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More False Accusations
posted by Thomas on 11:30 AM February 10th, 2004
False Accusations Here's yet another story of a false rape claim. Note that Washtenaw County Sheriff's Cmdr. Dave Egeler stated, "I'm not sure charges (for filing a false police report) are likely." The article goes on to state that next Wednesday's safety awareness meeting will still be held. Janet Hawkins, a spokeswoman for the community college said, "This will be an opportunity for us to review our safety procedures on campus."

Why do I doubt they'll be discussing how to make men safe from false accusations?

And here's a story of a false accusation of assault against a homeless man, who spent eight months in jail as a result. At least in this case, the girls were arrested. Since they were apprehended at school, students saw that society might be starting to hold females responsible for their actions.

Bright Beacon | Paternity Fraud: Female Violence Against Men  >

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Unfortunate Circumstances (Score:1)
by Kirran on 12:04 PM February 10th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1338 Info)
Regarding the Second Article

Note how the article is so aghast that the girl was arrested at school. Considering that by her "story" she had a man lose "eight months of his life", by a false accusation.

Neither Story talks about the REAL victims (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 02:26 PM February 10th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1387 Info)
Notice how neither story talks about the REAL victims.

In the first story 2 things stood out to me.
1) The "charges not likely to be filed" part. Yeah, THIS sends a VERY clear message to those who would fabricate, from whole cloth, rape accusations. Even in situations where it was a clear cut lie (God forbid they found a man with a van that matched the description!) there is no punishment. I could MAYBE understand in some ambiguous situation where it was he-said/she-said where there was not enough proof. But this is a clear case of someone putting an entire campus on alert for nefarious reasons.
2) Notice, and if you didn't go back an read it, how the police spokesman is STILL calling the "girl-who-cried-wolf" a "victim". She's a CRIMINAL. The penalty for filing a false police report in that state is a FELONY. But, even though it's blatantly false, no charges. Nice deterrent. And in a case that is more ambiguous, the chances are even MORE slim!

And on to our "poor little girls" editorial. Notice that NOT ONE word or what that poor man went through is brought up. It's full of "one girl was diabetic", "they were traumatized by being arrested", and "they interogated the girl w/out her attorney".

I bet the man accused had no attorney paid for by mom to run to HIS aid. I bet HE was traumatized by being arrested for raping a child. I bet HE was Oh-so-welcomed with "love" by his fellow prisoners for being a child rapist. And even with the charges dismissed, he will, FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE, have it on his record what he was arrested for. And in this article no mention of how these girls did this because they needed an excuse to being late.

This one I am going to write a letter on to the paper for their clear bias. If a boy had gotten a woman incarcerated for ***8*** months, just because he needed an excuse to be late I don't see there being much sympathy for him. Where is the description of the humiliating, devastating, and life changing arrest. I mean, lets face it. If you describe the "worst crims" it usually murderers, rapists, and child molesters. And in prison there is a very clear "caste" system. And child molesters are at the bottom of the predator/prey food chain.

"poor little girls" my ass.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Neither Story talks about the REAL victims (Score:2)
by Thomas on 03:14 PM February 10th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #280 Info)
I bet the man accused had no attorney paid for by mom to run to HIS aid. I bet HE was traumatized by being arrested for raping a child... This one I am going to write a letter on to the paper for their clear bias.


If you're going to write to the paper, please note that the man was accused of and arrested for assault, but not sexual assault. Though it raised fears of a sexual predator, he wasn't charged with rape.

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

Re:Neither Story talks about the REAL victims (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 03:22 PM February 10th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1505 Info)
Regarding the first story, another consequence of the police not filing charges is that there will be no record of this woman making a false claim. Should she find it convenient to do this again, her victim is pretty much on his own. Also, this lie will not find its way into any statistic for false accusations.

As for the second story, both boys and girls have found themselves convicted in juvenile court for much less.

As always with proven false accusation cases, the incident will die out in the media in a day or two.
Veteran journalists KNOW it's a sham too (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 04:33 PM February 10th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1387 Info)
I have posted on this before. Veteran journalists KNOW this "considering to file charges" statement is a sham. The thing is, they want to keep their contacts in the ADA and Police department. And, let's be real, when the guy was arrested was there any "considering to file charges" when this man was arrested. And here we have a CONFESSION - no abiguity there!?

