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IWF Members Appointed to DV Advisory Committee by Ashcroft
posted by Scott on Sunday September 22, @09:37AM
from the domestic-violence dept.
Domestic Violence Mark Rosenthal writes, "Nancy Pfotenhauer, president of the Independent Women's Forum, and Margot Hill, a member of the IWF's advisory board, were recently appointed to the National Advisory Committee on Violence Against Women by John Ashcroft. The IWF has consistently questioned the "one-size-fits-all, men-beat-up-women" portrayal of domestic violence promulgated by VAWA and the organizations it funds. Not surprisingly, NOW is launching an all out letter-writing campaign to torpedo these appointments. It is essential that we counter this by contacting the same officials to express our belief that the appointments of Ms. Pfotenhauer and Ms. Hill will help to counter the system's built-in biases which allows VAWA-funded agencies to get away with denying services to the 834,732 men who are victims of domestic violence each year (as reported by the U.S. Department of Justice)." Check the Read More section below for the rest of Mark's submission and contact info for the officials who will be approving these appointments.

Mark Rosenthal continues, "Be polite and respectful, but emphasize that the plight of male victims is still being ignored by those who administer VAWA in spite of Sen. Orrin Hatch's statement, during the VAWA reauthorization hearings in 2000, that "it was not, and is not, the intent of Congress categorically to exclude men who have suffered domestic abuse or sexual assaults from receiving benefits and services under the Violence Against Women Act."

The people NOW is asking their members to contact are:

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah):
U.S. mail:
104 Hart Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Tel: 202-224-5251
Fax: 202-224-6331
E-mail: http://hatch.senate.gov/email_form.htm

Rep. Connie Morella (R-Md.):
U.S. mail:
Honorable Constance A. Morella
2228 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: 202-225-5341
Fax: 202-225-1389
E-mail: rep.morella@mail.house.gov

Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del.):
U.S. mail:
221 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: 202-224-5042
Fax: 202-224-0139
TDD: 202-224-4048
E-mail: Senator@Biden.Senate.gov

Attorney General John Ashcroft
U.S. mail:
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Phone: 202-353-1555

Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson
U.S. mail:
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201
(202) 619-0257
Toll Free: 1-877-696-6775
E-mail: HHS.Mail@hhs.gov

George W. Bush
U.S. mail:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Phone: 202-456-1111
Fax: 202-456-2461
E-mail: president@whitehouse.gov

iFeminists Chat on NH Men's Commission | Shaheen's Commitment to Status of Men Questioned  >

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50% of US Population Written Off? (Score:2)
by Luek on Sunday September 22, @02:56PM EST (#1)
(User #358 Info)
I am very incensed that the Office of the United States Attorney General would have and support a National Advisory Committee that ignores the plight of roughly 50% of the US population.

And to add insult to injury uses tax funds confiscated from the ignored half to fund programs that in effect criminalizes and oppresses them for no other reason than their biological makeup.

Why be worried about tyrants over in the Middle East who are thousands of miles away when we have to suffer tyranny from the same brand of tyrants only a few miles away in our own country?
I will send letters (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday September 22, @03:26PM EST (#2)

This will be interesting to see what happens. Will viewpoints other than radical gender feminists be tolerated?

Lets restore a moderate viewpoint to this matter before the sexist feminist haters destroy all of our civil liberties.

I wasn't a supporter of Ashcroft, but I think I like him now.

Letter I wrote to John Ashcroft January 2002 (Score:1)
by Ray on Monday September 23, @09:56PM EST (#3)
(User #873 Info)

I wrote this letter to John Ashcroft as dated below. Feel free to use any or all of it again.

I would recommend that you write at the top of your letters,

                                                                                                                                                          January 7, 2002

The Honorable John Ashcroft
Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D. C. 20530-0001

Honorable Attorney General Ashcroft:

I am writing to you about an issue that is very important to me, but one for which I feel I have no representation in California. I appeal to you, because of the powerful and respected position that you hold in the government, to look at the whole truth of the matter and not just the feminist viewpoint.

The issue that I come to you with is the deplorable treatment that innocent men are being castigated with under the tyranny and, literally, state sponsored terrorism of the Violence Against Women Act and subsequently the Violence Against Women Act II.

Domestic Violence Law is Hate Crime. The “unconstitutional” Violence Against Women Act II is an insidious piece of legislation, enacted into law during the Clinton Administration, that has destroyed the lives of thousands (if not more) of innocent men through out America.

Mandatory arrest policies that have been strong armed into existence through this legislation require that any time the domestic violence wheels are set in motion an arrest must be made. Weeks old, yellowed bruises are sufficient to get a man arrested if a woman merely tells the officer that it happened just a few minutes ago. A woman’s lie (any lie, any excuse) has been sufficient to get an innocent man arrested and hauled off to jail, because the self-fulfilling, profiling techniques developed by police departments, after training under the VAWA/VAWA II, purports that in all matters of domestic violence (involving a man and a woman) the man is the aggressor.

