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Age is no Barrier
posted by Adam on 09:17 AM March 13th, 2004
Domestic Violence Rob writes "It seems age is no barrier in preventing a female killing her husband and then blaming it on other people. This 81 year old, killed her husband and blamed it on two male burglars, before claiming he committed suicide before finally admitting the truth. It seems she was tired of his deteriorating health and having to look after him. Although not in this particular news item, it was reported in other stories that the defence claimed that it "was not in anyone's interest" to prosecute an old woman."

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Kills war hero, treated as "poor old lady" (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 03:55 PM March 13th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1387 Info)
The judge expressed REMORSE at having to jail this woman?

Let me see if I got the facts straight:
1) Her husband, who had supported them for years is now slowly dying of heath problems.
2) Her husband, a former special forces type, who worked had all his life, was killed by his wife who seemed to think "for better or for worse" only meant if it was convenient.
3) She THEN blamed 2 MEN who she knew, by giving their descripions to the police.
4) She then,lol, tried to say he commited suicide - by stabbing himself with a knife.
5) And, she has shown ZILCH of remorse

POOOOOR "old lady" ....

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Kills war hero, treated as "poor old lady" (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:47 PM March 13th, 2004 EST (#2)
I think it is really ironic that a couple of posts back, in the story sent to Mensactivism from India, it is reported that women just don't lie about rape or domestic violence. Now, presto a woman kills her husband in an act of domestic violence, and falls all over herself trying to figure out which lie she is going to tell.

The only thing that really gets to me about all the domestic violence committed by women is that government officials, the news media, and the domestic violence industry appear more and more transparently stupid with each new spin and factoid they present about domestic violence.

Let me guess on this one, granny is not accountable for her violence, because she was senile. Too bad the old guy was so crippled that they can't lie and claim he beat her regularly.

I'm really sorry everyone, I'm afraid all my experience with the domestic violence industry's constant abuse of truth has left me permanently cynical.


Re:Kills war hero, treated as "poor old lady" (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:18 PM March 14th, 2004 EST (#3)
I don't blame you, Ray.
I really don't.

  "Hoka hey!"
Ray (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 03:54 PM March 14th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1387 Info)

Hey buddy, your words were not vindictive nor out of line. I did not experience what you did, but I keep reading stories like you do.

You raise an interesting point which I overlooked: I wonder if this will go into the DV stat book at all.

Once again notice how the words DV never came up ... I didn't even notice that (shame on me).

Each of us has talents Ray. I am good at some things but not others. Your attention to DV stories and your take on them are quite valuable and helpful.

With respects,

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Ray (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:05 PM March 14th, 2004 EST (#5)
Thanks TC and Steven. I spent the afternoon working on T-shirts for Mensbiz in the domestic violence section,

(click) domestic violence

A friend sent me a couple good ideas so I got those on T-shirts, then I decided to restyle some of the others. In the process I kept coming up with new sayings that I thought gave insight into that domestic violence industry from a man's perspective.

By the time I had finished I had doubled the section. It was painful, but feels good now. I think I may have even reached new depths of vitriolic cynicism regarding the domestic violence industry.

The new and redone stuff is at the top is you get a chance to check it out.

I really wish we could get 30 or 40 men to start showing up regularly at court houses, elected officials offices, d.v. conferences, etc. with sayings like those and really start expressing our outrage and frustration against a system that is sexist and hostile against men. Writing really helps me to define the reality of the domestic violence industry as I experienced it, or as other men have experienced it.

Please make me a custom shirt... (Score:1)
by MAUS on 04:46 PM March 15th, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #1582 Info)
Please make me a custom shirt...

Use the circle with arrow pointed at two o'clock (the male symbol) it's center piece. Put a prominent middle finger salute in the center of the circle. In an arc above the symbol write the words "ANATOMICALY CORRECT" in an arc below the symbol write the words "POLITICALY INCORRIGIBLE"...make them black in honour of our New Zealand brothers with white lettering...I'll order a dozen.
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