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Playboy Claims Its Readership Is Stupid
posted by Nightmist on Thursday September 27, @09:53AM
from the education dept.
Education This column in Playboy asserts that men are stupid. It backs up this assumption with statistics comparing the number of men in college versus the number of women. Further, it attempts to "guide" men in our efforts to date women "smarter" than we are. Obviously, Playboy's editors decided to trash their famous journalistic endeavors of the past in favor of taking feminist numbers at face value, without exploring the real reasons fewer men are in college or show any ambition these days. Namely, college campuses are politically correct and not male friendly places. Neither is the classroom.

Women Losing Battle of Sexes in Sports? | Young Men Need A Masculist Movement to Give Them Direction, Says Educator  >

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by frank h on Thursday September 27, @10:57AM EST (#1)
(User #141 Info)
I would suggest boycotting this magazine, but I am already doing that.

When are we going to see a men's publication that actually supports men? Every single one of 'em, right now, is either written and published by staffs of women who are really clueless about anything masculine, but they know how to sell advertising, or are written by men who want to walk that fine PC line.
by Nightmist (nightmist@mensactivism.org) on Thursday September 27, @11:11AM EST (#2)
(User #187 Info)
One good thing about Playboy is Asa Baber's monthly column, "Men." In it, he has attacked everything from the inequality of funding for prostate cancer research, to the problems of education for boys, to the wage gap. Unfortunately, his columns get little play in print and never appear online.

This really is the first time I've ever seen a true male bashing column in Playboy. I have let them know what I think about it. It will be interesting to read next month's letters.

by Anonymous User on Friday September 28, @10:57AM EST (#3)
To continue to support this magazine by continuing to purchase it would confirm
that men are stupid. They can rest assure
this man will no longer purchase their
magazine and can count on me to pass the
word on to all the other stupid men. thanks for the heads up on another attack against males in
our society.
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