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Bright Beacon
posted by Thomas on 01:54 PM February 9th, 2004
Education Anonymous User writes "This Men's Program at Pierce College seems to send a bright, positive message. Those of you who may be interested in getting involved with forming a similar program at another university may be interested in inquiring with them to see what works."

This does look like a good program. I was in a high school yesterday and saw their list of National Honor Society students -- 20 females and 5 males. Yup, girls are the victims of terrible discrimination in the nation's academy. Sure, you betcha.

On a related note, this program may signify much more than what appears on the surface. Today women are able to have professional organizations, but such groups of men are seen as discriminatory. It would be good to see men, and not just those who benefit from programs such as this, start to form men's professional organizations to help each other with job placement and advancement and other workplace issues. Full-time employed women, on average, work far fewer hours than men, and there are far fewer full-time employed women than men, yet most company officers are women. It's time men started ignoring the lies about anti-female discrimination and started networking to help each other.

Men Are Dogs | More False Accusations  >

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Sounds promising. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:23 PM February 9th, 2004 EST (#1)
I had a look at the site and ,must admit, I wasn't too clear what exactly the mens programme involved. However, it appeared promising and hopefully may develop into a fully fledged GENUINE (ie NOT feminist) Mens Studies Course.
        ( By the way, Glenn has started round 5 of his campaign. I think this deserves a mention on mensactivism).
Re:Sounds promising. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:23 PM February 9th, 2004 EST (#2)
I noticed that the site has a picture of Warren Farrell giving a speech at the college. Seems promising...

Re:Sounds promising. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:34 PM February 9th, 2004 EST (#3)
Yes, that picture caught my eye as well. If it does evolve into a true Mens Studies course, it would be (to the best of my knowledge) the first of such courses to exist and it's value to the mens movement would be incalculable.
Re:Sounds promising. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:56 AM February 10th, 2004 EST (#12)
And it gives a link to NCFM, the Men's Issues Page and other legitimate men's issues sites. That's a good sign.

talk about timing!! (Score:1)
by jimmyd on 09:32 PM February 9th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1260 Info)
this could be really helpfull to me considering i'am starting a mens orginization for students at my college wow what a wierd conincidence
Re:talk about timing!! (Score:2)
by Thomas on 09:49 PM February 9th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #280 Info)
i'am starting a mens orginization for students at my college

That's great! Would you be willing to tell us what the college is? In any case, please keep us posted on your progress. And brace yourself. The feminists will claim to have men's interests at heart, and they may prove to be vicious beyond your worst imaginings.

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

Re:talk about timing!! (Score:1)
by jimmyd on 10:19 PM February 9th, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #1260 Info)
Umass dartmouth is the school, as far as the feminists go i believe i am more then prepared for whatever they have for me. ( alought i am a bit cautous i mean they haven't really done anything on campus this semenster. it's quiet, to quiet
Re:talk about timing!! (Score:2)
by frank h on 07:44 AM February 10th, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #141 Info)
In a way, it doesn't much matter what you do when you meet. The simple fact that your org exists and the charter describes your org as something like embracing pro-masculine values, TRUE gender equality, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera... THAT wil eventually get their attention.

However, a little bit of activism along the way would help. You might first start with just a little education about things like family court and what REALLY happens to a man's rights when he becomes a father and/or a husband, or domestic violence. This, along with the KEY issue of recruiting should be your first considerations.

Good luck!!
Re:talk about timing!! (Score:2)
by jenk on 08:40 AM February 10th, 2004 EST (#11)
(User #1176 Info)
Write to the guys at Pierce, they responded immediately to us, and I think would be willing to help you get started.

  The Biscuit Queen
Men Have Power and Control (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:49 PM February 9th, 2004 EST (#7)
Today women are able to have professional organizations, but such groups of men are seen as discriminatory.

A couple of weeks ago I had a flaming feminist iterupt me to correct me and tell me that men aren't discriminated against in our society, but before she got to the power and control b.s. I unloaded on her and told her to stop lying, men are discriminated against in our society egregiously by the hate agenda of radical feminism. I went on to explain how through various statistics that we have had on this page before. She was shocked!

There are many areas where MEN organizations and MEN associations are needed. There are Women's Commissions, Women's Studies Programs, Women's Centers, Offices of Women's Health, Domestic Violence Shelters, Women's Legislative Caucuses in Government, etc., etc., etc.

Here is a T-shirt covering just one of the areas above:
I would like to graphically illustrate all the areas where men need mentoring, nurturing, support, encouragement, education, etc. to be equal under law, and social privilege with women. All things in due time.

Sincerely, Ray
Interesting. . .must just be trendy (Score:1)
by Betrayed in America on 12:36 AM February 10th, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #1381 Info)
20 female. . .5 male

Well I've been noticing that trend also. . .scholarships, honor role, headmaster's list, Dean's lists etc.

Just read in our local paper of Hillsdale Michigan. . .Honor role (seventh through 12) 20 female. . .9 male. Headmasters list (seventh through 12) 17 female. . .4 male.

How bout your local school's?

Keep hearing how our schools are still failing our girls. . .just don't know how? Seems to me we have been failing our sons. . .overwhelmingly!

Such as the law of unintended consequences. . .my ass!

I would really like to see what the real status of men/boys are in this country. . .but how would anyone know?

Does anyone know?

steve barr
Re:Interesting. . .must just be trendy (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:57 AM February 10th, 2004 EST (#10)
"Keep hearing how our schools are still failing our girls. . .just don't know how? Seems to me we have been failing our sons. . .overwhelmingly!"

I saw an article about how well females were doing at our local college in a large number of areas, and another article in a local paper about the same but both then went on to conclude by bemoaning the fact that females still do not have parity in Science and Engineering. Clearly the authors only cared about female academic achievement as it made no mention of the need for males to have parity in the large number of areas where females exceed parity. Where the heck is Title IX in those areas. What a bunch of sexist bigots run our schools today. They spout only the offical radical feminist party line propaganda and freely bash all men in the process. Schools have become nothing more than hotbeds of sexist hostility against men. I need to work on some T-shirts in this area.
(click) VOTE


Re:Interesting. . .must just be trendy (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:11 PM February 10th, 2004 EST (#13)
"I would really like to see what the real status of men/boys are in this country." Their status is akin to that of Negroes prior to the Civil War or Jews in Nazi Germany.
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