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Good News for the NH Bickford Campaign
posted by Scott on Wednesday September 11, @09:05AM
from the news dept.
News If the New Hampshire primary election is any indication, Rep. David Bickford has a clear shot of being re-elected to the NH House. According to this Foster's Daily Democrat story, he received the most votes of any of the other candidates in his district. Rep. Bickford was the original sponsor of HB 587, which established a Commission on the Status of Men in this state. Many people responded from the plea on MANN to help David out, since due to redistricting he was going to have to campaign in six new towns, many of which historically vote only for Democrats (Bickford considers himself a moderate Republican). Due to the outpouring of support, David was able to buy and put up many signs in his district, and the effort clearly paid off. Thanks to everyone that gave David support in any form. His e-mail is david1@worldpath.net.

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