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Seems some stores are developing a soul
posted by Adam on 11:27 AM February 5th, 2004
News jimmyd writes "Appearently, according to this article in the light of our actions agianst stores that carry D&G items some stores are (shock) reconsidering the merchindise they carry. however the article also features a new target,urban outfiters, and a glorious qoute by toddy boy "I don't sell rocks with the T-shirts" you gotta be kidding me."

Good press about D&G from alternet.org. | Woman found lying about gang rape  >

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Suggestion (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:41 PM February 5th, 2004 EST (#1)
From the cited article ;
Todd Goldman, creator of the David & Goliath line, which includes 2,500 designs apart from the "Boys Are Smelly" stuff, said he doesn't understand why people find the logos offensive.

"I don't sell rocks with the T-shirts," he said.

Goldman says his online sales have tripled in the weeks since the brouhaha began over his designs. He says he probably should send Sacks flowers.

Good for him. Since his doing so well by profiteering off of misandy at the expense of small boys, perhaps he'll be up for making a donation to the boy scouts. What do you think? Should we suggest that to sacks as phase two of his campaign? After all Jese Jackson's rainbow puss coalition usaully gets donations from companies that he believes have slighted blacks.
"socially irresponsible" (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:46 PM February 5th, 2004 EST (#2)
"...and a glorious qoute by toddy boy "I don't sell rocks with the T-shirts"/i.

I can't imagine a more socially irresponsible statement, unless perhaps the local KKK clothing store put a sign in the FRONT window saying, "WE ONLY SELL WHITE HOODS AND SHEETS!"


Re:"socially irresponsible" (Score:1)
by Dave K on 05:40 PM February 5th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1101 Info)
The guy is a retard. I'm sure his internet sales have tripled (probably from 3 to 9 t-shirts)... of course the obvious doublespeak indicates he's trying to put a positive face on losing lots of orders from his biggest accounts (otherwise he'd have said "SALES have tripled"). Trust me... he's hurting, and I'm loving it.
Dave K - A Radical Moderate
Re:"socially irresponsible" (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:00 PM February 5th, 2004 EST (#4)
Don't be so sure that he's hurting (yet). I just read an another articlethat said he got orders from other stores that never carried the products to begin with. Remember the words of Gen George S. Patton:
I don't want to get any messages saying that we're holding or ground. Let the hun do that. We're not holding on to anything, except the enemy. We're going grab him by the nose and pick 'em in the ass. We'll go thru him like shit through a goose.

Re:"socially irresponsible" (Score:1)
by Ragnar on 06:56 AM February 6th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1509 Info)
Wonder if Todd Goldman ever considered rocks falling from the sky. No matter how improbable he might get a hit - miracles do happen :)

Check up on Claire's (Score:1)
by A.J. on 10:19 PM February 6th, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #134 Info)
I stopped in to the local mall tonight to check on Claire’s progress. Just inside the door was a rack displaying 3 hats: 1) “Boys are stupid”, 2) “Boys are smelly”, and 3) “It’s all about me”. (#3 isn’t on the list to be removed, I just mention it because it fits the self-absorption profile) On the same rack were the “Boys are stupid” wristbands.

I don't know when we can expect Claire's to be free of the boy-bashing line but I think we should all stop in once in a while and check on whether they really live up to their commitment.

A Message to People who Wear D & G (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:20 PM February 8th, 2004 EST (#7)
Here's a message from our T-shirt site to people who sell or wear "Throw Rocks at Boys" T-shirts:

Men Are Not Disposable.

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