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14 Year Old Girl Must Register As Sex Offender (Scotland)
posted by Adam on 12:23 PM July 17th, 2004
News Anonymous User writes "For those interested in cases of boy abuse by girls: A 14 year old girl having to register as a sex offender?Is this a first?The girl committed the crime against a boy aged nine when she was 13. Article here"

Dan Reynolds "Women are Fools" feature now on MSN | The unfairness of the Kobe Bryant trial  >

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Interestingly enough... (Score:1)
by DeepThought on 06:34 PM July 17th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1487 Info)
...her name is still being withheld, even though she is convicted. Baby steps, I guess, but this is a real double standard compared to those teen boys falsely accused having their names smeared around the media, even after their innocence is revealed.
And she got 24 hours of community service (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 04:41 AM July 18th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1387 Info)
That was her punishment:

24 hours of community service. For molesting a 9 year old.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
she was a child (Score:1)
by nancy on 11:14 AM July 18th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1740 Info)
and so was he. Sad that this is what has become of mensactivism. To now attack children is truly pathetic.
Re:she was a child (Score:1)
by Ragtime on 12:09 PM July 18th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #288 Info)
Nancy wrote, "To now attack children is truly pathetic."

I see no attack of children here, at least not by the folks on this site. I don't understand how you could possibly infer that from the responses posted.

What I do see is the bringing to light of yet another example of the egregious double-standards that men and boys face, and the obvious cheapening of the value of men's and boys' lives -- their dignity and right to equal protection.

Need we state again the obvious truth that had the genders been reversed, the perpetrator would have faced much harsher penalties and would have been labeled a 'predator' in the harshest of terms. The victim's story would have been covered in exhaustive detail her suffering, her feelings, how she is faring now.

Instead, the coverage is of her 24 hour penalty, she is not portrayed as a 'predator,' and the feelings or welfare of her victim are beneath concern and not even mentioned.

The attitudes that cause this are very wrong, and serve to point out the over-whealming anti-male bias of society.

To penalize so strongly two children who may simply have been curious is also wrong-headed -- which, while a separate issue, is also a product of our sick feminist society.


The Uppity Wallet

The opinions expressed above are my own, but you're welcome to adopt them.

Re:she was a child (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:36 PM July 18th, 2004 EST (#5)
Sorry, Nancy.
I'm with Ragtime, here.
We have seen MANY times if a teenage boy does this very thing to a young girl he is called a "sexual predator" and a "criminal" which is exactly what any teenage boy who would do this IS! And everyone who posts here acknowleges that fact. We will do the EXACT same when the perp is a teenage girl.
We are just tired of females doing wrong, particularly wrong to males and then getting SYMPATHY for those wrongs. We all here demand accountability for ANYONE who commits a crime, Male OR Female.
As it stands now females tend to either get MUCH lighter sentanceing (If any) than any given MALE (adult or child) for the same types of offences.
It really does show just whom REALLY is for EQUALITY. And believe me, my sister, it sure ain't the FEMINISTS!

  "Hoka hey!"
Re: Feminism Dies When Female Predation is Exposed (Score:2)
by Roy on 02:11 PM July 18th, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #1393 Info)
Feminism cannot withstand the growing media attention and coverage of female violence, female predators, female "equality" in the arts of depravity.

The Abu Ghraib prison atrocities are the most recent flashpoint, but they can be linked to any of dozens of "domestic" examples of female pathology.

Feminism has always counted on its premise of assumed "moral superiority" for women.

As the "dark side" of the feminine comes under increasing media focus, it is becoming impossible to cop to the old "sugar 'n spice" lies.

Paternity fraud, false allegations of rape, child homicides (women commit the majority), parity in domestic violence, girl-on-girl gangs in the schools....

These are facts.

Feminism has no explanation, other than its tired "victimology" alibi.

When our society begins to come to grips with female violence, we may enjoy an opportunity to begin to talk about justice.

The last thing feminists want to see happen....

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re: Feminism Dies When Female Predation is Exposed (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:33 PM July 19th, 2004 EST (#9)
Yes, Amen to that!

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:she was a child (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:04 PM July 18th, 2004 EST (#7)
Wow,in the past few weeks,it seems any story making a female look bad is being criticized.

So,how bout we turn this board over to the people who don`t like thse stories.Better yet,let`s forget the whole "Men`s Rights" movement.Let`s pretend females never do anything wrong.

Hey,we`re men.The media tells us we should be dumb and ignore stuff like this.So let`s go watch sports 24/7,grunt,and think about sex and let thse fine folks posts their stories on the harm Playboy causes,or something of that nature.

Re:she was a child (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:43 AM July 23rd, 2004 EST (#13)
Nancy is employing a common feminist tactic - whenever a female is caught doing something wrong, feminists excuse her behaviour by belittling her, making out that she is a helpless child and therefore not really responsible for her actions. See also this article

http://www.underthesamesun.org/content/2004/05/nei ther_the_adm.html#comments

in which feminists excuse Lynndie England for torturing helpless Iraqi men on the grounds that she is 'only a girl'. Oh, that's funny, I thought she was a soldier!

