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Men's Rights Congress next week! Here's the synopsis of issues
posted by Tom on 04:43 PM June 10th, 2004
News We are looking forward to seeing many of the posters from MANN next week at the Men's Rights Congress in Washington DC, June 18-19. We have a great group of nearly forty men and women who are registered and coming from 14 states and Great Britain. We expect more. Please sign up soon if you are planning to come. We need to make accurate estimates by next Wednesday for food for lunch on Saturday so let us know soon if you are coming! Join us!

We have written a brief synopsis of men's rights issues for the Congress. We would love your feedback on it. What would you add? What would you edit? Let us know. Click 'Read More / Post Comments' to see the synopsis.


We have developed a booklet for the Congress that has a 2-4 page summary of each issue listed below. Each of the separate summaries is written by men who are experts in their topics. Authors include Glenn Sacks, Warren Farrell, Marc Angelucci, David Burroughs, Carnell Smith, Stephen Baskerville, Dean Tong and many others. These will be distributed at the Congress.

Let us know what you think!

Men’s Health – Men die on average over 4.5 years earlier than women, commit suicide 4 times more often than women, for all 10 leading causes of death, have higher death rates than women, yet our government focuses on women’s health and ignores men. We have 4 offices of women’s health in the Department of Health and Human Services, and none for men. Prostate cancer receives only a third of the funding of breast cancer from the National Institutes of Health, but kills as many men as breast cancer kills women. Funding for male specific health research is less than one half of the funding for female specific research. We need equity. Our government needs to help both men and women.

Circumcision – Over a million infant boys are subjected to painful, sometimes dangerous and life altering surgery each year without their consent. The American Medical Association tells us that routine circumcision is not medically necessary, that this procedure is invasive, painful, and is known to diminish sexual pleasure later in life. Our country has laws that protect little girls from this sort of procedure but has nothing to protect our little boys.

Domestic Violence - Although the department of Justice tell us that 835,000 men are victims of domestic violence every year these men have no services or shelters. Actually research clearly indicates that it is women who initiate domestic violence more often than men yet the feminist driven domestic violence industry does its best to make people think that men are but a tiny fraction of the victims. Billions of dollars have been spent for the aid of women who are victims. Don’t you think it is time to care about both men and women?

Paternity Fraud - With the advent of DNA testing we can now easily prove paternity. The shocking truth is that so far, of those tested who were questioning paternity, 33% have found that they were not the father! This indicates that paternity fraud is likely a profound problem which leaves many men paying for and in some cases forced to pay for children which are not actually their own. Up to this point we have trusted the mother's word about paternity. The wisdom of this assumption is now rightly being called into question.

Selective Service – Our young men must register for the draft or face stiff fines and possible incarceration, along with a denial of benefits and opportunities which are available to young women without further requirement. Our boys can be forced to serve their country and die if necessary. Our girls have no such responsibility. Is that fair?

Family Courts – Fathers are being removed from their children and families against their will and through no fault of their own. False accusations of domestic violence or child abuse are commonplace in an effort to insure custody goes to the mother. Men are then subjected to a system that forces them to pay lawyers they didn’t hire and pay child support without any system of gurantee or audit to make sure the money they pay for the benefit of their children is actually used for such. The system then refuses to enforce their ability to see their own children.

Education - After decades of shifting educational environments to help girls our boys are left to school environments that are hostile to their nature. Their more active nature is being pathologized and medicated. A striking example of this is that the recess period is now being eliminated from schools all over America. Our schools are becoming more and more unfriendly to boys. While the girls are encouraged to claim their power the boys are getting the message that they are defective. They are responding by dropping out at higher percentages than girls, failing more often, graduating less often, less likely to attend college, and, sadly, committing suicide six times more often. Our boys are very bright, traditionally outscoring girls on both math and verbal parts of the SAT’s. Their intelligence is excellent; it’s the anti-male environment that is causing the trouble. Our boys need our attention and help now!

