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Blaming Hubbie to Stay Out of Jail
posted by Adam on 01:11 PM March 3rd, 2004
False Accusations Mark Turner writes "Here's a great story: Dar Heatherington is a city councillor in the city of Lethbridge, Canada; about a year ago she disappeared on a business trip to Montana and showed up in Las Vegas three days later, claiming to have been drugged, kidnapped and sexually assaulted. A few days later she admitted to making the whole story up, and running off to Las Vegas with a married man. (background) NOW, in order to stay out of jail, she is claiming that her husband STALKED her, even though she's lied to police before and has absolutely no physical evidence to prove her allegations. (Story)"

L.A. judge acknowledges anti-male bias | Texas Jury Didn't Honor The Abuse Excuse Card!  >

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This Hetherington Should Claim Marital Rape Too! (Score:2)
by Luek on 04:42 PM March 3rd, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #358 Info)
Why doesn't this bimbo just cry marital rape like William Hetherington's wife did?

Hell, judges (mostly the middle aged male ones!) will believe any nutball story a woman tells as long as it has a sex angle to it.
Re:This Hetherington Should Claim Marital Rape Too (Score:1)
by MAUS on 05:22 PM March 4th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1582 Info)
If I'm not mistaking this IS William Hetherington's wife. There is a veritable epidemic of Munchaussen Syndrome going around with HYSTERICAL* women willing to say anything in order to get the attention they desperately crave.

(*HYSTERICAL...literally "wandering womb"used to describe irrational behaviour in women in medieval times...decried as mysogyny in all women's studies courses...and yet...as medical diagnosis in the middle ages goes...is not too bad a description of what we now call PMS...you don't suppose women in the middle ages might have had THAT do you?)
Re:This Hetherington Should Claim Marital Rape Too (Score:1)
by Cain on 02:00 PM March 6th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1580 Info)
This is actually a differant Mrs.Hetherington.But this has become so frequent its very easy to confuse them all.When men in particular and society in general give up their responsibility of holding women accountable not only for their actions but also for their postures their politics and their lies they become the spoilt children we are all now being forced to deal with.All action is based on ego, which in female terms has become the only value.They are given this empty word confidence and encouraged to do anything they want with it,assume a posture because thats "confidence" lie and cheat to get what you want because thats "confidence" become the emptiest human on the planet but dont worry cause your "confident".So they all do as they please when they please and however they please and if they are caught they simply blame the nearest male since their gender prevents them from ever assuming any responsibility for any action.We are not dealing with a womens movement here,we are dealing with a political movement in the hands of children and with all the irrational self absorbed reasoning that creates.
"All you fascists bound to lose" - Woody Guthrie
'you ever notice...? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:16 PM March 6th, 2004 EST (#4)
You ever notice that even DOGS are held accountable when they bite somone?
So in the spirit of TRUE equality women should also be held accountable... unless they are less than dogs...,
Just a thought.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:'you ever notice...? (Score:1)
by Cain on 03:50 PM March 6th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1580 Info)
There is at least one major differance between women and dogs and thats that women are slightly easier to train.If you want a women to believe something tell her twice, if it inflates her ego out beyond all proportion then you only need to tell her once.And if it does inflate her ego not only will she accept it as true she will begin to live her life based around its logic.There are no differances between the genders she is told, your just as capable and interested in the fields that men have always dominated.So legions of women suddenly develop keen interests in all the sciences,they start to train as engineers and police officers and fire fighters because of course they arent smaller weaker and less capable of these tasks as we had all been led to believe,those they are told were just myths.The media of course chimes in to reinforce the delusion, programing an endless array of shows at the center of which is the logic that women are not only more than capable at every male task there is, but are also more than capable of physically dominating men.How many programs are there where we are shown these ridiculous little girls running around beating up on all the males,i guess the question should be are there any shows that dont promote this profoundest of all insults.And as a result of this we have women getting in the face of men used as a standard response because she knows she cannot lose.If he responds physically, she gets hurt and he goes to jail, and if he doesnt respond but simply takes all the abuse she declares that a victory " i kicked his ass" and he is humiliated.Again she behaves as she is told to behave .And the crime really isnt her behavior but the fact that we as men no longer have the legal or social right to respond as we should.
"All you fascists bound to lose" - Woody Guthrie
Re:'you ever notice...? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:25 PM March 6th, 2004 EST (#6)
Cain, Ouch!
But yes, You make exelent points.
Your post made me think of something else, as well. It is all to true that a man is forbiden to defend himself against a woman if he is attacked, but if a dog bites you and he's on your property..., You have the right to SHOOT it.