It is patronising to refer to women as girls, unless of course they have done something wrong and they want to avoid taking the blame for it. Typical feminist lies.

Feminism, like art, is whatever it can get away with...

Nancy's other tactic is emotional bullying. It is a favourite tactic of women, and feminists are no exception. Women have always controlled and manipulated men by means of guilt and shame. This is what Nancy is doing here. We should all be ashamed of ourselves for raising these issues.

Despite their theory that masculinity is the root of all evil, feminists constantly accuse men of being insufficiently masculine. Whenever a woman calls you pathetic, she is denigrating you sexually - men are not supposed to be pathetic, they are supposed to be impressive.

Nancy is also trying to influence the content of mensactivism by telling us that these postings are not acceptable.

She, like most women, has life-long experience in how to emotionally manipulate men. It's about time that men woke up to these tactics. Liberate yourself - Refuse to be manipulated!

Let's test Nancy' Theory (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 04:42 PM July 18th, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #1387 Info)
Gee Nancy, you're right: attacking the innocence of children IS evil. So why don't you find it evil when feminists do it?

See, feminists have for decades been criminalizing the sexuality of men. Adult men, male children, males who are teens. A boy who is dating a girl 3 years younger is "a predator".

Meanwhile a few weeks back there was the story of the 14-15 year old female preadator who had seduced(had sex with) 22 males of various ages, recorded them in a journal (including her intent on more), and had a voracoius appetite for sex.

It used to be that when we (society) had two kids who got to feeling each other up because they were curious about their bodies and had a budding sexuality, it used to be the parents would talk about it and realize that kids do that.

We realized some simple truths:
1) girls date (for the most part) older guys. Now we criminalize the GUYS but when a girl target **22** men and boys we call her a victim.

2) That kids do the "show me yours I'll show you mind" thing. Now we send girls off to 24 hours of community service and put boys on sexual predator lists for LIFE.

3) We warn girls that boys are "potential rapists", and then show them the Vagina Monologues where a 14 year old girl (now 16) is gotten drunk and seduced by a 24 year old predatory lesbian as a "good rape".

So Nancy, where was your voice before? Where? Oh, you were too busy hearing about women victims and nodding your head secure in your victimhood?? No, you thought it was WRONG, but were more concerned about being popular with your "sisters" to say a WORD. But, lo and behold, when MEN start using the same yardstick ... we're "attacking children".

Ever hear about the story of glass houses and rocks?

That whole "equality under the law thing" sure is a bitch when we men actually wanna apply it, isn't it?

Speak up to your sisters. Lose some popularity. Stop the criminalization of children and their curiosity, THEN come and talk to us.

Until then, you're talking to the wrong crowd. It's not MRAs who are the problem, it's the feminist haters who wrote the laws and criminalized men and boys.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Let's test Nancy' Theory (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:17 AM July 23rd, 2004 EST (#11)
Nancy is employing a common feminist tactic - whenever a female is caught doing something wrong, feminists excuse her behaviour by belittling her, making out that she is a helpless child and not therefore really responsible for it. See also this article

http://www.underthesamesun.org/content/2004/05/nei ther_the_adm.html#comments

in which feminists excuse Lynndie England for torturing helpless Iraqi men on the grounds that she is 'only a girl'. Oh, that's funny, I thought she was a soldier!

It is patronising to refer to women as girls, unless of course they have done something wrong and they want to avoid taking the blame for it. Typical feminist lies.

Feminism, like art, is whatever it can get away with...

Re:Let's test Nancy' Theory (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:28 AM July 23rd, 2004 EST (#12)
I should have mentioned Nancy's other tactic - emotional bullying. It is a favourite tactic of women, and feminists are no exception. Women have always controlled and manipulated men by means of guilt and shame. This is what Nancy is doing here. We should all be ashamed of ourselves for raising these issues.

Despite their theory that masculinity is the root of all evil, feminists constantly accuse men of being insufficiently masculine. Whenever a woman calls you pathetic, she is denigrating you sexually - men are not supposed to be pathetic, they are supposed to be impressive.

Nancy is also trying to influence the content of mensactivism by telling us that these postings are not acceptable. She, like most women, has life-long experience in how to emotionally manipulate men. It's about time that men woke up to these tactics. Liberate yourself - Refuse to be manipulated!

I'm surprised it wasn't the boy who got prosecuted (Score:2)
by zenpriest on 10:55 PM July 20th, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #1286 Info)
I remember a few years back when a female professor sued a student for sexual harassment - playing the interesting shell game that despite the fact she was the one in a position of power over him she was somehow so weak that his mere maleness "harassed" her.

I think the boy should thank his lucky stars that he wasn't the one prosecuted - and even more that she didn't end up pregnant and he on the hook for child support. (like Shane Seyer)
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