PRACTICE" was notorious for men-in-bondage scenerios. One of their last shows featured actress Andie McDowell tying and gagging some guy at a TV station, I think it was, while she made sexual comments and dominated him.
The movie writers are not much different. Quentin Tarantino is amoung the worst of these wussy-poopie writers. (Anyone remember the "gay bondage" scene with Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson in bondage, being sodomized in "PULP FICTION"?)
But take heart, as we already know the media is decrying it's very LARGE loss of male viewership. Maybe eventually they'll figure out WHY. And one of the biggest reasons is the media's treatment of men. They would be loseing FEMALE viewership like crazy if they depicted women even remotely the way they portray men. What woman in her right mind would want to watch as people of her gender were represented constantly as evil, stupid, inept, masochistic, imoaral, and inferior to men?
What woman in her right mind would want to see her gender represented as sub-human, would want to see her gender the resipient of every kind of sadistic violence includeing, but not limited to groin kicks? What woman in her right mind would want to see women constantly tied up, sodomise, tortured, humiliated and dominated by men?
If this were the case I doubt the media, Tv and movie producers would sit there scratching their heads asking; "What's happening to our female viewership???" It would be a no brainer, all the way.
But they just don't seem to GET IT when it comes to their dwindeling male viewership.
These wussy-poopie male writers are still saying to themselves; "I like being humiliated and dominated by women! What's wrong with American men? don't ALL men feel the same way I do??"
Ansewer; NOOOO!!!!!! Most of us feel very diffrently than these guys writeing and producing "entertainment". Maybe some day, they'll get it. ...Someday. Maybe when they are driving home from work and stop at their favorite DUNGEON in town, to be whipped and humiliated by their favorite dominatrix, they'll have some kind of apiffany or something. I don't know...,

  "Hoka hey!"
Another Show On ABC (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:01 PM September 14th, 2004 EST (#9)
Well it seems in addition to "Desperate Housewives",ABC is having a drama called "Life As We Know It" and in the plot is a storyline between a female teacher and a teen boy.

http://blogs.oldradio.net/archives/2004/06/03/revi ew-life-as-we-know-it/

So,ABC is really pouring it on this season.
Re:Another Show On ABC (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:27 PM September 14th, 2004 EST (#10)
Are you KIDDING us.
Is that for real??!!!??
What IS this condonment of female pedophilia in the media, these days?!?

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Another Show On ABC (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:45 PM September 14th, 2004 EST (#11)
It's just what you said; 'A condonment of female phedophillia.'
And before I get flamed for being a troll, again, let me go on record that I think it is WRONG! Women shouldn't get a free pass on phedophillia, any more than any man should.

Re:Another Show On ABC (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:52 PM September 14th, 2004 EST (#12)
I don't remember anyone calling you a "Troll", Pheadra.
We just disagreed with you on the Kobe Bryant case, is all.
And I'm glad that you agree that ANY pedophilia is wrong, no matter which gender perpitrates it.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Masochism? (Score:1)
by MAUS on 07:22 PM September 14th, 2004 EST (#14)
(User #1582 Info)
The word "Masochist"is in fact coined from the name of Count Leopold Sacher-Masoch von Lemberg who was the first proponent and role model of this behaviour, that is to say, garnering the sexual favour of women who hate men by limitless debasement. It is rightly referred to as "perversion". It is also sad and sick to recount that most of the executions of Jews during the Holocaust were in fact performed by Jews who were designated "Kapos"or "Sonderkommandos" who thought that if they sucked up to the nazis enough, they would be spared. The Nazi high command took this approach after the suicide rate of Germans assigned to this duty became alarmingly high.
In the acting industry jobs are so scarce that there is no difficulty finding wannabes willing to degrade themselves in this manner.
Masochism or Mercenaries? (Score:1)
by canaryguy (nospam.canaryguy@nospam.stealthfool.com) on 10:39 PM September 14th, 2004 EST (#15)
(User #1641 Info)
As I observe these misandrist shows and commercials I can't help but to assume that men involved in the entertainment/mass media industry are brainwashed, feminist, pu$$y-whipped male-masochists who enjoy bashing their own gender/sex.

I'm not so sure about this. I think of a friend who used to be in marketing. He quit a high-powered marketing job and walked away from a huge salary because he was sick of answering the question: "How do we decieve people into thinking our product is the best?"

Would you betray someone or a class of people for a $500k salary? No? There are lots of people out there who will... Look at all these anti-male programs!
Re:Masochism or Mercenaries? (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 05:03 AM September 15th, 2004 EST (#16)
(User #1505 Info)
I agree. The writers are more mercenary than masochistic. Add to this the idea that men as a group have no real organized presence and you get these shows. There is no fear of picket lines or bad publicity or reprecussions, only bottom lines; besides, these misandric shows are popular with women.
Re:Masochism or Mercenaries? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:34 PM September 15th, 2004 EST (#18)
And that's sad.
Because what does that tell us about the mentality of millions of women, in our society...?

  "Hoka hey!"
Sponsors? (Score:2)
by frank h on 07:54 AM September 14th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #141 Info)
Does anyone here have a strong enough stomach to actually watch an episode of this show and list it's sponsors here?
Re:Sponsors? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:25 PM September 14th, 2004 EST (#6)
Maybe we should give this show a chance, first before boycotting their sponsors. It may not be all THAT bad.

Re:Sponsors? (Score:1)
by NoLoveLost on 01:05 PM September 14th, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #1715 Info)

        Well, maybe not. But I'm betting it will be just more of the same crap that makes a hit TV show these days. Just by the plot synopsis, the main character is a suburbanite who commits suicide, and so we start off on a tragic note; something drove her to it. The one housewife who is well-to-do has a husband that treats her like property, and for added measure, is indulging in a bit of pedophilia of her own. Two of the others are looking for extra-marrital consolation which will mean that their husbands are insensitive louts, and the single mom is described as going to superlative lengths to find romance, which means we'll be treated to an un-ending parade of fools, creeps, and other distinctly 'male' offal.
I doubt somehow that men will be portrayed in sympathetic light, except maybe the one being pursued by the the two horny housewives.

          As to sponsors, I don't think that they'll be the purveyors of products that men typically buy, so I wonder how effective boycotting is going to be.

Re:Sponsors? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:01 PM September 14th, 2004 EST (#8)
Incidentally, it might be better to rent a porno called "Horny Housewives" or something a similar title/content.
Re:Sponsors? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:00 PM September 14th, 2004 EST (#13)
You may be right, Pheadra, that we should wait and see the show first before we boycott.
But with all due respects, I don't think you KNOW the media, very well.
I don't know how many times I've seen a preview of an up coming TV show and thought to myself; "If I know the "Entertainment" media, this show is gonna be anti-male or anti-family, or condone female pedophilia", and darn it if it ISN'T exactly what I thought it would be, and in some cases, even WORSE than I thought.
Simply through expirience I know the media, well.
I think MOST of us here, do.
I'm not flameing you, I'm just sayin'...,

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Sponsors? (Score:2)
by frank h on 07:26 AM September 15th, 2004 EST (#17)
(User #141 Info)
Actually, I wasn't thinking of a boycott, as i don't think we have enough supporters to make a measureable difference in their sales. I was, however, thinking of a letter-writing campaign. I think this will work better because I sincerely doubt that buyers of advert time pay any attention to the content of the shows on which they buy.
Re:Sponsors? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:36 PM September 15th, 2004 EST (#19)
Frank, I agree.
The pen, very may well indeed, be mightier than the pickett line.

  "Hoka hey!"
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