Boys to be Charged as Criminals... meanwhile...

Today's news couldn't be more pointed in terms of double-standards as applied to males and females, boys and girls. This article reports a current case now splashing the headlines.

Now compare this news with the following piece in the front page of "B" section under local news in Rochester, NY as a "News Brief": Woman Faces Rape Charge. If a man had been charged in the rape a girl like this, it would be front-page news.

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The article doesn't even discuss what acts the boys are accused of. However in this article they are referred to as 'young men' by the school superintendent- umm, 6-8 YO boys are no where near to being men, so why are they referred to that way? They are children!

The boys are minors-- more than that, they are pre-adolescent minors. Anything that a child or children that young may do wrong to another child may be condemnable, but is it punishable by law? They are facing criminal charges, and are not much past walking age. Can an 8-year-old really be said to understand what he or she is doing (with exactly what they were doing not even made clear)?

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