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by mcc99 on 08:57 PM May 10th, 2006 EST (#1)
Yes, this is what they were doing. For this they will be face the criminal courts of America at the ripe old age of 7.
by bull on 09:19 PM May 10th, 2006 EST (#2)
There was a time when innocent little boys and girls went about discovering what life was about through trail and error. And yes, sometimes their behavior needs correcting; however, criminals!? No mention of how the little boys’ heads are going to screwed up by the absurdity of it all. The only thing criminal is a society that allows such stupidity to occur. Thank the radical feminists and spineless, moron politicians that continue to buy-into their bullshit!
by RandomMan on 05:11 PM May 11th, 2006 EST (#3)
 |'s now time for the feminists to go after masculinity at its source - boys.
Feminists and their lackeys have criminalized essentially all male behavior "committed" by men, so I suppose that in addition to enslaving and killing off males as adults with total impunity and clear consciences, they now feel the need to go after children as well. Why not? They've gotten nothing but gold stars and special privileges for destroying men, families and civil rights, so why stop now?
How very maternal of them. Isn't that their great claim to fame and human rights (which men are not entitled to in the feminist world), that women are such super-duper parents and all the other related shit that supposedly arises from lacking half the human genetic code?
Where are the outraged mothers trying to protect these children? Why aren't all women screaming for the prosecutors to back off, if they're all so fucking maternal? Where's the maternal instinct that women are supposedly just dripping from every pore, according to the media and the feminist courts that use that line of bullshit to throw men out of their homes and families and into poverty and debtor's prison?
As for this case, the fact that children cannot possibly form the criminal intent required for a conviction seems to be lost on the man-haters and their pet media and courts (children's brains are not yet fully developed, which is why they act like children and the laws used to recognize this fact). This is a major element of an offense which is required for a conviction in most jurisdictions, but that decidedly inconvenient reality is now irrelevant if that child happens to be male and involved in anything the "women's movement" decides to declare a sexcrime, like say "being male with intent to exist". Apparently an infant boy's original sin (having a Y chromosome) is more than enough to dismiss the requirement of "intent" when trying them in a criminal proceeding reserved for adults at the age of 7.
Maybe that's why when women are busy committing the majority of child abuse, they typcially abuse and kill mostly male infants. Happy mother's day, grrlz. Put that in your greeting card.
Perhaps the fact that so many boys are being pumped full of drugs that can cause heart disease and mental problems, all to make some lazy woman's job easier in the classroom, might have something to do with their behavior?
I can see it now: "Your honor, I object - in addition to being infants, these boys were under the influence of mind-altering chemical restraints when they engaged in this behavior". Reply from the judge: "Overruled - human rights are irrelevant when the defendent has a history of being male".
Of course, part of the problem is that along with Somalia, the United States does NOT protect children from compulsory military service, execution or other penalties that the rest of the civilized world has reserved for adults. Sorry, but it's true. I certainly don't mean to sound like an "America basher", but that is a factor to consider.
Where I live up here on the tundra, children cannot be charged with an offence until they are at least 12 years old. It used to be that children over 16 could be tried as adults for certain dangerous and violent crimes, but thanks to the usual fear-mongering and useless legislative meddling, it's now 14, children can be sentenced as adults for almost anything, and they're all "tried" as juveniles, but then the court gets to pick and choose which boys it should SENTENCE as adults, AFTER the trial. So it's not like the US is the only country that shits all over the rights of boys, we're right behind them in this feminist gulag.
As for the feminist hate campaign and pogrom against maleness, what's next after they succeed in eradicating the male children they don't abort, abuse to death or drug into an early grave? Male cats and dogs? Birds?
Aren't they oppressing these women too?
by bull on 05:55 PM May 11th, 2006 EST (#4)
I would add there's probably a good chance these boys are being raised in an environment absent a father figure to guide their development? It's a well known fact that boys raised without a father figure (most likely driven out of the boy's life by the female) get in more trouble.
by RandomMan on 09:49 PM May 11th, 2006 EST (#5)
True enough, but it's also the case that more of what boys do quite naturally is considered criminal in societies where fathers are disposable slaves.
Devaluing and dehumanizing men has HUGE social costs. Personally I'm looking forward to watching the feminists fumbling with their calculators when the bill for their social engineering arrives.
by bull on 12:43 AM May 12th, 2006 EST (#6)
I would say some of them are already paying for their follies. For example, the ones that decided they would rather be foot-loose and fancy-free earlier in life rather than being “held-back” by a “patriarchic” man. Eventually, they reach the end of their prime for childbirth (around 40). Then, when all that material stuff ain’t working anymore, they want marriage and children. Unfortunately for them, by then, they have lost that youthful allure and find it harder to trap a guy. Life ain’t fair; as men age they get character, as women age, well, they just age.
by RandomMan on 01:37 AM May 12th, 2006 EST (#7)
Life ain’t fair; as men age they get character, as women age, well, they just age.
That's officially my "happy thought" for the weekend. Thanks, bull!
by Davidadelong on 08:45 AM May 12th, 2006 EST (#8)
I wonder if I am the only Person that sees the duplicity of divide and conquer in our current social system? Control the Men through the Women, give the easier to control gender more privelege and pit each gender against each other with "administrative law". Hmm, the controling factors of society still get what they want, and we are living in one of the most divided times in our known history. They reward those that help control, and they chastise those that want real EQUALITY under the law. "It is a good day to die!"
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