Another Female "Deadbeat False Accuser"

Ray writes "Does anyone else in this country see a pattern of lying by females about crimes against them? Well here's another one ."

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"Wilbanks, whose disappearance set off a nationwide hunt, called her fiance, John Mason, from a pay phone late Friday and told him that she had been kidnapped while jogging three days before..." ...but evidently it's okay for females to lie about crimes against them. This quote from the police chief in GA, " criminal charges." ...and of course we have to try to understand the reasons that drove the poor dear to her misbehavior, and have sympathy for her now, "...the chief said. "She's obviously very concerned about the stress that she's been through, the stress that's been placed on her family," he said. "She is very upset."

At least we understand that law and journalism continue to work hard so that nothing destroys our society's modus operandi, "man accountable, Woman unaccountable," Woman good, man bad."

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