(And before any Feminist Trolls start screeching that I'm saying that we should be able to shoot women if they attack us. NO, I am not. So please don't try and stretch the premise, okay?)

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:'you ever notice...? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:00 PM March 7th, 2004 EST (#13)
"...screeching that I'm saying that we should be able to shoot women if they attack us. NO, I am not. So please don't try and stretch the premise, okay?)". If we are attacked by men, should we be allowed to shoot them?


Hotspur (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 09:07 PM March 11th, 2004 EST (#14)
(User #1387 Info)
What MRAs (Men's Rights Activists) are saying is self defense is self defense. But due to "feminist" (female supremacist) indoctrination there seems to be endless "extenuating circumstances" or "mitigations" when it comes to women committing violence against men, but not the reverse.

What was being said, was being said clearly.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:'you ever notice...? (Score:2)
by Luek on 09:15 PM March 6th, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #358 Info)
""""If he responds physically, she gets hurt and he goes to jail, and if he doesnt respond but simply takes all the abuse she declares that a victory " i kicked his ass" and he is humiliated.Again she behaves as she is told to behave .And the crime really isnt her behavior but the fact that we as men no longer have the legal or social right to respond as we should.""""

To hell with this! If a female physically strikes me first she will be picking up her ivory. I don't care how much this violates the asinine VAWA.
Everyone has the right to defend himself if he is physically attacked first. If you don't believe you have this right then you are a slave and should kiss your chains like some pathetic men do now!
Re:'you ever notice...? (Score:1)
by Cain on 10:51 PM March 6th, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #1580 Info)
You seemed to have missed the point.The statement you quoted was an illustration of how society and the legal system views the conflict and the bind that places men in.Regardless of how just your response is,if its physical and directed at a female you go to jail end of story.I was pointing that out as "a problem" describing it as a crime that men dont have the right to respond.And what i do or do not believe i have a right to has absolutely no affect on the way the legal system treats men.Get it ?
"All you fascists bound to lose" - Woody Guthrie
Re:'you ever notice...? (Score:2)
by Luek on 11:56 PM March 6th, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #358 Info)
Yes, I get it.

I did not mean to imply that you personally would not defend yourself or that you were advocating a non-violent retaliatory response to getting physically assaulted. After reviewing my post I do see where this could be interpreted as such. No insult was intended. But I do feel that there are some weak willed slavish males out there who will just take it and won't fight back which only encourages more aggression.

But again, speaking for me personally I will strike back if physically attacked first regardless of the gender of the aggressor. And as for that old adage; "a real man will never hit a woman no matter what she does to him," I don't care if she was born with 6 titties and 3 pussy twats, if she hits first, she gets hit back.
End of story.
Re:'you ever notice...? (Score:1)
by Cain on 12:59 AM March 7th, 2004 EST (#11)
(User #1580 Info)
As it turns out Luek i agree with you,that was actually one of the points i was trying to underline with my post.I think the problem of DV against men isnt the action of the female but the inaction of the male.And my point was the inaction of men is created by a situation were the only choices left to them are jail or humiliation and its that sort of situation that only serves to enbolden females who are more than willing to exploit the situation for any advantage.
"All you fascists bound to lose" - Woody Guthrie
This story is damned convoluted (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 06:18 PM March 6th, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #1387 Info)
This story is damned convoluted.

I first read about this, what, like a month or two ago?

First she claimed to have been kidnapped and RAPED. And it was not only across state lines but country lines too (she's Canadian right?). She wasted so many personnel's time and agencies money on these fictitious kidnappers and rapists.

And she's a coucilwoman!?! And was bemoaning how she would not get her turn (it's rotational in her town) at MAYOR because of the "undue flap" about this!? What an EGO!

Now she wants to blame her HUSBAND?!

This woman needs to be in a looney bin or work for MS magazine (same thing).

This would be amazing if it weren't that, not for publicity, it happens so often and we only hear about it because our members do Google searches for crap like this.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:This story is damned convoluted (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:27 PM March 7th, 2004 EST (#12)
And it's painful to see that the media SITS ON all of these stories.

(...I got something they can sit on...)

  "Hoka hey!"
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