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Shaheen's Commitment to Status of Men Questioned
posted by Scott on Sunday September 22, @03:33PM
from the news dept.
News Foster's Daily Democrat printed an article outlining some of the problems men's advocates have with NH Governor Shaheen's nominations to the Commission on the Status of Men. In particular, the nomination of "Men don't have a status problem" Scott Hampton is at the center of the controversy. You can read the story here, but be warned - the article seems to crash Mozilla browsers on the Linux platform, at least.

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Story Behind The Story (Score:2)
by Luek on Sunday September 22, @04:21PM EST (#1)
(User #358 Info)
Click on the link to the Foster's Daily Democrat and read the article about Luke Hovland who has been imprisoned by the state because he can't come up with $16,500 in tuition for his snotty uncaring pig daughter to go to a high brow college.

How do I know his daughter is a pig? What daughter would tolerate her father being in prison because he can't pay he child support and exorbinate tuition fees too?

Hurry for Rep. Bickford whom is mentioned in the article as being very critical of the state's action in this case. He brought up the fact that married couples are not obligated under law and threats of imprisonment to provide tuition to their now grown children so why should divorcees?

If there was ever a need for a state commission addressing the needs of men this story is a prime example.

Re:Story Behind The Story (Score:1)
by Dan Lynch (dan047@sympatico.ca) on Sunday September 22, @07:44PM EST (#3)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
They don't seem to have a concern for women who advocate for gender wars. duh!

Dan Lynch
Mozilla Crashing (Score:1)
by brad (brad@mensactivism.org) on Sunday September 22, @07:00PM EST (#2)
(User #305 Info) http://www.student.math.uwaterloo.ca/~bj3beatt
seems to work just fine for me. i'm on mozilla 1.0 and mandrake linux 8.2 (but so updated it's almost 9)
How YOU can help! (Score:1)
by Scott (scott@mensactivism.org) on Sunday September 22, @09:28PM EST (#4)
(User #3 Info)
With only a couple of days until the Governor's Council votes on the nominees to the NHCSM, it would be of great help if people could redistribute this message and call the Governor's office to express the outrage over the attempted sabotage of this commission. A short announcement follows:

Hello all,

As you may know, this Wednesday (9/25), the NH Governor's Council will vote on the nominations Jeanne Shaheen made to the NH Commission on the Status of Men. One of these nominees, Scott Hampton, we believe was specifically chosen in order to sabotage the commission. Hampton has been outspoken against this commission from the start and even went on NH Public Radio *arguing that we don't need a men's commission*. The fact that he then applied for and was nominated to the commission is an outrage.

If you could take a moment to contact Governor Shaheen (regardless of whether you're a NH resident), and let her know that Hampton's nomination is unacceptable and that he isn't fooling anyone would be of great help. Contact information follows:

Governor Jeanne Shaheen:
Telephone: 603-271-2121
Fax: 603-271-5686
Internet: http://www.state.nh.us/governor/comment.html
(Note: this web form has been known to be very unreliable)

To give you an idea of what Hampton has actually said, below are some choice words he said during a talk radio program called "The Exchange" on NH Public Radio on May 24, 2001. This hour-long program was specifically on whether NH should have a men's commission, and occurred when the commission was still a bill in the NH legislature.

"I don't think the appropriate forum [to address the issues brought up by the legislative report] is through a Commission on the Status of Men."

"We men don't have a status problem."

"For me, to create a Commission on the Status of Men would be like creating a Commission on the Status of Wealthy People."

"I don't think it's [the Commission on the Status of Men] going to solve the problem. I think it's going to perpetuate the problem."

Why would someone who said these things seek to be on this commission? That's a question Governor Shaheen should be asking herself. Please help make sure she is forced to think about this issue.


Scott Garman

Never send a Wussy-poopie to do a man's job. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday September 24, @12:57AM EST (#5)
((("We men don't have a status problem.")))

...This guy is from WHAT PLANET...?!?

Excuse me Mr. Hampton, but have you looked at the suicide statistics??
Have you seen what happens to fathers in divorce cases??

Did you know that MEN make up the MAJORITY of HOMELESS PEOPLE in this country??

Have you seen the way Males are treated in the media?? (Not just Men but LITTLE BOYS too.)

Have you seen how boys are failing in schools, but instead of trying to help these boys SPECIAL PROGRAMS are being emplimented to help GIRLS?


Get your head out of your politicaly- correct @$$, Mr. Hampton. You are a WUSSY-POOPIE. You are the enemy of your brothers.
Why don't you renounce your "honorary woman-hood" And do the RIGHT THING?
But of course you won't. Ignorance is just MUCH easier to deal with, Right, Mr. Hampton?

"The complacencey of fools will destroy them."

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