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People often write quickly on Internet BBs, and it’s pretty accepted practice to cut them slack on those forums, but I’d think that in writing an email to Wendy, Liz Richards might have taken some care to avoid looking hysterical. (Actually, maybe she did take care, and her tirade is the best she’s capable of. Now there’s a scary thought.)
Check out the “your (sic) failed to validate the basic charges…,” “we are not going to share a bit of it with people like you who have yet show (sic) minimal standards…,” “you rely totally on what they have to about (sic) themselves…,” “Many of the (sic) already have custody…,” “mothers who extract… while being remarried to well-to-do new husband (sic)…,” “the fathers rights leaders who (sic) you rely on…,” “We know them to be a pack of liars whose primary organizational activity involves inflicting open (sic) their former female mates…,” and on and on.
Sloppy work from NAFCJ or NOW? My goodness! Who would have thought it possible?
by Anonymous User on Monday July 15, @03:20PM EST (#2)
Not to mention she can't even spell Gloria Steinem (calling her Steinman). Even we enemies of Steinem can spell her name! ;)
Not to mention she can't even spell Gloria Steinem
Her tirade is rife with that sort of garbage. It seems that almost everyone with any sense has already left NOW, and its ilk, if they ever belonged. As a result, the lunacy has become more concentrated. You've really got to wonder about the leftovers.
"Sloppy work from NAFCJ or NOW? My goodness! Who would have thought it possible? "
I reassert my statement of 'dumb idiots'.(sorry warble)
I read that email like it was a 'pep rally' or something. It was like she was writing for her followers to read it and hoping they would. Perhaps she was hoping that it would be published. It may explain Rosie and her pedofile threads. Trying to lump all men into pedofile's. Now there's an accusation which shows that 99.99% are false and that remaining .01% can be equally divided into both mother's and father's leaving .005% female pedofile's and .005% male pedofile's. Man divorce is one rotton issue. So I guess that makes Rosie a supporter of pedofile's in her own right. And calling herself a christian to boot.
Knowing that all things christian are partriarchal (which is crap)I question Rosie's alligence as well. Most true christian women despise divorce as well as feminism. How do I know all this, well I read it somewhere and I talk to christian babes all the time. So it must be true. Sound sloppy? Hey thats the way I work; don't like it send me a nasty emial.
I don't even want proof from you Rosie, what I want is your honest reaction to the indoctrination you have suffered from at the hands of thos groups? I'd like for you to bring some dissenting research that shows that women molest more often then they think, and see how far you get. If you are a christian, than the truth is your goal. Expand the veiw you are looking threw to see the whole road in front of you.
Dan Lynch
I reassert my statement of 'dumb idiots'.(sorry warble)
The great Warb forgives you my son. :-0 Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
I just read the tirade by Richards and am trying to picture her as a person. Having no idea what she looks like I have to use my imagination, and the only impression I can get is that of a 4th grader sticking her tongue out at Wendy.
This woman is obviously desperate and will stop at nothing to demonize men and anyone that doesn't hate them.
"This woman is obviously desperate and will stop at nothing to demonize men and anyone that doesn't hate them."
You know, when you spend a lot of time hating someone all you will end up with is a bunch of people who hate you back. Mostly I feel sorry for her, it takes a lot of maturity to rise above this and to look at really doing some good in the court systems. For her it can only be a win/lose situation. The truth is this isnt sloppy work, its vindictive work and purposely leading.
More and more I am seeing that it is liberal men and conservative women who seem to be doing anything about it. The conservative women I feel are just trying to see the truth and bring real independance to women, and the liberal men are fighting for justice and fairness, equal treatment.
I can only hope that the conservative men and liberal women start to catch on before our kids hate us forever.
Dan Lynch
More and more I am seeing that it is liberal men and conservative women who seem to be doing anything about it.
Sounds like a marriage made in heaven. :)
"Sounds like a marriage made in heaven. :)"
It might explain my hard on for Christine Stolba.
Dan Lynch
"the liberal men are fighting for justice and fairness, equal treatment."
Not enough of them.
"Not enough of them."
Tell them to email me, or give them my phone number, I'll sort it out.
Dan Lynch
"...liberal men and conservative women..."
Hold on there Dan. While my contribution to the movement is measured in smaller units than many here, I do make a contribution and I am a conservative.
" I do make a contribution and I am a conservative. "
Indeed you do Frank, indeed you do!
Dan Lynch
Meet a conservative. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Nice to know you.
I'd love anyone of you to deny this because I was so disturbed by it I made a copy of it all.
Oh yes. We all just worship those evil men that set an example for us on how to be mass murderers. We are all just a load of potential mass murderers about to go out and glorify our next hero. NOT!
What an ass!
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Oh yes. We all just worship those evil men that set an example for us on how to be mass murderers.
Now this anonymous will quote warble as saying "We all worship... men that set an example for us on how to be mass murderers." Fembots rely on out of context statements, exaggerations, distortions, and outright fabrications.
