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Woman found lying about gang rape
posted by Adam on 08:34 AM February 6th, 2004
False Accusations Anonymous User writes "Woman files a police report claiming gang rape against university basketball players. School officials expelled the team's second-leading scorer and disciplined four other players. Woman reveals she lied about the gang rape. A woman is charged with filing fictitious reports, attempted extortion and prostitution. The MALE basketball players have not had their punishment reversed." TLE also submitted this and said "Good thing it was on video, or she would probably have gotten away with it. Even though the charges turned out to be false, the men are being punished. I wonder if senior Grady Reynolds can get unexpelled."

Seems some stores are developing a soul | New HBO Series on Women's Suffrage History  >

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Just desserts (Score:1)
by thatold55 on 01:49 PM February 6th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1212 Info)
This is a good story. All parties got, or seem to be getting, what they deserve. The boys went a'whoring and got nailed by the athletic department. The girl was turning tricks and extorting, and got nailed by the DA. All's well that ends well.
Re:Just desserts (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 02:49 PM February 6th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1505 Info)
The tart that made the false accusation should get the sentence a rapist would get. THAT'S justice. Instead, she'll probably be able to plea down to community service. That's justice? The young men involved will probably have their careers wrecked for trawling for nooky. Justice? Even had they been caught violating curfew, the punishment wouldn't have been as draconian had they stayed out of the papers. She put them there. Without a real deterrent to false rape allegations, men will always pay and women will walk.
This story is a "gag" rape (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 02:36 PM February 6th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1505 Info)
This incident was given the cover (and pages A3 & A78) of today's NY Newsday. If you read the articles (www.newsday.com/sports/college), you'll note that most of the article concerns itself with the players' discipline (and lack thereof). Although they name the quote unquote victim, they do not show a picture of her (they show the players) nor do they delve into her story very deeply. They definitely don't explore the prevalence of false accusations in general.

Moreover, if the byotch had not tried to extort money, the worst she could have been charged with is filing a false police report. (Think. Were the encounter surreptitiously videotaped and she threatened to cry rape if they didn't perform oral sex, the worst punishment she could have gotten would have been a misdemeanor!)

Imagine the fooforaw if one of the player hadn't had a picture phone. We'd be hearing about the case for weeks, maybe months, along with all the handwringing articles about date rape and jockocracies. As it stands, the news story will probably die by tomorrow, and forget about comment on false accusations--they don't happen.
The new safe sex (Score:1)
by cmdr iceman on 05:35 PM February 7th, 2004 EST (#13)
(User #1536 Info)
It seems that using a condom is no longer enough to protect a man in this day and age when engaging a woman. In this day and age it seems that a man also needs the woman whom he is about to become intimate with to sign a consent form and have audio and video footage of the intimate encounter in case she decides to accuse him of rape or assualt.

i wouldnt be surprised if this develops into a real trend, the "new safe sex" for men.

by Cmdr Iceman
"The only truth in this world...is that there is no truth, only perception and that which one can manipulate."
disgusting (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:16 PM February 6th, 2004 EST (#4)
As a law student, I have to read articles in law journals about male-haters "instructing" policy about "rape myths." Like women don't lie about rape, like if she didn't report the crime promptly she may be making it up, etc.

The male-haters say that women must be able to dress like they want, act like they want, and go wherever they want, and if that means many more innocent men falsely accused of rape have to join the 95% male jail population, well, they don't care. I hope someone sues their misandristic asses off.
Re:disgusting (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:35 PM February 6th, 2004 EST (#5)
yes, but what about the "emotional trauma" of the 5% of women who were sent to prison?

p. george
What they are REALLY being charged with (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 09:01 PM February 6th, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #1387 Info)
This is freaking disgusting. The boys were suspended and punished for rape. PERIOD. When they were found not guilty of THAT the punishment was for something else. Am I reading the story right? If I'm wrong, correct me and I'll freely admit to misunderstanding.

But if I am not wrong let me add some things. This is a usual school tactic. I had a friend in college who got drunk and smoked weed with 3 girls. He slept in the bed of one of them and they had consensual sex. That consensual sex happened was according to both the man and the woman.