VAWA, VAWA II, and its proponents would have us believe domestic violence is all a byproduct of our “patriarchal, American society.” They would also have us believe that women only use violence to protect themselves from a man’s violence, therefore no battered husband syndrome. Indeed, they would have us believe that all the unfortunate innocent men who have the tragedy of encountering the bigotry of domestic violence law (VAWA/VAWA II) are all so violent they must be made aware of their innate violent selves through mandatory reeducation classes. These classes are in reality nothing more than a brainwashing in feminist ideology.

All the while this outrage is taking place, in case after case, violent females are committing major assaults on men that cripple them for weeks or life and the police take no action against these battering female terrorists.

Domestic violence law (VAWA/VAWA II) is the biggest scam in America today. Unscrupulous females have played this card to gain leverage in divorce and child custody cases to a great extent. VAWA/VAWA II is a huge crime wave that has criminally victimized untold thousands of innocent men.

Many of the female beneficiaries of welfare fraud from previous decades are finding a new home in the “male exploitive” structure of the VAWA/VAWA II blame game. They have nothing to lose from filling false police reports as no action is taken by police when a false report is called to their attention (it is not in there economic interest to take action). Even a very provably false report of domestic violence, filed by a woman, is adequate to open the coffers of VAWA/VAWA II to the lying female scam artist who has learned to play this new con game.

The one thing, in general, I find most distressing about the (VAWA/VAWA II) is the egregious nature of its hatefulness towards men. Of all the billions of dollars that have been allocated for this Act not one penny is allowed to be spent on battered men. California alone receives slightly more than $11,000,000.00 per year to fund this criminal endeavor (VAWA II) foisted off as domestic violence law. To call the VAWA/VAWA II domestic violence law is a misnomer. This heavily biased law, dripping with feminist ideology, does not even attempt to recognize the full spectrum of difficult factors that make up the social problem that is domestic violence. This law seeks to demonize all men, remove them from the family equation (subordinate the patriarchy), no matter what the truth is. Thereby, they resolve any family conflict to the advantage and empowerment of the feminist movement (foremost) and all females (subsequently).

Evidence that was originally presented by feminist organizations to influence this legislation to be passed contained a wealth of lies and blatantly false statistics. The founders of this law should be impeached for having engaged in these improprieties. The result of those improprieties (VAWA/VAWA II) now violates and destroys the constitutional, civil, and human rights of innocent American men. Any person or group who presented false statistics leading to the passage of this law (VAWA/VAWA II) should face criminal charges for their behavior.

The fact that this law (VAWA/VAWA II) could be passed in America makes me ashamed to know that I am an American who is represented by people who have completely abrogated the constitutional precept of equal justice under the law. If someone where to tell me that this was a law that had been in effect in Nazi Germany I would simply nod and say, “It is truly in keeping with mind sets and behaviors from that time and place.”

I implore you to immediately cut all funding for this abominable program (VAWAII) and launch an investigation into the numerous criminal violations that have been perpetrated against men in the name of this hate crime against men (Violence Against Women Act II). I would like to suggest that a special task force be set up to solicit criminal violations that have been perpetrated against men as a result of VAWA/VAWA II. If you need money to fund these actions I suggest you take it from the VAWA II. You cannot begin to imagine the mental and physical hell that a battered man encounters until you live through the unbelievable nightmare of being an innocent man ground up in the wheels of a hateful, cruel, uncaring domestic violence law bureaucracy.

This draconian crime of violence (VAWA II) against all men must stop now! I demand it! The constitution demands! The very integrity of all that is just demands it!

There are no powerful, organized men’s organizations in America today to promote their needs and concerns. This is certainly not the case for the powerful organized women’s movement. In light of that reality I ask that you give this solitary appeal your utmost consideration.

Lastly, documentation or support for facts set down in this letter are in my possession. In researching and documenting this subject I have acquired enough paperwork to fill a small file cabinet.
                                                                                                                                                                      Very Truly Yours,

                                                                  Ray ---------

Thanks a heap! (Score:1)
by Ray on Monday September 23, @10:59PM EST (#4)
(User #873 Info)

Thank you very much for taking the time to post this here. I just emailed all of them and then saw the second name so I emailed them all again requesting them to SUPPORT NANCY PFOTENHAUER & also SUPPORT MARGOT HILL as members of the National Advisory Committee on Violence Against Women.

That was 10 emails & now I have to send a letter to Ashcroft since he doesn't list an email address.

I think it's great that you went into the enemy camp and got this info. off the NOW site, then used it against them. I do that too, but I never posted it here. We can be a lot more effective if we really start to make a habit of this.

I would love it if every rotten male bashing thing they posted found it's antithesis on Men's Activism. Sometimes a single letter can make a huge difference. Keep up the great work.

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