It's the usual scam. And like was said by esteemed fellow poster: now the false allegations don't muck up the feminazis stats in an unfavorable way.

I know I repost the same facts, but we often have lurkers, new posters, and trolls. So when relevant stories of the same nature come up I repost the facts. I'll get to this letter tonight when I got time.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
I tried to help her and it almost destroyed me (Score:1)
by PassionateWolf on 02:17 AM February 11th, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #1569 Info)
I have a story to tell and this writing, thinking, reliving the past has been so hard for me to do. My current situation...I was finally divorce in July 2003 after 11 years of Love on my part and Love/Hate (Bipolar is my guess but since im not a doctor) on her part. I have joint custody now with my ex having custodial rights because I couldn’t even afford an attorney to defend myself against the lies she told the judical system to discredit me. She sent my children out of country, against my approval to American Samoa prior to the divorce precedings, while she stays and works in Pensacola. My children are my only witnesses since I hid her abuse well from others but I could not from them. She stressed to the court that the children shouldn’t get involved in our divorce but from past experience, my past, this is the only way I could to teach them, what I wasn’t taught, that this was and is the wrong behavior when it comes to treating others. I should have gotten sole custody but since the false incarcaration (explained below)Ive lived a totally dysfunctional life, depression, anxiety, due to her extreme abuse of me and being disabled these past 5 years after retiring from the Navy. This is just a short version and I know Ive missed many situations for her abuse...so many...plus because Im cut and pasting there may be duplicate events but Im trying my best. I want my children going to school here, with me, getting therapy and learning, like I didn’t, that living with someone like this is not appropriate or right.
My personal life as a kid at home was being raised in an extremely dysfunctional and abusive, verbal, emotional, and at times physical family atmosphere. An abusive family lifestyle in which at the age of 16 I told my mother that I couldn’t live like this, confused and hurt, anymore. The first chance I could get and I was leaving...the Army was already on my mind. I quit high school, start drinking more and this is when I first started smoking marijuana. My younger brother, Kevin, was already doing it and I don’t remember much of my brother, Allen, and sister, Cheryl. When my 17th Birthday came I still wasn’t sure what to do and it took me two and a half months to finally come to a decision to join the delayed entry program of the Army in September of 1976.

It all began after my seperation from my first wife and going to my next duty station.

After arriving in Naples I had to put our divorce on hold utilizing the Soldiers and Sailors Act until my return to the United States in less than two years. Now I was in a staff command and learning the logics of logistics. Now this was what was the best for me in regards to my legs, I now had my own desk due to there was lots of sitting involved, but here is also, while on an emotional rebound, I met my second wife. I missed my son so much. I tried so hard to create a wonderful family and I knew I was able to still do so. Maria was a very kind, loving lady in appearance in the beginning which was very intoxicating emotionally to me. She was seven months pregnant with Jermaine when I first met her, which reminded me of my son after he was born, and she was dealing with a lot of personal issues. One being she didn’t have a driver’s license and couldn’t get one without a Stateside driver’s license plus she would be allowed to live in the barracks once the baby was born. The baby’s father, CTR1 Reginald Robinson, had been transferred to the States which left her with no means of transportation. Eventually she had a friend leave her their car, fully registered, so as to get back and forth to work from her place off base. After a few accidents I told her I could be her driver and moved in with her. This was just friendship and I began to witnessed that she had a mean temper and was a verbal person, throwing the "F" word out in the open freely. This was definitely not my way of talking and one of those moral codes that I found hard to deal with. I saw her throw a hot cup of coffee on a fellow worker, purposely. She was never mean to me and after I got to know her from so many conversations that I began to think I understood her pains and I wanted to help. Jermaine’s dad ended up coming back to Naples and he and Maria had decided to try at their relationship. I, unhappily, moved back into the barracks and we seem to fade from each other until that dreaded day.

