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CEDAW Show-Down Approaching: It's Time to Act!
posted by Scott on Tuesday September 10, @08:32PM
from the news dept.
News As this post on Men's News Daily states, the United States Senate will be voting in the near future on whether to ratify the CEDAW treaty, which is well known to be a piece of gender feminist propaganda with wide ramifications that would make it harder for legitimate men's issues related to discrimination to be acknowledged. You are asked to write to your Senators and voice your opposition to the treaty. Please take a moment to let them know what you think - the members of N.O.W. certainly are.

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Anyone care to... (Score:1)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Tuesday September 10, @10:16PM EST (#1)
(User #661 Info)
Post a nicely worded letter that can be cut and pasted? I find it difficult to address politicians civilly if left to my own devices; these old KNIFE WOUNDS in my back always seem to act up and piss me off, and then I start using words like "Jackboot" and "Fascist Thug."

It's a failing, I know, but someone has to do the job of getting in faces and calling a dickhead a dickhead. And since I'm just so darn good at it, and like it so much, it might as well be me.

What can I say? I gotta be me....

---- Burn, Baby, Burn ----
Re:Anyone care to... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday September 11, @12:48AM EST (#2)
I am really glad you're on OUR side, Gonzo.
Re:Anyone care to... (Score:1)
by hobbes on Wednesday September 11, @01:36AM EST (#3)
(User #537 Info)
"I am really glad you're on OUR side, Gonzo."
Yeah, I'll second that!
Re:Anyone care to... (Score:2)
by Thomas on Wednesday September 11, @10:51AM EST (#4)
(User #280 Info)
Post a nicely worded letter that can be cut and pasted?

The following is my version. Please copy this into a word processor, format and edit it as you choose, and send it to your senators. Remember, this site is supposed to be about men's activism, despite or in addition to all the fun we have by writing and posting arguments or supportive statements to this board. Also, bear in mind the fact that a written letter may have more impact than email. If you do sent email, you might want to have "VOTE AGAINST CEDAW" in the subject field.

Dear Senator ____:

As a registered voter in (NAME OF STATE), I am writing to urge you to vote against CEDAW, the Convention on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women. Despite its fine sounding name, this convention would further a radical feminist agenda that has been shown to undermine, among other things, the family — the very foundation of a stable society. This radical agenda has caused, and continues to cause, tremendous harm to men, and it has begun to cause great harm to women and children as well.

In addition, CEDAW would undermine US sovereignty. Though this would be dangerous and foolish at any time, it would be especially reckless today, when our security is threatened to an extreme.

Again, as a person who votes in the state of ____, I urge you to VOTE AGAINST CEDAW.

Thank you.
Re:Anyone care to... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday September 12, @09:20PM EST (#5)

I borrowed your template and I intend to make some minor alterations before sending it to my senator. I hope you are O.K. with this.

Thanks for the help.

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