Criminal Bias - Gender is the most significant biasing factor in determining whether or not someone will be charged, prosecuted, indicted and sentenced, as well as determining the severity of the sentence. Simply put, men get longer sentences for the same crime and are 20 times more likely than women to receive the death penalty when convicted of murder. If you are a man you will be treated more harshly by our court system.

False Accusation – 270,000 men and fathers are victimized each year across America by unfounded and false child sex abuse reports. This number is pushed much higher when you include false accusations of rape and domestic violence. Being accused of any of these crimes is often decimating to a man’s life. Even though he is proven innocent (which is often required for him not to be found guilty, in contradiction of the right of presumed innocence) he will still carry the scars of this false accusation and the damage to his reputation and psyche. The false accuser is often allowed to remain anonymous and usually is permitted to remain without responsibility for her false accusations after the fact.

Reproductive Rights - Men have no reproductive rights. Women can choose to have the baby, or an abortion, or put the baby up for adoption. The man has only one option if the woman chooses to have the child: pay child support. If a woman has the right to "opt out" of a pregnancy via abortion or adoption why shouldn’t a man also have this right? Many are suggesting "paper abortions" as a means to give men a similar right.

Wage Gap – The "Wage Gap" disappears when factors such as maternity leave, overtime hours, and educational levels are taken into account. Women tend to choose occupations that allow them choices in their time with family and options such as school or leisure. Men tend to only work full time. This difference leads many to erroneously assume that men make more for the same work. This assumption is a media sweetheart and is proclaimed loudly. It will be put to rest with the publishing of Warren Farrell’s next book on this topic.

Pay Gap Reporting | Missing Men Underreported in Media  >

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nice summary (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:54 PM June 10th, 2004 EST (#1)
Two other possible topics:

1. Media Bias/Media Stereotyping of Men

The lack of attention to men's issues is astonishing. The lack of balance in reporting on the statements of anti-male hate groups, such as NOW and many other so-called feminist groups, needs to be addressed.

2. Social Security Bias against men

Men die sooner than women. Some of this difference happens before retirement age, but some doesn't (there are a lot more old ladies than old men). Having the same social security benefit schedule for men and women discriminates strongly against men. I haven't seen a calculation of the net transfer from men to women, but I would guess that it is very large. Once again, men are being treated like donkeys force to pull along women in their carts.
Re:nice summary (Score:1)
by Tom on 07:39 PM June 10th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
The male bashing is an excellent point. We will even have one of the breakouts at the saturday conference by Glenn Sacks on the topic of male bashing. We will have to find someone to write one for us. Soc Sec is also a good point anon. Thanks for the feedback.

Do we have True Equality?
Re:nice summary (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:56 PM June 10th, 2004 EST (#5)
"2. Social Security Bias against men"

If you go to the IWF's web page they have info on how they are trying to get more benefits for women under social security. Because women "opt out" of the work force they often have less entitlement. They are trying to extablish reasons for women to have more of the pot such as housewives being entitled to more of their husbands entitlement. I think there is some merit for intact families that work together to help Dad earn a living by being supportive having a fair share of social security, but the "opt out" women who are just tired of working and want a longer vacation, etc. need to pay their dues like men are required to.

Sexual bias should not be allowed in Social Security for either sex, and the gender feminist agenda should not be determining who gets what. The IWF should also be carefully watched to make sure there is truly fair and equitable distribution of these hard earned benefits.

I've worked since before I got out of high school, and had one brief 2 1/2 year period of unemployment in the past 40 years. Couple that with working part time during that period for 8 years and earning 100 college units while working without the support of family and you can see why I'm not earger to share my social security with big mouthed, lazy a _ _ females who want to cut into what I've had to get by hard work.

As far as being a privilege patriarch some of my early career work invovled shoveling manure, mowing lawns, and painting buildings all for minimum wage. Serving in the combat zone was less than minimum wage. Dad had a 7th grade education and had it rougher than I did so I tend to get really upset when I hear those complete fools talk about the privileged partriarchy.