On that day I was in my room in the barracks when I heard a knock on my door. When I opened it, Maria was standing there, very upset, and I asked her in. She told me that Reginald, Jermaine's dad, had raped her and asked for my help. I immediately took her to the base police where I left her. Afterwards she came back to my room and asked me if I could stay with her. I was overjoyed and said yes. It wasn’t until after she became pregnant again from that incident that our friendship got personal, not sexual. The charges against Reginald were apparently dropped, I never learned of that outcome. Maria moved into her own place and asked me to move in with her. This is really when I began witnessing, in my opinion, the personalities of 2 people; one extremely loveable and the other extremely vicious in an uncontrollable, extremely uncomfortable manner. Some examples are; while living together in Naples she beat me many times, 2 to 3 times a week, to where I needed to wear makeup and wear long sleeve shirts, in the summer time, to hide the bruises, scratches, and bite marks. The Landlord use to send their daughter, who was an Italian Police Office, up to visit (spy) on us after one of her violent outbreaks during the night before, I always think they were looking at me but for good or bad I never found out. Never did I show any idea of what was happening. There were times on our way home from work, we had to drive thru a toll booth, while waiting in line if she caught me looking at another women, I was being disrespectful, she said, which justified her viciously beating me while sitting at the toll booth with no where to go. During those verbal and physical outbreaks she totally embarrassed and humiliated me. My only ability to get out of those bad, abusive situations, especially the physical ones, was to run away, literally, though not always successful. Lots of times, and my children have been witnesses to this time and time again, she took on chasing me with knifes, stabbing walls and doors, when she realized her hitting me didn't hurt me as much as it hurt her hand.

I left Naples before her but we kept in constant contact via phone. She was always mad at me, yelling at me over the phone, because I always told her we shouldn’t talk so much on the phone because it was really expensive...$600 phone bills and so she told me not to meet her at the airport but I went anyways. My next duty station was at the Submarine base in Groton, Connecticut. I hadn’t seen my son, Jacob, for 2 years and When she returned to the States I picked her up from the Philadelphia International Airport-Military Airlift Command part and drove her to her next duty station in Williamsburg, Virginia. We had a great time together and had decided to get married when she got out of the Navy in August of 1992. My divorce to my first wife was finally finalized February 13th of 1992. Being back in Connecticut gave me the chance to see my son, Jacob, again. Times were fine until Maria came. When I first brought Jacob over to meet Maria, Jacob and Jermaine cried over each other’s toy. Maria became very hostile with me about Jacob after I brought him over once to our place. I refused to ever let Jacob experience what I was dealing with and cut off my ties with him. Even when I called him once from Sigonella she said some cruel and nasty stuff in the background about Linda, my ex, and Jacob. During this year the abuse seemed to be getting farther and fewer apart and so I was finding life more enjoyable. I found myself picking an "overseas shore duty" billet over going back to a ship because of my knee pains so off to Italy, again.

  I went to NAS Sigonella, Italy which is on the island of Sicily's eastern coastline. My job was as an Air Cargo Supervisor for forty-two months. During this time was when she started using knifes because she had realized hitting me didn’t hurt me more than it hurt her...hands. This is also when she stabbed me for the first time in the face while I was holding my baby daughter in my arms. I could not have my wife arrested, how would I take care of my kids while on active duty working 12 hours shifts day and night every other month. After the stabbing I drove myself to the hospital telling the doctors that a car going in the opposite direction came to close and clipped my driver's mirror, braking it sending a piece of the mirror into my face which I pulled out myself. They didn’t believe me but I would not change my story. I never have approved of the purpose of the judical system, they screw too many good people over just to catch a few bad apples. By this point I began to isolate myself from the outside world, easy since I had been a loner all my live, because she would constantly embarrassing and humilating me in front of strangers. Still my bruises required makeup, long sleeve shirts, and at times, good lies (I walked into a door or I fell down).