Later her roomates (she had 2 - it was a triple) and him got into a spat. They said they were mad at him because he had told 1 of the room mates, who he was good friends with, that the two of them (Mike and the later to be named "victim") had had sex and now she was blowing him off and he wasn't happy. He felt kinda used. He didn't mind that they could be friends, but she was acting like he didn't exist. The girl denied having sex with him. My buddy, let's call him Mike, told of a few physical details on her body and a "hickey" he had left on her breast. Then one of the roomates said that if he HAD left a hickey is was when she was asleep and he had "molested" her. To the woman's credit, she kept saying over and over that there was no "molestation", but would not just fess up that the two of them had had sex.

The R.A. heard the argument and walked in. Mike was asked to leave. Next thing you know Mike is being called to the Student Affairs office. First they charged him with "providing alcohol" (all were 21 - so I don't know what that was supposed to mean), "providing and using illegal drugs", and "sexual assault". Mike was stunned. He asked for and EVENTUALLY got the 3 women's statements. It took him a few weeks to get the statements, during which he was barred from the girls dorm. In the women's statements THEY admitted they provided the alcohol, the weed, and the "victim" denied up and down that ANY sexual assault took place. The school said they would suspend him for 2 years for his offenses, if he admitted to everything.

So Mike asks: "why am I being charged with providing alcohol (girls were not), providing illegal drugs (girls were not), and sexual assault ("victim" kept denying any "molestation" took place)". Now, faced with their own BULLSHIT, they dropped the "providing" wording for the alcohol and weed, and tried to prosecute him for "sexual misconduct". They offered him 1 year for a plea, with ominous warnings of worse if he fought it. The girls were getting much lighter sentences: 2 would go on probation and 1 would be suspended (she already WAS on probabtion).

Mike asked a few of us *(guys and gals who were his friends) for help. We helped him write his reply, which asked why the "victim" wasn't being charged with "sexual misconduct" when SHE provided the alcohol, the weed, and denied any sexual wrong-doing from going on. He was still facing a 1 year suspension. The school THEN changed the wording again: "misconduct". Same sentence, only applied to HIM. They just wouldn't drop the "misconduct" charge, which was "sexual misconduct" - that was where the charge stemmed from.

To his credit, and with the girl finally admitting it was consensual sex, Mike got 1 year suspension from the hearing board. I say to his credit because he refused to budge (he had a lot of people helping him write stuff up and giving him moral support). The girls, who PROVIDED the alcohol and weed (for which he was originally charged and told was the reason for the harsh treatment), were given probation (and the one got 1 semester suspension due to her already BEING on probation).

Sorry this was long, but it illustrates the point. The school feels they are in a spotlight and won't let the guys off. Which is RETARDED and CRUEL. These guys were falsely accused of rape, had their names destroyed, and were saved from prison by LUCK. They should be treated like the victim/survivors they are. Life-rape isn't a joke. And punishing them for the accusation (I don't give a hoot in hell what they SAY they are being punished for) is SICK.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:What they are REALLY being charged with (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:16 PM February 6th, 2004 EST (#7)

"They offered him 1 year for a plea, with ominous warnings of worse if he fought it."

We'd just like to stay away from the pesky procedure of proving you're guilty. So we've got this method, where if you want to waste our time in proving you're innocent, we'll give you a much harsher sentence then if you'd just admit the truth of your guilt right now. Your choice.

p. george
Re:What they are REALLY being charged with (Score:2)
by Thomas on 09:22 PM February 6th, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #280 Info)

This is a horror story, to be sure. But unless this happened 20 or more years ago, or your friend had been active in fighting feminism, he got EXACTLY what he deserved. This all went far too far long ago. Men today, who turn their backs on other male victims of feminism and then complain when the monster attacks them, deserve nothing but contempt.

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

What's in a name? (Score:2)
by Thomas on 09:33 PM February 6th, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #280 Info)

Sorry. "Steven,"

I know that can be important. We may all have our own stories about our names. I'll share mine now, just because I feel like it.

When I was growing up, almost everyone referred to me as "Tom," and that was fine with me. But my father, when he was talking to me in a caring and respectful way, called me "Thomas." I always liked that, but it didn't seem very important until he died. I loved and respected my father, and, after he died, I realized that I liked the fact that only he had ever referred to me as "Thomas." Now that he was gone, though, I missed it.