Re:nice summary (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:12 PM June 10th, 2004 EST (#6)

Please don't forget colleges in the educational debate. It is our colleges that have over 700 women's studies classes that are the spawning grounds of much of the man-hating that goes on in society. Title IX is destroying athletics programs. Males, by federal law, can't get student loans unless they register for the draft, but females, who are excelling in all catergories, and in getting degrees, are constantly mentioned for not excelling in all categories such as Science & Math. Where is Title IX in that unfair balance? Oh yea, it only wants to address the perceived historical oppression that Women's Studies sputs off about.

Women's Studies centers are propaganda mills on that create a constant sexist & hostile atmosphere for all things male on many of the campuses across America.

Books in the Library follow the gender feminist viewpoint on issues such as domestic violence, male violence, affirmative action, sports, historical oppression of women, male privilege, women's health, etc. They'd have to burn books to be any more biased than they are. The P.C. police just stamp a book "dicard" if it doesn't follow the gender feminist propaganda line. So much for donating books to our lace curtain educational system.

Re:nice summary (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:23 AM June 11th, 2004 EST (#8)
"Women's Studies centers are propaganda mills on that create a constant sexist & hostile atmosphere for all things male on many of the campuses across America."

That initial list is an excellent start. Another list that might be good would be one showing some of the main places where feminism is out of control, where men face discrimination such as college campuses, courts, media/advertising, work place, military, etc. and have subsections under each explaining the discrimination that takes place under each of those categories.

Where might the men's movement best expend its efforts to bring some relief to the struggles men are facing?

Are there any new ways that we can educate the public about men's issues? Are there any new ways we can bring pressure to bear on egregious male bashers?

Looking at all the facets of the discrimination we face (who, where, how, etc.) helps to clarify the problem in detail, and may help us to see new methods to use in problem solving efforts.

Gender feminist politicians, tear down the wall that separates men and women from eqality with each other. Tear down the wall of favoritism and special entitlement that favors one sex over the other. Tear down the wall that separates all people from equal justice, equal rights, equal privileges, and equal responsibilities.


(Click) Women's Studies

(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked item(s). All the info I am trying to convey is only as the page comes up initially.)

Re:nice summary (Score:1)
by Tom on 06:06 AM June 11th, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
Ray - Great point that we left out title IX! And the fembot women's studies.

Do we have True Equality?
Re:nice summary (Score:1)
by crescentluna (evil_maiden @ yahoo.com) on 03:29 AM June 12th, 2004 EST (#18)
(User #665 Info)
>1. Media Bias/Media Stereotyping of Men

Inside of this, I've yet to read almost ANY vaguely serious book/graphic novel/manga etc. etc. that doesn't somehow feature a raped/abused as a child female by a male. This whole culture of "women are raped or abused at least 15 times in their life!" type of mindset does SERIOUSLY hurt the relationship between men and women, especially between fathers and daughters.
Well done (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:38 PM June 10th, 2004 EST (#3)

1. For "reproductive rights", mention that even rape does not excuse a man from child support. For instance, see this case where a man was raped after passing out drunk at a party. In another case, a man was found liable for child support even after "involuntary" sexual activity. Only the paternity seemed to matter. An article discusses the ramifications of, say, sperm being stolen from a sedated male.

2. Consider whether "anti-harassment" laws (especially "hostile environment" sexual harassment laws) interfere with more than just actual harassment. When individuals at work are afraid of getting in trouble over a misinterpreted statement or even the way they look at someone, what does it mean? Consider "zero-tolerance" policies that even ban actions such as hugging or dating. A lot of surveillance by employers is in fact meant to avoid liability over things like harassment. Sometimes it is very unclear (but very important) as to what is and is not harassment. In one education case a classroom discussion about false rape charges lead to threats of harassment charges. (It is of course possible (and likely) that men are sometimes subject to harassment based on gender, but that does not mean they are always taken seriously.)

open mic (Score:2)
by TLE on 09:23 PM June 10th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1376 Info)
Will there be an "open mic" session for attendees to introduce themselves and speak for a few minutes if they wish?