I remember the thread on Lepine. I can't remember if anyone suggested that Lepine didn't kill enough women. If someone did, it was either a rogue, lunatic woman hater or, more likely, a feminist troll posting something that feminists could later reference while saying it's typical of the men's movement.
Readers should know that this site doesn't condone violence and neither to any of the regular posters, as far as I can tell. Any individual however, can write in support of violence, though Scott would probably delete the post.
Note the statement by this anonymous, "Why do you have to picture what Ms Richards looks like? Been watching to much porn perhaps?" This anonymous is a troll.
Fembots rely on out of context statements, exaggerations, distortions, and outright fabrications.
I know. This is so true. They have no sense of humor. I've decided that I like having fun. I'm not going to let the thought police ruin my day.
They can misquote me all they like. :) Actually, they more they misquote people the easier it becomes for Joe average to tell they are a bunch of fruitcakes.
The Great Warb
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
I like having fun. I'm not going to let the thought police ruin my day.
They can misquote me all they like. :) Actually, they more they misquote people the easier it becomes for Joe average to tell they are a bunch of fruitcakes.
So true. And remember to laugh, when you point out their lies. As dangerous as they are, for the moment, fembots are quite a joke.
"...I made a copy of it all."
While I don't question whether or not you actually did this, I have two comments:
1) So what? Given the kind of things that are said about men on sites like the Ms. board and SCUM, I'd regard that as tame. In any case, it's definitely spurious.
2) It's entirely possible that you didn't COPY what you assert as much as you FORGED what you assert. Given file editing tools in use today, it would be difficult to authenticate whatever it is you claim to have copied.
by Anonymous User on Tuesday July 16, @06:01PM EST (#31)
Somebody here defended Marc Lepine? Can you post a link to that thread? I am interested. I am in the men's movement, but if someone here defended murder, I won't be back HERE again. Sheesh!
I am in the men's movement, but if someone here defended murder, I won't be back HERE again.
Any nutcase can come here and make lunatic declarations. It makes no sense to reject a BB or a group because of the statements of one person (or a few people, for that matter).
Would you avoid going to a country, because one person there preached anti-Semitism, or misandry, or misogyny?
by Anonymous User on Tuesday July 16, @07:01PM EST (#33)
If that person were a leader? Yes.
I still have not seen a link to this alleged discussion. I would like to see it so I can judge this site for myself.
I still have not seen a link to this alleged discussion. I would like to see it so I can judge this site for myself.
If you do a search on "Marc Lepine" in the box at the top of the page, the first entry in the result appears to be the thread in question.
"If that person were a leader? Yes."
That makes more sense than "if someone here defended murder, I won't be back HERE again."
"Somebody here defended Marc Lepine? Can you post a link to that thread? I am interested. I am in the men's movement, but if someone here defended murder, I won't be back HERE again. Sheesh! "
I defended him , so what of it.
But what I said was something more along the lines of hindsight is 20/20.
I said I am surprised that men have been retrained themselves as much as they have, considering the amounts of discrimination against them in society. If Marc Lepine had someone to talk to and some who would listen instead of telling him 'to act like a man' or 'buck up soldier' those people would still be alive.
I want it know that Marc Lepine didnt go after women, he went after 'feminists' if there was a male feminist there, Marc, would have shot him. Does that sound like Im defending him, or does it sound like Im trying to defend the rest of us. Its calle balancing the equation, acts of terrorism don't just happen for no reason. Mind you the majority (or the oppressors) probably have good reason to believe it did. But they would be wrong. Do you think these guys are killing their wives because they feel powerful, then committing suicide. Funny how the oppressors have good excuses for it. Something like "well its the male nature" or "its testosterone" how ignorant can you get.
Distancing ourselves from Marc Lepine is a mistake. We have to learn from the incident and avoid it in the future. Marc Lepine was a victimizer, but, he was also a victim. If someone somewhere took five fucking minutes out of their bigotry time schedule and listened to him, all those people including him would still be alive today. And if you say "well who cares if he's still alive today" then you my friend are part of the problem not the solution.
If you have a problem with that you can email me at anytime. I will back up everything I say and I will say it again.
Dan Lynch
I agree with Dan. What Marc Lepine did was absolutely wrong, but you cannot look at what he did in a vacuum. His actions, while unjustified, were NOT unprovoked. And this is true of many of the murder/suicides that involve husbands and wives (and sometimes children.) The media continues to treat this as just "the pathology of being male" or attributes it to the "toxicity" of testosterone instead of asking what is it that provoked this atrocity. Note that they treat equivalent atrocities, committed by women like Andrea Yates, as moral equivalences ("she was so sick, how could we possibly hold her responsible?"), and they quickly invoke mental illness.
