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Individualist Feminism: The Men's Movement's Sister?
posted by Nightmist on Thursday September 27, @06:38PM
from the inequality dept.
Inequality In Wendy McElroy's latest column, she explains the differences between mainstream feminism and "individualist" feminism, which focuses on women's issues but seeks equal treatment of men and women under just law (women are neither discriminated against nor given special privleges compared to men). Although the column does not specifically address the men's movement, it does address some of the issues crucial therein. Mainstream feminism says, "Reform divorce laws to make them just." Individualist feminism says, "the very existence of marriage/divorce laws is an injustice because the State has no proper authority over what should be a private contract between individuals."

Divorce Filings Dropped En Masse After 9/11 Attack | The Lost Boys of Sudan  >

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Right on sista
by DanCurry on Thursday September 27, @07:26PM EST (#1)
(User #245 Info)
I never thought I'd agree with someone whom identified themselves as a feminist. My reasons are different but we seem to agree. This statement was covered in a sarcastic article I wrote (Marriage Obsole? - Which I will repost on my site) few months back and is echoed in her comments.

"the very existence of marriage/divorce laws is an injustice because the State has no proper authority over what should be a private contract between individuals."

Though my article referred to the religous aspects of marriage as the primary reason for no Government involvement, I did make a distinction that the Governments only avenue in administering marriage was the same as any other partnership in business.

Dan Curry

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