Will there be break-out sessions where attendees can meet with the main speakers in small groups?
Re:open mic (Score:1)
by Tom on 10:18 PM June 10th, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
The plan for the morning is to have each of 6 speakers take about 15-20 minutes and leave time for questions and interaction with the group. We plan to have a wireless mic to pass around to those in the audience if needed. Lunch will be tasty and will have us all sitting together chowing down and talking up men's rights issues. We are envisioning lunch as being a time when we can all network and relax and get to know one another. The afternoon features 2 sessions of concurrent breakout groups and will be followed by a panel of the speakers taking questions and comments from the floor. You can see the schedule here.

It should be a powerful day of meeting others who are passionate about this work and finding ways we may be able to potentiate our efforts through working together.

Join us!

Do we have True Equality?
anyone want to write a short paragraph? (Score:1)
by Tom on 06:27 AM June 11th, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
Anon and Ray have made good points that we omitted title IX and male bashing. Anyone want to write a paragraph for those two that would fit with the ones above? You could post it here or email it to info@mensrights2004.com. Thank you all for the feedback.

Hope to see you at the Congress.

Do we have True Equality?
Prioritize (Score:2)
by frank h on 07:26 AM June 11th, 2004 EST (#11)
(User #141 Info)
I don't know where you are going to go with this list after the Congress, so keep that in mind as you consider this comment.

I would caution against making the list too all-encompassing or verbose, or in placing all of he items on it at the same priority level. Don't forget that you're going to have to market the results of the Congress and try to get buy-in from as many men as you can. (I know, I know, there are those who say 'the hell with unity...') You have to consider the short attention span of most people.

Also, I might suggest that the Congress spend some time trying to figure out how to get more men under the tent. This is, like it or not, a political process, and we're going to need votes in order to get anything done.

I'd actually like very much to go to this event, especially since the planners had the good sense to NOT hold the event right on Father's Day. However, I'm running my second annual fundrainsing event for prostate cancer research, in Mercerville NJ (http://www.dtfyf.org/)
Re:Prioritize (Score:1)
by Tom on 08:12 AM June 11th, 2004 EST (#12)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
Frank we will miss you. Thanks for the good feedback. Actually the summaries list will be handed out during our demonstration planned for 3:15 in front of the Supreme Court Building on Capitol Hill. We have a separate list of talking points that spell out just how we want our Senators and Congressmen to vote on bills that will be given to each participant.

Also, one of the good things about the booklet of essays on these issues is that each one closes with recomendations for solutions. Not just complaining, we tell them specifically what we want to happen.

Good luck with your fund raiser.

Do we have True Equality?
Re:Prioritize (Score:2)
by frank h on 12:30 PM June 11th, 2004 EST (#14)
(User #141 Info)
Lemme offer another suggestions:

EVERYONE who goes to this ought to try to go down on Thursday and try to visit their Congressman. They ARE reachable, if only for a few minutes.
Let Us Support This Noble Effort How We Can (Score:2)
by Luek on 10:52 AM June 11th, 2004 EST (#13)
(User #358 Info)
It is now our duty to support this affirmative effort to free our gender and nation from the oppressive radical feminist agenda that has infested and perverted our institutions.

Lend support in spirit, monetarily or if you are one of the privileged, in person.

Best wishes for all success and to all who are directly involved in hosting this conference THANKS!
Suggestions for the Synopsis (Score:2)
by Thomas on 05:29 PM June 11th, 2004 EST (#15)
(User #280 Info)
I have a few suggested changes for the synopsis. They're pretty much all stylistic, so I'll just send them to the congress' committee. The original authors may decide to make changes based on them or to stick with their original texts. However, there is one item in the synopsis that bothers me and that I've read and heard on several occasions. Since I've seen it elsewhere, I think it's worth pointing out here.

