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Another Female "Deadbeat False Accuser"
posted by Matt on 01:50 PM April 30th, 2005
Inequality Ray writes "Does anyone else in this country see a pattern of lying by females about crimes against them? Well here's another one ."

Click "Read more..." for more.

"Wilbanks, whose disappearance set off a nationwide hunt, called her fiance, John Mason, from a pay phone late Friday and told him that she had been kidnapped while jogging three days before..." ...but evidently it's okay for females to lie about crimes against them. This quote from the police chief in GA, "...no criminal charges." ...and of course we have to try to understand the reasons that drove the poor dear to her misbehavior, and have sympathy for her now, "...the chief said. "She's obviously very concerned about the stress that she's been through, the stress that's been placed on her family," he said. "She is very upset." At least we understand that law and journalism continue to work hard so that nothing destroys our society's modus operandi, "man accountable, Woman unaccountable," Woman good, man bad."

A True Monument to the Integrity of the DV Industry | Speaking of Running off to Las Vegas...  >

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Role Reversal Game (Score:1)
by Tumescent on 02:18 PM April 30th, 2005 EST (#1)
It gets old to play the role reversal game all the time, because no two circumstances can be exactly replicated, but what would have happened if the man had gone jogging and not come back? First off, I doubt if anyone would have cared. Certainly, there would not have been a massive search for him-- and if they had done these things and it later turned out he went to Vegas for the week, I would imagine that he would be charged with a crime- what crime I'm not sure. At the least, he would probably be made to pay for the resources spent on looking for him.

Re:Role Reversal Game (Score:1)
by mcc99 on 02:29 PM April 30th, 2005 EST (#2)
Exactly. If the sexes were reversed not only would he be in jail but I doubt his intended would be quite so forgiving, too. When I heard this on the radio they said her fiance bore her no ill will. When was the last time you heard of a woman whose fiance ran off like that and later bore him no ill will? I mean, what is that guy thinking?? I can't believe how gullible some people are.
Re: A Deer In Headlights Shows More Intelligence (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:13 PM April 30th, 2005 EST (#3)
Have you seen her photo?

No wonder her ex-fiance is so forgiving!

He was just spared a lifetime of servitude to a bimbo with the I.Q. of an eggplant.

I'm all in favor of persons of any gender who run away from the altar of matrimony.

Maybe she was thinking only of his best interests?

Re: A Deer In Headlights Shows More Intelligence (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:32 PM April 30th, 2005 EST (#6)
"Maybe she was thinking only of his best interests?"

I have a really, really hard time believing that.
Maybe I've become cynical of women's motives, or wiser.

Re:Role Reversal Game (Score:1)
by A.J. on 07:11 PM April 30th, 2005 EST (#4)
what would have happened if the man had gone jogging and not come back?

Speculating is always a dicey proposition but we know what Katie Kouric has suggested in that situation. Think she’d suggest that this guy should sexually mutilate his would-be spouse?

This story is pretty revolting, but it’s true that a man wouldn’t be put in the kind of position this Wilbanks is in. The police or media would never pay that kind of attention to a missing man.

Hopefully this story will move the news media away from the woman-goes-missing-du jour ratings game.

Re:Role Reversal Game (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:29 PM April 30th, 2005 EST (#5)
"...what would have happened if the man had gone jogging and not come back? First off, I doubt if anyone would have cared."

As we are all probably aware by now VAWA is coming up for reauthorization soon. I have noticed how inundated the news has been lately with stories of female victimhood, and suspect feminist propagandist in journalism are working overtime to promote female victimhood, yet we all know that men are victims of murders and assault many times greater than women.

The 1st thing a feminazi will do is point out that most crime is by men. Well, there is still a huge percentage of violent crime committed by women, and even if it was a man who harmed another man, that doesn't excuse, excusing any violence against men. "Don't blame or ignore the victim just because he's male," yet that is the M.O. of most journalism these days.

Re:Role Reversal Game (Score:1)
by shawn on 07:30 PM May 1st, 2005 EST (#11)
The 1st thing a feminazi will do is point out that most crime is by men.

My response when I hear people say this is, "Most crimes are committed by blacks. What's your point?"
Re:Role Reversal Game (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:23 AM May 2nd, 2005 EST (#13)
"Most crimes are committed by blacks."

...and you don't see a hate war committed against them like you do against all men. It's just not politically correct. In fact they lump black male crime stats in, and use it to go after men of all races, completely washing under the rug the oppression that black males face. Gender feminists then point to male violence as a tool of oppression to keep all men empowered, when in fact it is largely a factor of black male oppression. Gender feminism, Women's Studies and Women's Commissions are one of the most insidious evil's ever to walk the face of this earth.

Sincerely, Ray
Time for the Psychobabble (Score:1)
by Tumescent on 10:34 AM May 1st, 2005 EST (#7)
Well, it's been just over 24 hours since she ran out of money and called home. Now it's time for all the psychobabblers to come out of the woodwork to give us a laundry list of "issues" and "syndromes" to excuse this spineless Cinderella’s actions. Maybe all the desperate housewives out there will see her on Oprah real soon.
Re:Time for the Psychobabble (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:28 PM May 1st, 2005 EST (#8)
"Maybe all the desperate housewives out there will see her on Oprah real soon."

What would a clucking hen gathering be without talk about how men are responsible for the upsets that women so horribly suffer under.


"To write like a woman, I just write like a man, then remove reason and accountability" - Jack Nicholson, from As Good As It Gets

Re:Time for the Psychobabble (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:18 PM May 1st, 2005 EST (#9)
  that's frequin great, I love that.

