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Are attacks on male genitalia family entertainment
posted by Thomas on Wednesday April 30, @12:59PM
from the Inequality dept.
Inequality CJ writes "Here is just one example of the ever increasing presence of the bludgeoning of male genitalia on TV and in the movies as humor: Oliver, the main character in Fox’s new family sitcom (Oliver Beene) gets scared to dance with a girl in the gym class. So while standing in front of the most attractive girl in his grade, he fakes getting kicked in the groin by someone, with the girl standing above him. The teacher calls the whole class to come and stand over Oliver and observe in a casual way while he asks the boy if his testicles had "retracted into his body" The whole gym class is invited to watch as this boy gets dropped on his behind as a way to fix his condition(?). The students go into an amused panic over this scene, as it was depicted as a fun and interesting event. In the last scene of the show, the teacher gets hit in the groin by a ball and falls to the ground, the students gather around and someone suggests a "testicle drop" and the show ends... This trend is increasingly becoming more popular/common. What can be done about this atrocious double standard, where any perceived violation of a female’s reproductive right is an outrage, and the destruction of a male’s reproductive system is common acceptable humor or a justified act. The episode guide makes no mention of the central theme of this show. http://www.fox.com/oliver/#episodes"

Doritoes Comercial?? | MANN Chat: What Men's Health Crisis?  >

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Bernie Mack hit 3 times in the balls (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday April 30, @08:59PM EST (#1)

Bernie got hit in the crotch by girls playing soccer three times during tonights 30 minute sitcom. The show ended with him sitting, talking to the camera with a big bag of ice on his crotch taling in a high pitched voice - because he had sustained an injury to his groin.

Is this comedy? Is it offensive? Is it Girl power? Or is it modern day feminism (by design)? Is it a coincidence that last week it was Oliver Beene and this week Bernie Mack?

Fox seems hell bent on depicting men getting hit in the crotch. Why does Fox like to portray injury to male genitals?

Re: Bernie Mack hit 3 times in the balls (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @05:19AM EST (#4)
Bernie is actualy a fairly nice guy, but he hates his own race and gender.
Jamie Fox is even worse!
I think Black men are put down by their women even more than most ethnic groups. Even Whites.
White women are probably second to Black women, whom I hear constantly, and I mean CONSTANTLY berateing their men. (Or men in general)
Our women (Amer-Indian) aren't TOO bad, but they do it too.
I don't know about Asian women or Hispanic women, though.
It's interesting to see the levels of male-hate in different cultures. Interesting and DISTURBING...!


Here's What We Can Do (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on Wednesday April 30, @10:50PM EST (#2)
(User #1161 Info)
...well, one thing, anyway.

Write letters. I don't just mean ones some schmoe at FOX or some movie company will read and then delete. I mean letters to the editors of newspapers, magazines, etc.. Be prepared. Should you be published, they'll likely be some backlash (some from women, some from men) calling you "overly sensitive" or "whiners" or whatever, but this is the main way to generate support from the people who think they're the only ones offended by this stuff, the people who haven't stumbled upon websites like this one.

Write what you want, but I do have a few suggestions:

--Be polite but firm. Even angry is okay so long as it doesn't appear to be rage. Women are not our enemy here; I'd like to point out that when a national columnist is making these same points we are on this issue, it's usually a woman: Kathleen Parker, Cathy Young, Deidre Pike, Becky Beaupre, etc..
--Point out that you would be just as offended if you saw a man hurting a woman the way women hurt men in these programs; that way people understand we're not a woman-hating club, but rather just fighting for equal rights.
--Show that you have some wit and even a sense of humor about some things...just not the things that offend us.

There's a lot of preaching to the choir going on here, and, while I admit I'm fairly new here, I don't think I'm being too naive when I suggest we can enact change. Once upon a time, half of our population (at least) didn't have the right to vote; eventually enough people got pissed off and made changes. Not too long ago, one group of people were told they had to sit in the back of the bus, that this was just "the way it is". But, finally, enough people said that enough was enough.

If we simply write to each other how angry we are, we're not going to accomplish much. I think, if we spread our beliefs around, we'll be pleasantly surprised at just how many agree with us--both male and female.
Re:Here's What We Can Do (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @01:53AM EST (#3)
Boy Genteel,
I am glad you are here.
And what you said is PURE GOLD!

To be honest, I have been considering leaving the men's movement. But after reading what you have said, I may re-consider.

What to do about misandric sexual violence on TV? (Score:2)
by SJones on Saturday May 03, @11:21PM EST (#5)
(User #329 Info)
The first thing to do is make a note of what show used sexual violence against males as entertainment and then never ever watch it again.

The second thing to do is make note of who advertised during the show and complain to them that you were offended and won't use their products anymore if they are going to support misandric sexual violence. Or just say sexual violence, which leaves open the possibility that you are just offended by sexual violence in general.

The third thing to do is post what you are trying to do and who the offender is on this website.

The networks and shows' writers mostly don't give a crap who they offend. If the show has viewers and advertising then they'll keep doing it. Disney has sexual violence against males in every single movie they've made since the mid 1980s. They were even mentioned specifically in the only study ever done on the emotional damage of treating males this way. But they don't stop doing it because they don't care about the consequences so long as their products still sell. So don't buy and encourage all other men's rights activists not to buy from them either. Boycotts work better than complaints when you are dealing with jerks and morons.

Also, the average TV commercial creator is in their mid 20s and thinks shows like Beavis and Butthead are really awesome, dude. My wife used to work for the largest ad agency in the SouthEast. The people making most of the ads are young, leftist, and love to party until they puke most nights and then come to work with a headache. Not exactly Darren Stevens of Bewitched. But they have bosses and if their bosses hear that people don't like the ads then things might get done.

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