My last duty station and another staff command was in Pensacola, Florida where I retired. Something was wrong and I didn’t see any of it coming like it did. I found myself being the cook, getting the kids ready for school, laundry...everything. She would just come home from work, sit on the couch, pick up the remote, and dictated her constant demands while flipping thru the channels. She called 911 during the summer of 1997 on me because she was so angry at my dad for doing the dishes, he still never gets them clean, that she went after him and I jumped in the middle. Well she grabbed a knife and quickly I wrapped my arm in a towel and disarmed her so she started beating on me so I had to restrain her from hurting me by pinning her on the floor. After 15 minutes she calmed down and I jumped off her and ran into the bedroom holding the door shut. She must have grabbed a knife again because she was stabbing at the door. Then she called 911 and an officer arrived. She had marks on her wrists and upper chest were I had to hold her down with all my might. So the officer though I did abuse her...until I came out of the bedroom and he seen it was I who was beaten, bitten, and scratched bloody. I sat on the couch and apologized saying "I was just defending myself by keeping her from beating me anymore. With that said he shook his head, turned around and left.

For good and bad till death do us part...yes I attended a Catholic school for 8 years.

She wanted to own a house, which she searched out, and soon afterwards we moved to 3051 Concho Drive, a 2200 square foot brick home, 4-bedroom, 3 bath, 2 car garage which is in a subdivision of a golf course, Perdido Bay Country Club Estate (now the Sportsman Of Perdido).

It was here when the second stabbing incident happened. While standing near the kitchen table Maria was yelling at me, telling me to do something. I forget what it was about. I refused, telling her if she couldn’t ask me nicely then I wasn’t doing it and I turned around and walked away. There was a knife on the kitchen table and she picked it up and threw it at me. It stuck me high in my back and I fell to the floor. She came over scared and crying as she pulled it out of my back. Oh well!!! I drove myself again to the hospital telling them I was playing in the backyard with the kids and while rolling on the ground, I rolled on a piece of metal.

Another incident was when I found out she cheated on me. I bought 2 new tires for my Maxima to put on the front end, and had the Navy Exchange put them on my car. Maria was having a friend of hers, Betty, come to visit her from Charleston, SC. so I want good tires on the car for their travels. They were going to spend time together and go to Panama City, FL for a few days. When they came back, Maria was very different, extremely aggressive verbally towards me. I knew something was wrong. Then a guy started calling and she told me it was a gay friend she met in Panama City...that was cool. Well a few weeks later this friend called me because Maria pissed him off and he wanted to get back at her and told me of their having sex together in the parking lot at the club they went too. I was flabbergasted!!! When I confronted Maria she denied it but after a few days she told me the truth. About a week after their trip to Panama City, on a Sunday, we were driving to get some dinner at a buffet when the new tire on the front drives side came right off the car. It took about a month but I got the car back on a Friday. Everything seemed to work fine. Saturdays I usually worked but on those Saturdays she needed to go to Ft Walton Beach to take her GRE tests, she didn’t like driving that far alone so ask me if I would take that day off to take her...Sure. I really didn’t mind taking her plus the day before I just got my car back. On the way I realized my speedometer wasn’t working so I decided to play it somewhat save and follow a car in front of me. After I dropped her off I told her I was going to find a place to fix my speedometer. I got a speeding ticket, the first of two that caused my license to get suspended, and I got both taking her to her tests in Ft Walton Beach. She started having an online affair with someone from the VA office in Atlanta. I have been severely traumatized by all this.

I had knee surgery, screws and all to replace an old torn ACL injury, in October 99, a year after I retired. I had been home for only a week when she abuse me viciously because I wasn’t up cleaning the house. As I sat on the couch she started punching me in the head and hit me until I saw stars. I got up getting mad, it hurt, and she threw me on the floor hurting my leg dearly. Then she took my head and started banging it into the floor. In pain I rolled her over quickly, getting on top of her for an instant. I was finally starting to fight back...a little. I was getting very scared because my vision was getting blurry. I think the children were there but I cant remember. She told the lawyer and judge that I banged her head into the floor. One lie after another.