        Pete in Nebraska
Re:Time for the Psychobabble (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:34 PM May 1st, 2005 EST (#12)
Thanks Pete. Gender feminist consider me a "repeat offender." I have offended them many times.

Re:Time for the Psychobabble (Score:1)
by robrob on 07:13 AM May 2nd, 2005 EST (#14)
I just hope her fiance sees the signs now and cuts her out of his life.

Like many of these situations, if you cut through words like "distressed" or "confused", you can see a real ability and intent for her deception.

Although she left her wallet/keys etc, she remembered enough money for her bus fare and food for at least 4/5 days. She cut her hair and had an "abduction" story ready - all the way down to the ages and colour of vehicle her abductors were driving.

Why is it not apparent to the press that this is almost an epidemic now - almost every day has a similar story or a false rape story. The yahoo news link supplied by someone else (and linked to in the original article) makes reference to another case last year where a Wisconsin college student (wonder what she's studying!) was found in a "fetal" position in a ditch. Subsequently, she was charged and sentenced to 3 years probation for wasting police time for faking an abduction.

Until these cases are systematically prosecuted and harsh penalties applied, women will feel they have an unending licence to avoid responsibility and continue to claim to have been victims of a sex/abduction crime.

Like I said, I hope her husband now realises that when she fanices a divorce, this woman will probably choose a false rape/violence or child abuse route rather than the usual simple paperwork route. He has been warned.

Update: They "might" press charges (Score:1)
by mcc99 on 02:12 PM May 1st, 2005 EST (#10)
http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/200505 01/ap_on_re_us/missing_bride
Re:Update: They "might" press charges (Score:1)
by quetzal on 12:06 PM May 3rd, 2005 EST (#15)
I am sorry but I have not read all the posts and responses here, on the runaway bride.
But I believe I saw on CNN Headline News yesterday, that it turns out the whole trip had been preplanned by her - she bought the bus ticket several weeks prior to running away "on impulse". Can anyone verify that they have also heard this? If this is the case, then without a doubt criminal charges should be pursued.
Stop me if you've heard this one...... (Score:2)
by Clancy (long_ponytail@yahoo.com) on 04:51 PM May 3rd, 2005 EST (#16)
Excerpts from a FOX News Channel article.

"She just needs some space and some time," Mason said. "She just wants the whole world to know she's very, very sorry."

As for whether she needs help instead of court action, Porter told NBC, "You weigh that in the sentencing. I may agree she doesn't deserve prison time, but you can't force someone to get help unless you get them under the control of the court, or force them to pay for the police resources unless you get them under the control of the court. There is a big difference about what will happen in the end and the decision to charge."

"We feel a tad betrayed and some are very hurt about it," Mayor Shirley Lasseter said. [That's good. You wouldn't want to act too upset with her. It might make her cry]

She added that they want to hear from Wilbanks' family, to see if perhaps there was a good reason for the woman's disappearance. "I would love to hear from the family and know there might have been a problem and know we should work with this lady on some recourse other than legally."

Carter Brank, an agent for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, said he had spoken with Wilbanks, but that she "didn't come right out an apologize."

"She was somewhat remorseful for what she had done," he said. "She cried a little bit, showed some emotion."[Why the nerve of that bastard GBI agent. He made her CRY]

Mason [the jilted mangina] appealed to the prosecutor not to bring charges.

"Her cutting her hair and getting on a bus and riding out of here ain't none of [prosecutor] Danny Porter's business," Mason said. "And that's not criminal as far as I'm concerned."[Damn straight, buddy. You give them there Law Dogs what fer. She's a wymon and she can do any damn thing she pleases and if you f*ck with her, you'll have your testicles in a paper bag before sundown]

During Wilbanks' absence, media and law enforcement scrutinized Mason and his possible role in her disappearance. Mason was not helped by the high-profile stories of Scott Peterson (search) and Mark Hacking — husbands who reported their wives to be missing, only to be charged and then convicted of their spouses' murders.

Far from being angry with Wilbanks, Mason said he was "happy" about the outcome.[I'm the original "Bend over boyfriend"]

"She's come to the conclusion that she needs some help on some things, and if it took this to get her to it, praise God, she's there. ... We're going to get her help and we're going to get her right again," he said.[You bet your ass! I'll bet there's a government funded program in her neighborhood, FOR WYMMIN ONLY, that will set her mind straight in no time. First lesson is: You have just proved that your "boyfriend" is Grade A linoleum. Now, marry the schmuck and take him for everything he's got. He is ripe for the picking.]

Asked to describe Wilbanks, the Sunday school teacher and church youth basketball coach said she was loving, caring, welcoming to others and gracious. "She's awesome. ... She had a lot of confusion and a lot of hurt for herself," he said.

Mason also offered a broad message of forgiveness. "Ain't we all messed up? Ain't we all made mistakes?" he asked.[Well, let me think about that one. Since I'm a man, I am always held accountable for my screwups. On the other hand, Wilbanks is a wymon. Ok, I got it now. Blame her boyfriend for everything, get a gig on Oprah to rag on him and then the staus quo shall be restored. Not brilliant, not original, just the most effective guilt deterrent ever concocted by the perverted feminut brain]


Would somebody PLEASE pass me a hankie??? What other possible outcome could there be??? Counsel the poor, pitiful wymmin folk, JAIL THE OPPRESIVE, PATRIARCHAL BASTARD MEN!. I doubt if anyone here needed to be reminded of that.

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