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Divorce Filings Dropped En Masse After 9/11 Attack
posted by Scott on Thursday September 27, @01:37PM
from the divorce dept.
Divorce Neil Steyskal submitted this article from the Houston Chronicle. Apparently, the number of divorce case dismissals has skyrocketed since the Sept. 11 attack. "Family-law attorneys have found that clients contemplating divorce, as well as those in the middle of one, now say they will try to patch things up. Family-law cases, the vast majority of which are divorces, have been dismissed in nearly three times the volume in the days after the tragedy as in the days before it." I guess the event really put people's problems in perspective.

Source: The Houston Chronicle [newspaper]

Title: Couples want peace at home

Author: Mary Flood

Date: September 25, 2001

Young Men Need A Masculist Movement to Give Them Direction, Says Educator | Individualist Feminism: The Men's Movement's Sister?  >

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Gee, I wonder?
by DanCurry on Thursday September 27, @03:41PM EST (#1)
(User #245 Info)
It wouldn't be that the 75% of the women that filed, now have a use for this man, like PROTECTING THE FAMILY.

Suddenly, the grass isn't so green on the other side?

A close examination of many of these divorce cases would likey show that the reasons for filing or wanting a divorce are really minor issues that all couples tackle in their relationships or pure selfishness.

I for one know that I've faced far greater stuggles in my current relationship then was ever and issue in my past marriage. A total lack of commitment is where much of this begins. Sadly, with 75% of filings being done by women, it's clear that the failure is not on the mens side in most cases.

Dan Curry

Re:Gee, I wonder?
by BusterB on Friday September 28, @12:41AM EST (#2)
(User #94 Info) http://themenscenter.com/busterb/
I agree wholeheartedly. Terrorism terrifies mostly women, who look at the "scumbag" lying next to them in bed and decide that he has a use after all. Women who despise their husbands do so only until they think they need something, then he's not so bad any more (until the feeling goes away).

If the men whose divorces were "called off" because of the crisis have an ounce of sense, they'll start quietly shipping money overseas as a future escape plan. The idea that she will still want to "patch it up" after the terror wears off is laughable.
Les Farkas' comments.
by Scott (scott@mensactivism.org) on Friday September 28, @08:57AM EST (#3)
(User #3 Info) http://www.vortxweb.net/gorgias/mens_issues/index.html
Les Farkas sent me the following letter he wrote in response to a similar story which appeared in Salon.com:

I think what motivated so many women to tenderly start calling the men in their lives in the wake of this tragedy was the realization that we are at war - and women realize just what that means in practical terms. It means men disappearing, getting killed and paying the real price! Perhaps there is just a small tinge of guilt somewhere in their hearts for all the petty and mean spirited bashing and sniping at men that became all the vogue in recent years. One can sense how shallow a lot of male bashing was now that many females realize that you cannot take it for granted that men will always be around to make fun of. The longer peace and prosperity continued, and the more concessions we made to feminine sensibilities, the more men became fair game for every type of gratuitous ridicule and sniping. It took a very sad incident like the terrorist attacks, along with the fear of a war lasting years in which men might have to be drafted, to finally induce some humility and shame in our women. American women have become the equivalent of a matriarchal Taliban, proclaiming themselves Goddesses while belittling men. These crusaders for Total Female Control have now had their comuppance -- they are faced with a dangerous situation that can't be handled by women alone! "Girl Power"? "A woman can do anything a man can do only better!" "Chicks Rule"? Go prove it in the mountains of Afghanistan!!

Les Farkas
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