When is SOMEONE going to ask what CAUSED this? When is someone going to take the chance that maybe, just maybe, these men were seriously abused in some manner and begin to work on fixing that abuse? When is someone going to recognize that Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris and Marc Lepine might all fall into the same basket?
The difference between Andrea Yates and Marc Lepine and Im assuming all those other guys you mentioned is, Andrea Yates didnt kill herself. In fact not to many of those female mass murderes do.
But the differences aside, trying to find out what really happened should be very important.
There was a jewish man stabbed in toronto the other day, Im not sure of the whole details, but the article I read did not lead me to believe there was anything racist behind it.
Im waiting on more information concerning the matter but I am skeptical of the whole thing. Im not saying that guy should have been stabbed, but why are they so quick to call it a 'racial problem'? To me thats half the problem maybe all of it. And the point is directly aimed at the hostility between the sexes the news papers seem to jump on that as fast as they can and make it something that its not. Why?
Im not justifying what Marc Lepine did, or what that kid in toronto did or what Andrea Yates did but the circumstances arent always the reason.
Learn to read the fine print is all Im saying, racial hysteria sells papers, so does sexual hysteria. 95% of the problem is the bullshit that is added to the story.
Marc Lepine killed over a dozen people and himself, the government puts in $1.9 million dollars to study domestic violence of men against women, $250 000 on violence of women against men. They still came up with a parity in numbers. What Im saying here is, those fembots took the oppurtunity to advance their agenda and blanket demonize all men across the country. And $ 2 150 000 dollars later, we still don't really know much about what happened with Marc Lepine and why he tried to kill feminists. The strong minded will understand this. The decent minded will go about correcting this error.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Monday July 15, @07:27PM EST (#10)
There is a thread about father's rights on in which one individual is claiming that the courts are not biased against fathers because no one has given her numbers to that end.
I was wondering if someone here could pop over there and provide some numbers. I'd prefer that she NOT be flamed. Just the facts, please.
Any help beyond anecdotal evidence would be appreciated. Here is the thread: sm0207c/messages/528400031.html
by Anonymous User on Monday July 15, @07:29PM EST (#11)
And here she accused Glenn Sacks and Dianna Thompson of using "bad science" sm0207c/messages/737876370.html
"I demand your ridicule of our public complaints of injustice by organized fathers' rights scheme leaders stopped immediately and compensatory actions be arbitrated by an "independent" reviewer."
It seems odd to me that a complaint leveled against her report is considered riducule while her complaints are considered legitemate. Maybe she should have taken some of her own advice and had an independent reviewer check her research before it was published.
by Anonymous User on Tuesday July 16, @07:30AM EST (#17)
The person I argued with has no relationship to the NAFJC or Liz Richards. In fact, she disputes the science behind the CA NOW report. What I want is numbers to convince her that fathers rights is not making the same mistake CA NOW made.
What I want is numbers to convince her that fathers rights is not making the same mistake CA NOW made.
Personally I like poeple to do their own homework. That includes CA NOW and their supporters. The FR groups have loads of studies. For some of the references you can follow the link. Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
I don't have an account with ifeminists, but someone who does can give her Glenn Sacks' father's source page if she hasn't seen it already. .htm
I don't have an account with ifeminists, but someone who does can give her Glenn Sacks' father's source page if she hasn't seen it already. .htm
Something weird happens, when you copy and past the URL into the Address field, at least in the most recent IE, even if you use " .htm." Try this.
Any help beyond anecdotal evidence would be appreciated. Here is the thread: sm0207c/messages/528400031.html
Sounds like a setup from one of the rad phems that have been libeling Wendy and Trudy. Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
by Anonymous User on Tuesday July 16, @08:53PM EST (#34)
The clarity of vision and courage of Wendy McElroy and Trudy Schuett are wonderfully and truly inspiring. My favorite parts from Trudy's piece:
Where do I fit in all this? Why do I, a happily married woman think I can or should have any place in the men's movement? It certainly isn't because I presume to speak for men. No, it's
because there is a need to speak to women, and those men who bought the feminist line and thought by going along with it they were doing something positive for the world. ...
I'm aware that many feminists just aren't used to having their ideology challenged. But challenge it we must. I have done and will continue to do so, because truth and reality are still clinging to life, and there is hope they can be saved.
Thank you again for your efforts Wendy and Trudy.
"Hope deffered makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
When I was in the war I worked in a place that was so hot somebody painted a devil above the door and wrote, "Abandon all hope all ye who enter here." It was very harsh, but I survived all that stuff, and am blessed that it's all been put behind me.
It took 54 years of living and a head on collision with the feminist agenda for me to discover the terror of major depression. Like you, some of the things I've read on this site, ifeminist and MND these past two weeks have caused me to dare to wonder if there might be a ray of hope at the end of the tunnel that isn't just a light attached to another locomotive coming straight at me. CAN THE BATTERING END FOR BATTERED MEN? I'm a little tired of being the punching bag of the radical feminist's movement.
Best Wishes, Ray
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