And, so, I began to identify myself as "Thomas."

I love how it sounds. It reminds me of my dad.

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

Respectfull, I don't agree (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 10:12 PM February 6th, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #1387 Info)
    I respectfully don't agree. Mike may or may not have known about the feminazi bullshit. Most men DON'T know. I tell people all the time the stories I read about on my "Men's" sites. Many think I am making this shit up. And besides, he did DO anything to deserve this. People not in the movement hear a bit hear a piece there, IF THEY HEAR ABOUT IT.

Oh, this happened in *(about) 1993-1995. Can't remember exactly but probably in the middle.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:What they are REALLY being charged with (Score:1)
by Larry on 02:02 AM February 7th, 2004 EST (#11)
(User #203 Info)
I, too, have to disagree, Thomas.

This was a college kid. Even if it happened just last year nothing in the culture, nothing in anything his friends may have told him would have given him any hint that getting high with 3 co-eds and sleeping with one of them was a risky proposition and a very, very bad idea. If another of the roommates had joined in he would have had the makings of a letter to Penthouse Forum. "I am a freshman at a large midwestern college and..."

The Lace Curtain is still very much in effect. He grew up with that same "women good, men bad" message pounding his ears every day. He was naive.

One of zenpriest's articles on his site suggests it's the duty of middle-aged, battle-scarred curmudgeons like us to assassinate the character of women at every opportunity. Otherwise these kids still won't know what they're getting into.

ADULT: What you are once you've run out of excuses.
Re:What they are REALLY being charged with (Score:2)
by Thomas on 10:07 AM February 7th, 2004 EST (#12)
(User #280 Info)
We're going to have to respectfully disagree on this one, guys.

He grew up with that same "women good, men bad" message pounding his ears every day.

Exactly, and he shouldn't have been so ready to accept it, when evidence that he sees every day counters the claim. Men are far too complacent about and ready to ignore the oppression of other men. It's the old business:

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
- Edmund Burke

For many, many years it's been obvious what's being done to men and boys. Men, who suffer from the evil after being happy for so long to ignore the oppression of other men, have little or no reason to complain when the evil comes for them. When it happened to him, Martin Niemoller knew he had himself to blame:

They came for the Communists, and I didn't object - For I wasn't a Communist;
They came for the Socialists, and I didn't object - For I wasn't a Socialist;
They came for the labor leaders, and I didn't object - For I wasn't a labor leader;
They came for the Jews, and I didn't object - For I wasn't a Jew;
Then they came for me - And there was no one left to object.

- Martin Niemoller, German Protestant Pastor, 1892-1984

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

so why didn't he sue? (Score:1)
by scudsucker on 05:36 AM February 8th, 2004 EST (#14)
(User #700 Info)
I know lawyers cost money, but I would have said "ok, fuck you guys, I don't care if I have to work 80 hours a week for the next two years while living on Ramen and living in a refrigerator box, I am going to fuck you over 10 times as hard as you will me."
by LSBeene on 08:07 PM February 8th, 2004 EST (#16)
(User #1387 Info)
Hey Scudsucker,

I don't know WHY he didn't as we lost touch as he never came back to the school. Not sure I blame him. But I can tell you that I know suing them wouldn't work. Why? Fair enough.

In Massachusetts, where this took place, there was a case (I REALLY wish I could remember a link, maybe FIRE has it) where a student said that a school had violated his civil rights and sued. The school took it to the Massachusetts Supreme Court. Many schools (including Harvard Law), realizing that this would be a precedent setter, helped and lobbied on this. The gist of the decision was that schools can make up their own rules regarding their "justice" system and their views on "civil rights". No, I am not kidding. The school's position was upheld and it was a major loss for student's (all American adults by the way) rights.

So, even if "Mike" had sued, he would have lost.

Does that help?


Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Prosecute False Accusers (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:36 PM February 8th, 2004 EST (#15)
We're having a protest in So. Cal and there will be 10 people wearing these T-shirts there:

PROSECUTE FALSE ACCUSERS, So far the legal system has not wanted to discourage women from coming forth with accusations of domestic violence or rape so they have not only allowed, but encouraged the fraud epidemic of false accusations we have today in our society. It is good to see this story, but many, many more such stories need to happen for justice to be served.

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