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There Is Good Out There
posted by Thomas on 09:56 PM August 5th, 2004
News I almost always enjoy FredOnEverything. Quite often, the guy hammers the nail smack dabby on the noggin, and I particularly enjoyed this piece.

Fred makes a distinction between many US women and oh-so-many women of Mexico by saying about relationships with Mexicanas, "You don’t marry a hundred pounds of irrational anger looking for an excuse." Just tonight I was in the hot tub, at the gym where I work out. A woman sat next to me (it was somewhat crowded). I was stretching, pulling my left knee up toward my chest, when a large guy walked past me as he headed out. He caused a current that knocked me off balance and almost pushed my left arm against the woman's right tit. All of a sudden, I found myself struggling so that I wouldn't make contact with her. I knew I was facing a possible decade or more in prison. I sincerely wished she wasn't part of my universe.

Anyway, it seems the man in Mexico may have fallen in love.

GOP Asks for Grassroots Participation in 2004 | Crime if slapped by men but not by women  >

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Of Fred (Score:2)
by TLE on 03:10 AM August 6th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1376 Info)
Well-written great stuff. I found myself reading from his plethora of other articles. It is very Twainlike.
Re:Of Fred (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:14 PM August 6th, 2004 EST (#2)
Fred comes off as a bit angry, at times. (But who can blame him, I guess?)
I'm with him, however on the women of Mexico. Many of the ones I've met have been class acts, all the way.
If I ever did start my search again for a good woman (I likely won't, though.) I might look to Mexico. or Japan.
Although the Japanese women have been getting a good dose of modern American feminism for some time now. It is only a matter of time, I think, That they, too will be ruined as most American women are now.
Ahh, but to find femininity, goodness and loyalty. That WOULD have been nice.

  "Hoka hey!"
By the way... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:56 PM August 6th, 2004 EST (#3)
...I forgot to mention that after you read the "Fred on Mexicanas" article, take a look at a couple of others of his articles. Specificaly "the feminization of America" and "Why white men prefer Asian women."

There are alot of us Indian guys who prefer Asian women, too. For much the same reasons alot of white men do.

  "Hoka hey!"
Japanese women (Score:2)
by Dittohd on 12:04 PM August 9th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1075 Info)
>If I ever did start my search again for a good woman (I likely won't, though.) I might look to Mexico. or Japan.

Have you had good experiences with Japanese women? Real Japanese women (born and raised in Japan) or the Japanese-American version?


Dittohd (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 09:47 PM August 13th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1387 Info)
I can answer that.

I am MARRIED to a Japanese woman. Right now (first time anyone is hearing this) we are seriously contemplating divorce.

No, no sympathy needed nor asked for. Guys, it is, hands down, the MOST amiacble break up I have ever experienced. She will get whatever household goods she wants, we have no kids, she WON'T take alimony, we're good friends, and plan on staying in touch.

Why then are we divorcing? I'll not reveal that. I will say this: no abuse, no adultery, nor other wackiness of "unfulfillment" ... we just grew to be different. Are there other reasons? Sure, and I won't state them. But consider this: we're gonna be friends, and that's not just "words"

I am SCARED SHITLESS at the thought of divorcing an American woman. I'll look elsewhere for companionship.

So, even in divorce (in my case granted) I am happy with her.

How many times have you heard THAT from American men who married white women?

'Nuff said....

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Divorcing a Japanese Woman (Score:2)
by Dittohd on 03:17 PM August 14th, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #1075 Info)
I'm also married to a Japanese woman and am planning to divorce or just split very soon. She doesn't want one, so it's going to have to be in spite of her desires. I may just leave her while staying married because with a divorce, she would lose the health insurance which she now gets real cheap through me, which she needs. At least until she qualifies for Medicare. We've been married a loooong time, but I'm just not happy, haven't been for a looooong time, and see no improvement as possible.

The reason I asked Thundercloud that question is because I haven't found any of my wife's friends attractive (with one exception in the past, but no longer do) nor have I particularly found any really attractive Japanese woman possibilities on the web in the personals. Plus, I see a lot of male-bashing in an English language version of a Japanese newspaper (rag?), which I suspect is rampant in other Japanese media in one way or another, poisoning the minds of all Japanese women.

Based on all my experience, I suspect that if the internet had existed over 30 years ago and I could have compared the personals of Japanese women to those of other Oriental women (Filipino, Chinese, Thai), I probably never would have married a Japanese woman.

That's why I asked Thundercloud whether or not he actually had good experiences with Japanese women. I don't see that I could ever marry another Japanese woman, although I would if they were all that was left. I can unequivocably say though that like you, I wouldn't go near an American woman with a 200 foot pole... under any circumstance... even if they were the last women on earth and my life depended on it.

Anyone here had really good experience with Japanese women and still happy with their decision?


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