The synopsis states "for all 10 leading causes of death, (men) have higher death rates than women." This is actually a non-issue. The fact that men have shorter life spans than women is quite important, but the probability of death for each individual, male or female, is precisely one. Yes, men have higher death rates from the leading causes of death, but that just means that women have higher death rates for less common causes. If the point were made that males have a higher death rate than females in every age category (birth to 9, 10 to 19, 80 to 89, whatever), that would be relevant and would reinforce statements about shorter life spans. However, as I said, everyone dies.

If we complain that men have higher death rates from common causes, feminists can simply respond that women have higher death rates from less common causes.

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

Social Gathering the Night Before the Congress (Score:2)
by Thomas on 05:39 PM June 11th, 2004 EST (#16)
(User #280 Info)
Just a reminder: If you're interested in meeting other MRAs the evening before the congress (about 6:30 PM, Thursday) for some socializing, then please contact me at mensrights01@yahoo.com. I've got the choice of venues narrowed down and will make a final pick in the next day or two. After that I, or someone else from the congress, will contact all interested individuals with the precise time and place. I'm doing this through an email address, rather than making a general announcement on this site, in order to prevent loud fembots from coming to the same place to be obnoxious.

The idea at this gathering will be to have fun and get to know each other on a personal level. Planning men's rights strategies will be fine, but not required. ;)

So, if you want to join those who've already said they're coming, please send me an email. It will help if I can give the establishment a rough number of how many people will be there.

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

Re:Social Gathering the Night Before the Congress (Score:1)
by Tom on 07:44 PM June 11th, 2004 EST (#17)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
I am looking forward to meeting you Thomas. And all the other admins who are coming. Thanks for getting this together. This should be fun!

Do we have True Equality?
Media (Score:1)
by Betrayed in America on 12:20 PM June 12th, 2004 EST (#19)
(User #1381 Info)
Not only the negitivity toward males accompanied with the public opinion effects. Show what a lack of media pertaining to men becomes life threatening as in: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,122398,00.html

One I personally had no clue of and has a stunning effect.

by incredibletulkas on 10:15 PM June 12th, 2004 EST (#20)
(User #901 Info)
I think the most important issue is to legislate against anti-male content in the media; I'm beyond furious with male-bashing references-- not the least of which include sexual assault and battery, which is portrayed in every manner as a positive thing, from humorously to self-righteously, implied to graphic; this alone should be outlawed on the public airwaves, since it's an outright sexual violation and attack on male sanctity and self-esteem to suggest that women have this type carte-blanche on men's bodies. And we all know about the "stupid TV father."

It's these female-pandering, male-bashing references which lie at the root of erosion of men's rights, since they essentially program the message that men deserve abuse and not respect; once this sentiment becomes accepted, the rest is just a matter of time. And the only thing necessary for the message to be accepted, is for it to be seen without retalliation and consequence.
Similar consequences should likewise be levelled at print-media; these are also not above the law.

There's no doubt that media messages shape public attitudes, and the public which owns these airwaves and (sales-points of print-media) has a right to be protected from such defamation-- and this is just as true with regard to gender as race, color or creed-- particularly since gender runs across all of these and so there is no "minority gender" (but if there were, it would be men by definition).

As Martin Luther King said, "The law may not change the hearts of the mindless, but it will change the minds of the heartless." It's time to put the law to work against those who pimp male sanctity and respect.
by Anonymous User on 12:40 AM June 13th, 2004 EST (#21)

It has been questioned as to whether TV violence has a negative effect on people. An article here talks about female-initiated TV violence and its negative effects, especially concerning young people.

Female-bashing vs. male-bashing is not as simple as "free speech". (1) If someone displayed something that was female-bashing and was attacked over it, might they be blamed somehow for causing the attack? Consider an actual case where a billboard showing a woman being sawed in half was defaced. The protesters were let off the hook because "Women have a different worldview from men..." according to the judge so the advertisers were really the ones to blame. (2) A female could likely get female-bashing material prohibited in a workplace, etc. by claiming it was gender-based harassment.

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