The second time she called 911 was during the early morning after her birthday, 3 May 2001. I came home from going out which I had arranged an evening out for dancing and celebrating for her birthday but she refused because she wanted to be online with her boyfriend instead so I went out anyways. I had seen who she was chatting with earlier in the evening so when I came home, out of desperation to save my marriage, I sent him an email telling him how abusive my wife was. Afterwards I went into the bedroom, sat on the bed, seen my wife was awake and talked with her. I told her how badly I had felt that I couldn’t talk to her because of the repercussions of her beating me. She had always apologized in the past but now she started saying and believing I deserved what I got. She promised she wasn’t going to hit me and I could trust her. Well I tried to talk to her and I told her about the email and she exploded, kicking me out of bed. Threatening me, pulling my hair, telling me to get out of the house or she was going to call 911. I refused...I did nothing wrong...she called 911. I was totally upset when they came and I expressed my discontent for them. One officer told me if I didn’t like their coming to my house then I should move to another country...that totally blew my mind when he said that. Apparently the new Florida domestic violence law states now that someone is going to jail on a domestic violence call and off I went. I DID NOT TOUCH HER....she did all the touching, pushing, kicking, pulling hair and threatening. I was humiliated, disgraced, SHOCKED...OH MY GOD...and with that...physically, emotionally. I was being kicked out of my house, homeless, and it didn’t stop...afterwards she let me live at home with the understanding she had control. Her boyfriend, someone from the VA system itself, had been apart of my spiraling downfall. I started collecting all the emails she left laying around from them...the planned rendezvous, the "I miss seeing you".

She started not even coming home anymore for weeks at a time, staying at friends homes saying she was house sittings. I took care of the kids...but without her support all I could do was take care of the kids. Well one day around October she realized she was missing her emails and struck again. Because I wasn’t allowed to be there, at the house, my wife told me I could come home after she gone to bed and leave in the morning before she got up. After she left for work I would come home and get the kids ready for school. I’d be there when they got home. Of course I’d leave again before she got home from work.

Well this one particular day after my wife left for work I came home and found my shadow box, my flag from retiring from the Navy, smashed on the door step. When I asked the children what happened they told me that when mommy found out I took some of her paperwork she got really angry and smashed it. Then I heard the car door and ran outside, my wife was trying to smash out the window of my car to get the paperwork off the front seat. I quickly unlocked the driver’s side which actually unlocked all the doors. We both grabbed the paperwork at the same time and she pulled so hard it ripped the paperwork out of my hand that she fell on the ground. She jumped up, laughed real loud, half way tore the spoiler off my car, jumped in the van and drove away. I yelled to my kids to get the phone and called 911. The police officer came over, looked at what my wife done, said he was going to call her and I left it at that and that was the last I heard about it until 2 days later the police came over, issued me a restraining order saying something totally different from what actually happened plus I couldn’t be trusted even seeing my kids because I was so abusive. I became homeless, severely depressed, and didn’t see my kids for over a year. When I finally saw and talked with the judge, he couldn’t believe what a mistake he had made but the damage was done. Months I stayed hidden away with constant and daily verbal and physical attacks. One day I was sitting on the couch and she started punching me in the head from behind. There was nothing I could do to start her. I DON’T TRUST THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM!!! Her complaining about the bills forced me out to find a job. My legs both still hurt but I did get some stability back from the surgery. I found a cheap paying job, $7 an hour (nothing compared to the $24k a year I was getting from my job I had before the surgery), driving a forklift for a local marina putting boats in and out of dry storage. She was against such a small paying job and started cheating on me.

I am now divorced from my second wife. My children have been given to their abusive mother because I have no job, my retirement money goes to child support, loans, and credit cards which comes out to more than what I get. I promised my children I wouldn't let them grow up like I did and my ex second wife is worse than that...what a failure I am, I have lost my properties, my beautiful home, my ability to get around (my license too), my life....Im homeless. My mom is letting me live with her, very unhappily at times I might add, and I just cant make ends meet because Im disabled physically and emotionally.

I have joint custody and gave no permission for my children to leave the United States. I told the judge that she sent them out of country but he didn’t want to hear it and my children are still out of country because they are the true witnesses to her violence. I want my children back!!!

You're not alone and you're not a failure (nt) (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:02 PM February 12th, 2004 EST (#7)
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