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Of the false accusers.
Notice no words of empathy for the men? Or the quotes from various "men's groups" about how often this happens?
Nope, but some feminazi got her 10 seconds of fame while mentioning the lawsuit by "victims" who want "sweeping changes" (I imagine that's femi-speak for a removal of due process) at the university.
Steven Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Recall that when this story broke big, the female feminist President of C.U. made malicious and defamatory public remarks about the football coach and the alleged misogynist culture of his program.
I still hope the coach sues the pants off the University and its administrative CEO.
But knowing how thoroughly entrenched in university bureacracy the feminazis have become, expect a "just-under-the-radar" campaign to further criminalize men, based on groundless allegations and the usual gamut of "rape hysteria" false statistics.
Colorado seems to be a bellweather state for how the future resistance to feminism will or won't materialize ...
"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear."
- Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
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by Anonymous User on 03:44 PM May 11th, 2004 EST (#3)
False accusations are getting rediculous in this country, but I think the insidious home grown terroism of the radical/gender feminist movement is getting more and more well known. Sadly, that's as much because more and more men are being victimized as it is because more and more men are getting wise to all the gender feminist scams that are being run in america under color of law.
(click) Prosecute False Accusers
(click) Vote Men's Rights
(click) Gender Feminist Crime Pays
(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked item(s). All the info I am trying to convey is only as the page comes up initially.)
As you well know and have documented (kudos for your recent essay on the DV Gulag on MND!)...
gender-fascism has become an entrenched national INDUSTRY that criminalizes all men, denies men their constitutional rights of due process,and is intently dedicated to the destruction of the American family.
Keep up your vigilance sir!
Your voice is being heard!
"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear."
- Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
by Anonymous User on 07:16 PM May 11th, 2004 EST (#6)
Thank You. I'd like for our soldiers to come back to a better country, when they return, and not one the seeks to exploit them for the horrors they have seen. American gender feminsts would love to heap further atrocities on them in the name of gender feminism, simply for being men. We all know our combat veterans (almost all men) will be more vulnerable to the insidious wiles of gender feminist law as they struggle to come to terms with what they've been through and what they've seen.
If you know a vet, go to them as soon as they come back and tell them, "You are still a target, but this time by an enemy from within seeking to destroy you through our own legal system for any perceived offense against a female." The fact that the were men engaged in violence (even if in service to their country) will work against them in America's gender feminist courts of law.
Sincerely, Ray
Like Thomas, I live in Colorado as well, and there certainly have been a lot of "scandals" regarding allegations of sexual assault in the past year. I hope that the "triad" of scandals (Kobe Bryant, Air Force Academy, and CU-Boulder) ultimately ends with the realization that there is a culture of false accusations rampant here and across the United States.
by Anonymous User on 08:12 PM May 11th, 2004 EST (#8)
It's worth adding the the culture of false accusation is supported by the impunity with which false accusations can be made and the gross media bias against men.
by Anonymous User on 10:42 PM May 11th, 2004 EST (#9)
"It's worth adding the culture of false accusation is supported by the impunity with which false accusations can be made..."
Add to the culture of false accusations the rape shield, and other shield laws, and we have no trouble understanding were the epidemic of falsely accused male victims has come from. We need desperately to confront the government and legal systems that have allowed so much unaccountability from the many women who "choose" to make false accusations against men. We need to curb all the reasons that motivate women to falsely accuse innocent men, knowing they can do so without any repercussions. If a woman falsely accuses a man of a crime that carries a felony sentence, then she should be charged with a felony for that false accusations and not a misdemeanor as the laws now require. It is time the scam laws of this country come to an end before the hate laws of this country harm even one more innocent man.
(click) An Eye For An Eye
(click) Law Has No Integrity
(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked item(s). All the info I am trying to convey is only as the page comes up initially.)
as I have said before, and I think you know, the current law DOES provide for more severe punishment. The ADAs don't have the spine to USE those laws.
Perjury, witness tampering, obstruction of justice, conspiracy to defraud (felony), and other CAN be brought up against women who do this.
How many times have we seen a laundry list of charges brought up against people to intimidate the person to plea to only one serious charge? All of us have.
I would however totally support a "false accusers" law specifically targeting those who use this vile crime.
Steven Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
by Anonymous User on 07:09 AM May 12th, 2004 EST (#12)
In CA it appears different. I recall reading a section of the penal code that addresses felony false accusations only on a misdemeanor basis. Perhaps I've missed something or perhaps laws from state to state differ. I do not recall any cases of false accusation in CA that have been prosecuted either on misdemeanor or felony charges. It appears that in the he says/she says incidents they just arrest the man, give him a record, then drop the whole thing in the vast majority of cases. It really helps the radical/gender feminist hate-mongers to advance their agenda that way. The government in CA is very much alignged with their femi-supremacist ideologies, and very oppossed to equal rights and protections for men.
This is stating the obvious, and something everyone knows, but when you say it out loud it just sounds unreal.
So, women, be it for money or for 'payback', can falsely accuse men of rape. If proof can be found that he DIDN'T rape her, he'll walk free (possibly still registering as a sex offender for some innane reason), and so will she. If no such proof is found, he'll go to jail, be registered as a sex offender, and have his life ruined utterly.
Makes sense? No bloody way!
by Anonymous User on 07:12 AM May 12th, 2004 EST (#13)
If you look at all the innocent men over at "The Innocence Project," who've been freed by DNA evidence, you can only pause and wonder how many more are sitting and rotting in jail as I type these words over cases of consensual sex, where the woman lied.
It's a good article discussing some of the issues that result in accusations like those made on the CU campus.,2933,119662,00.html Dave K - A Radical Moderate
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